Chapter 3

It didn't seem right for a professor to speak to students that way. Even though Hermione was nervous from the type of things Professor Orihara implies, she didn't think it was right for him to put those students through that out in the open. It-It was completely unprofessional! Hermione couldn't help but feel bad for the other trio. Yet, she was warier of Mikado than she was before even though she was still nice to him. He acted more nervous around her now, as though finally realizing that she and her friends had witnessed that conversation. There was a strange atmosphere surrounding the four Japanese at the school. As though there were so many hidden secrets, which before this, many had not thought that nonmagical secrets could even be a concern. There was also that nagging feeling that the new professor was dangerous. He seemed worse than Malfoy.

Harry and Ron were sitting next to each other in Transfiguration class.

Hermione sat at the desk behind them, alone since there was an odd number in the class. There were various different objects placed in front of them. As Professor McGonagall stood to the front of the class, Mikado quickly came into the room. He hunched over and panted from running there from who knows how far. Seeing all eyes on him, Mikado immediately blushed. Straightening up, he turned to the teacher and bowed quickly.

"I-I'm s-so s-sorry P-Profess-"

"Ah, Ryugamine. I heard you would be here today. It's quite alright, just take a seat."

At this, Malfoy stood up looking upset. "Professor McGonagall, Ryugamine is a fourth year. He shouldn't be in here."

"Yes, well Malfoy at his old magical school Ryugamine was in an advanced program for his studies. He's ahead of everyone else in his year for Transfiguration, so this class is the right level for him. And if there's another outburst from you again Mr. Malfoy, you will receive detention. Understand?"

Malfoy grudgingly sat back at his seat. Mikado looked anxiously around before Hermione pointed to the empty seat next to her. He blushed and sat down next to her. Without looking, Hermione knew that Harry and Ron were probably exchanging wary glances but she didn't care. Just because he wasn't the kind of person she thought he was, doesn't mean that she wouldn't be kind to him anymore. He had been kind enough to her for her to give him the chance to prove himself to her. That was only fair.

"Yes, Mr. Ryugamine here is apparently very skilled in transfiguration. In fact, he's in the process of becoming an animagus."

There was a lot of chatter in the room at this. Mikado blushed even more, and looked down at his desk. He looked so self-conscious. Hermione felt bad for him, with his obvious shyness.

"Mr. Ryugamine, do you think you could demonstrate your skills as an animagus for the class?"

"U-um, w-well I-I'm not so s-sure I'm ready for that yet. I haven't completed the process yet."

"Very well. Although, from what I've heard from corresponding with your former professors, you are very close to completing it."

And with that, Professor McGonagall started class. They were reviewing the vanishing spell, Scribblifors. This is a spell the fourth years shouldn't have learned yet. However, Hermione did notice that Mikado seemed very skilled at this spell indeed.

So now Mikado had a class with the trio, and he would normally sit with them. Sometimes Hermione would ask about his animagus skills, but he always seemed self-conscious about the subject.

"So what animal can you turn into?" Harry had asked one day.

"Well, um-um it kind of looks like a black Japanese bobtail. It's a type of cat."

"That's pretty cool. You know, Professor McGonagall can turn into a cat as well." Hermione had said.

Hermione, being the inquisitive person that she is, had noticed that Mikado blushed a lot around her. Then again, the boy blushed a lot in general which made it difficult to read into.

"Do you think you could show us your animagus form some day?"

"Um-um yeah, e-eventually. I'm just not ready yet. I can't even transform without mandrake leaves yet."

"What made you want to be an animagus anyways? I hear it's a lot of work to become one."

Mikado scratched the back of his head at that.

"Well, u-um I'm not really sure honestly. I had been told by my professor that I excelled very well in transfiguration, plus I just simply wanted to. I figured it would be very useful and come handy having that skill. It would be a unique way to witness things without people knowing who you are." An unrecognizable look came across the boy's face. Almost like an unnatural calmness that was kind of unsettling. Mikado seemed to realize the trio's staring at him, and his face immediately slipped back to normal. He let out a small nervous laugh.

"So, did you want to go into some sort of wizard law enforcement career? That sounds like the type of career where that skill you described would come in handy."

Mikado shrugged. "I don't really know what I want to do yet, honestly. I'm thinking probably some sort of position in power." Harry and Ron exchanged wary looks. Mikado had that weird calm smile again that didn't seem to sit naturally. Perhaps this was what Izaya meant? Mikado seemed to have switched just like that, back and forth. It was kind of creepy.

Mikado noticed their reactions again and started acting nervous.

"W-well, u-um, I mean like I said I haven't fully decided yet. I might go into a career in study like Anri-Chan is contemplating. It's just that- "Mikado sighed. "There were some events that got out of hand in the city we came from. I thought about having some type of magical career where I felt like I could actually do something." Mikado clenched his fists, but seemed more anxious than angry. "I want to feel like-like I can actually protect my friends, and I guess I thought becoming an animagus might be one step closer to something like that.

U-um well, you know? Any skill I can acquire really to make myself more prepared against some things in the world. I don't want to feel so powerless again. It really isn't fair how some things occur to people in the world. I already know that some people view me as weak or ordinary, and I guess I-I don't want to prove them right. But-but for a good reason." Mikado slumped his head on his desk feeling like he was getting nowhere with this.

He could tell these three were already creeped out by him, and were wary of him being a Slytherin. He really did want to prove that he was a better person than he used to be. He was one. Everything about the dark side completely disgusted him. Yet, he couldn't help but wonder if he could use that kind of power for good…

What was he thinking!? Mikado was relieved when he heard that class was over. His thoughts were getting confused again. Mikado had no doubt that it was from Izaya being at Hogwarts. Mikado hoped that he could find Masaomi in the hallway so he wouldn't have to walk to class alone.

Mikado bolted out of the class and felt very relieved to see his best friend at the end of the hallway waiting for him. Masaomi laughed from seeing Mikado panting due to his jaunt over there. Mikado urgently motioned for them to start heading towards class. After rolling his eyes in amusement, Masaomi began walking with Mikado to their next class which they had together.

"So, Mikado, how's your Transfiguration class going?" Masaomi asked with an amused smile. Mikado narrowed his eyes at Masaomi in irritation but then sighed.

"Pretty much just as expected. The subject comes easy to me like it always has. I feel like I always have to prove myself to Hermione and her friends even though they would never admit to it."

Masaomi sighed and looked at Mikado more sympathetically.

"Well, that's to be expected unfortunately."

Mikado knew that he was right.

"Just keep trying." He slung his arm around his friend's shoulders again. "You will be able to show them just how awesome you are. After all, the fact that I've stuck around says something." He smiled. They were quiet for a moment.

"Thanks, Masaomi."

"No problem, man." He looked around for a second to see who was around them. "Now how have you been doing with wooing our dear Anri?"

Since they were at an English school now, they would usually talk in English. However, sometimes they would switch to Japanese if they were talking about something they didn't want others to hear. It definitely came in handy sometimes. Although, there were some students looking at them now.

Mikado sighed and blushed at that. "M-Masaomi! I haven't exactly been focused on wooing Anri." He sighed. "Besides, I don't know if that would even go anywhere. She's having a hard-enough time adjusting to having ordinary friendships without Saika being in her. I don't know if she could even handle being in a relationship with someone right now. Plus, I'I don't know the first thing about dating anyways. Maybe we would be better off as friends right now anyways?"

Masaomi just shook his head.

"I don't think that's the only reason you're hesitant to ask her out."

"What? W-what do you mean, Masaomi?"

"You like that Granger girl too, don't you?"

Mikado's bright blush answered his question for him.

"U-um, well…"

"Oh please, Mikado, you're like an open book when it comes to this kind of thing. You talk about her all the time. You always sit next to her in Transfiguration. I can tell that you blush around her a lot. Also, when referring to that trio, you always refer to them as Hermione and her friends. Most people refer to them as Harry in his friends since he is the more famous of the three. Along with that, just now you blushed and acted all nervous when I brought it up like you do when I talk about Anri. If you didn't like her, you would have denied it immediately. I mean let's face it, you're a terrible liar."

Mikado blushed even brighter at his friend's statements, and tried to avoid making eye contact with him. He realized there was no point in denying it to his best friend. "Yeah? So, what if I do? It's not like she would like me back at all. She's in a year over me. We're just friends."

Masaomi crossed his arms.

"Don't you see your problem, Mikado? You're not aggressive enough! You are now torn between two absolutely sexy babes that you totally have the hots for. Yet, you're not willing to pursue either one of them. You're too nervous and afraid of change. If you don't act on these feelings, babes like them are going to get taken and you'll miss your chance!"

Mikado just looked down at his feet at this. To think, he had escaped to his friend to leave one uncomfortable situation just to land in another awkward conversation. Well, he supposed that was to be expected with Masaomi though.

Masaomi continued his speech as they both entered their next shared class together.

A/N: I posted an attempt at a translation in the author's note of chapter 1 in case anyone didn't understand the meaning behind the title.

I had an idea for a sort of poll for this story. If you want to know what it is or want to answer it please pm me or let me know in the reviews. I'm not making it public because it has to do with the plot of the story. (I'm a little bit stuck with one part so I wanted to know what some of you might think.)