A/N: Because one is never enough, here's a second gift for ariestess for Love From OQ 2020 week! Regina and Robin's first kiss in my verse One step at a time. With a bit of RegalBeliever cuteness and DragonQueen friendship, because I know you love Mal just as much as I do.

Thank you to Nani and Audrey for the help with the manip, even if you both didn't know what I was up to XD

I apologize for the mistakes, this work isn't betaread either.

PS: No, the title isn't related to Frozen's song, I apologize in advance if it's stuck in your head now XD

"Okay, sweetheart! Be good to Mal. And brush your teeth before going to bed!" Regina reminds, grabbing Henry's chin between her thumb and forefinger, nuzzling his nose tenderly before kissing his forehead.

Henry giggles, wraps his arms around her neck, asking for one more hug. Regina relents easily, crouches down again and picks up her 6 years-old son in her arms, hugging him tenderly while she rocks him back and forth, one hand rubbing his back while she drops several kisses on his temple.

Since his father died, he's been asking for her a lot more, needing reassurance whenever she was leaving him, whether it was for work, school or... this. He doesn't know her plans, has no idea that she's seeing Robin, someone he sees as a family friend and father of his buddy Roland. The fact that Henry's oblivious about her dates with Robin only makes Regina's guilt flare everytime she abandons him for a night out.

She pulls back, her finger gently tapping his nose, her forehead bumping into his playfully.

"I love you, Henry." she murmurs between them. She needs to say it, needs to make sure he knows she does, because he is her entire world, and she won't stand him thinking she won't tuck him in because her affection goes to someone else, or because she doesn't care about him enough.

"I love you too, mommy."

She looks up at Mal, who's standing a bit aside, watching them tenderly, giving them a moment. "Thank you for watching him tonight again."

"No problem. We're going to have fun, right Henry?"

The little boy grins at her, nodding as he starts to walk towards her held hand. But he pauses, turns back towards his mother, kisses her cheek noisily, beaming when he pulls back, before going to Mal.

"Can we build a castle in my bedroom with sheets and pillows like last time?" he asks, puppy eyes staring at Mal.

The woman chuckles at his request. "Of course, Henry. But go wash your hands first, it's time for diner."

The little boy runs in the direction of the bathroom, Regina and Mal exchanging an amused glance. Once he's out of earshot, the blonde woman lifts an eyebrow, talking low enough that Henry won't hear her.

"Go! Enjoy your date! I'll take care of your little man."

"Thank you again." Regina cups her elbow. "I know that handling a 6 years-old isn't the most restful way to spend your evening before a twenty-four hours shift."

"It's my pleasure, Regina. And Henry is a good kid. But you can make it up to me by telling me how it was." she winks at her.

Regina laughs as she grabs her coat and shakes her head. "Deal!"

Robin picks her up in front of her building entrance, welcomes her with one of these charming dimpled smiles that are his fabric and makes her weak. Even before they started dating, even when Daniel was still alive and Robin was nothing more than a friend to her, one smile like this from him, and he'd win her over.

"Hello, handsome!"

His smile widens at the nickname. She knows he loves when she calls him that, when she gets involved in this, in whatever they are trying to build. It's still complicated for her, to move on, to forget Daniel, to get over the trauma of watching the love of her life, the father of her son, her husband, die in front of her.

But it helps. Robin, helps. The fact that it's him, that they've known each other for years now, that Robin and Daniel were friends and he can understand the struggle and dilemma that's tearing her heart and mind, the reason why she needs time.

"Hello, lovely!" he greets her. "You look very gorgeous tonight."

"Thank you! You're quite well-dressed too." She answers. And he does. Even if he told her to be 'casual' tonight, to be comfortable, keeping the mystery of their destination a secret, she has to admit that this white flannel shirt combined with a pale blue jacket suits him perfectly.

Robin beams at her. "Ready?"

She takes off her own jacket and settles comfortably in the passenger seat. "Yes. Where are you taking me?"

Robin smirks. "It's a surprise."

Regina's lips curl, brow shooting up. "A surprise?"

"Yes." Robin confirms. "I was told it's one of your guilty secrets."

"Guilty secrets? Now, who may have told you that?" she teases, quirking an eyebrow playfully.

"I swore on my honor that I wouldn't reveal this person's identity, and I intend to keep my word."

Regina laughs at his chivalrous answer, shakes her head as she falls serious again. "Who's keeping Roland tonight?"

"My brothers."

"Your brothers?" she asks, confused. "Don't they live in England?"

"They do." Robin confirms, stopping at a red light and using this moment to look at her. "They live in Nottingham, next to our parents."

"Nottingham? Like in the town of Robin Hood?"

Robin smirks. "Someone knows her classics." He winks at Regina, eyes back on the road when the light turns green. "He was my favorite hero when I was a kid, especially since I was named Robin. I always told my parents that I wanted to be Robin Hood when I grew up."

"Henry is a fan too. He even dressed as Robin Hood for a carnival once." she remembers, smiling at the thought of her boy holding a small plastic bow and shooting everyone around. "So, your brothers decided to visit?"

"Yes." Robin confirms. "They're here for a month. The apartment is crowded, but I haven't seen them in a long time, it feels good to be reunited. And Roland is very excited to have his uncles with him. Gives him two more people to play with."

"They must be completely smitten with him. Roland is a delight."

"Indeed, and they're truly kids at heart. Will and John are always the first ones in when it comes to play with kids. With Roland, it's even truer, they adore him, and he loves them just as much."

"Do you get along with them?"

"I do. We've always been very close and protective towards each other. I know it broke their hearts when I left the family's nest to come here, but after what happened with Marian, I needed a new start."

Regina's hand covers his, squeezing gently. Robin never talks about Roland's mother, all she knows is that the woman left shortly after Roland's birth without any reason, which destroyed Robin. Regina's learned long ago not to ask questions. They've been through Daniel's death together, but Marian is part of Robin's secret garden, and whatever is going on between them doesn't give her the right to know more about this time of his life.

So she puts on a smile, asks cheerfully. "Will I get to meet them? We don't have to say anything about..." she glances at their linked hands. "this, if you don't want to. But I must admit that I'd love to meet your brothers. Must be funny to see you three together!"

Robin laughs, his hand giving hers a squeeze before going back on the wheel to negotiate a difficult corner.

"I'll see if I can arrange that. But don't tell me I didn't warn you if Will starts hitting on you!"

Regina laughs heartily, completely missing out on the fact that Robin is parking the car, and it's not until she finds him stare at her with a pointed look and a smirk as she starts to look around.

"What-" She glances around, eyes shining as the corner of her lips tip up, turning into a wide, excited smile.

Robin rakes a nervous hand in his hair. "That's not the fanciest date, but apparently you have a weakness for funfairs. I hope it's true, or I might have just ruined the evening."

Regina's beaming smile and bright eyes land on him as she leans forward and softly kisses his cheek. "It's perfect." she breathes. "Come on! Let's go!"

Regina wraps her arm around Robin's the moment she joins him outside the car, and it comes naturally, she doesn't have to force anything. Robin's idea has just triggered something in her, called a side of her she rarely shows, even to Henry. With her son, she always has to be the strong one, his mother, the one who loves and cuddles him, but also sets the boundaries. With Henry, she can never fully let go.

But tonight, with Robin, she can.

And she will.

"What do you want to do first?" Robin offers, her excited mood contaminating him as he also looks like a kid on Christmas' eve about to open his presents. "Eat or have fun?"

Regina takes upon the entire place as they walk, to the multiple attractions surrounding them. She spots the Ferris wheel, roller coaster, rifle and crossbow shooting ranges, ice palace, slot machines, ring and ball throwing, in the middle of the cotton candy, pretzel, hot dog and waffle stands. There's so much she wants to try, so much she wants to enjoy while she can.

She leans her head on Robin's shoulder, humming softly as she thinks her answer through, walking along his side, feeling good, at peace, relaxed. Feeling more like herself than she did in a very, very long time. Giving him more tonight than she ever did during their previous dates.

"Let's start with thrills rides, so you won't throw up your meal." she teases.

Robin pulls back slightly, just enough to stare at her with a stupefied quirked eyebrow. "You think that my stomach won't handle thrills?"

Regina challenges him with a conceited smirk, biting the inside of her cheek. "Oh, I know it won't!"

"Then, Milady, by all means, I accept your challenge!"

Robin grabs her hand and starts leading her towards the tallest attraction, Regina laughing as she lets him guide her. She feels young and reinvigorated as they fend the crowd like two teenagers who just took a bet and both want to win it.

As they sit in one of the roller coaster's pods, and the protective barriers close in on them, Regina looks at Robin with a mischievous smile.

"Any last-minute changes of heart?"

His smile matches hers, and she can tell that he's enjoying this just as much as she does. "Never."

On the first descent, Regina is flooded with an adrenaline rush such as she hasn't experienced in a long time, making her feel full of energy, her heart beating wildly as she, Robin and all the passengers on the ride are sent in all directions, finding themselves upside down, doing loops, tight turns. From their seat at the back of the train, she feels lifted up in the air, flying, her breath taken away with each descent, and as strange as it may seem, it does her a lot of good.

It's been so long since she's felt so… light, free from the weight on her chest that hasn't given her a moment of rest since the second she became a widow and a single mother.

She's shaken by the train coming to a stop, before slowing down, the turn over. Regina comes back to her spirits, her features relaxing as she leans back in her seat, her flexed fingers releasing the barriers and letting them lift and release her.

"Already giving up?"

This accent…

It does things to her she never believed she would ever experience again, but she's not quite sure if she's ready to acknowledge it yet, so she smiles broadly as she turns her head and meets Robin's shining and amused blue orbs.

"Never. You?"

Robin answers by holding out his hand, palm up, and Regina grins, places her hand in his, using it as a leverage to exit the train.

"What next?"

Regina closes her hand over his, linking their fingers and dragging him to the next attraction. "Follow me!"

They do several thrill rides before she requires to do the ice palace, laughing like idiots when they realize that they're the only adults in there, but Regina shrugs at Robin. They're here to have fun, so for one evening, she won't care about appearances. Not that it was a rule she appreciated to follow. Keeping up the appearances, pretending, has always been one of her mother's fortes. Her? She had to force it upon herself, and even though it turned out useful on some occasions, she hated every single second of it.

"I'm getting hungry." Robin says as they exit the ice palace. "Wanna grab something to eat and a drink?" He offers.

"Tired already?" Regina teases, quirking a challenging eyebrow. "Are you finally acknowledging that I beat you?"

Robin laughs, shaking his head. "I'm not tired, but if it's what it takes for us to sit down and fill our stomachs, then fine." He places a hand on his chest, the other in his back as he slightly bows in front of her, making Regina laugh warmly. "Your Majesty, I apologize for misjudging you. You are indeed way more stamina than I do when it comes to fairgrounds."

They stop in front of the hotdog stand, and Robin raises an eyebrow at her. He knows she's not fond of junkfood, knows she will always go for the salad, but it's not as if they can find any here, and they're having fun like kids tonight, so to hell with rules.

"Just don't tell Henry I've had a hotdog!" She chuckles. "I'd never hear the end of it."

"Why's that?" Robin questions as they're waiting in line.

"He's been challenging me with food lately, asking for burgers and pizzas, refusing to eat vegetables and fruits. I know he's testing me, it's only a phase that will pass, but I don't want to make him think I eat junkfood behind his back."

"Did you mention his behavior to Archie?" Robin asks with a furrowed brow. From what he's seen, except when it comes to his father's loss, Henry's always been an easy child to deal with.

Henry's been seeing Dr. Hopper since the accident that cost Daniel's life. The shock of being hit by a car, combined with the sudden and violent death of his father, transformed his beautiful childhood into nightmares and insecurity. Regina has spent a lot of time trying to soothe his fears since, to reassure him.

Robin remembers the months after Daniel's death, the first night Regina spent at work since the accident, while Mal was watching Henry. Regina got a call from their friend, and had had to appease her son over the phone in the middle of her shift in the E.R. Robin remembers her walking away, found her a bit later in one of their offices, singing Henry a lullaby with a voice he didn't expect her to have. He was already in love with her, always has been since their first meeting, but that day, as he had heard her deep voice, with a crack that gave her a grace and an intensity that took him by the gut, he knew his love had taken another turn, that he was mad of this beautiful woman, who was able to sing the softest song to her boy on the phone, and save a patient's life the next minute.

His feelings haven't faltered since, if so, they even grew stronger, especially now that she's given him a chance to, maybe, he hopes, make her happy. A, apparently, successful mission tonight, because she's been nothing but beaming, and he loves when she's like this, when she lets go. It's slowly coming back now that her life is getting more stable, that her grief is healing little by little.

"I did. He wasn't surprised. He said that Henry is testing me, my limits, to see if I'll abandon him or not. He went through that phase when he was younger, but since he left kindergarten and entered first grade-" she pauses, looks up at the hotdog seller as it's their turn to order. "Hi! Two hot dogs please, with mustard in mine-"

"Mayonnaise for me, please. And two sodas." Robin finishes.

"Since first grade," Regina resumes after they've grabbed and paid their order and are walking away. "He's changed. Archie told me Henry's afraid that by growing up, he'll lose me. So I have to keep my direction, and be here, as I always have, remind him that I always will. He said it will pass, with time and reassurance."

"He will get better." Robin assures. "He has the best mom."

Regina watches him with emotional eyes. "Thank you. I try."

"Regina," Robin stops her with a hand on her arm, leads her a bit aside so they won't be standing in the middle of a moving crowd. "I'm not saying this to influence you about…" he hesitates, searches for the right word, the one that won't scare her. "Our relationship. What we are starting to build. But more than once, Roland told me that Henry was lucky, that he'd love to have you as a mother." Regina's eyes widen at that, starts to fill with tears. "He's never known his mother, so it's foreign to him, but he's seen mothers with their children before. You're the first one he hopes to see as his. And I swear, he knows nothing about us."

Regina stares at him in shock, in awe, speechless, because what can she answer to this? She loves Roland, the little boy is a delight, and in the almost four years that she's known him, she's come to love him very much. If what she and Robin are trying to build works, she'd very much love treat him as hers… if Henry doesn't get jealous, that is.

The evening continues on a most cheerful note, as the subject switches to Victor and his new girlfriend, an energetic resident named Anna, who's leading him by the nose, but at least for once, Victor seems more invested in this relationship, maybe won't blow it up in the matter of a few weeks like he usually does.

They walk, talk, buy and share a candyfloss, do a few more attractions, and by eleven they decide to start heading back. The drive is still animated, the discussion unwavering, until Robin parks near Regina's apartment. She invites him to walk her home, takes his hand as they make this moment in time linger, enjoying each other for a few more minutes.

As she watches him, meets his eyes that are troubling her, shaking her from inside, making her weak knee and breathless with how happy she's felt tonight. She still has trouble believing that she's here, almost two years after Daniel's death, slowly falling in love with another man, her late husband's school friend, one of her coworkers. It frightens her sometimes, these feelings she's already developed for him, this friendly affection that's tentatively growing into something more romantic. However, she hasn't given him much yet, only soft touches, hands holding, smiles, but she hasn't kissed him yet. Hasn't met his lips. Hasn't felt his heart beat in the crook of her palm.

She wasn't ready before.

She is now.

"Thank you, Robin." She says as they stop in front of her building's door, grabbing his two hands and facing him, unable to fight or tamper the smile tugging at her lips since their date started. "That was the best evening I've had in a very long time."

"It was my pleasure. I'm glad I didn't mess it up."

Regina shares a chuckle with him, looks down, then up, grinning, always. She releases one of his hands, places hers against his chest, her eyes drawn there for a moment, closing as she feels his heart beat against her palm. She breathes deeply in, then out. In. And out.

She lifts bright and shining eyes at him, her own heart hammering in her chest as she leans forward.

The contact between their lips makes her jolt, shiver against him. Robin instinctively covers her hand on his chest and wraps an arm around her waist, tugging her closer, and Regina willingly goes.

She sighs contently in the kiss, savoring every second, every touch, every inch of him she can reach. The softness of his lips contrasts with the roughness of his stubble, scratching her chin, but soothing her broken heart, and as they kiss, as Robin teases her bottom lip with his tongue and she willingly opens her mouth for him, she also opens her heart. She feels it, a wave of love invading her, seizing her like spines and making her head dizzy. She melts her tongue with his then, cups his neck to keep Robin close, to deepen the kiss, to take his breath away the way he steals hers.

They pull apart, breathless, Regina half shaking in his hold, recovering from the myriad of emotions that flooded her body, letting out an astonished blow.

"Have a good night, Robin." She whispers between them.

"Have a good night, too, Regina."

His head falls forward, their forehead touching, resting against one another as Regina and Robin make their bubble of tenderness last, enthralled by this first kiss that they just shared, that has shaken them both to the core.

Robin's hand brushes Regina's cheek tenderly, and he sighs, looks down as he forces himself to pull back, to break that moment of intimacy, this connection they've never experienced before, because no matter how wonderful it is, it's getting late, and they both have kids to check on, and Regina has to let Mal go back home at some point.

He presses his kiss on her forehead, a soft one that has her looking up at him with stars in her eyes.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Definitely. Drive safe."

"I will."

Regina watches him leave with a heavy heart and that smile that refuses to leave her lips. She lingers until his car is out of sight, shivers when a breeze wakes her up from her daze. She laughs to herself, not completely back to earth, her head still light from the first kiss she exchanged with Robin.

She slowly enters her building, thoughtful as the elevator takes her upstairs. When she opens the door of her apartment, there's a perfect silence, a dim light, Mal waiting for her on the couch with a book in hand. She looks up at her, removing her glasses.

"Look at you, going past curfew." she teases.

Regina removes her heels, hangs her coat and drops her purse on the hall dresser. She strolls towards her friend, lets herself fall on the couch with a content sigh and the widest smile.

"Someone had a great date." Mal comments, smirking at her friend.

"Maybe the best one?" Regina suggests with a sheepish bite of her bottom lip.

Mal's eyes grow wide. "Wow! Okay now, tell me what happened?"

Regina sinks into the couch, relaxing completely while she closes her eyes for a few seconds, long enough to recall some of the wonderful moments shared with Robin tonight. "He took me to a fairground. We had fun like children, like I haven't had in years. And..." she locks eyes with her friend, swallowing as she admits. "I kissed him."

Mal sits up, frowning at her, and Regina knows what she must think. She must be wondering if it's a good thing, if it wasn't too much, if she's handling the guilt. But that's the thing: There is no guilt.

"It was amazing." she reveals, her friend's face relaxing at her words spoken softly. "It felt natural, and the fear... it's gone. The guilt, the feeling of betraying Daniel, they've vanished. I'm not oppressed like I was in the beginning. I'm relieved." she revealed in awe. "Mal, I think I can be happy with him."

"I think you already are." her friend answers with a kind smile, one that widens when Regina looks down sheepishly, silently agreeing with her. "I'm glad, Regina. You deserve it. And Robin is our friend, he's a good person. Daniel would be happy, it's what he wanted."

"I know." she leans her head on the couch. "I'm still realizing I guess."

Mal gets up, joins her and crouches in front of her, a hand on her knee. "Take all the time to realize. It doesn't hurt to be smitten like you are right now."

Regina laughs at her, but she nods, agrees with her again. "You were right to spill out my secret by the way"

Instead of the guilt some people might be showing, instead, Mal proudly grins at her. "I had a feeling you would say that after your date was over." She squeezes her knee, asking playfully now. "Can I tell Victor that your date went well?"

Regina stares at her, falsely shocked as she bursts out, half chuckling. "Are you both gossiping about Robin and I?"

"We're not!" Mal defends herself. "I care about your well-being, and I'm pretty sure Victor's secretly smitten with you."

"Yeah, no." Regina shakes her head. "He only sees me as a friend. But he once confessed to me that he had a crush on you when he joined the team." she reveals with amused eyes.

Mal throws her head backward. "Please! I love him, but he's a child, he could almost date my daughter. Though I hope he never will. Let him stay with his current girlfriend, she may be six years younger but she's still more mature than he is."

Regina laughs softly, shaking her head again. "Anyway, you can tell him that my date, was perfect."

Mal leaves a few minutes later, leaving Regina to her thoughts. Regina is in the bathroom, changing into her pajamas, when her phone buzzes. She smiles as she reads the name on the screen.

"I'm home. I've had an amazing time with you tonight. Can't wait to take you out on another date 😉 Ready for a new adventure?"

She grabs her phone, her fingers typing fast, her smile growing. "With you? Always."