HIIIIIIIIIII. Ok so I'm sorry it's been so long that I've updated this story, I'm kinda realizing I'm not really feeling making a huge spin off story like I did with my other story, and more into just writing the sexy adventures of Aelin and Rowan. I totally get it if you guys would prefer some back story and an actual plot because I remember searching for a good spin off with le banging in it for this series and coming up fairly empty handed. But seeing as there is another book out that I haven't read I feel like I'll fuck up *badum tisssssss* somehow, so I don't know. What do you guys want? Please let me know cos otherwise I have no clue what I'm writing. Reviews and favourites and follows mean the world to me, so please do let me know what you think and if you want more, cut that's what keeps me writing! Also, looking for editor for my story so if you're interested let me know! Love you guys.

Aelin tried her best to hide her grin in the fur lining of her cloak as she stalked towards the grappling men before her, her grey dress billowing around her ankles. They had decided it would be best to train Dorian somewhere dry and warm so he could feel the changes, so the old practice riding stables had seemed like the perfect choice. The room was plenty large enough for at least 5 horses to run around in comfortably, with pale wood walls towered up nearly 4 stories high arcing into a domed thatched roof that mirrored the dense, frizzy hay that carpeted the floor. Dark wood beams criss-crossed high above, their intricate patterns lacing together to look like a giant net that supported the ancient roof, bits of sunlight pouring through holes that years of rain and wind had formed in it.

Her boot kicked an empty hip flask, bits of hay and dust flying up with it. Since these stables had been for nothing more than the young nobles to practice in, it had grown idle and become the perfect spot for the staff to escape for a moments time. Suddenly, the earth under her jolted, the fodder freezing over into so quickly it was almost as if they were shards of glass caught in an ocean's wave.

"He can't do that!" Dorian said, pointing to Rowan as he stormed towards Aelin. His face had grown even more tired than before, exhaustion staining under his eyes.

Rowan had turned a wave of Dorian's power against him, sending it back in his direction, hence the wave of frosted earth beneath her.

"He can," she said, bowing her head at the sight of Rowan's sly grin, "and he can do that as well." Just as she finished, Rowan had pounced on Dorian, the earth shuddering as a wall of earth and ice spiked, reaching nearly to her knees, as if it were the resounding blast of a catapult snapping down. A gust of wind destroys the wall, sending shards of ice in all directions except Aelin's, bits jutting out from wooden walls to reflect the light and make the now training room mirror the image of a crystal chandelier.

Aelin shivered, the air suddenly feeling as if she had stepped into the dead of winter's night in nothing but a slip. Heavy lids closed over her eyes, the gold circle around her pupil flickering as she first flooded her body with warmth, then let her breath out and imagined a wave pouring out of her, the frost thawing from the air and the warm scent of hay and sod returning to the air.

"I don't care about being attacked, I would gladly welcome it in fact." Dorian said, avoiding Rowan's outstretched hand as he stood, shaking the hay from his burgundy tunic. "I want to be able to help, to stop the pain I've caused so many others," his voice hitched, "I can't continue to survive -let alone rule in any sort of way- when I'm scared to lay a hand or thought on a single soul." He fisted his fingers through his hair, the golden strands knotting together over his bare fingers.

Rowan's stare flickered from Dorian over to Aelin as the Prince talked, compassion and understanding Aelin could only wish he didn't have shadowed his every movement as he rested his hand on the Prince's shoulder, his emerald gaze never leaving hers.

"Before you can control it, before you can tame it, you need to understand it," his boot kicked up sawdust as the two mens' slow track towards the entrance continued, "it's easy to fear what we cannot comprehend. That's a lesson I had to learn many centuries ago, that our Queen herself struggled with before my eyes. But now look at her; look at the strength she brandishes, the power she wields, the control that intensifies every second of every day. Even now, centuries and lives worth of training and I still fear losing control. As I -as we all- should."

The men had reached the exit and Dorian simply shook his head in understanding and a silent thank you. The prince turned to Aelin and smiled, the sort of smile the showed no teeth and did not reach the eyes.

"You're right. Thank you both." He said, his voice hollow and without echo as he gently shut the door behind him, leaving Rowan and Aelin alone in a silence that froze the air as if the world had been momentarily put on hold.

"Well that went well." Rowan finally said, turning towards Aelin form where he rested against the decaying door.

"There's something off with him… Something has changed." She said, watching Rowan's ragged training shirt snag then release from a bit of chipped wood as he walked towards her.

"You would be off too if you had just come out of being possessed by a demon only to accidentally kill an innocent stranger." Rowan said, his voice heavy for the prince as he wrapped his arms around Aeling, resting his chin on her head. He pulled her in close, listening to the deep inhalations of her small frame. She suddenly felt both all too small and all too large for the booming space around them, two entertained figures statued in the centre of the old building.

"That speech, you need to stop preaching it to me, 'I fear my own strength' I just can't listen to-" she began, pulling out from under him to peer up into his downturned face, but he silenced her, pressing his mouth against hers.

His lips were tentative, brief, frost melting off into dew in the warmth of a day.

"You need to realize it's not just a speech, " he said, his hands on the side of her face, palms just brushing her neck, "that every second I touch you, "his fingers shifted on her cheeks and his gaze followed them, "every time I breath you in," he leaned in close again, "every time I taste you," he spoke so close to her face she could feel the hum of every syllable against her parted lips, "I dread the wanting out of fear that I could hurt you. If a touch," his hand slid from her face, the back of his fingers deftly brushing over her cheeks, her collar bones, the right over her breast as if they were no more than a feather, but electricity shot from his touch through her chest, "could cause us to hold into one force, it could also cause us to disintegrate. My touch could destroy you and I can't - I won't- let that happen." He said, stepping back so suddenly Aelin nearly fell forward at the sudden loss of his presence.

She hadn't realized he had backed her up so she was nearly flush against one of the large supporting pillars that stretched up to the roof. She watched as he took a step to walk away, raking her eyes up his sculpted figure, the way his loose training pants strained over muscled quads and a sculpted backside, the way the cited shirt he wore showed the contours of the muscles lining each side of his spine and winding up into the muscles at the base of his neck.

Her hand flung out and grabbed onto his bicep, sending him crashing into the pillar right behind her with such force that the resounding boom echoed for what felt like an eternity. She ignored the chunks of ceiling her tossing him against the wood had shodden loose as she pressed him back into the pillar, her wicked grin spreading as she shed her disheveled cloak.

"I said," she spoke slowly, lust driving from her hushed voice as her hands dripped down from his shoulders, slowly pulling his face down to hers while trying her best to keep him pinned on the pillar. He feet found ground easily, years of training backing her every movement, taking the offence at his resistance, "that I was done with speeches".

Her lips rested on his neck with the last word, her tongue darting out and tasting the sweat from a hard couple hours of training of his tanned skin. She sucked against his neck for a moment, breathing in his scent as he fingers knotted in the base of his hair, pulling him down as she traveled up until finally her mouth rested on his.

"I far more prefer to take action." she said, a barely audible whisper as her lips crushed his. He was ready for her, their lips dancing together like a choreographed dual, both opponents fought with all their might. Aelin wove took one hand from his hair and snaked it around his shoulder, pulling him closer and her shoulders nearly in level with his crouched ones. His tongue traced the outline of her, pulling a moan from her as he claimed his place, his hands roaming down her waist and the other making it's way back up to press in the hollow of her spine. In one swift movement he tore her from the ground, used on hand to hoist her up so he legs could wind around his hips. He whirled, pressing her back into the pillar and using his weight against her to keep her suspended there, granting freedom to both of his hands.

She shivered as he kissed down her neck, her head pressing back into the soft wood as she bit down on her lip to keep from moaning as his hand came up to her breast and mimicked his tongue's circles on her neck with his thumb on her nipple. Her hips rocked against his as his other hand trailed up her leg, a buzz left on her skin in it's wake all the way up to where he had pushed her the skirt of her thin dress up over her hip to her bare backside, his fingers digging into the flesh as his lips bit into her neck.

"It's fairly far away from the castle eyes out here." She panted, her nipples stiffening under his touch as he pulled back and furrowed his browns with a sarcastic grin as if to say

Are you kidding me?


He pressed his lips to hers and smiled as she continued to writhe under the slow circles he traced, the stiff peaks on her chest clearly pointing through the thin grey fabric of her dress.

"It's not nearly fear away enough for what I plan on doing to you." He stepped back, taking her with him as he sunk down into the hay and held her in his lap, letting her grind her hips in a slow rhythm against his stiffening member as their tongues battled for dominance. Her fingers unwound from his hair and went to the hem of his shirt before she grew impatient and simply tore the fabric from his toned chest with her strong nimble fingers.

He growled, tossing the shredded fabric from his shoulders. He stood up on his knees, taking her with him and halting her marginal relief from connecting their cores, only for a moment, before he dove forward, roughly tossing her onto soft hay before landing onto of her, his lips dominating hers as his hand ran the length of her torso. She felt the rough pads of his fingers press into the hollow between her ribs and hip, each digit digging into her skin, promising to leave red marks in their trail as he traced down over her hipbone and around her side, pulling her up and into him.

"Are you particularly attached to this dress?" He murmured into her lips, his hips stating to rock against hers, his arousal as clear as her moans in the otherwise soundless stables.

"Not particularly, I guess . Why?" She said, her head pulling back to send a questioning stare at his odd question.

As if in reply, his lips spread into the grin of a little boy who just got away with a naughty trick before diving back down onto her lips, letting her taste his tongue. The hand that had been pulling her into him vanished, letting her sink back down into the soft and prickly hay beneath them, his hips sinking down along with hers. Suddenly the sound of fabric tearing rose above the thundering of their hearts as the remaining chill of the hair hit her bare breasts, her breath hitching as they strained painfully in the new breeze.

"They invented these things called clasps.." She said rolling her eyes to try to hide how badly she yearned for him to pay attention to her straining breasts as she wound her fingers down his muscled back.

"You'll be lucky if theres even a scrap of fabric left to use a clasp on." he whispered into the hollow beneath her ear. His teeth found her earlobe, tugging at the skin as his hand found her breast, palming her nipple as she pressed herself forward into his touch. His smile could be felt as he kissed and bit his way down her neck to her exposed breast. His tongue against her rock her nipple was like fire spreading over ice, the relief pushing her head back into the hay.

Rowan's hand traveled down form her breasts as his mouth switched sides, his fingers tearing through the fabric as if it were paper, their strength oozing from every flick of the muscles in his forearm. Fabric was torn from her body haphazardly as if there were some fatal wound he was searching for in a frenzy. Finally, she wore nothing more than shreds of fabric clung to her writhing body. He traveled up, leaving her damp breasts to ache for his attention. He kissed up her neck laughing as she tried to lean forward so she could reach the waist band of his pants, but he pushed her back down as if she were no more than a child reaching for a toy.

"You're going to stay absolutely silent, are we clear?" He murmured right above her mouth, staring into her eyes with such ferocity she felt hers blaze back in reflection.

"You'll have to try-" she started to whisper, but his mouth sank down into hers like a snake striking its prey. His teeth bit into her bottom lip and pulled, his hand sinking down the inches above where her thighs meet.

"That means not a single word Aelin. Not a sound." He said commanded.

He didn't wait for her to nod before he dipped down, brushing his palms against her nipples as he dipped his tongue into her navel for a brief second before kissing his way down. She savoured the feeling of his hands burning down her ribs and coming to dig into the flesh of her backside as he slid down in between her bent legs.

His mouth hovered over her slit, his gaze flicking up and a crooked grin huffed out of him as if to say:

Good luck obeying that command

He struck, his tongue diving in for a deep lick up her folds sending the movement echoing up her spine like his fingers caressing her. She felt him breath her in, his tongue pressing firmly in tongue strokes just on either side of her entrance, alternating sides. She tried to suppress a groan as her neck muscles tightened.

He kept up his assault, his tongue now probing her entrance as his strokes began to centre more. Up, down. He pushed harder with his tongue so it entered his just a fraction on his upward stroke, ending right below her most sensitive point. Up, down. His tongue sank into her and lingered there for a moment drawing a shallow circle as she bit down on her lip and thrust her head back into the hay to keep from crying out. Up, down. His hands grabbed just below her hip bones and pulled her tighter to him so the ends of her thighs pressed into his shoulders.

Up, down. Up, down.

He let his tongue enter her completely and drew slow, tantalizing circles inside of her, spreading her apart with his tongue. Up, down. He growled into her cunt as she writhed beneath him, commanding her to be still as he pressed one hand down into her abdomen just below her navel. The sound vibrated against her and her stomach clenched deliciously.

He ended his journey higher and higher with every lick, a fraction of a millimetre from her apex. Her breathing grew faster and shallower and she willed herself into silence, the command he only thing anchoring her to this planet as he continued. She felt the prelude of a tremor start to curl her toes.

Large fingers spread her open, his first and second finger rocking into her as he plunged to her clit, taking it into his mouth and sucking on it viciously, his fingers now a forceful beat of a warrior's drum as the slid in and out of her. His tongue pushed and danced over her clit as he sucked and pulled.

She tightened around him, her back arching, her stomach began to spasm like small spurts of fire were being yanked from within her. Smoke began to rise from the hay beside her, but a wind quickly silenced them. She tried to scream but nothing other than a squeak came out as she tried to catch a breath, but Rowan continued his sucking and licking and plunging and pulling and filling and…

Finally, when she collapsed and felt as if every muscle in her body had vanished, Rowan slowed, using one hand to help him slide up as he kissed his way up to her neck, soft little pecks, the other pressing down on the burning embers of hay outlining her body. He pulled her limp body into him, resting her sweaty forehead against his naked chest and smiling as he nuzzled into the top of her head.

"I've got to admit," he said with a smile, pulling her face up to wonder at his, "I do like it when you obey my commands, theres something quite nice about it."

She rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling into his neck.

"Don't get used to it." she mumbled with a yawn. She started to squirm out of his hold and tried to move downwards but he caught her under the armpits and laughed, yanking her up and wrapping her tightly in his arms as he played on his side.

"No no no," he said, "you are quite tired and the last thing I need is a toothy yawn to ruin my day."

She rolled her eyes at him but he flickered her in the arm, drawing a hiss from her.

"But," he said hugging her tighter, "between the two of us we have one pair of pants. And although I think it would be hilarious to watch you streak through the palace, I don't know if that's the best message to send as the new Queen of this Kingdom."

He rose up, lying her into the warm hey and bending down to kiss her on the forehead before tossing her cloak over her.

"I'll be back with some clothes for you in but a moment." He called as he ran out of the training stables.

She watched his receding form, her breath finally back to its normal rate.

"Well now, I just thought he would never leave." A voice said quietly from the shadows.





I forgot how fun and weird it is to write sex scenes. Like one would think I'd be all like ~in the mood~ with like candles lit and giving boyfriend bedroom eyes, but really I'm taking frequent writing breaks to shop amazon for picture frames and trying to stick my toes in boyfriend's face so he takes a study break and walks to Dominoes with me because it's cold as balls outside and its too dark so I'm scared to go alone. Also, as far as this type of sex scene (I like how I can write about it in detail but then when i address you guys directly I can't bring myself to say 'giving head' without squirming) I don't really know if you guys want me to write the whole Aelin goes down on Rowan part or not, I've never written about that and for some reason it feels weird for me to write about it, like oddly more personal. If you guys want it, I will write it, just gotta wrap my head around it (btw after rereading this I laughed out loud because I didn't realize that "wrapping my head around it" wasn't the best expression to use here and now boyfriend flat out thinks I'm high). Please let me know, also, if there are some sex scenes in particular you want let me know, but I'm not down to write butt stuff cos quite frankly I just aint about that life. Alrighty I'm gunna go after that little chit chat and fetch me some pizza, let me know what you guys thought about this chapter.