Disclaimer: I don'w own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I am making no profit on this. Please enjoy.

Tsuna sat on the edge of her bed as she stared down her tutor. Reborn kept staring at her. Neither was going to be the one to look away first. Tsuna leaned forward on her knees, not breaking the gaze. Leon twitched from where he was sitting on Reborn's fedora. The atmosphere was tense. Sky Flame permeated the air and hung heavy between the two.

"Tsunami," the hitman said, breaking the silence.

"You really don't understand why I'm angry, do you?" She sighed and leaned back. Her head tilted upward, breaking the staring contest. She inhaled and pressed her fingers against her forehead. "No, really. Do you not understand why I am angry?"

"No, I don't. It would be far too difficult for you to get revenge on Iemitsu at this point. He's in Italy and unlikely to leave. Kin killing is also looked down on in the mafia, especially killing your father."

Tsuna snorted loudly. "You think it's any worse for the yakuza? Remember we are even more patriarchal than the mafia. I'm an oddity and keep my place only through the fear I put into the underworld after my ascension."

"Yet you won't back down on this." He frowned. "I still need to contact Nono about this. He can deal with Iemitsu just as well."

"And cause me to lose face among the other yakuza families. Sometimes I wonder if you're trying to make me lose all the connections I have here." She tilted her head down to look at him. "For all you've told me about the mafia, you haven't learned anything about the yakuza. Honor, especially family honor, is everything to us. My honor demands I take care of the bastard myself."


"He is a rabid dog that I need to put down." She went quiet. "It's my responsibility both as his daughter and as a boss. If I can't take care of my own family's business, how can I run the Akatora?"

Her hands curled into fists at her side. She punched her mattress. "I still can't believe he did something like this."

"It does explain much." Reborn inhaled and reached up for Leon. The chameleon shifted into a phone. "I can't promise much, but I am willing to let you plead your case to Nono. He'll be making the ultimate decision. I haven't informed him of your yakuza connections yet and it is not safe to discuss those things over the phone."

Tsuna looked over at him with surprise in her eyes. "You understand now?"

"To a degree." He dialed in a number. "I understand enough to back you up to Nono."

"Pronto?" The voice was male and experienced. Even as far away as she was, Tsuna could feel the power behind the words. A shiver ran down her spine.

"Japanese, please, Vongola Nono. Your heir is listening."

"Ah, Reborn, and Tsunami! This is a surprise." The man's voice turned concerned. "Is there something wrong?"

"Information about Iemitsu has come to light," Reborn said as he met his student's eyes. She inhaled deeply.

"Oh. And it is this important? It is midnight here."

"Yes, it is," Tsuna said firmly. "Recently, Reborn witnessed my mother having an an episode I thought was just part of her mentality. She just goes blank, staring into space or automatically doing tasks without thinking or remembering doing them later. He called Trident Shamal to come see her."

"My dear," Tsuna winced at the name, "what happened?"

Reborn took over. "Shamal says Sawada Nana is suffering from Sky Infection."

The line went silent. "Explain, Reborn." The old man's voice was hard and dangerous. Every hair on the back of Tsuna's neck stood on end.

"According to Shamal, Iemitsu forced his will on his wife. It's embedded quite deeply, but distance from Iemitsu and exposure to Tsunami's Sky Flame has been breaking it."

Nono was silent. The silence stretched and made Tsuna nervous. "I will take care of this, Reborn."

"No, you won't. Sawada Iemitsu is mine to deal with." Tsuna blinked. She hadn't even realized she had spoken.

"You doubt I'd deal with this properly, Tsunami?"

"No. I don't doubt that, but it is my honor at stake. He's harmed my mother. As far as I can see, I am considered a child of rape." She inhaled deeply. "I need this closure."

"I see." She doubted he really did, but it was possible his Vongola intuition was telling him her words were true. "Reborn, can she do this?"

"Yes. It wouldn't be her first kill and she is truly enraged at Iemitsu's actions."

Nono fell silent once again. He sighed, the sound coming through clearly on the Leon-phone speaker. "I am willing to agree to this. This will give us time to train up a replacement, even if a temporary one. When will you do this, Tsunami?"

"When he comes home. I assume he will when I am ready to take my place in Italy." She smiled viciously. "If I am right about his personality, he will want to be there as I come off the plane as a showing of it being his daughter who is taking over. A show of power, if you will."

"As good a plan as any," the mafia Don stated. "Reborn, I leave it to you to ensure she succeeds in this."

"Of course."

"Tsunami, I am sorry."

"Thank you."

"If there is anything I can do…"

"Thank you, but there is nothing you can do. This is all on me now."

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll inform those that need to be informed about this. Arrivederci."

"Arrivederci," both replied, though Tsuna stumbled over the syllables. She wasn't that confident in her Italian yet. The phone clicked off. Tsuna felt the weight of the conversation fall on her shoulders. For good or bad, she now had to take care of her father the next time she saw him. Her eyes hardened. Hands curled into fists. Reborn watched his student. He felt pride at how his student had held herself during that conversation, but there was something that made him stop. He hoped his student didn't make him into a liar. It was one thing to say you would kill your father. It was another to actually do it.