A petite girl of five feet laid on the couch in her living room. Her chestnut, shoulder-length brown hair was disheveled, and her black blanket was tangled around her messily. Her eyes were shut, in a forced way, as if she were trying to sleep, but couldn't. She sighed, her eyes opening. They were a few shades darker than her hair. She was pale, even paler than she usually was. She was quite sickly, and seemed to be on the brink of life and death - but that wasn't the case, so don't worry.

The frail girl rubbed her eyes and yawned. Her body needed sleep desperately, but it just wouldn't allow her to do so. She felt extremely warm, despite the warm temperature in the small apartment. She turned her gaze towards the window, seeing that it was snowing outside. It was still bright out, but the sky was covered in light gray clouds. This kind of weather seemed like it would make some people depressed, but it put her at ease. She enjoyed winter, a lot more than other people.

But, cutting through the silence, she let out a loud sneeze, something you wouldn't expect from a girl her size. She rubbed her nose and grumbled something under her breath.

She was wearing a navy blue tank top with black shorts, both of which looked slightly dirty since she was laying down for hours on end.

The front door in the kitchen opened, and she turned her head, seeing her ginger-haired mother holding her black purse and looking tired from working most the morning.

"Are you feeling any better, Evelyn?" her mom asked, setting down her bag and keys, and taking off her coat and scarf. Evelyn shook her head and then sneezed again. She coughed once, then twice, and then it became a full-fledged coughing fit. Her mother looked at her worriedly and walked over to her sick daughter. "We really need to get you to a doctor. You keep on getting sick like this, and you're missing lots of school." her mother put her hand on her forehead, feeling for her temperature. Her freezing cold fingers felt nice against the lava pool that was her face. Evelyn closed her eyes, happy with her mother's touch.

"Can't I just...take medicine or something?" Evelyn asked in a soft voice. Her voice was slightly scratchy from the coughing fit she just had, though.

"I guess, but if you're not better by tomorrow, I'm scheduling an appointment." the ginger poked her daughter's hot forehead. "You know how much to take. I'm going to nap. So many damn idiots at work today." Evelyn smiled at her mom's complaints.

Evelyn's mom worked hard nearly every day, just to support them both. They lived in a cheap apartment in a kind of ghetto area, but they haven't gotten robbed - yet. Evelyn has a big brother, who actually looks like their mother. He was tall, and had ginger hair, while Evelyn inherited her father's looks, having brown hair and pale skin. She had freckles like her mother and brother, though. Her brother moved out a year ago when Evelyn was in an extremely depressive state. He probably just couldn't handle the gloominess that the short girl seemed to radiate. She was getting better, but it still lingered.

The depression that was slowly going away was caused by the disappearance of her best friend, Julia. Everyone assumed that she was kidnapped, or just killed herself. Of course, being the pessimist she is, Evelyn assumed the latter. Both were bad, but at least with the first, there was still a chance Julia was alive.

The disappearance of Julia ruined Evelyn. She started thinking it was her fault, or that she could have stopped it somehow. She even attempted to take her own life before.

She forced herself up, using the couch armrest as a balancing tool for herself. Her legs shook since she hadn't stood up in quite awhile. She walked towards the kitchen and stepped onto the cold tile. The tile was broken in many places, but she knew where not to step since she's lived here practically her whole life.

She opened up a cupboard full of medicine. She found it odd that her mother kept the medicine in the kitchen, while other people kept it in a bathroom or a closet. Evelyn then grabbed a glass bottle containing a crystal red medicine. There was no label on it, but she poured a small dosage into a cup and took it as if it were a shot of alcohol. She gagged at the taste, nearly throwing it up, but managed to keep herself from doing that. She didn't want to make a mess.

After the bottle was put back where it belonged, she laid back down on the couch, covering herself in her blanket. She suddenly felt drowsy, and her eyes closed. That medicine must have made her really tired…

"My boyfriend cheated on me."

I'm so stupid.

"Oh? You can just get another. You're nice enough."

I hate myself.

"I thought that at least you would understand me!"

It's all my fault.

Two men in black robes with a red and white cloud design walked down a dirt path cutting through the woods. One of them had slicked back silver hair, and a large three-bladed scythe attached to their back, while the other one was taller, and wore a mask that concealed everything except for their eyes and the bridge of their nose.

"Oi, Kakuzu. Is that a dead body over there?" the silver-haired man pointed at the petite girl who laid unconscious on the earth. They stopped in front of her. Kakuzu examined whatever he could see without touching her, and then his eyes widened.

"This girl's chakra is.."

"Holy fucking shit," Hidan stared in awe. Her chakra flared from weak to strong within seconds. It was as if she sensed them.

"She's dangerously close to the base," Kakuzu muttered. He then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder as if she was a sack of potatoes. But, she didn't flinch. She groaned but didn't make any attempt to escape. Kakuzu tightened his grip on the briefcase he held in his other hand as if it was more important than the human being who he held. He sighed, and then continued walking. Hidan just stared at his partner for a moment. Did he really just pick up some girl who might just be some prostitute who passed out on the way home? Then again, she seemed too young. She kind of looked like...a doll.

"Can't I just kill the bitch so I can sacrifice her ass to Lord Jashin?" Hidan yelled, walking faster in order to catch up with his grumpy partner.

He waited a moment for an answer.

"No." Hidan gave him a look that said 'Seriously?' but he managed to let it go.

Her chakra was definitely something else. Neither of them could really figure out what was off about it, but it gave Hidan the chills, despite him basically being a serial killer, even if it was for his religion.

The girl groaned once again, this time, being awakened. She moved her arms a little, and felt the cloth of the robe with her fingers gently, eventually realizing she was being carried. She panicked.

"W-who are you!" She attempted to kick him, but to no avail.

"If you continue that," Kakuzu said in a deadly voice. "I'll kill you." Those words made Evelyn freeze. She immediately stopped struggling. She let out a shaky-sounding breath, and just hoped for the best. She was confused and scared. There was a scary man who had seemingly kidnapped her as far as she knew. Was he going to kill her? Evelyn's anxieties were taking her over, and she began to cry.

"Are you just a fucking prostitute?" Hidan asked. Evelyn froze. There was another one? She didn't answer, scared of what might happen to her.

After ten minutes of travel, she calmed down a little. Just a little. Just enough to be able to analyze the situation she was in. She was being carried somewhere by someone, and she no longer felt sick. She was beginning to feel dizzy because of blood rushing to her head, but that was the least of her worries. She managed to notice that they were in a forest, and it was kind of cold out, but not as cold as it should have been. It felt like the beginning of fall, really.

Suddenly, she appeared in a room. She was dropped to the ground with a thud. She groaned, feeling extremely nauseous. What just happened? How had scenes just switched in the snap of a finger? She gripped her stomach and then threw up all over the floor. Hidan stared in disgust, and Kakuzu just waited for her to finish.

"Well, fuck this shit. Bitch is your problem, now." Hidan breathed angrily. As Evelyn finished throwing up her insides, the Jashinist had already gone. Kakuzu stared down at her, eyebrows furrowed angrily. He grabbed her arm violently, forcing her up.

"O-ow.." the small girl held back tears, which she was bad at. He seemed to be dragging her to another room. Where am I? Who are these people? Thought Evelyn. What's up with the weird matching robes? Why?

Many thoughts ran through her head, but not as many as the miser. Oh, how this girl looked like someone he once met. Perhaps it was foolish of him to pick her up based on how she looked, but even someone as experienced as him can make bad judgments. But, maybe it wasn't as poor as he thought. She seemed to have never teleported before since she threw up directly after. She was frail and light as if she hadn't been eating. She had no muscle, yet her chakra was larger than even a Jinchuuriki's. There was a problem with it, though. It gave off an odd aura.

Evelyn was, once again, thrown onto the ground in a violent manner. She rubbed her injuries, and then looked up. There was an orange-haired man with many piercings on his face. He seemed extremely intimidating. But, the thing that stood how most to her was their color, and the rings on them. She snapped out of it and looked back down.

"Kakuzu, explain."

"She was outside the base, unconscious. Her chakra is odd," he explained. The piercing-covered man stared at the girl, who refused to look back up. She was shaking out of fear. The man stood up, made a few hand signs, and metal pierced through the middle of Evelyn's hands and feet. An

ear piercing scream rang throughout the base. Blood pooled around her.

"Chakra seals. State your name, girl."

Evelyn was in far too much pain to even say one measly word. She only sobbed in response, causing him to narrow his eyes.

"Is she just a mere villager?" The authoritative man asked. Kakuzu looked down at the blood that was now staining the stone floor.

"I'm not sure," he answered. Pain nodded.

"Put her in a room, and we'll hold a meeting later."

Evelyn was dragged to yet another room and was violently thrown. Again. These people were surely evil! The door was shut, and Evelyn just laid in the same position as when she landed there. She allowed her eyes to wander. Tears stained her face, and the pain from the metal still lingered. She was on a stone cold floor. She was in between two beds with nothing on them, just a mattress. There was also a closet, but that was it. Such an empty room.

Evelyn began recalling what happened before she was kidnapped. She wasn't actually sure if she was kidnapped, but that was the conclusion she had jumped to.

After an hour, she finally mustered enough strength to move. She was extremely careful about it, though. She used the bed to hold herself up. She looked at the metal that was keeping her from bleeding out now. If she took it out, she'd probably die of blood loss.

Evelyn scanned the room for anything else of importance and saw a nightstand in between the two beds. There was a simple oil lamp sitting in the center.

What year am I in…?

Someone suddenly knocked on the door, causing her to squeak in surprise. It opened without her saying anything, and there stood a blonde guy with long, tied up hair. He didn't have the robe that everyone else had on, and was just wearing some sort of mesh shirt.

"The leader wants you out here, hm.." The blonde examined her from head to toe, making her feel self-conscious and afraid. She nodded and followed him out. Was she going to be killed? Enslaved? The seemingly never-ending thoughts filled her head, causing her to shake from the anxiety. Deidara noticed this but didn't bother commenting.

There were more people than Evelyn previously thought there would be. They definitely looked...diverse. The one that stood out most to the girl was a tall, blue shark-looking man. He was the tallest member. Her eyes flicked from person to person, making quick examinations. The only ones she recognized were the two who brought her here in the first place and the man who injured her hands and feet to the point where she could barely walk. She refrained from looking at him, fearful of what he might do to her.

"Now, state your name." his authoritative voice ordered. Evelyn was able to answer properly this time.

"E-Evelyn. Evelyn Ross," she whispered.

"That's a weird fucking name," commented Hidan rudely. Evelyn flinched but said nothing in return. Like you're one to talk…

"Why were you near our base? Do not lie." Pain said. Evelyn gulped; she wasn't even sure herself.

"I...I don't know. I woke up...and w-well, I was being carried by...uh...him," she pointed at Kakuzu. Pain nodded.

"Can you recall what happened before?"

"I was...I was sick. I remember falling asleep…right after taking medicine." she explained as well as she possibly could. The lame explanation she gave was the only one she had to offer. Hopefully, they wouldn't murder the meek girl because they thought she was lying.

"We shall keep you here, under surveillance. If you make any attempt to escape, anyone here may kill you on the spot." Evelyn nodded, agreeing. At this point, she knew that anyone she met could be very dangerous. She was a mere beetle compared to these dragons.