Here's a new story that I hope you all will enjoy. It's a Naruto/Batman crossover fic that I hope you'll all enjoy as it stars Naruto who what if is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul, and fraternal twin brother of Damian Wayne. Either Naruto pairing is optional as I'll include Naruto girls and some DC girls.

Naruto in the story will start out as 12 at the time.

Also there will be some Damian bashing. I know that there are fans out there who likes him, but you know that Damian can be a little asshat especially in the DC New 52 movies. Case in point, I am not a fan of DamianxRaven in the JL vs TT movie. That and I want to try something new other than bash Dick Grayson/Robin like I do in most of my fics.

I do not own Batman and I don't own Naruto. Enjoy the story.


Chapter 1- The Son He Never Knew:

Bruce didn't know what to think, as he is face to face with this boy. The boy looked about to be 12, with black spiky hair, blue eyes like his, and the definite feature about him are the whiskers. He wore a red hoodie with a black fox print on his chest, black sleeves, fingerless gloves, blue jeans and red sandals. His former wards Dick, Jason, Tim, Cassie, Stephanie, and Barbara had their jaws dropped on the floor, while Alfred just stood there with a raised eyebrow.

"No way." Dick said in shock.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Jason muttered.

"Say that again?" Bruce asked while the boy in question only grins.

"My name is Naruto Al Ghul, and I am your son." Naruto answered "And someday I will be the one who will inherit your will of justice!"

Bruce was too shocked to hear what this boy is saying. His son? And did he just say that his last name is Al Ghul? Like Talia and Ra's Al Ghul? He had a son with Talia!? This is just big news for him, the rich billionaire and also secretly the dark knight protector of Gotham who's considered the world's greatest detective, who should know this stuff. What baffled Bruce is that this kid just straight up claims that he's his son, without any signs of lying. This boy, Naruto, is not some boy who came from any floozy women Bruce has slept with over the past, since this boy claims that he is an Al Ghul. As in part of the League of Assassin, like the biggest world threat there is. All the more proof is that this kid isn't lying.

'I have a son?' Bruce thought with a shock look on his face "Naruto, can you tell me what Talia have told you about…me?"

"Bruce, you're not serious." Dick said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, you heard whose kid is from." Jason states.

"Master Dick, Jason, let us hear the boy out." Alfred told them with a strict tone.''

"Well," Naruto starts "Mom has told me about how you are the world's greatest detective. How you were lead to become a hero of justice to fight crime, founded the Justice League, and actually went head to head against Superman in a fight." He states "But don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

Naruto seems to give in a first impression towards the billionaire. Bruce can tell that he wasn't deceiving him and he does see a resemblance of him and Talia; but what is up with those whiskers on his face.

"Can you tell us about the whiskers on your face?" Jason asked which earns him a hit on the arm by Barbara. "Ow! What!?"

"Rude much, Jason?" Barbara asked with a glare.

"It's fine, these whiskers are actually my birthmarks." Naruto states "Gramps told me that these whiskers made him reminded of some legend, but he didn't tell me what."

'Birthmarks? Legend?' Bruce thought as he observes the boy some more. He leaves a mental note to look up for any cases of anything Ra's Al Ghul knew. "Alright Naruto, despite your claim I'll let you stay here in the manor. Then on, we'll see how good you are in combat."

"I won't disappoint you, Dad." Naruto replied with a grin, giving him a thumbs up. "I promise you that I'll help you bring your way of justice to any criminal that stands in the way of peace!"

"This kid's determined." Tim comments.

"Yeah, how do you think Bruce survives with him around?" Stephanie asked him.

"Whiskers…cute." Cassandra whispers to herself in her usual broken English. She wonders what would happen if she touches those whiskers.


In Nanda Pardat, the headquarters of an ancient group of assassins. The League of Assassins are well known to the world for their goal to vanquish evil, even to the extremes of wiping out most of humanity through genocide. They did it once with the bubonic plague.

"Father." Spoke Talia Al Ghul who walk towards to her father, making her presence known "Naruto is gone."

"It so it seems." Spoke Ra's Al Ghul who is in a meditational stance. "Our second heir has gone off to meet his father."

Talia was taken aback in shock "He's gone to meet…Bruce?" she asked as Ra's nodded.

"Then he's a traitor to the League of Assassins." Spoke a boy from the shadows. Talia looks at the boy with a concern look on her face.

"Damian." Talia starts but the heir to the demon cuts his mother off.

"No mother, Naruto abandoned the League of Shadows for his own conquest of morality." Damian sneered. He is the fraternal twin of Naruto with slick black hair, pale skin, cold blue eyes, and wears the League's black uniform. "A traitor that abandons the League is no more than a weakling fool who wouldn't kill. He's a lost cause."

"Damian! I will not have you talk to your brother that way!" Talia scolds him.

"Just because we share the same blood, he's no brother of mine!" Damian scoffs.

"Enough!" Ra's told them "We will discuss about Naruto's fate later. Damian, go train at the training grounds, and Talia, I will assign you a mission so stay put."

"Yes father/grandfather." Talia and Damian respond as they are dismissed. Talia is saddened about Naruto, however Damian has a more sinister thought.

'Grandfather still wants him to be the heir, I just know it!' Damian thought with a frown 'When the next time we meet, Naruto, I will destroy everything you've dreamed of! I will make it my mission that you will never find happiness, as you deserve to die in my hands!'


The Bat-Cave.

Bruce is at his bat-computer, checking on a DNA analysis from Naruto's hair and compares it to his. Once the DNA analysis is complete, he awaits the results.

"DNA, Match." Spoke the computer's AI voice.

'So he really is my son.' Bruce thought. He wondered how did it happened, he made sure he was careful when he was out in his billionaire life over the years of being Batman. How can he had a child that he never knew?

"Drugs." Spoke Naruto who appeared behind Bruce, who turns around to see him in the bat cave, eating a bag of chips that Dick gave him. "Sorry, you were wondering how I am your son, so the answer is that mom drugged you with some herbs and then you two do stuff that I don't like to mention. Ew."

"How did you-"

"Get in the Bat cave? You'd be surprised at how I can get into places and find secret passageways." Naruto respond while taking a bite out of a chip "Also, I've seen how you can access through the grandfather clock."

"I see." Bruce hummed, 'He's definitely my son.'

"Look Bruce." Naruto started, as he stops eating his chips "I know you don't trust me because I was raised in the League of Assassins, but trust me that after all of that training, I share no killer instincts like Ra's Al Ghul. When mom told me about you, I was fascinated, that you've never use your skills from the League to kill, but use them for good by fighting bad guys and saving people. I've been the black sheep of the League and was only interested in what the outside world is like, so I've left Nanda Pardat to find out what's it like there, and then go and meet you. My father who will guide me to become a hero like you!"

Bruce has never seen someone like Naruto wants to be a hero, and wants to learn from him. When he brings in Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie and Cassandra, they all have one certain goal in their minds; Dick wanted to bring his parents' killer to justice, Jason for his impressive skills, Tim for wanting closure after his father's death in the hands of the late first Captain Boomerang, Stephanie for wanting to lock her father up in Black Gate, and Cassandra was a government trained assassin who Bruce rescued. Naruto, he wanted to be a hero, a hero that Bruce will be proud.

"Training session starts an hour, so better be prepared." Bruce replied as he turns to his bat computer, "I'll be expecting your skills to be as good as the League's, but not too well, hopefully."

Naruto can only grinned as he respond "Well you better believe they're as good, Dad!"


So here's the first chapter of this new Naruto story, and yes it will be Naruto harem. Naruto will start out, as Robin and then he'll be known as his own superhero codename, which I will figure out later.

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