I've been ordered to stop stalling by two lovely people. Big thanks to Swifters and Tracey450 for their help.
The attack was swift. There was someone in his house. Possibly the fucking serial killer. He took them down with terrible precision. The surprised assailant didn't have a chance to fight back.
Nobody invaded his home without paying the price, but he needed answers. So he did manage to show them some measure of mercy rather than a bullet to the back of the head. His partner would be proud.
Then, it dawned on him what he'd done.
"Danny...ahhh shit..." Steve flicked on a light and crouched down, his hands everywhere. Checking for damage. "What are you doing here?"
His partner groaned, trying to get away. Disoriented. Took Danny a second to focus on his friend.
Steve held him down. "You'll be okay, buddy. Just give it a minute."
"Hate you." The next groan came out this time as a growl as Danny tried to sit up. "Hate you so much."
"What did I tell you about knocking?" Steve tried to keep things light. Make a joke. But Danny continued to struggle against him. "Stop it. Stay still. Let me check you."
"I'm okay." Danny relaxed finally, more focused on simply breathing. "Did knock. Yelled for you. Lights...went out."
"God, I hit you pretty hard. Shit you're bleeding." Steve lifted Danny's shirt. "Your incision."
"Hurts." Danny covered Steve's hands with his own. "Feels like a busted rib. Fuck."
"I'm calling 911." Steve pulled his cell out of his pocket.
Danny smacked the phone with more force than his friend anticipated. "No."
Steve rocked back on his heels, putting a hand down so he didn't fall over. "Danny...shit, I coulda -"
"You didn't, babe." His words were slow, breathing labored.
Steve was not in the mood to argue. A stern exterior was betrayed by worried eyes. "Humor me. Let's get you checked out."
"I'm fine. Just had wind knocked outta me by brick SEAL wall."
Steve was almost completely undone by how much energy it took for his partner to say those words. He couldn't let Danny know how concerned he was. He did his best to keep an annoyed edge to his voice.
"Why are you here? I thought you were going out for wings."
"Checking on you." His eyes drifted closed and then blinked open. "I shoulda...shoulda..."
"Danny?" Steve gave him a shake, dropping his phone. "Hey you with me?"
An unintelligible murmur and then nothing from his partner.
"Shit. Danny. You're scaring me, man." He checked for a pulse, lightly tapping his friend's cheek. "Hey, buddy. Open your eyes."
No response from Danny.
"Please don't do this to me." Steve nudged him again. "Come on. Don't-"
Taking a deep breath, he tamped down his anxiety, checking Danny's pulse again. Then made sure he was breathing. "Thank god. Fuck...wake up."
Steve picked up his cell, all the while chanting how sorry he was. He dialed 911, requesting assistance, and then made another call.
"Chin - it's Steve..."
Go ahead...yell at me. I can take it. I'll post the rest tomorrow...barring anything unforeseen.