Mage: Hey guys so this is my favorite AU where Ben has the magic and Gwen has the watch, I just love it know I'm writing certain chapter a lot like the episodes but ill have chapter of my own coming up. I'm telling you know what to expect in this Gwen is the Reckless one while Ben is the Smarter one but they'll still have peace's of their cannon personality. I've also put up warning labels in my stories so I don't have to hear another review about how fags should die or what ever.

Warning: their will be yaoi which means guy/guy action don't like don't read.

Disclaimers: I don't own Ben ten.



"talking at the same time"

"using spells"

Chapetr one

we start are story by seeing are young heroin Gwen Tennyson standing behind a wooden mask in a museum of magic, where her cousin and grandpa had taken her because her cousin wanted to see it.

"And behind this impenetrable glass the recently discovered, and only known existing copy of the 'Arcomada Book of Spells'" said the tour guide

"It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the late 1600" said Ben at the same time the tour guide receiving a glair of annoyance from her.

"Maybe you should work here dear" said the tour guide to Ben "Don't let mummy face get to you, she's probably older then that spell book" said Gwen after the tour guide walked away, trying to cheer her cousin up while making funny faces making her cousin laugh.

The amusement was cut short when the ground suddenly started shaking under their feet. Along with the tour group being levitated into the air, by an unseen force. Which brought screams of both fear and surprise from the people around them.

"Something tells me this isn't part of the tour." said Grandpa Max their attention soon went to the stream of red smoke flying in threw the window. Ounce it touched the ground a grey skinned man in red and black outfit cam out of it standing in front of the case which held the book of Arcomada.

"The 'Arcomada Book of Spells', all of its power will soon be mine" said the man no soon after a stone on his chest that had strange runes on it started glowing. saying something in another language the case was broken and with a gesture he levitated the book into his waiting hand.

Not seeing Gwen reach for the big bulky watch on her hand. "Now might be a good time to go Hero" said Gwen but before she could transform the man turned and his staff glowed yellow causing everyone being held to the ceiling to fall down.

pressing the button as she fell Gwen transformed into jet speed running as fast as she could she grabbed a tapestry and tied the string that held it in place to different points turning it into a slide that the people landed on to get away safely.

"Every one out!" shouted Gwen

"Gwen be carful you don't know what tricks he got up his sleeve." said Grandpa max and he grabbed Ben and ran out with the others.

"Dude if you want a book just go to the library." said Gwen

The grey skinned man responded by raising his staff and said "vendee modo natha" shooting out a stream of fire which hit the tapestry casuing it to fall and lite it on fire.

Gwen had to run up the nearest wall to avoid getting burned she was part way up when the fan started firing red shards at her. When she tried a direct attack by running at him he used his staff to fire a blinding light, she had to shield her eyes causing her to slip and crash into a wall.

While the grey skinned man's back was turned Ben and Grandpa max threw trash cans at him distracting him from finishing of Gwen.

"Guess we got his attention" said Ben "Kind of wish we hadn't" said Grandpa Max, when he saw the magic user turn to them an glair causing tem to be flown backwards.

Ounce he turned around he went to finish his work with Gwen when she came up behind him and started running around forming a vortex around him. every direction he turned Gwen would through a punch or kick. They both failed to notice when Gwen knocked a stone of his chest and it rolled away.

When the smoke from Gwens vortex cleared the man was unconscious. she noticed the stone and picked it up to examine in.

"Nice job" said Grandpa Max "Just doing what I need to do." said Gwen

"Who's your hero!?" shouted Gwen to the crowed as they took her picture.

Time skip

"All I'm saying is that you didn't exactly stop that guy all by yourself today" said Ben while Gwen was looking threw her box of Trophy's

"I helped save your but, but does anyone notice me." Asked Ben

"Hey being a hero isn't all about being a hero Ben" stated Gwen dropping the stone into the box

"Who's you hero, uh hello" said Ben mocking Gwen "I noticed you Ben" said Grandpa Max "Where related so that doesn't count, but thanks Grandpa"said Ben

"Hey, but no offence all you did was throw a trash can at him I don't think that really counts"said Gwen, "Nor does it make you a hero"

"Get over yourself the only reason your a hero is because of that watch" Said Ben

"If I had found it first Id be getting all the attention, and all the cool souvenirs" said Ben leaning against the window.

"Alright here take it" said Gwen holding up the stone she got from the magician.

"Really?" asked Ben

"Yah take it, I've got tunes of other things." said Gwen, taking the Stone Ben smiled at his cousin

"Ben don't you have something to say to Gwen?" asked Grandpa Max

"You know you just lucky right, But thanks" said Ben

"Your welcome." said Gwen

"Hey Gwen would you mind if I used your computer to do some research for this?" asked Ben

"Go ahead its just a stupid rock thought" said Gwen

Time skip

"I've been counting you've had eleven shrimp to my nine" said Ben not noticing the Stone glowing around his neck

"Well then I guess this makes twelve" said Gwen raising her fork.

"I don't think so" said Ben knocking Gwen fork out of her hand, next thing they knew a bowl of shimp was on top of Gwen's head

"Okay now I'm full" said Ben eating the last shrimp

"yeah but their not" said Gwen as the live shrimp started wiggling all over her causing her to fall out of her seat.

They didn't notice when Ben looked down and saw the stone glowing or him smiling .

time skip

"You know in all my years traveling I've never seen a crawfish crawl in someone's ear, until today" said Grandpa Max Rubbing Gwen's Head

"Glad I could make you day you guys." said Gwen

"By the way thanks again for the Charm, I feel like I should get you something in return" said Ben walking over to a vender walking over to a vendor.

"Help they stole my purse" shouted a women grabbing Ben attention

"That's far enough" said Grandpa Max

"Yeah who's gonna make us, you pops?" said the teen

"No, actually his close friend Aquamarine" said Gwen ducking behind the vendor

"Hey that's a nice necklas you got their kid" said the hoodlum walking towards Ben pulling out a metal pipe.

"Let me take care of this" said Gwen getting in front of her cousin neither noticing the charm glowing.

-insert ironic events here-

When all the teens where knocked out Ben looked down to see his charm gowing again.

"This little boys a hero officer" said an old women

"Who me, It was luck really" Said Ben

Time skip

"Nothing but the bottom of the net" said Ben

"Okay How did you that" asked Gwen

"What can I say just lucky I guess" said Ben not telling his cousin about his charm

"Nothing like a good nigh rest, who wants breakfast" asked Grandpa max

The thought of Breakfast soon left their minds when they heard a cry of fear coming from behind them. They turned to see a cable snap causing one side of a lift to drop causing the to men on it to fall and grab onto the railing.

"time to watch a real hero at work" Said Gwen

"Yeah Me" said Ben running into the rust bucket to quickly change in to his new costume he wore a dark green skinny jeans and a light green tunic shirt and covering his face was a black domino mask.

"Ben?" asked Grandpa Max

"It's luck lad grandpa" Said Ben before running off to help Gwen deciding to test out the charms power Ben looks around and finds several pieces of wood, he jumps on them sending them flying. Ounce in the air they hit wrecking balls control panel causing the ball to be released landing on the truck that a man was trapped in.

but this also sent an elevator shooting up sending Gwen flying as soon as Gwen started falling Grandpa Max shouted at Ben to move. As soon as He did a whole lode of rocks and junk fell where he had been. Having to dive away again landed inside a truck with a cement mixer on he back, Ben hit a lever causing the truck to go in revers and have Gwen land in the vat safely.

When Gwen got out of the vat she looked over to her cousin to see him surrounded by news people. "How did you pull off this amazing rescue?" asked the reporter

"With style and luck of course" said Ben "Who's your hero!" yelled Ben

Time skip

"So are you going o tell me how you did that dweeb or not." Asked Gwen looking over Bens mask.

"When you lent me your computer I cross-referenced the arcomada book of spells with Dark magic charms and I found these site" Said Ben showing the computer to Gwen

"My Charm is one of a set called the charms of Bezel, mine the charm of luck." Said Ben "Their also charms for fire, levitation, reincarnation"

"Whoa those are the charms the freaky guys used at the museum before jet speed kicked his but" Said Gwen

"That's why he wanted the book of spells, but it says all the charms of bezel must be used for the spell to be at its full power." Said Ben, "Oh well his loss is my gain."

"I'm afraid its more like was, we need to turn that charm into the museum." said Grandpa Max

"No fair, not before I try it/ I use I again" said the two cousins at the same time

"The world need someone with the power of luck lad" said Ben

"News flash I'm the only one with powers" said Gwen

"Well you can make that one a two now" said Ben standing up

"All that stuff 'you did' wasn't you it was that dumb charm" said Gwen

"I can say the same thing about your watch" said Ben

"Your just jealous of me" said Gwen

"Are not" said Ben

"Are to times ten" said Gwen

Their argument was interrupted by the sound of the radio saying how a haunted house had calm to life.

"Grandpa" shouted the cousins

"On it" said Grandpa Max

When the group of three arrives at the haunted house they run into see everything moving and throwing people around, but their attention is drawn away from the crowed when a voice behind them grabs their attention.

"I knew you couldn't resist luck lad" said the grey skinned man

"Every one stay calm, luck lads on the house" said Ben

While Ben ran up the stars the man started using magic to through the stairs at Gwen and Grandpa Man who had to duck out of the way.

"Who need luck when you got skill" said Gwen as she Activated the omnitrix and while Ben was holding on for dear life Gwen turned into four arms and was trying to keep the building from collapsing.

"I've got it" shouted Gwen

"But who's got them" asked Ben noticing the chandelier Ben made a jump for it when he swung forward to backwards when he reached the stand the people "Hold on" Shouted Ben

The minute Ben swung off the platform with the people Gwen was flung Back holding the platform.

When the chandelier the Ben and the others where on let loose, Ben focused of his charm hoping it's power over luck would kick in. Thankfully it did before they crashed into the ground the chandelier stopped at point that would allow everyone to simply let go safely.

Ben watched as the group of people left o get to safety ounce they where out the doors slammed shut and Ben arms where bound in magic and thrown away by the grey skinned man.

"Give me my charm." He said floating towards Ben

Thankfully because of Ben's Charm when he hit the curtain he brought it down with him cover the man.

"You should have said please" said Ben running away

As Ben was running he made a turn and found himself in a dead end "Oh which way which way" said Ben starting to panic, he accidently bumped the head of a bust revealing a button.

When he pushed the button a secret door appeared as Ben ran down the stair he noticed he was in a sewer of some kind. Unfortunately for ben his luck seemed to run out when he pushed a stone out and the wall collapsed revealing the man on the other side coved in a shield of magic. While Ben ran he nearly avoided being blasted by a spell that blew open a hole in the wall that he ran threw, to get away. When Ben thought he was far enough away he hid behind a tree but unfortunately he was caught an bound by a bunch vines and his charm taken from him.

"NO!" shouted Ben when his charm as stolen from his neck he watched as the man grinned before Ben's eyes where covered by vines the next thing he saw was four arms ripping the vines freeing him.

"Thanks" said Ben

"Where is he" asked Gwen

"Time to turn this city into an old memory." Said the magician eyes glowing a sickly yellow "Rama melotis galamacho" he said as storms cloud formed into a vortex like shape, sending lighting down on the city.

"setoroma secora-" he was cut short by four arms coming up from behind temporally stopping the spell.

"Stay back!" shouted Gwen trying to keep her family back.

"You dare challenge me." said the man rising is staff "Nacliea vortya" as he planted his staff red smoke came poling out of it bringing the gargoyles in front of him to life which began attacking Gwen while Gwen was delayed the man began recasting his spell which was interrupted by Ben throwing a rock at the man shin causing the man to drop his staff.

"Luck can only take you so far grandpa" said Ben getting ready to through another rock hitting the man in the head.

Unfortunately this didn't stop the stone creatures as one flew towards Grandpa Max He picked up a metal pipe getting ready to swing "Going, going, going gone" he said swing the rod.

Ounce the creatures where beat Ben walked over to where the charms had fallen as he picked it up The magcian got up as well but Gwen got to him first.

"Time for the magician to disappear" said Gen throwing the magician into a crypt that grandpa max sealed.

"I could fly shot bolts of lighting bring trees to life I'd be unstoppable." said Ben

"Ben those are dangerous they should be destroyed so they don't fall into the wrong hands." said Grandpa Max

"Grandpa even f I destroyed the stones the magic in them would just go to the nearest magic user and with me having used the charm of luck that mean their power would go to me or the creepy magicain." said Ben

"How do you know that" asked Gwen

"Did you honestly think I would just look up what the charm was and be done with it, I read multiple article on this kind of stuff" said Ben

"Did you by any chance learn how to fuse the powers to you alone so they don't go to mister crazy?" asked Gwen pointing to the crypt

"Yes I did we just need to break them away from him that's it." said Ben

When the group made their way to the rust bucket they called the police and drove away as soon as they were far enough away Ben broke the charms. They watched as the magic inside left the stones and went into Ben.

Mage: hoped you guys liked it the next Chapter will mostly be Ben testing his powers against Gwen and finding his first spell book.