It was early morning. The glowing sunrise was just beginning to peek over the horizon illuminating the ramparts in a soft orange glow. Merlin sat on the rampart, allowing his legs to dangle over the wall as he looked out over Camelot, a sense of calm washing over him like the soft lapping of the ocean waves. He watched, with a soft smile, as Aithusa circled overhead with an occasional impatient chirp of "Mer-Mer!" calling him up to join her. But, for now the young warlock was content to stand and bask in the cool morning air. It was nearly a month since they'd won back the citadel and the ban on magic had been lifted and, more than ever, he was feeling the weight that the role of Court Sorcerer came with. So far, the magical community was still too scared to come forward to reveal themselves and so Merlin found himself being the only magical example for the people to look to. There were some that were unfazed by Merlin's magic, those who had never really had a problem with magic in the first place, some were wary and watched his magical demonstrations with a cautious curiosity, and some were down right afraid of him and found a way to flee at the very sight of him. This did not surprise him, however, it would take time to ease the fear that twenty-six years of tyranny had wrought.

Suddenly, Aithusa dived, spinning as she did so and missed her dragonlord by inches and leaving a light breeze in her wake. Merlin smiled widened. After all, it wasn't all bad. Arthur had him out in the citadel and lower town specifically to perform magic. These displays usually attracted the children of the lower town, who watched in awe at the butterflies he summoned or the stories he illustrated with moving picture made out of smoke of sparks. It was this innocence that Merlin thought of as a breath of fresh air. It was truly a sight to behold. These children knew nothing of the fear that magic was associated with and, in turn, they brought their mothers and fathers and their friends, and, not only that, his magic would attract the more elderly citizens of Camelot, who remembered the time before the purge. There were some that had come to him in tears at thanking him for bringing about a time that they had not dare dream would come about in their lifetimes.

"Clo'pol'! Clo'pol'!" chirped Aithusa from up above and Merlin turned his head to see Arthur coming out to stand a little behind him. "I think you've corrupted her," said Arthur by way of greeting. "Nah," Merlin grinned teasingly, "She's just clever." Arthur gave him a playful shove in retaliation. They stayed that way, in a companionable silence, watching as the sun climbed ever higher and the sky lightened until, finally Arthur spoke, "I thought you'd be up there with her." He gestured to the little dragon swooped overhead. Merlin laughed, "It is sorely temping."

"Why? You don't need to hold back," said Arthur eyebrows furrowed, "The ban was lifted." Merlin shrugged, "Habit, I suppose." Arthur shook his head in fond exasperation. There was another long pause before the king spoke once more, "I want you to take Aithusa into the lower town with you today." Merlin nodded an ironic smile spreading across him face, "Of course, my lord." Arthur turned his head towards him eyes narrowing. "You were already going to do that, weren't you?" he asked accusingly.

"I don't know what you mean, my lord."

"Without consulting me!"

"Honestly, sire, I have no clue what you're talking about."


"Wait, I think Aithusa is calling me," Merlin said hurriedly, "Sorry, Arthur, I got to go," and, with that, Merlin slipped of the wall and allow himself to fall almost to the ground before he unfurled his wings and shot up into the sky.


The young warlock just laughed, filling his heart with the joy of flight as he climbed higher and higher to meet the baby dragon. The Once and Future King's Golden was almost here. He was finally free.