


I do not own Touhou or Fairy Tail

"Hello, welcome to the Grand Magic Games Day 2!" Mato started off the morning with this, "Will the participants for the second event please stand up kabo?"

From Team Mermaid Heel was Risley Law.

From Team Blue Pegasus was Ichiya V. Kotobuki.

From Team Fairy Tail A was Natsu Dragneel.

From Team Fairy Tail B was Gajeel Redfox.

From Team Lamia Scales was Yuka Suzuki.

From Team Raven Tail was Kurohebi.

From Team Sabertooth was Sting Eucliffe.

From Team Quatro Cerebus was Bacchus Groh.

From Team Eastern Fantasies was Reimu Hakurei.

"That's all the participants, kabo!" Mato shouted.

"Today we will like to introduce you to our new guest speaker." Chapati said over the microphone, "Jason from the Sorcerer Magazine is here to spectate. Jason, what do you think about the Grand Magic Games so far?"

"IT'S SO COOL!" Jason shouted out loud, and Chapati simply chuckled.

"Yeah, it is." Chapati agreed, "Also, if you guys had missed out from the first day we have Yaijima and Aya as speakers as well. Yaijima, what did you think about yesterday's event?"

"Well, Eastern Fantasies one handly demolished the competition yesterday." Yaijima remarked, "However, Team Sabertooth is following close to Team Eastern Fantasies, and the other guilds are not so far." He paused. "With the exception of Team Raven Tail and Quatro Cerebus. But, all could change today. Aya, what do you think about today's competition?"

The microphone was handed to Aya. "Alright, Aya here!" Aya said cheerfully, "I have talked to Team Eastern Fantasies during their down time in their rooms yesterday, and they said that they are sending out Reimu, one of the S classed wizards from Eastern Fantasies. They told me that Sanae was just an appetizer to show a glimpse of Eastern Fantasies's powers; now they are truly bringing it into full effect with Reimu Hakurei. And let me tell you this, my friends, Reimu is indeed stronger than Sanae herself!"

"That is true." Yaijima took over the mic, "But, what Reimu is facing today are dragon slayers. They won't easily take a defeat just like that."

"True." Aya smiled, "But, I'm putting down all my chips that Reimu is going to win this."

"It seems clear that we have some debates here!" Chapati interrupted, "But, we will not be able to gauge who is going to win in today's event! The event that is happening is called Chariot Racing, where the participants are teleported to the edge of Croscus and must travel on chariots back to the Coliseum! The rules are simple. You can use magic, and you can't fall off the chariots. And, that's it! Any questions?"

"What do you mean by falling off the chariot?" Aya asked.

"Falling off the chariot means touching the ground." Chapati responded, "Why do you ask?"

"Well," Aya looked to the side, "Reimu…may have an overwhelming advantage here." She looked at the microphone, "I'm sorry, but there's no way anyone else is going to win."

"Why?" Yaijima asked, and Aya just gave a crooked smile.

"You'll….see." Aya cringed, "Well, shall we let the games begin?"

Reimu…was not amused at all by this race.

She's only doing it because of the amount of jewels she'll get at the end of the tournament.

Ah, thirty million jewels. She doesn't have to work anymore! Just think about that life, of just relaxing and not doing anything. The bliss.

Doesn't mean that she slacks off in doing so. So, she already made up a game plan. Quite the simplist and the most effective game plan of them all. No one else can match hers.

Float to the finish.

That's it.

Simple, yet efficient.

"The game starts in three. Two. One." Chapati's voice can be heard over the speaker, "Let Chariot begin!"

And Reimu jumped off the edge of the chariot.

Right, out of all the tactics that Yuka could have thought of in delaying his strongest foe, her jumping off the chariot was not one he could have imagined.

Immediately, everyone (except for the Dragon Slayers) rushed over to the side to see Reimu touching the ground…or seemingly touch the ground. And Reimu just shot upwards and slammed into Yuka's head, causing him to reel just a tiny bit.

"You, you can fly?!" Risley shouted as Reimu oriented herself towards the finish line.

"Yup." Reimu responded, "See yah."

And off she flew.

"ISN'T THAT A BIT UNFAIR!" Yuka roared out loud, mimicking the thoughts of everyone at that moment.

"And," Aya stated "That's the reason why Reimu automatically wins this game. She can fly."

"SO COOL!" Jason shouted, "You can fly too?"

"Everyone in Eastern Fantasies can fly." Aya remarked, and paused. "Correct that. Everyone except the rabbits can fly. However, Reimu is ranked right after me in terms of flying speed."

Aya paused once again as she thought about someone else. "Remilia technically outflies Reimu in a casual duel, but seriously Reimu can literally move so fast that she teleports. In a way, she beat me. But, anyway I doubt that you will find someone who can move faster Reimu in the air, seeing that the three dragon slayers are down for the count. Seriously, who would ever think that all dragon slayers have motion sickness?"

"Yeah, it seemed that what Aya had stated was true. Team Sabertooth, Fairy Tail A, and Fairy Tail B are having some difficulties in completing this race while Reimu is simply flying to the finish! For the other teams, Bacchus is in the lead, followed by Kurohebi, Risley, Yuka, and Ichiya. Oh? Bacchus is catching up to Reimu?" Chapati remarked.

It was true. Bacchus's insane speed on the ground allows him to catch up to Reimu who was casually flying to the exit.

"Not for long." Yaijima responded. "We're rounding the first curve and Reimu has the advantage of flying over the buildings while Bacchus would have to physically run around the buildings themselves."

Bacchus, was excited.

This…flying girl provides a challenge that he never had faced before.

And he also felt, a bit mad.

For that girl wasn't that wild and decided not to partake in the games itself and chose to win it by the cheapest method that was.

"Why, Reimu." He called out loud, "You have a great body from down here."

There was no response. They were approaching the second curve and Bacchus already felt his strength to be lagging behind. So, this may be the last chance of provoking Reimu into coming down onto chariot and race like a true man.

"Too bad your chest is as flat as a washboard." Yes, a good old insult and his opponent will be sure to stop and allow him to rain more insults on her so that he can outrace her.

In a way, his words worked. Reimu stopped flying, allow Bacchus to run around the curve and gain a slight distance advantage.

And, in another way, those were the worst words he could have chosen at that moment.

"He didn't." Aya said in utter horror. "He didn't mutter those words. God help us now."

"What's wrong?" Chapati asked, looking at Aya who was completely pale, "What-"

"Back in Gensokyo," Aya started, "Our guild master was bored and took a survey on what are the basic rules of surviving Gensokyo and their inhabitants. Some of them were serious, like never step on a sunflower or tell Remilia Scarlet that she is a kid. Some of them were nonsensical, like never ask Cirno to solve a math problem or ask Utsuho for directions. However, all of them had reached a consensus on two rules that everyone must follow. One, run if you heard that Yukari is bored. Because everyone's sanity is at sake whenever Yukari is bored. And two."

Aya pointed at the screen that was showing Reimu just steaming. "Never, ever insult Reimu's bust size. Or else, you will regret it." Aya placed emphasis on the word will.

"What is the harm in that?" Yaijima asked, and Aya pointed at the section of the crowd that was Eastern Fantasies. Everyone in the guild was kneeling down and praying, save for Yukari who was still smiling. However, if he peered close enough Yukari's smile seemed a bit forced.

"Hopefully Reimu was feeling a bit merciful and not use Fantasy Seal Blink." Aya forced out a smile, "If she uses Blink, well, you can kiss the competitors goodbye."

Everyone in the booth gulped. They had witnessed first hand the power of Eastern Fantasies, and yet they had made a rule never to piss Reimu was off. How dangerous was she?

On the screen, Reimu suddenly moved and was right in front of Bacchus. "MY CHEST IS NOT FLAT!" Reimu roared so loud that the sound shook the coliseum itself.

And approximately five thousand seals slipped out of Reimu's sleeves and Reimu herself took flight, leaving Bacchus grinning at the flying shrine maiden.

"Oh, now you're serious." He said, and made a fighting pose, "Come, let's see who's -"

"DIVINE SPIRIT FANTASY SEAL!" Reimu shouted, and everyone in the Eastern Fantasies gave a big sigh of relief.

"Oh good." Aya said, her posture relaxed, "Thank the gods that Bacchus had caught Reimu in one of her days that 'she didn't give a damn to what is going to happen next'."

"Crisis adverted?" Yaijima asked, and Aya simply shook her head. It was at that moment he noticed that Aya was slightly sweating a bit.

"What is Divine Spirit Fantasy Seal?" He took the initiative, and Aya simply laughed.

"Yeah, about that. It's a move with, on Reimu's scale of power, low power and a large radius."

"Meaning?" Chapati asked, and Aya laughed nervously.

"Meaning that the whole race track and the surrounding buildings might be obliterated as a result."

"You don't have to worry about the buildings." Yukari said as a mini gap appeared right behind Aya, "So, don't worry about damage done to Croscus. But, I'm not going to interfere with the race track itself. The game officials may declare that I am directly tampering with the event itself, so I'm just leaving to be. I'll clean up the mess free of charge, but in future Grand Magic Games do keep in mind that having the event stationed elsewhere from the arena itself is a recipe ripe for disaster."

Yukari's gap than closed, and everyone in the booth sighed.

"THAT HOLE SEEMS COOL!" Jason shouted while the others just simply shook their heads.

They were already getting used to Yukari's tendency to appear out of nowhere.

Bacchus wasn't feeling a bit too wild at that time.

True, the girl had descended to yell at him, but she immediately went back into the sky where Bacchus couldn't reach him.

There were, all those annoying seals flying all around him. They were so much of an annoyance; they didn't do any damage to him yet he couldn't destroy them at all.

"DIVINE SPIRIT FANTASY SEAL!" Reimu shouted, and Bacchus grinned. Now she is making some moves, this being a big move. If he could survive this, he could easily dart pass the exhausted Reimu and…

Before Bacchus could finish his line of thoughts, the seals started moving in an organized way in Reimu. Huh, interesting.

Those seals kept on rotating round and round around Reimu as she started muttering some words which Bacchus couldn't hear at all, but he was sure that it was a powerful spell.

This move is going to be wild!

Than the seals suddenly expanded to make the sky half white and half black.

Half a moment later, Bacchus realized that the sky wasn't white and black. It was a massive, massive ball that was blocking his view of the sun. Which, was kind of disconcerting as well.

The part that upseted him a lot was that, even if he was a complete noob at detecting magic, he can still sense if an attack was powerful or not.

And, the ball was radiating a lot of power.

It was at that moment, in which Bacchus realized that maybe insulting Reimu's chest wasn't the best idea after all.

And, he might want to start running.

Not like running was going to solve anything, but, he could always try.

"Mother of all-" The rest of the contestants (except for the Dragon Slayers) muttered in shock as the ball appeared in the air.

Ichiya was the first one to talk. "It appears that Eastern Fantasies is a guild filled with roses; beautiful, yet thorny." He smiled.

"Damnit." Kurohebi hissed, "Raven Tail will be beaten again!"

"Um, yeah I can't dispel that big of a magic spell." Yuka said nervously as he formed up a barrier, "I'll see about blocking it, but we have to very close to each other for maximum effect."

"WAIT FOR ME!" Somebody shouted, and all the contestants looked around to see Bacchus running and upsetting all the chariots in the process, "PROTECT ME AS WELL!"

"What did you do?" Risley asked Bacchus as he ran behind Yuka's magical shield, "Reimu is completely pissed off!"

Bacchus didn't respond at all, and just simply cowered behind Yuka. And, all Armageddon broke lose as the ball descended upon the track.

When Reimu finished demolishing the little critter who insulted her chest, there was no more of the racetrack.

All the chariots were completely demolished, not a single wheel left intact in the whole tract.

The buildings seemed fine, which, to her was a bit bizarre but she attributed that to the gap Youkai's meddling, which she found out was right.

Five of the participants were standing about fifty meters away, one of them having a magic shield casted over them. And one of those who were protected by that magic shield was that little stinker.

The other participants (the dragon slayers) were not protected luckily by the magic shield and was completely blown out of Croscus itself. Meh, judging from the wild stories that Sanae had told her, they will be completely fine.

Albeit a bit pissed at Reimu.

Doesn't matter. What matters now was to completely stomp on-

"Reimu, the event is over." A hand grasped Reimu's shoulder, and Reimu spun around to see Yukari simply smiling.

"Oh?" Reimu said, "The event is not over until that little fucker dies like-"

Yukari clamped her hand over Reimu's hand. "One," Yukari said, "Mind your language. There are some kids watching the show. And two, the event is over."

Yukari stressed the last few words, making Reimu snap out of her bloodlust. "Oh." Reimu said, looking around, "Who won?"

"Well, since you're the only one not touching the ground I'm guessing you're the winner?" Yukari guessed, and her suspicions were soon found to be correct.

"Looks like Reimu's nuke just completely wipe the whole playing field!" The broadcaster stated, "After some consultations with my fellow judges, we had decided that Reimu Hakurei was the undisputed winner of Chariot Racing, and wins ten points! Since the other participants had touched the ground, none of them are eligible of receiving extra points."

"I'm going now." Yukari said as she disappeared into a gap, "Also, please do me a favor and not try and murder Bacchus. He only did so to try and win the race; he won't mention a single word to his fellow competitors for sure."

"Alright." Reimu grumbled, seeing the logic in Yukari's words, "Fine. Have it your way."

Reimu looked at the ground and sighed. None of them seemed to be in walking condition and all of them seemed to sporting a numerous amount of injuries.

Well, she was kind of responsible for those injuries.

She'll help them back to the arena. That's some basic Danmaku courtesy at least.




Was this even a Danmaku match?

It's not, so she'll leave them there.

Yeah, she'll leave them. They'e crawl back to the arena one day.

The judges were in utter silence.

"What was that?" Yaijima asked.

"That, was a pissed off Reimu." Aya steadily responded, "You can see why Reimu's chest size is off limit in Gensokyo."

"I…see." Chapati could only wordlessly reply, "Um, we're not in the best of shape, Aya, so could you-

"Announcing the result of Chariot Racing." Aya said as she grabbed the microphone, "Due to Reimu's big move, she disqualified the whole race by blowing up the racetrack. So thus, we proclaim that Reimu is the victor of Chariot Racing, gaining ten points for Team Gensokyo while the other teams gain no point. Um, Mato, would you like to inform the teams who will they be facing today?"

"Of course Kabo!" Mato said. "The teams that are fighting against each other are:

1. Tenshi Hinanawi vs. Erza Scarlet

2. Yuugi Hoshiguma vs. Bacchus Groh

3. Toby Horhota vs. Kurohebi

4. Kagura Mikazuchi vs. Yukino Agria

5. Mirajane Strauss vs. Jenny Realight

"Thus, will Tenshi from Team Eastern Fantasies and Erza from Fairy Tail step up to see who is the superior swordswoman?

Author's Notice

Sorry for not being able to pump this out for the longest time. This is not on hiatus, is just that I'm having severely writer's block. And also some side fantasies. Yes, please, I still trying to get out of my head a Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Titanfall, Infinite Stratos, and Touhou fanfiction crossover. Still trying to get it out of my head. Also a Mass Effect and Touhou fanfiction crossover. Must. Resist. My Temptations.

Well, I remembered I had a good kick when writing the title. You know what happens if you mention Reimu's breast. She's very sensitive about that matter.

Have the next chapter ready, now this chapter caused me several breaks. Will upload maybe in the next two days? Sorry for my irregular upload schedule.