A/N: Hey guys! I'm so, so sorry for the sudden inactivity. I got really busy in some life stuff but I'm going to work on getting back in a schedule and trying to write more again. If anything I'll be updating, just slowly and infrequently. I apologize in advance lol. As always, thank you so much for reading! Constructive criticism and reviews are always wanted and thanks in advance for any!

Volume 1, Episode 8:

Traveling alone, while calming, is really boring. You can't even joke about the funny shape of a cloud to anyone because, guess what, there's no one to joke with. Add to the fact that I apparently now had a father and sister who wanted to seemingly kill me and the calming part was pretty much out the window.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pulled up the message I'd gotten from Qrow a few hours ago. All it read was "Shion." Which, thankfully, I was able to find on my map. I was just glad I'd heard from him, and that it wasn't in a panicked message or phone call, which meant he'd found them and no one was hurt.

"Who're the kids that were on Pyrrha's team?" I wondered aloud. I'd been too busy worrying about Pyrrha and trying to connect with her that I hadn't even taken the time to see who was on her team. Short of RWBY, I hadn't really paid attention to any of the other teams. Hopefully at least someone from Pyrrha's team was capable. Hopefully they wouldn't just get themselves killed.

I'd only been traveling for almost two weeks, but since we'd basically made it to the Mistral border it was a pretty big back track. Hopefully I would end up taking the same path as them and catch up somewhere in the middle. With Qrow watching over them hopefully nothing would go wrong.

I coughed after something rasped through my throat, paying attention to my surroundings again. Something was off. I stopped moving and looked around, and realized what it was. A huge plume of smoke rose in to the sky from not much further down the path I was on. Something was on fire, and with it on the path I was willing to bet it was either a town or a house.

Without thinking I reacted, and started sprinting down the path. It didn't take long before I started hearing screams, and as I got closer I could hear the fire, things breaking, weapons clashing. I came to a large wooden wall, surrounding the town, with a sign on it that read "Kuchinashi" and remembered from my map that this was the next town on my route to Shion.

A large building in the center of the town was on fire, completely in flames by now. People were running around in a frenzy, but some were carrying weapons. Sword, axes, staves, anything that could generally be used as a weapon was being used. They weren't wearing any specific uniform, but they all wore a red bandana somewhere on their bodies. Some wore them on their bicep, others around their mouths, and some wore them on their legs.

"Bandits?" I snarled to myself, unsheathing my claws as I watched one of them chase after a woman running out of a house. "Hey!" I shouted, gaining his attention as I ran and leaped on top of him. He dropped his sword and grunted as he hit the ground underneath me.

"Get off of me!" He shouted from behind a red bandana as he struggled underneath me. I looked up to find the woman he'd been chasing just standing there, staring at us in shock.

"Go!" I shouted at her. "Get out of here!"

She gasped in shock, or fear maybe, and turned and ran. I looked back down at the man I was on top of, before grabbing his sword and smacking the hilt of it in to his head, knocking him unconscious. I got off of him, tossing the sword to the side, and returned to looking around.

I began coughing as more smoke entered the air and clawed its way in to my throat. The fire from the building had spread to multiple buildings. I noticed for the first time that not every person wearing a red bandana was chasing someone, I noticed multiple ones fleeing buildings carrying bags or boxes of items. Looters?

"Bandits?" I heard weapons clashing from nearby, and turned to watch as a man ran around a corner, being chased by a woman. He looked as if he were a fighter. He could even be a hunter. He carried two swords, one in each hand, and turned around to face the woman again.

The woman had long, black, feathery hair. She wore a black skirt and a red and black shirt, along with a red belt and something made from feathers hanging from her right hip. She also had red leather gauntlets, black leggings with some sort of odd red pattern on them, and black leather boots. But, those were not the most characteristic things about her appearance.

She wore a mask that seemed to have come from a creature of Grim. I couldn't see her face, only the bright white mask with red stripes that all Grim have of some sort. There were four eye slits, but you could see two bright red eyes emanating behind two of them. I was instantly intimidated looking at her. I didn't know if it was because of the mask, or something else, but my heart was pounding and a new rush of adrenaline coursed through my body in fear.

I thought the man would be able to at least put up a fight, but in the blink of an eye she'd struck him down and I didn't even know how. I mean I literally blinked and he was falling to his knees, dead. All I saw was her hand on the hilt of the sword that was at her side, but the sword was still in its long black sheath.

She stood relaxed as she looked at the body, before she looked up and saw me. I watched as she looked at me, and then looked at the unconscious man next to me, and then back at me. Her grip on her sword tightened, and she tensed up. My breath caught in my throat, but I crouched down nonetheless, prepared for a fight.

The woman ran at me, and I retaliated and ran at her. I planned on using my semblance to turn invisible, but before I could there was a searing pain that sliced across my chest. I heard the hiss of metal sliding on sheath, and I flew back in to the wooden wall surrounding the town, and slammed back on the ground.

I groaned and gripped at my chest, feeling something warm, wet, and sticky. I pulled my hands away and found them covered in blood- my blood.

"Hm. You actually survived that." The woman muttered as she walked closer to me, picking up on of the fallen man's swords in her hand. My vision was going blurry, I couldn't even stand as I watched her come near me. "You must be a hunter if your aura is strong enough to keep me from killing you in one blow."

She reached down with her free hand and grabbed the scruff of my shirt and pulled me to my feet. I didn't help her at all, I couldn't. I was dead weight. But she lifted me up like I was nothing. I groaned in pain as she looked at me intensely.

"Too bad it won't save you again."

And then she stabbed the sword in to my stomach. I screamed in pain. She smirked sadistically, before driving the sword further in to my body, cutting through my back (thankfully missing my spine), and into the wooden wall behind me. I coughed, blood splattering on her mask. She released her grip on the sword, but it was planted firmly in to the wall and I didn't even hardly move. However now I was forced to stand on my own, or risk my body giving out and the sword cutting through the rest of me.

Without another word the woman turned and ran off after the rest of the bandits. By now almost the whole town was on fire. People were still screaming, most of the remaining men were running around with buckets of water, desperately trying to contain whatever part of the fire they could. But it wasn't helping at all.

Suddenly blood curling howls filled the air, and further in the distance the worst, most inhuman scream I'd ever heard echoed through the air. The scream shook me harder than anything else in my life ever had. I was terrified of whatever was behind it. I grabbed the sword hilt protruding from my abdomen, and tried my hardest to pull the sword at least out of the wall, but I was too weak to make it budge.

This was how I was going to die. A bandit would be my killer and my body would be eaten by Grim.

Suddenly, I watched a woman with two younger children run around a corner and towards me. The children raced ahead of the woman, ignoring me, and made for the corner of the wall near me. The boy must have been about twelve, while the girl with him seemed about eight. He pushed against the wall and revealed a hole, and held it open for the girl to climb under.

"Come on, Becca! We've got to go!" He called after the woman, who was just passing by me. She also ignored me, and it occurred to me that I probably already looked dead.

"Help." It took all of my strength to utter the word, and it was barely above a whisper, but the woman stopped and spun around to look at me, her eyes filled with horror.

"Becca! Why are you stopping?" The boy shouted, running back down towards us.

"Ryan, help me." Becca looked at me and then back the way they'd come anxiously, probably trying to decide if it was worth it to help me. Eventually, she grabbed the hilt of the sword and pulled. The boy, Ryan, watched in horror as more blood flowed from the wound, and watched as I collapsed as Becca pulled the entire sword out of me.

"Damn it, Becca! If we get killed helping him-" I didn't hear anymore of what they were saying as I felt both of them put my arms around their shoulders and start carrying me away. I'd lost too much blood. I was probably going to die even if they did manage to get us out of here and away from the Grim.

My vision darkened, and I passed out in their arms.

"Is he dead?"

"No, Sammie. He's just sleeping."

"He looks dead."

"He's fine."

The darkness that had swallowed me was lightened by a blinding light behind my closed eyelids. I tried swallowing, only to have my throat feel like sandpaper. Slowly my eyes flickered open, and I groaned as the bright light assaulted me.

"Where am I?" I whispered, unable to talk any louder.

"Here." A cool cup of water was suddenly placed against my lips, a hand lifting my head up so I could drink.

I closed my eyes and took a small sip, and then rapidly gulped the rest of the glass down. Once I'd finished I felt monumentally better. I groaned and opened my eyes and then pushed against the bed I was sitting on in order to sit up.

I instantly grunted loudly and fell back on the bed as pain racked my body from my abdomen, shooting through every part of my body. I coughed harshly and took a few deep breaths, before opening my eyes again and looking around.

The woman who had run by me in the town was sitting next to me, an empty glass in her hand. She looked tired, but otherwise she seemed okay. Closer to the door stood the little girl who had been with her. The boy was nowhere to be seen.

The room I was in was small, but warm and cozy. I could already tell that we were in a quaint, small cabin that had been turned in to a home.

Now that I was no longer imminently dying, I paid more attention to the woman. What was her name? Becca? She had light, blonde hair that was a little darker than Yang's and had warm, amber eyes. She wore a simple outfit of jeans and a black tank top.

The little girl looked almost exactly like her, except around eight and had blue eyes. The girl wore black shorts and a green t-shirt.

"How long?" I asked as I looked back at Becca.

"How long what?" She replied, setting the empty glass on a nearby table.

"How long have I been out?" I hissed, gathering my bearings and sitting up slowly.

"You've been out for two days. You're lucky that you lived. I had to try to stop your bleeding in the middle of the woods a whole day out from the cabin."

"You did that? Without stitches?"

"Sammie and Ryan helped, obviously, but yes. It also helps that you're a huntsman. So after your aura regenerated a bit it helped speed up the healing."

"So I'm in pain not because it isn't healed, but because…?" I drifted off, not knowing why I was in so much pain if I had apparently fully healed.

"It's not fully healed yet. Probably by the end of the day it will be, but it was healing slowly. Whatever happened to you really screwed with your aura. It hasn't been regenerating quickly.

Suddenly a door somewhere in the house slammed shut and loud footsteps came running towards the room we were in. The boy from a few nights ago suddenly appeared in the doorframe, breathing heavily and a panicked look on his face.

"Becca! They're close. We have to go, now."

Without hesitating the woman stood up and looked at the little girl. "Get your bag and mine and meet me with Ryan in the back in three minutes. Go." The girl stood up and hurried off without a question.

"What's happening? Who's close?"

"The bandits from the other night. Long story short they've been looking for us everywhere they go. They found us at the village and burned it down and slaughtered everyone else in the process of trying to help us." She crossed the room and reached in to a drawer, where she proceeded to pull out all of my clothes and everything that I'd previously had on me. She placed them on the bed by my feet.

"I'd suggest you get ready and go. Otherwise you'll be caught up in something you don't want to be caught up in."

Then she left. Without hesitating I got up and put on the clothes, which were stained with my blood and haphazardly stitched together, trying to ignore the pain stabbing me through my abdomen as I did so. Where was I going to go? I pulled out my phone and saw that I had messages from Qrow, but I didn't want to check them yet. Not when I was on such a limited time frame.

I decided to leave with Becca, Sammie, and Ryan and go from there. Besides, if these bandits were after them they wouldn't stand a chance if they were caught. I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked down the only hall in the house to the front door as I strapped my claws in place.

I opened the front door and was met with the scene of dozens of surrounding trees. We were in the middle of a dense part of the forest. I closed the door and walked around back, just catching up as the three were about to leave. Becca was taking a bag from Sammie and Ryan was picking up a nearby tree branch.

"Oh we're not bringing him, are we?" Ryan complained. "He's already been enough trouble."

"Look, kid. I may not be at top condition but I'm pretty sure that out of any of us I'm the most likely one to not get killed by those people." Ryan glared at me and Becca gazed at me calmly. "Besides, I want to thank you for saving me when you obviously didn't have to. Now let's go." Becca nodded and we set off in to the woods, Ryan in the lead.

We started off walking and then soon picked up the pace in to a steady jog. I didn't know why these bandits were after them, but I didn't care. They'd saved my life. Right now, all that mattered was getting them away and finding the next town so I could get back on track to catching up with Qrow.

"Hey, kid." I called up in front of me. "What's the closest town, and how far away is it?"

"Iganbana." Becca replied without looking at me. "It's only an hour or so out." I nodded, which was ridiculous because how could she have seen that with her back to me?

Suddenly, someone shot out from the left side of us and crashed in to Ryan, who yelped in shock. I cursed under my breath as we all slid to a halt. My aura must not be in the best condition if I hadn't even noticed that they'd caught up to us.

"Get off him!" I shouted as I ran over to the struggling mass that was Ryan and the bandit that had caught him. I unsheathed my claws and raked my right hand down the bandit's back, earning a loud scream as he rolled off Ryan to his feet.

He unsheathed a sword as he turned to face me, before lunging. I easily side stepped to the left and brought my knee in to the man's abdomen, grabbing the back of his shirt and throwing him behind me in to the dirt.

I turned to finish fighting him before I heard a sharp gasp from off to my left. I turned to find that there were five bandits surrounding Becca and Sammie. I stepped forward towards them before I felt a presence to my right. Before I could even look a foot slammed in to my side and knocked me to the ground.

I coughed and grabbed my side as I pushed myself to a sitting position, before I felt the sharp tip of a sword pointed at my throat. I instantly froze, staring up the long, blood red blade and up at the wielder. It was the woman bandit with the Grim mask from the other night. Just like before my heart started beating rapidly. This time, however, my whole body started trembling slightly.

"You're still alive?" She cooed to herself. "How… interesting."

I couldn't respond I was so terrified. I could hardly breathe.

"Commander. What do you want us to do with these three?" One of the bandits by Becca and Sammie asked.

The woman answered without hesitating. "They're traitors. Kill them."

Before I could do anything to save them. Before I could say anything to try to convince them otherwise, I heard the hiss of multiple swords or knives being drawn. The only thing I could do was flick my eyes over to watch as in moments the small family was murdered.

The bandit that I'd fought over by Ryan stabbed the boy through the abdomen with his sword. Unlike me, Ryan had no huntsman's aura to save him. He fell the ground, bleeding profusely, if not yet dead he would be dead in minutes. A teenager drew a dagger and slit little Sammie's throat with it, pushing her to the ground. Two bandits grabbed and restrained a struggling Becca, forcing her to kneel to the ground.

"No! Please! Stop this!" A woman carrying a large battle axe walked over, reached over her head with her weapon, and without hesitating decapitated Becca. Silence washed over the scene. I fearfully and silently looked up at the bandit leader, knowing that I would die here and now.

"There's something interesting about you. However, you're too weak for me to put my finger on it. If I kill you I'll never find out what it is." She pulled her sword away from me, sheathing it. However I still sat completely still, absolutely petrified.

The woman stepped closer to me, before crouching down. She came to my eye level, her face only a few feet from mine now.

"I'll let you live, scared little cat. I'll let you live with the curiosity of finding out what it is that's so interesting about you. You don't have to worry about seeking me out for revenge. I'll be keeping an eye on you. When I've decided what I want to do next with you I'll show up." She then stood up, and a dark, red and purple portal opened up behind her. Without hesitating all of the bandits walked through the portal, followed by her, and then it closed. I was now left alone in the middle of the woods surrounded by the bodies of the woman and two children who had saved my life.

I walked through the dark forest in silence. I was emotionless and numb. I had sat on the ground in fear for a long time before I finally stood up and proceeded to use whatever was around me to dig graves for the family. I spent hours doing so, crying the whole time, but I was able to finally bury them. It wasn't the burial they deserved. It was shoddily done and the weather would most likely reveal their corpses in the coming days or weeks.

I'd searched their bags and taken whatever they had that I needed. I'd sat and looked at the messages from Qrow. They were almost to Iganbana now, which was perfect for me location and time wise. I'd managed to get a rough idea of where we'd been, mostly thanks to the river that I was following. Eventually it'd dump me on to the path that ran through Iganbana and there I'd be.

Eventually it did just that. I climbed up a large hill and as I reached the top, lo and behold there was the path on the other side. Only twenty more minutes of walking and I'd be arriving in Iganbana. Suddenly, a loud roar echoed and I flinched, tripping and rolling down the hill to the bottom. I stood up expecting to be faced with Scar or Nala or both, but instead rain started pouring from the sky.

I groaned in annoyance with both the weather and myself, before standing up and slowly trudging off towards the town. I pulled my phone out and called Qrow.

"Is something wrong?" He asked instantly, I'm not even sure the phone had been allowed to start ringing.

"Wow. Hello to you too. No, I'm fine. I'm almost at Iganbana."

"Oh, okay. Well I'm at The Night Locus, it's a tavern down the main street. Table upstairs. Just don't let Ruby or her friends see you."

With that he hung up, and I glared at my phone in annoyance. Rude. He must either be busy, or he was flirting with a girl. I rolled my eyes and threw my phone back in to my pocket, and finished limping in to town.

I found the tavern pretty easily. Surprisingly it wasn't the shadiest tavern we'd ever gone to. By the time I walked in I was soaked through, and I was shaking like a leaf.

"Hello, sir. Can I-" A waitress wearing a red dress had approached me, but she stopped as she took in my apparel, and saw all the dried blood on my clothes.

"I'm fine, thanks. Just meeting a friend upstairs." I walked away quickly, so as to avoid any unnecessary questions, and quickly made my way upstairs.

There were only a few tables upstairs, and all of them were empty save for a table with two people at it. One was Qrow, and the other was a lady with long, raven black hair.

I coughed so as to make my presence known, although Qrow probably already knew I was there. The turned to look at me.

"Hey, kid." He said casually, before taking in my appearance and looking alarmed. He quickly stood up as I crossed the remaining distance and stood in front of him, his frame blocking the woman from my view. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Long story. Later." I muttered as I grabbed a chair from a nearby table and positioned it so I could sit down. All I really wanted to do was take a shower and go to bed. Qrow muttered something under his breath but moved back and sat down, revealing the woman to me again.

She looked at me, and expression running across her face of a predator playing with its prey. She had bright red eyes just like Qrow's, and wore red armor.

That's when I noticed the bright white Grim mask sitting on the table. My hands were positioned on the back of the chair that I was going to sit in, and I froze with them there. My breath hitched in my throat as I stared at the mask, and my heart started beating rapidly.

"Kid, this is my sister, Raven. Raven, this is Cheshmire."

In response, all Raven did was chuckle. I wanted to run down the stairs and cry for my mother.

"What's wrong with you?" Qrow asked me, sitting up straight as he'd previously been slouched down.

I took a deep breath and looked from the mask to Raven herself, steeling my nerves a bit. There was no way she could kill me now. Not with Qrow around. He wouldn't stand for it.

"We've met before." Raven cooed, placing her chin in her hand as she set her elbow on the table.

"You've met before?" Qrow looked from Raven to me and back to Raven in utter confusion.

"Yeah, she's the one who did this to me." I snarled, sitting down and clenching my hands around my knees.

"She did what?"

"And she murdered a whole town. And an innocent family."

"They weren't innocent."

"One of them was a little girl!" I shouted. My claws were digging in to my leg, and I took a deep breath and relaxed them.

"They were traitors."

There was silence for a long minute as Raven and I glared at each other.

"You attacked my apprentice?" Qrow asked his sister, a stern and serious expression taking hold of him.

"He attacked my bandits first. I didn't even know he was a huntsman until after I struck him and he lived. Then I stabbed him. And then, only earlier this morning, did I find out he was still alive. Something about him is interesting. So I let him live."

"He's Tiuka's son."

"Ohh, so that's what's interesting about him. Well, I'm still interested to see what he does with himself. I'll decide what to do about him later."

"You'll decide nothing. You ever touch him again and I'll be the one you're fighting next. Got me, sis?" I'd never seen Qrow so serious before, but here he was, threatening his own sister over me.

"Whatever, Qrow. Anyway's back to business."

"Yes, back to business." Qrow snarled. "Did you know Yang lost her arm?"

Yang? Why were we talking about Yang all of a sudden?

"That's not-"

"Rhetorical question." Qrow interrupted her. "I know you know. It's just obnoxious that you'd bring up family and then carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist."

That's when it all clicked in to place. Qrow wasn't just Ruby and Yang's uncle because he had been on Tai's team. Biologically he was Yang's actual uncle. Which meant that this woman. This, this monster. Was Yang's mother. And she'd never, ever been in the picture since Yang had been born. Not once.

"I saved her."

"Once. Because that was your rule, right? Real 'Mom of the Year' material."

I slammed my fists on the table. I was done with this conversation. I was done with this woman.

"You're Yang's mom?" I was shaking I was so mad. I couldn't help myself.

"Wow, Qrow. You really picked the brightest apple of the bunch, didn't you?"

"Shut up!" I shouted. Raven's eyes snapped to me and her expression went from a humorous one to a serious one in the blink of an eye.

"You don't deserve a family. You don't deserve the right to call up and just meet up with your brother whenever you want to. Your own daughter doesn't even know what her mother looks like. She's never seen you her entire life. And here you are, running around, slaughtering innocent people with a group of bandits."

"Kid-" Qrow tried to stop me, but I couldn't stop. I wouldn't stop.

"No! Fuck you! If you ever come around Yang ever again I'll murder you!"

Suddenly Raven's hand was around my throat, and her face was next to mine, her lips at my right ear.

"Listen to me very carefully, kid. You're only alive right now because I decided to spare you, got it? Don't make threats you can't keep. You can't even move right now, can you?"

She was right, my heart was racing in my chest, my palms were sweaty and my body was paralyzed in fear.

"Your heart is just jumping away in your chest, isn't it, scared little cat?" I could hardly breathe. Why did she have this effect on me? She released my throat and sat back in her chair.

She turned back and faced Qrow, who was looking at me in worry.

"I told you Beacon would fall, and it did. I told you Ozpin would fail, and he has. Now you tell me. Does. Salem. Have it?"

Qrow waited a few heartbeats to answer. I regained my composure in this space of silence, able to at least move. I was still furious that Raven turned out to be Yang's mother, but I wasn't stupid enough to say anything about it again tonight.

"I thought you weren't interested in all that." Qrow replied calmly.

"I just want to know what we're up against."

"And which 'we' are you referring to?" Qrow had almost a smile on his face. He enjoyed withholding information from his sister, whether he knew what he was talking about or not.

Qrow sighed and picked up his glass of liquor in front of him.

"You should come back, Raven." My head snapped to look at him. "The only way we beat her is by working together. All of us." He was asking her to come back? This psychopath? Why?

"You're the one who left. The tribe raised us, and you turned your back on them."

Wait, the bandits were their family? The people they'd grown up around? What kind of history did they have?

"They were killers and thieves."

"They were your family."

"You have a very skewed perception of that word."

Raven suddenly stood up, pushing her chair up. I noticeably flinched, to which she only scoffed at.

"I lead our people now. And as leader I will do everything to ensure our survival."

"I saw. The people of Shion saw too."

"The weak die. The strong live. Those are the rules."

"Well, you've certainly got someone strong on your side. I've seen the damage."

"We couldn't have known the Grim would set in as quickly as they did."

"I'm not talking about the Grim. And I'm not talking about you, either."

If he wasn't talking about the Grim, and he wasn't talking about Raven, then who could he possibly be talking about? Who did Raven have on her side with her that was that powerful?

"If you don't know where the relic is, then we have nothing left to talk about."

Raven reached across the table to pick up her mask. Qrow, however, quickly slammed his hand down on it, keeping Raven there.

"I don't know where the Spring Maiden is, either. And if you do, I need you to tell me."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because without her we're all going to die."

"And which 'we' are you referring to?"

Raven smirked slyly as Qrow released her mask and put it on. A portal suddenly opened up behind her and she slowly strode through it before it closed.

There was a loud gasp and crash behind us, and we turned to find the waitress from earlier had come up with glasses and dropped all of them in her shock.

I stood up quickly and rushed over to her, quickly helping her brush all of the broken glass together in to a pile.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a clutz." She shook her head and I noticed her voice tremble slightly and her hands were shaking.

"You just watched a woman walk through a portal. There's nothing clutzy about that." I chuckled, standing up as we finished piling the glass together.

She turned and walked away, presumably to get a broom, and I turned back and strode back to my chair. Qrow finished off his drink and sighed in content.

"So you don't have any idea on where the Spring Maiden is?" I asked.

"Nope. No clue." He replied, stretching back in his chair before leaning back towards me. "Enough about that though. How did you survive Raven?"

"I didn't try to, if that's what you're asking. I just, didn't die."

There was a moment of silence as Qrow inspected me. Like, really inspected me. He continuously looked me up and down, spending a lot of time looking at the roughly sewn, bloodstained clothes I wore. I poked my abdomen a few times, earning groans in response.

Finally, he turned his whole body in his chair to face me, placed his left elbow on the table, and held his arm up, palm facing me, and stared at me calmly. I knew what he wanted from me, and I knew I couldn't give it to him.

"I can't."

"You've done it before."

"I'm not healing as fast as normal, Qrow. My aura isn't regenerating as fast." I stared at the wood grains in the table.

"So deal with it. If it's something you can only do when your aura is at 100% then you'll never be able to do it." He stood up and started walking away. "Either get better or give up on learning."