Hello! New Chapter I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 12 – A Full Moon

Friday was a tough day for Harry, he had to keep is transformation under control, he could feel something inside of him wanting to burst out. He could smell new things, hear even the tiniest thing, it was like he could hear every chalk scratching on the board, every teacher speaking to their class. He could smell the raw fish being brought in for school dinners, even the smell of milk from the reception class at breaktime.

Harry kept his head down, not drawing any attention to himself, he found it hard to concentrate, even harder than usual, he couldn't keep still. At playtime he was so happy to release some energy, but still had to contain himself. It didn't go unnoticed, when he was practicing for the play, he was overexaggerating every move but couldn't stop it.

Sirius and Remus came to pick him up at the end of school, Harry ran to them as usual, still trying to hide his energy They were soon home, and Remus and Sirius sat the young boy down and explained what would happen the following night.

"Harry, tomorrow is the full moon, do you remember what that means?"

"It means I will change to little wolf for the night"

"Yes, you are right, well done Harry. We also have to take some precautions just in case we hurt someone else" The colour from Harrys face left him, a flash of images crossed his eyes, Harry turned into his uncle and he started hitting the young boy. Harry wanted to stop but he couldn't, he could feel the pain of the hits. Then the flash went as soon as it came. "Harry are you okay?"

Harry nodded trying not to think back to the Dursleys. He didn't want to hurt no one, it's not nice and not right. He finally replied breaking into tears "Moony, I don't want to hurt anyone, I'm not like that, I'm scared". This was the first time Harry had shown this much emotion, the two marauders were both worried but happy that Harry could express his emotions here.

Remus came over and scooped him up, rocking him like a baby. "I'll be there too, so will Padfoot. Its just like a night all together. I didn't mean to scare you, just letting you know what you might expect." Remus stopped the conversation there and thought maybe it would be best to see how it would go the next night.

Harry didn't sleep that night, he tossed back and forth thing about what will happen when he can't control himself. He couldn't hurt Moony or Remus. He would be in trouble and they would take him back because he's a bad kid. During the daytime Remus and Sirius tried to keep Harrys mind off the night ahead, however it was hard to control since Harry was so full of energy smelling every corner and listening to everything around him.

Harry started to cling to Moony as the sun went down and they had food, before going down to the basement, Remus curled into the corner of the room and Sirius sat down and let Harry settle on his lap. He desperately wanted to go to Remus, but Sirius had to hold him back.

The sun slowly set and as the last ray filtered from the window Remus started to change, it looked painful, his bones all cracked as his hands and feet turned into paws and his nose into a snout, fur grew all over his body. When the transformation was complete, he howled.

Just after Remus had finished, Harry started feeling an awful pain in his chest, then his arms and feet. Hair started to sprout, and he transformed. It wasn't painless though, not like normal. His inside voice took over and he howled at Remus. Sirius had become Padfoot now and stood between them.

Harry wanted to hunt, he wanted to attack but his human voice remained. You do not hurt; you do not hunt. But the wolf wanted to scratch out. Harry started to scratch himself hard, howling chasing his tail. The older werewolf, trying to get past Sirius to his cub, Sirius didn't know that though.

During a full moon if someone is bitten the first wolf to claim the cub as their own and protect them against the alpha, makes that wolf a part of their pack. Because Remus protected Harry and took him fro harm Harry became Moony's cub and Remus had the fatherly instinct.

Harry barked at Sirius to let Moony go and they could play so, using his sped he scampered past him, Remus saw this and bent down to cuddle his cub. Harry still wanted to hunt and continued to bash at himself. Remus very aware at what Harry was doing and put his paw down to stop him. Once Sirius saw that Remus would do the boy no harm, he let the two settle down and sleep. Once he was sure the two werewolves were asleep, he settled down next to them.

The night went without any incident and when the sun rose the two werewolves became human again. Harry woke up feeling rather ill, he was hot and cold and just wanted to sleep. Sirius woke up to his pup's whines.

"Shh, it's okay Harry" he said as he picked him up. He used his wand to conjure two blankets from upstairs and placed one over Remus knowing that his fellow marauder wouldn't be awake until the evening. He then went upstairs with Harry in his arms, wrapped him up in a blanket and sat him on the sofa.

He then left Harry there for a minute while he prepared a potion and placed it in a hot chocolate to give to the young boy. He was soon back in the sitting room giving Harry his hot chocolate. After drinking the chocolate Harry seemed more relaxed, he still looked sick and exhausted but a bit more comfortable and that was Sirius' priority at that moment. It didn't take Harry long to fall asleep, Sirius had added a little bit of dreamless sleep into the chocolate too.

Sirius decided to cook some food for his fury friends for when they woke up, he used monitoring alarms on the cooker to make sure they were doing okay. He couldn't help but want to be with both his werewolves at this time but knew Remus could handle things. This was Harrys first full moon and he was a little scared for the boy. The food was soon cooked, and the waft of food made its way down to the basement to rise and awakening Moony. A moan could be heard from the basement and Sirius went down to help Remus up the stairs.

As usual Remus was vey sore and hurt from his transformation, he was limping and healed his arm awkwardly. Sirius managed to lift his and Remus' weight up the basement stairs and onto the other sofa. Harry was still fast asleep.

"How is Harry" croaked Remus, obviously concerned he had hurt the boy in some way.

"I think he is okay; I gave him his potion and some dreamless sleep to help him through the first few hours, he should be awakening shortly" Sirius replied

"Oh okay. Thank you Padfoot for last night, you helped" Sirius smiled but gave his best friend the eyes as if to say if you do not lay down and rest right now I will hex you to. Remus seemed too tired and got the message as he swung his legs up on the sofa and rested his head on a pillow.

Harry awoke to Sirius tapping him on the shoulder, he moaned but got up, he saw aunt petunia instead of Sirius, he felt terrible but had to do his chores. He tried to stand up, but his ankle hurt, and he was pushed back onto the chair, blanket still around him. Remus looked up but was too weak to help, he wanted to help his cub so bad, but he hurt too much.

"Woah there Harry, little steps, its still too soon to be on your feet. I can help your pain if you eat dinner okay?"

Harry nodded and ate the meal without any hesitation, it was nice, he didn't think he would be able to eat it after how nauseous he felt after he woke up. Little did he know there was a stomach soother potion in his potatoes and gravy. After the three had food all of them felt bit better. Remus decided to start healing his wounds and injuries with his wand. Sirius smiled his werewolf, he always insisted in healing himself and wouldn't let Sirius.

Remus seemed to know what Sirius was thinking.

"Don't worry about me, heal Harry Sirius" Sirius nodded, he knew it was the right thing to do. HE turned to Harry.

"Little wolf, where does it hurt, you can say or point its up to you. I can make you feel better" Harry pointed at his ankle and his hand, before he pointed to scratches on his arm too. Once Sirius healed them with the young boy gave him a hug and thanked him. "There's no need for thanks, do you want too go to bed?" Harry nodded.

Sirius picked the young boy up and carried him upstairs and into bed, he would leave the bath time and teeth cleaning for the morning because it was obvious Harry wasn't up for it. Once Harry was asleep Sirius went back downstairs to find Remus doing the dishes, hobbling around on his newly healed foot.

"REMUS JOHN LUPIN. GO. SIT!" Sirius exploded, when would Moony get it, the days after the full moon was his days to do all the chores and let him recover. Once Moony was back on the sofa Sirius continued "How many times do I have to tell you! It is my turn to do stuff in here, you need to rest, or you are not going to feel better to take care of Harry!"

"Sorry Padfoot, Its automatic"

"You aren't trying to earn you keep anymore, you are family and we look out for one another"

Remus smiled at his best friend before turning on a more serious note. "I didn't think Harrys transformation would leave hi that bad Padfoot, look at him, he is all sick with lycanthropy."

"Oh Rem, I don't think the potion Madame Pomfrey gave Harry was supposed to stop the pain all together, only to make it more bearable, which it did. Remember he is only seven right now and never experienced something take over his head like that and cause him pain before. And Rem I think he coped rather well; we have a fighter here he won't give up"

"You are right I didn't think about it like that, it's just seeing him in any amount of pain is hard enough, let alone go through a transformation like that."

"I know, it was hard for both of us, speaking of which we should both go to bed and try to sleep, it will do us the world of good tomorrow"