Hello, back again...YAY!

small trigger warning maybe?

enjoy your reading


"Stefan Salvatore, would you want to accompany me on this celebratory evening of cups that spins in circles and a ferris wheel that is going to make anyone feel like they're in any clichéd romance novel. While handling two hyper twins, that will, and I assure you, are going to ask you, Stefan Salvatore, to buy them the stickiest of cotton candy. With me Caroline Forbes " She could hear him smiling through the phone again, and he said with amused voice "a simple please would have been enough you know" He chuckled "shut up" she said and then went on "I'll take that as a yes, see you later then"

He told her goodbye and they hung up. Caroline rode on and suddenly saw a car a few hundred meters a head on the otherwise empty car lane. Suddenly a car light flashed in her eyes.

She quickly put her foot on the brake as the light was blinding her sight. As she looked back up squinting, something came closer. The flash was forming a black silhouette around a curvy body nearing.

Before the instinct of fright had set in, the car door had flown open. Her heart leapt and her breath quickened, Caroline had nearly gotten up from her position when she was pulled out of the car. A hand had been brought hard to her neck, Caroline's head smashed into the car side, as fingertips pressed against her vulnerable neck.

The female voice was clear in the night, like a whisper could be heard miles away. The voice of the devil disguised as an angel sounded next to her "I think it's time for you and me to talk"


Her head throbbed violently and her body was ice cold, endless chills running down her spine. Caroline open her eyes in pain, getting up was to no use as her body was too weak, although she felt her hand twitch uncontrollably. She turned her head to the side and felt gravel digging further into her scalp, her blurry eyes met a pair of legs, the person squatted down near her and she saw who it was.


She was twirling a blade looking at herself in it while holding her balance. Caroline tried to move but her body just wasn't on her side. "You know i appreciate a nice sharp blade. Makes it easier to drain vampires out of blood" Caroline used all of her strength to scoot up so her back was against her car, it was hard when she could only use her left arm to bear herself, her right on was a bloody mess. A deep cut going from the inner elbow to her wrist.

Sybil had notice her staring at her arm a bit foggy and confused. She stood up easily and paced in front of her "Yeah sorry about that, I need to have you weak. But of course i'm kind enough to spare your outfit so I decided to just go with one arm. But then is realised that it would take sooo much time, and I would get bored waiting" She said it like it was a funny story that she was telling a friend. Sybil went over to lean over Caroline's limp body as she continued "So I just decided to make it deeper" As she said those words She hade taken the knife and graced it over her wound. Caroline looked away, she couldn't look at the bloody mess that was her arm.

Her dry throat made a successful sentence "Why are you doing this to me?..." Trying to make herself looking stronger by pushing herself up a bit, but she just managed to slump down the car again. Sybil laughed at her approach and smiled

"You see caroline, i'm just trying to do what i'm supposed to do? And Damon and Enzo are just helping me. But the thing is, i can't not do that with distraction all the time aka Stefan, you and little bon bon. So here's what I think, you shall be my trump card, the ace up my sleeve, a trick mirror if you will…. You are going to sabotage every detail of where we are and who I am.

"Why would i do that, i would never do that to them, who do you think I am!….." Caroline said, her anger flaring up.

"It's not about you sweetheart" Sybil had her hand at her throat and pushed the blond's head hard into the car door " You're just the distraction that will keep those morons away from me, and it's not at all if you will either, I will make you…" Sybil grabbed her head harshly and all of a sudden Caroline were screaming out of pain, feeling the way her consciousness were slipping back and forth. Her body wanting to shut down but her head was screaming in pain, and so was Caroline.

"I needed you weak, to have no resistance, listen CAREFULLY. You will ruin your little team's search" Sybil pushed through Caroline's mind harder. "Let go Caroline, let me guide you… Damon's right at your house playing nanny"

Caroline froze, she couldn't breathe. Sybil saw her devastation in her eyes and continued " That's right, your little twinsies are alone with Damon, who can snap at any second at my command . Wonder what he did to the real nanny"

She did what she had to do, Sybil felt Caroline letting down her barrier, so she did what she had planned all along, persuade her mind to do her dirty work.

"I will make you be the one who tricks them into giving up all hope, directed of course, by your deepest darkest secrets" She whispered close to her ear.

"And if you fail me, I can assure you, I will make your emotions deteriorate"

Caroline had a sudden urge to hide Sybil, to not letting anyone close to her. Her subconscious was telling her to wake up, but she was scared, too scared to act, her kids were in danger and it was her fault.

A bright light shone, there was a car heading straight at them. The devil's spawn put on her flirtiest smile in the dark night. A high pitched hum entering the air and the man stepped out of his now turned off car.

Sybil pulled Caroline up in a too friendly manner, she dragged her over to the mute man and pushed them closer to each other "Here Caroline, you need your strength, don't want your fiancé to get suspicious now" Her playful voice was getting on Caroline's last nerve but she couldn't do anything about it, Sybil's words was so tempting for her ears, she felt her mind waver and her teeth grow.

In a few seconds she was ripping into an innocent man's flesh, she heard her puppet master in her mind telling her to let go and feed until his pulse was completely quiet. Caroline's head was gone, she was hungry, and weak. But no more, the man was laying on the ground, lifeless while Caroline was breathing heavily feeling empowered.

"Go home, do a little play out of it, make me proud and your kids and your humanity will both be safe" Those were the last words she heard coming from Sybil's mouth as she drove home. Her mind numb.


Review for more and where you think its going 3