Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Warnings: AU, Shounen-ai, Mpreg, unbetaed -please forgive the mistakes.
A/N: Welcome to a new story! I'm sorry, I know that it's been a really long while since our last story but as you all must know by now, my laptop died. It took months to get it back but here I am with our newest story! I tried a different style here, I hope you will like it. The story is multichaptered, we have a long way to go to reach the end! And also, we won't see the mpreg until the last chapter.
Anyway, please enjoy!
Naruto run through the halls as he panted. Why he always had to be late to his classes? He turned a corner and smiled victoriously as he saw his professor reaching for the door handle of their assigned classroom. The man was a bitch. He never accepted students in his class after he started.
What was the point?
People could easily sneak inside without disturbing the class, but nooo. The man had to be a dick about it. What he didn't know was that Naruto could even be a bigger dick than him if he so wished.
He was about to call out to not close the door when he suddenly run into someone and he found himself on the floor with his books all around him.
"Ow," He rubbed his plump butt -which he thought looked drop down gorgeous in the super short and tight jean shorts he wore- and sat up. "I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry."
"It's fine," The young man whom Naruto had crashed into replied and Naruto's heart skipped a beat.
The man, who looked to be his age, had raven hair and pale skin. He was wearing baggy cargo pants, a t-shirt that looked too big on him along with a gray hoodie. His backpack was still on his back and he was frantically touching the tiled floors.
"Can I maybe help you?" Naruto offered.
"My glasses," He said helplessly. "My sight is really bad without them."
"Oh," Naruto nodded wildly in understanding. "I'll help you!"
The boy looked up to him and flashed him a shy smile. "Th-Thank you, I appreciate it."
Naruto's eyes widened like an anime character's and he stopped breathing for a moment. Such beautiful eyes… They were so dark that they almost matched his hair. His face was perfectly angled and nothing seemed too much or less. He was probably the meaning of perfection in dictionaries.
"Of course!" Naruto replied as he started looking around. "I'm Naruto, by the way."
"Nice to meet you," The boy replied. "I'm Sasuke and I already know you."
"Oh, you do?" Naruto blinked.
Sasuke chuckled. "I think everyone knows you around the campus, don't you think so?"
Naruto giggled. That was probably true.
Naruto was the most popular student of the whole university. He was beautiful, naughty and sexy. And maybe the worst of all, he knew it well. He was constantly the center of attention and he loved it. Everything he did, people copied. From his hair style to clothing. From the music he listened to his behavior. Maybe the thing people liked to gossip over the most was his relationships.
Naruto changed his boyfriends nearly on a daily bases. He just couldn't find what he needed in them. They didn't make him feel safe. They didn't love him as Naruto craved for and they surely didn't have the dicks Naruto desired.
Naruto liked men. Naruto liked cocks. Honestly, Naruto loved big cocks. The bigger, all the better.
Nowadays, he was going out with Kiba, the captain of school's football team. He was athletic and kinda cool so Naruto didn't reject him right away and decided to date him for a while. They were going out for two months now and it was the longest relationship Naruto had so far. Kiba's dick being relatively bigger helped, too.
"I thought you couldn't see?" Naruto questioned.
"I can see the close objects," Sasuke replied. "The far the things get, the blurrier my sight becomes."
Naruto nodded in understanding and raised on in knees. He blinked as he felt a small sting at his backside and then a cluttering sound was heard. Naruto looked down, only to see Sasuke's glasses crashed under his ass. How did that even happen?!
"Sasuke," Naruto bit his full lips as he picked up the remains of Sasuke's glasses. "Bad news."
"What?" Sasuke turned to Naruto and squinted his eyes.
"I think I fell on your glasses," Naruto said softly. "They are dead."
"Oh," Sasuke seemed surprised but he shrugged quickly. "It's fine, they were old anyway."
Naruto nodded slowly, still feeling guilty.
"How am I going to the doctor?" Sasuke mumbled to himself.
"I'll take you!" Naruto cried.
"B-But," Sasuke played with the sleeves of his hoodie nervously. "I'm sure you need to be somewhere else."
"No," Naruto shook his head and stood up. He offered his hand to Sasuke and helped him up as well. When they stood side by side, Naruto reached Sasuke's nose. Perfect.
Naruto picked up his fallen books and held Sasuke's bigger hand in his own tightly. "Let's get going!"
Sasuke blushed as Naruto took him across the campus while they held hands like a pair of lovers. People probably thought so as well because they turned all of the heads as they passed by them.
"We're getting attention," Sasuke mumbled under his breath.
"Yup!" Naruto smiled up to the dark boy. "People would love to be in your shoes. But…" Naruto dropped down the octave of his voice, and whispered sensually, "I think I love holding your hand much more."
Naruto was expecting Sasuke to flirt back, it always happened like that but all he got in response was a widening of dark eyes as Sasuke's pale skin turned into deep red very much like a tomato. Naruto was speechless for a moment as he realized that Sasuke wasn't a player. He was honestly shy. He honestly didn't want anything from Naruto. If Naruto let him, he could have walked away.
Naruto wouldn't like that. Not at all.
"Sasuke, let's be friends!" Naruto offered cheerfully as they left the campus.
Sasuke seemed surprised but he recovered quickly and smiled at Naruto hesitantly. "S-Sure."
"Yes!" Naruto jumped up and down excitedly. "So, what do you study?"
"Well, hopefully, I will be a software engineer someday," Sasuke replied. "It's my third year."
"Wow," Naruto watched his new friend with wide eyes. "That's so cool!"
"Th-Thanks," Sasuke whispered as he ducked his head down, obviously embarrassed with the attention he was getting. "How about you?"
"I study botany," Naruto said as he kicked a stone on their way. "Third year also."
Sasuke's eyes widened. "That's really impressive. I heard it's really hard?"
"Uhmm," Naruto blushed. "I'm the honor student, not many people knows about it."
"Congratulations Naruto," Sasuke said in awe. "That's such a great achievement."
"Thank you," Naruto beamed at his new friend.
Normally, people made fun of Naruto when they learned how hardworking he was but with Sasuke, Naruto felt like he could talk to him about everything and he wouldn't be judged for who he was.
"What do you want to do when you graduate?" Sasuke asked curiously.
"I have a rather small dream," Naruto said with a soft smile.
Sasuke listened without interrupting.
"I just want to have little flower shop," Naruto said dreamily. "I want to grow my own flowers and share them with people."
"That's so nice," Sasuke commented. Somehow, he could see Naruto behind a counter, arranging flowers for his customers.
"Would you come to my shop?" Naruto asked suddenly.
"Of course," Sasuke replied right away.
"Thank you," Naruto smiled widely. "So, which hospital we go?"
"My doctor has a clinic downtown," Sasuke explained. "We could take a bus. Or if you have a car?"
"I don't," Naruto supplied. "Let's get going!"
Sasuke nodded and let Naruto drag him to the bus stop.
All the way to the clinic, Naruto kept talking without halting. He talked about his life, his studies, his love for botany and his daily life. Sasuke learned that he was an orphan and he was staying at the dormitories university offered. He had a few friends but he didn't feel himself close enough to them. He also had a boyfriend but it seemed like all they did was to argue over useless things. Like the length of Naruto's shorts! Naruto liked them super short, so what? He could wear whatever he wanted, right?
Sasuke agreed wholeheartedly with him and told him that people needed to love him for who he was. Trying to change him would do no good because the Naruto they came to love would disappear in the end.
Naruto nodded with wide eyes before declaring Sasuke his closest friend ever.
"Sasuke, you are like-" Naruto swallowed the jelly he was chewing before continuing. "Super smart! Tell me more of yourself!"
"Uhmm," Sasuke scratched his cheek. "Like what?"
"Which movie do you like the most?" Naruto asked quickly.
"Star Wars," Sasuke replied right away.
"Wow," Naruto nodded with wide eyes.
"Do you like it as well?" Sasuke questioned.
"I only watched two of the movies," Naruto answered and then frowned. "I'm not exactly sure if they were in order, couldn't exactly understand."
"If you like," Sasuke cleared his throat. "We could watch them together?"
"Really?!" Naruto beamed. "Yes, please!"
Sasuke's cheeks pinked. "Alright… You can come to my place if you want?"
Naruto gasped. "Do you live by yourself?"
"Yes," Sasuke nodded. "My family also lives in this city. My big brother suggested that I live alone to have some freedom and to have more time for my studies."
"He seems like a great guy," Naruto smiled.
"He is," Sasuke smiled back.
Naruto felt his heart warming as he gazed into Sasuke's dark eyes. They were both silent as they looked into each other's eyes for a long while. Then a voice drew them out of their trance harshly.
"This is the last stop, boys!" The driver called out to them.
"Oh," Naruto blinked as he looked around. "We missed our stop, Sasuke!"
"It's fine," Sasuke responded and they left the bus hand in hand. "It's not long from here, I guess. We can walk back."
"Sure!" Naruto smiled. "Sorry, once I start running my mouth, I can't seem to stop talking. I must have given you a headache."
"Not at all," Sasuke replied. "I love hearing you talk."
Naruto smiled with wide eyes as Sasuke reddened when he realized what he said.
"I love talking to you as well," Naruto said cheerfully. "You must be my soul cow!"
Sasuke blinked and then laughed. "If you say so."
Naruto nodded and looked around the busy streets. "Which doctor we're looking for?"
"Hatake," Sasuke answered. "First floor of an apartment."
Naruto hummed as he gazed around keenly. "Hah!" He exclaimed as he saw the signboard of the doctor. "There," He pointed an apartment.
"Great," Sasuke smiled and squeezed Naruto's hand which was holding his own tightly. "Thank you so much for accompanying me Naruto. I wouldn't be able to come this far without you."
"You're so cute," Naruto cooed as he squeezed Sasuke's hand back. "We're friends now. We help each other out, right?"
"Yes," Sasuke nodded eagerly.
Naruto only smiled and guided Sasuke to the doctor's clinic. They were greeted by a secretary and she told them to wait for a while before the doctor could take Sasuke. They kept their chat going until the doctor emerged from his room after a patient. The man had white hair but he had to be around his forties at most. Was this new fashion? It looked like Naruto was behind some things after all.
"Sasuke," The man called naturally. "Come in."
They stood up together and walked to the room hand in hand.
Doctor Hatake's eyes went to their joined hands immediately and then to Naruto, then as if not believing what he saw, he blinked several times and gazed at Sasuke.
"Hello!" Naruto chirped. "I'm Naruto, Sasuke's friend."
The doctor looked at Naruto like he was some sort of alien. "Sasuke's friend... Sasuke has a friend?"
Naruto nodded wildly and pointed at his chest with his thumb. "Right here."
"Hah!" The doctor exclaimed. "Sasuke actually has a friend! We gotta celebrate this!"
"Cut it out Kakashi," Sasuke scoffed. "Just check my eyes."
"Sure," Kakashi smirked and waved a hand, signaling Sasuke to settle before the machines.
Naruto helped Sasuke to settle down on the chair -even if it wasn't necessary- and took his backpack.
"Are you comfy?" Naruto asked as he caressed Sasuke's hair, pushing the bangs that were falling over his beautiful eyes.
Sasuke nodded with red cheeks.
"Alright," Naruto smiled and stood back.
When Kakashi asked what happened with his glasses, Naruto answered instead of Sasuke. He told him how they met, how Naruto fell on Sasuke's glasses and how they were the bestest of the friends now.
Kakashi listened very closely and asked some questions to get the details as much as possible.
"You're not talking to my brother," Sasuke threatened as he snatched the prescription from Kakashi.
The doctor smiled innocently, his eyes closing in the process and made a gesture of zipping up his lips.
Sasuke snorted. "Let's get going Naruto."
Their hands found each other's like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Craning his neck, Naruto waved at Kakashi. "See you later, doc."
Kakashi nodded quickly and gave him a thumbs up.
Naruto smiled and they left Kakashi's clinic together with Sasuke. Thankfully, there was an optician right at the corner so they ordered Sasuke's glasses easily.
Sasuke chose the same frames he had and Naruto thought they looked absolutely stunning on him. The glasses were almost square in the shape and they had thick, black frames. They showed how smart Sasuke was in Naruto's opinion. Unfortunately, it was going to take a few days for glasses to be ready.
"Don't worry," Naruto hugged Sasuke after they left the optician. "I'll never leave you alone."
Sasuke was stunned for a moment but after realizing what was happening, he wrapped his own arms around Naruto and held his warm body against his own tightly. It felt so good.
"O-Okay," Sasuke breathed after some time.
"Do you know what we need?" Naruto asked as he drew back.
"What?" Sasuke asked dazedly.
"Ice cream," Naruto smiled.
"Ice cream?" Sasuke blinked.
"Yes," Naruto laughed softly. "Let's get going!"
Sasuke let Naruto drag him to his favorite ice-cream parlor. It was a nice shop. Small and had every possible color of ice creams. Once inside, Naruto changed his mind and decided to eat waffles. He chose a big one with lots of strawberries, bananas, kiwis and cholate sauce, topped with ice cream. Sasuke wasn't sure if it was healthy but he didn't comment on it.
"Is your brother friends with the doc?" Naruto asked as he swallowed a bite.
Sasuke nodded as he licked his spoon clean. He had stuck with sour-cherry ice cream. "They are."
"So your brother's also a doctor?" Naruto asked curiously.
"No, he's an electronics engineer and an industrial designer," Sasuke explained.
Naruto's eyes widened. "He has two professions?"
Sasuke nodded. "He's a genius."
"Wow," Naruto nodded slowly. "How come he's friends with your doctor then?"
"He's actually a lot younger than Kakashi," Sasuke said. "I guess they met at a club or something."
"I see," Naruto nodded. He was about to ask something else when Sasuke's phone started ringing, which sounded like an anime opening to Naruto.
Sasuke rolled his eyes as he saw the name on the screen. "Yes?"
He was silent for a while as he listened to the other end.
"None of your business," He replied after a while.
Naruto watched closely as his friend's cheek reddened as he listened some more. Then without a word, he ended the call and put the phone back in his backpack as if it burned his hand.
"What's wrong?" Naruto questioned and held Sasuke's hand over the table.
"N-Nothing," Sasuke replied with a sigh. "It's my brother. Kakashi called him as expected."
Naruto tilted his head to the side. "But why?"
"I don't…" Sasuke looked down as he answered. "I don't have many –any friends actually."
"So, they are surprised that you have me now?" Naruto asked in understanding.
Sasuke gave a nod.
"That's alright," Naruto smiled. "I'm sure they are happy for you. I am happy to be your friend."
Sasuke blushed at the sweetness of Naruto's words. "I-I am happy to have you as well."
"See? Our friendship makes everyone happy!" Naruto smiled widely. "Don't get mad at anyone for it please, okay?"
"Okay," Sasuke nodded with a small smile.
They spent some more time together and decided to walk back to the campus together. Naruto insisted to take Sasuke home first but Sasuke assured him that his brother would pop out of anywhere now. They just needed to give him some time to locate him.
And true to Sasuke's prediction, Sasuke's brother found them as they stood before the doors of Naruto's dormitory.
Naruto's eyes widened as a luxurious car stopped right in front of them and a man emerged from the driver's seat elegantly. He was wearing a saxe blue suit and his long hair was tied up in a high pony tail. It was obvious that he was Sasuke's brother. But this man knew who he was, knew the effect he had on people and wasn't one bit ashamed to show that he was better than the rest.
"Little brother," He greeted his brother and his eyes went to Naruto and Sasuke's joined hands before his gaze stilled on Naruto's wide eyed form. "And you must be my brother's new friend?"
"Yes," Naruto replied right away. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki."
"It's for real!" Itachi exclaimed out of blue.
"Told you!" A new head popped out of the passenger's seat. "Hey, I'm Shisui, by the way."
Sasuke closed a hand over his face as Itachi took photos of him together with Naruto. To his surprise, instead of telling him to fuck off, Naruto started giving poses with peace signs right away.
"Wait, wait," Naruto shook a hand and looked up to Sasuke as he addressed Itachi. "Get my profile, I look the best like that."
"Okay, enough," Sasuke ordered at last. "You're a thirty years-old man, act your age!"
Itachi rolled his eyes as he put his phone in his pocket. "Let's get you home then."
Shisui left the car and held Sasuke's arm to guide him into the car.
"I'm not an invalid!" Sasuke cried as his cousin-slash-brother in law dragged him into the car.
"Your phone please," Itachi asked, more like demanded and Naruto handed his phone to the older Uchiha immediately. Itachi typed at Naruto's phone quickly and handed it back to him. "Sasuke's number."
Naruto smiled widely. "Thanks!"
Itachi gave a nod.
"I was actually planning to accompany Sasuke to his home and around," Naruto said.
Itachi rubbed his chin. "I'll hand him to you in the morning and get him in the evening until he gets his glasses."
"Fair!" Naruto smiled. "It was really nice to meet you, Itachi-onii-sama."
Itachi smiled and ruffled Naruto's hair before turning back to his car.
Naruto waved after them until they left his eyeshot. He let out a sigh as he smiled to himself. He had liked Sasuke at first sight and Sasuke hadn't disappointed him one bit. His family were also so cool as well.
He felt like they were going to be really close friends with Sasuke.
So, this was the first chapter! I hope you liked it. I kinda love this story and am excited for it. It will be all fluffy and lovely stuff, no angst! No heartache this time lol. Anway, see you all next week!