Tony was walking down the street to get some coffee for the team on Monday morning when he heard a scream and a car door slam. Turning around, he noticed several other people looking at a school yard gate, where a van was parked with the back door open and two men trying to drag a couple of young boys towards the van. Unsure of why nobody was helping, Tony ran forward and shouted.

"Get away from them!" Tony exclaimed a third time as he got across the street.

The two would-be kidnappers dropped the crying children and turned on Tony. One had a gun in his hand, the other a taser. Knowing that he was outnumbered, and that his gun was in his desk drawer, Tony reached into his belt for his knife. But before he could get to it, the taser had been discharged, and Tony was writhing around on the asphalt just inside the school gate. He could see teachers running over, some stopping to usher the children into the school building, others comforting the two crying boys. There were three adults running towards Tony, but he knew that they were going to be too late. He had no strength left to fight the taser or the men, and he was in too much pain to try and get his knife. Someone else was on the phone, presumably with the police, but, again, it was too late. The man that had the gun bent down next to Tony and dragged him into the van, slamming the door closed just as Tony passed out.


"Agent Gibbs, this is Detective Muller from Metro PD. We just got a sketch back from a crime scene of a man that was kidnapped off the street after saving two children from that same fate. We ran it through facial recognition, and we got a hit."

"Who was it?"

"Anthony DiNozzo, junior."

"Tony? Where the hell is he now?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. We don't even know who the kidnappers are. We're still waiting to see if we get anything on them."

"Damn it!" Gibbs shouted into the phone. "How did this happen?"

"Witnesses say that Agent DiNozzo came running from across the street to the school gate and shouted to stop the kidnapping. He was already outnumbered, and they tasered him until he couldn't defend himself. Why nobody else tried to help, I don't know, but your agent was dragged into the van looking like he was unconscious."

"Is there any camera footage?"


"Fine. I want in on the case. I want to be there when he's found. And I want to talk to the witnesses and those kids."

"Of course. I'm on my way with what we have at the moment. I'm hoping that you'll see something we don't."

Gibbs slammed the phone onto his desk without saying goodbye. "McGee! Track DiNozzo's cell, now!"

"On it, boss." McGee punched in a few numbers and had Tony's GPS location up in seconds. "He's heading west on a back road, I think. There's no street name. I thought he was going to get coffee?"

"Not anymore. He's been kidnapped. Keep watching that tracker. I want to know what's happening. Bishop, you're with me. Let's go find Tony."

It wasn't long before Tony woke up and found himself in the back of a van. His hands had been tied behind his back, and there was a piece of tape stuck on his mouth. Closing his eyes, Tony tried to remember what had happened. He had been going for coffee when two screaming kids caught his attention. He stopped them from getting kidnapped, only to be kidnapped himself.

Great, Gibbs is going to be so mad when he finds out, Tony thought to himself.

Tony opened his eyes again and twisted around until he could see through the windshield. He could see trees, but they weren't thick enough to be anything more than a tree-lined street. Still, it meant he was no longer in DC. There were barely any trees around there. He wasn't sure how long he had been in the van, so he couldn't even begin to try and figure out where he was. All he knew was that he had no chance of escaping any time soon.

After what Tony assumed was another ten minutes, the van came to a stop. The back door of the van opened, and Tony found himself staring at two men. Both were much bigger in size than he was, so Tony knew he wouldn't be able to beat them without some kind of weapon. His best chance of escape was to run when they weren't looking. He would have to try and find a chance for that soon.

The bigger of the two men smiled as he dragged Tony out of the van by his arms. Tony felt the rough ground underneath him as he was dragged into a motel room. The room smelled of bleach and disinfectant, which hurt Tony's nose and head. He didn't want to smell anything like that. With his scarred lungs, strong smells often brought about coughing fits that caused bronchitis. That was the last thing he needed right then. The man dumped Tony onto the bed in the middle of the room, then disappeared into the bathroom while the second kidnapper went to the kitchenette. He opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water, drinking it slowly while he stared and smiled at Tony.

"Want some?" he asked Tony in a mocking tone.

As much as Tony was thirsty, he ignored the man. All he cared about right then was getting free. He couldn't let himself get distracted by little things that were not important.

While Tony looked for an escape, the first kidnapper came out of the bathroom. He looked at Tony before heading over to his friend in the kitchen. They whispered for a few minutes, then both came over to the bed. A sudden feeling of unease settled in Tony's stomach as he watched them. The first kidnapper grabbed Tony and dragged him into a seated position on the bed while the second man pulled a chain from behind the bed head. Tony felt the cool metal of the chain against his skin as it was attached to a leather strap that had been tied to his left wrist. Then he felt the tip of a blade as the rope around his wrists was cut. With his hands somewhat free, Tony ripped the tape off his mouth.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" he demanded.

The two men just laughed. One said, "if you listen to us, we'll answer that question. For now, though, it's none of your business. Just be good and do what we say if you ever want to see the sun again."