Day 6 of Sean's visit. Light gleams through Mark's room illuminating the Irish tuber's face. Mark was first to wake, he lay for a moment admiring his green haired lover. His pale Irish skin glowed in the rays of light and his green hair radiated. A small smile of happiness perked his cheeks, he hesitated to wake Sean as he looked so peaceful. Mark gave a gentle nudge to Sean's shoulder.

"Hey, it's time to get up."

The sleeping tuber was unaffected by the attempt at awakening. He simply stirred a moment and resettled.

"Sean, it's time to wake up."

This time speaking louder, mark makes a second attempt to wake his sleeping love. But again to no avail. Mark stood up from the bed wearing only his pink mustache boxers. He loomed over Sean and took in a deep breath.


With a jolt Sean snaps up in the bed with a jump. Mark guffaws at the reaction that came from his final wake up call. Sean glares at Mark and crosses his arms.

"Are ye crazy?! What kinda wake up call is that?"

"I tried to wake you more gently but it didn't work."

Sean sat and pouted looking away from Mark.

"Awww come on honey, you can't stay mad at me."

"And why can't I?"

Mark plopped belly up over Sean's lap, palms on cheeks and with puppy eyes he gave his answer.

"Because you love me."

Sean chuckled and placed a hand on the cheesy tuber's chest.

"Now that's not fair."

Sean leans down and gives Mark a quick kiss. Now both fully awake, Sean and Mark get dressed, afterwards having breakfast and discussing todays video, the usual routine. It was decided that instead of a gaming video, the two would vlog about the visit and surprise drop bye's. The video didn't take too long. About a half hour was recording, an hour devoted to editing, and only ten minutes to upload. At only eleven in the morning, Mark and Sean sit down at the couch to watch some TV. The two are huge 90s cartoon fans, so they binge watched some old shows. First up is Ed, Edd, n Eddy. Mark loved the show, Sean liked it but it wasn't his favorite.

Sean is laying sideways resting his upper half into Mark's side while Mark's arm was draped over the green haired tuber's shoulder holding him close. Mark looks down at his adorable Irish lover and grows sad. Sean was only to stay a week, and today was his sixth day here. He would have to leave tomorrow. Sean looked up and saw the sadness that entered Mark's eyes. A look f concerned dawns his face as he sits up to talk with the distressed tuber.

"What's the matter Mark?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing. It's not important."

"Don't feed me that bull shite. Now tell me what's wrong. Ye can tell me."

"It's just, a lot has happened for us in the past 6 days, and you were only supposed to be here a week."

Sean's expression turns melancholy as well. He doesn't want this visit to end either. When Mark first expressed his feelings, he didn't think things would go so far. But after these past six days, he was tangled up in the love that Mark felt and he didn't want to get loose.

"It doesn't feel like it's been six days."


"Well, it's not like I won't be back ta bother ye."

"I know, but it's gonna be hard to be here alone now."

"It's gonna be hard ta leave here."

The two fell to silence gazing at each other, sharing the pain of the inevitable separation. Even if only temporary, it wouldn't be easy on them. Mark and Sean continued to watch TV until three in the afternoon. They had a late lunch, sat and talked a while about their channel's. Of course both expressed a great disdain for how YouTube has been operating lately. After a while of conversation, the pair decide to game a while. As they gamed Sean sat in Mark's lap. Mark wrapped his arms around Sean's waist and looked over his shoulder.

A few games were played and it was a pretty even win loss ratio between the two. Mark lost the last two rounds of a game and Sean gloated a bit.

"Looks like I'm te better gamer here aye?"

As Sean chuckled he didn't notice Mark prepare to bite. Mark nipped the Irishman's neck. Sean let out a quick yip and jolted up. Mark laughed and Sean pouted. It was now six and time for dinner. Sean wanted Mark's dumplings again. The red haired Tuber got to work preparing the meal. He also made up a stir fry to go with it. After eating the two decided to lay in the couch and watch a movie.

Sean lied in front of Mark who spooned the smaller Tuber from behind. Mark felt content feeling each breath of his lover. Feeling him in his arms gave Mark a feeling of joy. The movie ran for about two hours, it is almost 8:30pm when the credits roll. Sean had fallen asleep toward the end of the movie. His head reast on ark's chest while his body draped down along his red haired lover's body and between his legs. Mark sat still not wanting to disturb him.

Mark ran his hand through Sean's green dyed hair. He smiled looking on at his slumbering lover. A dribble of saliva seeped down a segment of Sean's cheek and onto Mark's shirt. ~Adorable~ Mark thought to himself. Carefully Mark slid down to a laying position keeping Sean on top of him. He set an alarm for early morning and settled for sleep after.

A sharp toned beep sounded causing Sean to stir. He opened his eyes slightly taking things in slowly allowing his eye to adjust to seeing again. Lifting his head a bit he looked up at Mark, sound asleep and snoring like a dragon. The green haired Irishman chuckled and reached for the source of the beep. He picked up Mark's phone and hit dismiss on the alarm options. Sean raised himself up to Mark and kissed him lightly. He followed with a jostle as he spoke softly to wake Mark. "Wake up mighty beast." Mark stirred and stretched with a yawn. He opened his eyes to see Sean hovering over him. "Good morning." Mark said with a deep sleepy tone.

The two get up and change into new clothes. It is six AM, Sean's plane was to arrive at eight. It was the usual routine for the couple. Brush teeth, eat breakfast, and pack up Sean's things. It is all done in silence however as an air of melancholy engulfed the household. After all was done it now is seven AM. Mark turns to Sean with a saddened expression. "Well, I suppose we should leave for the airport." Sean only nods in agreement and the two gather everything up and leave.

The ride to the port is silent and the air inside the vehicle was heavy. Mark's gaze is focused ahead on the road, Sean glanced between the window and Mark. He is already sad due to the fact he had to leave, but to see his lover so disheartened tore at his insides even more. After roughly an hour drive the two arrive at the port. Inside with Sean's bags they wait for the arrival of his plane. Mark and Sean sit next to one another in silence. A few fans recognize them both and approach causing them to put on a cheery act and engage with the fawning viewers.

Once the last fan had walked away Mark utilized this time to speak to Sean. "So, when do you think you'll be able to visit again?"

"I'm not sure. But I plan fer it ta be soon."

"I sure hope so. I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss ye too."

The screen showing the flights changes showing the new statuses of the flights. Sean's had arrived. "Well, I suppose I'm off then." Sean says with a sad tone as he stands. Mark rises next to Sean and embraces him in a hug. The Irishman is frozen for a moment. The sudden PDA surprised him but he quickly regains and returns the embrace. With that Sean walks away to catch his flight.

Mark leaves the building and returns to his car. He sits for a bit in silence thinking to himself. Everything seemed to have gone so quickly. Proclaiming his feelings to Sean after so long, Sean adjusting to it and ultimately accepting and reciprocating his feelings, And of course the night where they bumped uglies. After sitting for that bit Mark starts up his car and begins to leave. The Tuber drives on with a heavy heart. Mark decides to look back to see the plane carrying his love away, but sees something that causes him to slam his breaks.

Mark shoves open his door and bursts from the driver seat. Sean is running toward him with his luggage. Mark stands frozen, were his eyes playing tricks on him? Sean reaches the stunned man and leaps into his arms. "What are you doing?" Mark asks. Sean stands in front of his puzzled love and looks deeply into his eyes. "I couldn't leave. It's too soon and there is much time ta make up fer."Mark smiles wide and kisses Sean. The pair load up the Irishman's belongings back into the car and go back to Mark's home.

After returning home and getting everything re-situated, Mark and Sean decide to make another video. This time it's a Vlog. The couple go over their time together and their unexpected company being careful to leave out the romantic bits for now. At the end of the video before the outro one final thing is said. Mark and Sean announce their relationship to the Internet, brining millions of fangirls dreams come true. Th title of this Vlog... "LOVE GONE VIRAL"