Mage: His guys so I just relized I have done the story in the wrong order placement wise but I don't care I will be changing some tings from here on out. I want you guys to just bear with me here cause the first half of this story is filler.

Also I would just like to thank Ana-DaughterofHades for helping me with the first half of my story.

Warning: their will be yaoi which means guy/guy action don't like don't read.

Disclaimers: I don't own Ben ten.



'talking telepathically'

"talking at the same time"

"using spells"

chapter 6

Everything was quiet in the Rustbucket. The air was rather tense as well as Gwen was sitting at the table trying to read her book, but it was obvious that she was distracted. Grandpa Max was driving but was quiet, knowing now was not the time for any of his usual jokes or to make an attempt to break the awkward silence. As for Ben well he was laying in his bed going over the day's events.

'Kevin I'm so sorry,' thought Ben beginning to cry again at the loss of his friend. Kevin had apparently started working with Vilgax to try and steal the Omnitix and they had almost got it too, but now they were both trapped in the null void for the rest of their days.

Time skip

As the summer went Ben tried to escape his feelings on the loss of Kevin by immersing himself in his books and trying to gain control of his mana and his magic. In doing so he had managed to find a way to change his appearance by shape shifting. Every day he would practice with minor things like his eye color and hair length; it look liked Gwen's. And this had come in handy during several rough spots in their trip against Specter. Where Ben had tricked him into entering his body where he made himself go partial anodite, similar to when they first meet Specter and had to keep her there until she was expelled by Ben's Anodite Light. But by than Specter had been damaged so much that it was easy to trap her in the Null Void as well.


Ben was sitting in the Rustbucket in a deep meditative trance while Gwen was playing video games and their Grandpa was cooking.

"Ugh, this is so boring," groaned Gwen, putting her controller down on the table before looking over towards her cousin. "Hey Grandpa, what's Ben doing again?" asked Gwen

"He's meditating; it helps with concentration and patients. Verdona used to tell me it helped some anodites look into the future," stated Max

"But he hasn't moved in over an hour, that can't be good," responded Gwen walking up to her cousin before putting her hand on his shoulder and shaking him to wake him up. Her cousin's glowing eyes shot open and he gasped.

While Gwen's hand was on Ben's shoulder, she began to see pieces of something, of whatever it was her cousin was seeing. She saw her and Ben but older standing side by side fighting something, then their was a green watch that reminded her of the Omnitrix; lastly there was a boy, no a man with black hair. She couldn't see his face but he was hugging her cousin.

Gwen wrenched her arm free of her cousin's shoulder, breaking the connection. She was planning to shout at him and ask what the heck had happened but stopped when she saw him crying with a smile beginning to form on his face.

Gwen stepped forward slightly, "Ben, are you okay?" Gwen asked softly taking a seat next to her cousin.

Ben only hugged his cousin, continuing to cry tears of what Gwen assumed were joy.

Time Skip

The summer had to come to an end at some point for the Tennyson family, and things changed for the three Tennyson's. For Gwen she had to deal with being a public hero after having to save her family and the Bellwood from Vilgax and his fleet; Ben and Max told the truth about Verdona and what Max really did so this helped his relationship with his sons. As for Ben, he did a whole 180; he went from a lazy kid who slacked off at home and with his school work to a student whose grades rivaled Gwen's.

As the years went by things for the cousins changed even more. For one, Gwen decided to have the omnitrix removed and try to live a normal life, and with the support of her cousin, Gwen ended up taking up soccer, and at every game her cousin would be cheering her on. Because of this the two developed a strong bond, and that bond only grew stronger when Ben joined the gymnastics team with her cheering him on, since both their parents were constantly busy and Grandpa Max enjoying his retirement. They mostly had each other for these things. As time went by the cousins formed a bond that had them attached at the hip.


Gwen had just kicked the winning shot into the goal and was extremely proud of herself, she turned towards the stand and looked for her cousin but instead she found her mom and dad Frank and Natalie at the top of the stands holding two signs. One was blue and said 'GO NUMBER 10' in dark blue writing and another one that was obviously made by her cousin that read 'GO GWEN 10, KICK BUT CUS!' After getting her medal Gwen waited by the benches for her parents, and when they finally made their way to Gwen they engulfed her in a hug.

"Mom, dad what are you guys doing here?" asked Gwen, hugging her parents; this was one of the first games they had managed to make it to.

Gwen's parents hugged her again. "What? Can't a mom and dad come see their daughter at one of the biggest games of the year?" asked Gwen's mom, smiling at her daughter.

"Well no of course you can; I'm happy to have you guys here but, where's Ben?" questioned Gwen wishing her cousin could have seen her win.

Gwen's mom was the first to speak. "Honey don't you remember, Ben had to be at the acrobatic gymnastics tournament today," answered Natalie

Gwen's eyes widen at the news. "How could I forget, Ben's been telling me about this for the past two weeks," responded Gwen panicking slightly, "I promised him I'd be there."

"Sweetheart, that's why Ben made us promise to be here for you, since he couldn't," said Frank trying to calm his daughter down

"Oh, so you only came since Ben asked you to, thanks," stated Gwen making her way towards her bike; she would not miss Ben's tournament, not one this important. Gwen looked at her watch and realized she wouldn't make it in time by bike. 'What am I going to do, Grandpa' thought Gwen; if she could make it there fast enough they could take the Rustbucket and make it in plenty of time. That is if Grandpa hadn't left for it yet.

Gwen made her way to the Mobil Park and parked her bike next to the Rustbucket before opening the door; she was meet with the sight of a trashed R.V. Gwen started looking around, calling out her grandpa's name when she came across a holo-device.

She was going to turn it on when the sound of foot steps alerted her to the fact that she wasn't alone, Gwen turned around and came face to face with an alien she had never seen before.

the ensuing game of cat and mouse went on for a couple minutes till she managed to get her hands on the fire extinguisher and used it to blast the alien out the window. Making her way to the driver seat she activated the holo-device and listened as the image of her grandpa began to talk. After listening to the video Gwen made her way home passed her parents and straight to her bedroom where she went to her closet the place she left the alien watch and that's where she found it.

taking the watch in hand Gwen asked the question that had been running around her mind since she found the holo-device, Gwen knew that their was only one person she could talk to about this she had to get to Ben.

With Ben

Gwen discrettly made her way into the gym to see that's she hadn't missed the whole thing, Gwen watched the last of the tournament watching her cousin getting the best score and like her receiving a medal. she watched as the stands began to empty and Gwen watched as her cousin began looking for someone so Gwen decided to make her way down to see him.

When she reached the bottom of the stand she stood behind her cousin and began clapping, this caused Ben to turn around and smile seeing his cousin.

"You did great Ben" said Gwen ",so how's my favorite cousin?" she questioned before Ben ran over and wrapped his cousin in a hug

"Gwen, I'm so glad you managed to be here" stated Ben "and a compliment, you must want something" Ben said raising an eyebrow at his cousin.

"I have a problem, and I need advice" said Gwen

"Okay, just give me a second to change" responded Ben walking over to the locker rooms.

As time went by Gwen ended up falling asleep on one of the many mates, she was woken up by her cousin standing over her with a raised brow and dressed in his normal clothes which consisted of slim fit black pants a white button up shirt with the sleeved rolled up to his elbows and a dark green sweater vest, and his magical bag resting at his side.

"Well that's attractive" said Ben referring to the disheveled hair and drool on her cousin's chin.

"What, what?, I'm awake, I'm awake what do you want" asked Gwen still in a sleep like daze.

"you needed advice?" responded Ben with another raised bow.

"Yeah I do" stated Gwen raising her hand to show her cousin the omnitrix.

Time skip

"But Grandpa doesn't have the omnitirx, you do" said Ben pointing out the obvious and the oddness of the situation.

"Yeah, he sending me some sort of message" stated Gwen ",I think he wants me to put it on again"

"He always said it was your choice, you don't have to if you don't want to" responded Ben

"I always loved the omnitirx, it made me feel special" shared Gwen

"You know, it wasn't the watch that made you special, it was all you" responded Ben trying to give strength to his cousin.

"You earned that right to have a normal life, you put that thing back on you can say goodbye to normal." stated Ben

Gwen stopped to think before answering "But if Gandpa needs my help-" "He said he didn't though Gwen" interrupted Ben, Gwen was interrupted by her cousin before she could even finsh her sentence.

"Besides remember all the trouble we had getting off the last time" said Ben brining back the memory

The cousins conversation was cut short by someone enetering the gym and saying "The omnitrix ain't yours, give it up"

The cousins looked up at the man before Gwen answered with a simple "No way" before she and Ben made a run for it avoiding the man as he chased them.

The duo where stopped by a locked door and the man had managed to catch up to them "Give it to me, know" said the man

"Or what?" questioned Gwen.

"Or this" said the man gapping his face pulling it off to reveal an alien head underneath.

"Oh, that is so not right" said Gwen cringing at the sight.

Gwen was going to charge the alien but was blocked by a laser blast at her feet.

"Don't make me use this on you" stated the alien in a cold neutral tone.

"Who's making?" questioned Gwen she turned when she saw a green clear platform form next to her with her cousin walking on them.

"Not fish face here that's for sure" responded Ben raising his hands green orbs forming around them, the alien took this as a threat and began attacking him. But Ben only blocked the attack with a wave of his hand then fired a mana bolt at the alien; when the alien dropped his weapon Ben fired a mana beam that wrapped around the aliens arms.

"Your getting really good at that stuff" said Gwn

"Thank" responded Ben

Gwen turned towards the alien before speaking "I want some answers right now, otherwise"

"yeah" asked the alien brow raised

"Uh, I don't know I'll over feed you" responded Gwen failing to sound intimidating

"do it look like someone to joke with I'm a dually deputized agent of the plumber, an inter galactic law informant organization" said the Alien trying to sound the superior.

"I know what the plumbers are my Grandpa Max used to be a plumber" retorted Gwen

"Max, Max Tennyson, I was working with him on a case but he went missing" said the alien looking at the cousins suddenly sad exspression

"Where looking for him" returned Ben hoping this alien had answers.

"wait he's your grandfather, your the legendary Gwen Tennyson" asked the alien pointing at Gwen.

"I guess so" said Gwen shrugging her shoulders like it was no big deal

"I thought you where just some kid who snatched the omnitrix from the Rustbucket" said the alien "Guess I owe you an apology, if you get me out of this thing maybe we can find your grandfather together"

Gwen nodded to her cousin giving him the signal to drop him, Ounce the drama had calmed slightly Gwen looked at the watch that was both the best and worst thing in her life.

"Are you sure" asked Ben looking at his cousin. Gwen's answer was to put the watch back on her wrist.

Time skip

We find are hero's standing behind a crate in an area filled with train tracks, Ben was the first one to break the slence by asking what they where doing here.

"Stake out" answered Magister Labrid "according to a tip from your grandfather the forever knights a group of"

"A group of men in knights wear who deal and sell alien tec, I know I've gone up against them before" interrupted Gwen

"There supposed to be here to sell some alien tec" said Magister Labrid

"Where do they get it from?" asked Ben getting a sense of de-ja-vo, from being here.

"No clue, Max was going to tell then he disappeared" said Magister Labrid answering Bens question before being drawn away from the conversation by something coming their way.

the trio ducked behind a crate, they watched as two trucks pulled up infront of each other then shortly afterwards a green car came into view and the person to get out of it was non-other than Kevin.

"It's Kevin" said Ben fighting the urge to smile at seeing the man.

"You know him?" questioned Magister Labrid

"That's Kevin Levin, he's got super powers, we fought all the time when we where kids" stated Gwen

"He, he ended up in the null void" said Ben relieving the painful memory for a moment, before focusing on Kevin as he made his way towards a hooded figure hey continued to watch as Kevin shot a blaster at a near by container.

The silence that the trio had surrounded themselves with was broken When magister Labrid yelled "Those weapons are level 5 tec earth is only allowed level 2" before making his way down to try and stop the deal. Ben and Gwen followed behind Ben transforming into Luck Boy while handing Gwen a black domino mask which she took and put on.

"Stop write their, by authority of the plumbers your all busted" shouted Magister Labrid holding up his blaster and badge. the assembled people only looked at him before pulling at their faces like the Labrid did earlier turning them into aliens that both Gwen and Ben had seen, just in different ways.

"Oh that is just creepy and wrong on so many levels" said Ben Cringing under his wolf mask, while discretly pulling out to wolf Golums

"Isn't it" said Gwen before backing up with her cousin.

The aliens approaching them put the magister on edge forcing him to pull the trigger creating a wall of fire between them.

"We are toast" said Ben seeing the Forever Nights coming from behind.

"Oh no where not, It's hero time!" shouted Gwen slamming her hand on the watch.

"Gwen?" said Ben getting annoyed his cousin hadn't transformed yet.

"Watch." whined Gwen before being interrupted by the aliens getting closure.

"Gwen this isn't funny" said Ben hands glowing.

"This is a really bad time for a reboot" said Gwen talking to the omnitrix.

"Ive got nothing" said Gwen talking to her cousin.

"Well than it's a good thing I do, lets play boy" houted Ben throwing the golums onto the ground turning into large stone wolfs. while they distracted the forever knights Ben fired mana bolts at them.

While fighting the knights Gwen and Labrid fought the aliens Gwen's Karate coming in handy. while she ran she noticed her cousin and the magister being incased in alien goo, but while she thought of what to do the omnitix began to glow before changing into a familiar shape.

'the watch from Ben's vision' not wanting to waist any more time she activated the watch and transformed into a plant like alean before screaming "Fire vine"

"whats that smell" said Gwen before smillign herself "Gross it's me" before charging into action and attacking the aliens who where getting a little to close to her freidns.

"Get away from them slime balls" shouted Gwen as she punched her way through the aliens before they fled into one of the vans tryin to escape but Gwen managed to nock the truck on it's side before she was attacked by the knights. Shw was enjoying fighting again till one of the laser lances chpped her arm of causing Ben to gasp and struggle harder.

But the panick was short lived when a vine sprouted out of the arm and reatachd itself to Gwen.

"Oh you guys are in so muc trouble" said Gwen grinning before attacking the nights, as she cut them down she was stopped by Kevin.

"Hey Tennyson" said Kevin getting into a figting stance.

"What do you want" aske Gwen

"Well let's see you trapped me in the null void for all those years" started Kevin

"You did that to yourself, I wasn't all that happy about it" said Gwen

" Pluse you just ruined me deal with theas guys so I'm thinking revenge" said Kevin

The ensuing fight caused further damage to the area and Kevins pride at being defeated again.

When Kevin woke up he was met with the face of one Ben Tennyson "Benji that you" asked Kevin thing he was hallucinating.

He was going to ask why he looked so different when everything came back to him, Kevin shot up and was going to attack Gwen but the cuffs of his hands prevented that.

"you still got some of that stuff in your hair" said Gwen talking to her cousin seeing the goop dripping from it shoulder length hair, he checked one side but Kevin told him it was on the other and when Ben felt it a feeling of pure disgust spread through his stomach.

"Eww" said Ben starting to pull the goo out, with his bag spitting out a brush to help.

"Time we had a talk tough guy,these weapons are far to dangerous with their either energy core" said Labrid

"So, how's that my problem?" asked Kevin trying to keep his cool.

"Because while we where fighting the Forever Knights got away with a whole crate full of them." said Gwen.

"Kevin please inccocent peope could be hurt" said Ben "and despite this I know you wouldn't want that"

"I'm giving you a choice to do something tight son" said Labrid

"You don't have to convince me I'm in" said Kevin smiling at Ben.

Time skip

The group of four was in Kevins making their way to the Forever Knights Castle, Gwen and Kevin where arguing while Ben was talking to Labrid about the aliens. The tension only grew however when Ben made a joke about how Grandpas food hadn't killed them causing Gwen to snap at him, this made Kevin defend him, later when they found the castle things only got harder with Kevin looting from the knight, having to fight Knights and a giant robot dragon.

"you could warn someone when your about to do that" said Kevin to Gwen's new form Screech.

"Seriously Gwen, I do have earplugs in my bag" Added Ben just to make a point he pulled them out of his bag.

"sorry" Responded Gwen in her echoy voice.

"That's all of them, if you wouldn't mind" said the magister throwing the last of the laser lances into a pile.

Gwen was about to use her screech but motioned for Ben and Kevin to put the earplugs in before releasing her sonic blast.

"Hey are you okay their water leaking out of your suit" said Gwen changing back to normal.

"That's not water" sad Labrid before collapsing.

"Dude are you okay, I've got a tire patch kit in the car" started Kevin but he was silenced by Labrid telling him no.

"Their's no time, besides their's nothing anyone can do" said Labrid

"Wait, Ben that charm I got you for your birthday" said Gwen an idea coming to mind.

Ben's head shot up in understanding and asked his bag for the charm, it spit out a charm with circle and the rough shape of a wrench on it.

"The charm of reconstruction" said Ben placing it on the opening of the damage and began to concentrate while he did this Labrid was telling Gwen about what he and Grandpa Max had been working on before he disappeared. But by the time Ben was finished with the repairs it was to late, Labrid was dead and the cousins had a big decision to make.

"You know I'm with you Gwen" said Ben

"Kevin their no money in this but" Gwen left the question hanging hoping he'd help

"I'm in" answered kevin picking up the plumbers badge form Labrids belt.

Time skip

Gwen and Kevin where in his car watching Ben levitate and a spinning laser lance in front of him when Ben saw it was moving he told them to follow him

"I'd follow you anywhere" said Kevin not noticing Gwen eyes widen slightly or a grin spread over her face.

"except their" corrected Kevin "Common Benji, paint job" shouted Kevin leaning out of his cars window when Ben lead them through a very bumpy cactuses filled dessert road.

When they finally reached their destination they found it let them to a mineshaft with a guard in front of the entrance.

"This is it" whispered Ben ", right down that mineshaft"

"We have to get past the" Gwen never finished her sentence cause they watched as Kevin knocked the guard unconscious.

"You hit him to hard" whispered Ben about to try and heal the man.

"Not him, it" said Kevin peeling a mask of the ma reviling an alien

"Just like the one the aliens at the station where using.

"Where getting close" said Gwen pushing a button on the elevator.

As they made their way down Kevin began to have his doubts something was here till they saw the massive building in front of them.

"Damn what is that thing" asked Kevin

"It's the mother ship, don't you get it Grandpa Max has to be in their" said Gwen

"How do we get inside?" asked Ben

"how does this thing work again?" asked Gwen holding up the mask.

"Photanic displacement you can set it to look like any one or in this case anything" remarked Kevin

After setting the mask Gwen put it on and suddenly went from her normal body to a copy of these aliens.

"How do I look?" asked Gwen talking to Kevin

"Bout the same, taller" remarked Kevin

they watched as Ben came over with one of the hover mine carts.

"Get it" Ben ordred

"Why?" asked Kevin not liking the ideas his only response was Ben death glare which Gwen learned long ago meant 'don't question it just go with it'

"whats next?" asked Ben

"We look for grandpa" returned Ben

"Okay, um let me try something" said Ben closing his eyes and focusing on Grandpa Max

"I'm sorry Gwen, Grandpa Max was here a couple of weeks ago but, not now" said Ben coming out of his trance like state.

After a speech about how Grandpa Max ad helped them so much they agreed that they needed to finish the mission they had been given. they began searching the ship and found a room with a big red jar and a room full of weapons.

"Eradico" said Ben watching as the weapons blew up from his attack.

"A little louder why don't ya" said Gwen in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey relax will be out of here before they reize" Kevin was cut of mid sentence by the sound of the aliens talking than attacking them.

"Hey save some for me these creeps cost me a major pay day" said Kevin before he noticed Ben's glair "And you know because their evil and stuff" he added.

They where stopped ounce again after they won the fight by an alien similar to the one's they just fought but why with a purple face coming in and calling them lower life forms.

Kevin was the first to attack but was sent flying Ben did not like this and attacked the alien before he attacked Kevin again, he trapped him in a mana rope but he used that to his advantage nd pulled Ben off his feet sending him flying into a wall next to Kevin.

"Did he hurt you?" asked Kevin coming to Ben's aid

"No, I don't think so" said Ben

"well I'm going to hurt him" Returned Kevin making his metal cover fists to grow larger before attacking the alien.

"He's to strong" said Ben getting infornt of them "I'll hold him off while you too get out of here"

"I'm not letting you fight that thing alone Gwen" said Ben

"their no time to argue, Kevin get him out of here" ordered Gwen

"You heard the lady" said Kevin picking up Ben and making a run for the exit.

"Let me go Kevin" said Ben struggling against Kevin

"As soon as where off the is ship" said Kevin not even looking back.

Soon Gwen's and the aliens fight began and sadly it was a loosing fight on Gwen's side she couldn't get the upper hand on him and was sent flying out of the ship after the Highbreed told her he was going to destroy the city.

So Gwen launched herself on to the ships engine and began attacking narrowly avoiding the hospitals destruction and the destruction of most of Bellewood.

Mage: Hey guys I'm so happy to be bringing you this new chapter and I'm going to try updating more and I'm so sorry with how long this chapter took.