Inside Ginny's mind: What's the sign? Screwball. Ok. Grip...wind up...pitch. Ugh, outside, ball one. Why can't I get the ball to go where it's supposed to? This is driving me nuts. They've already scored three times and we're just starting the 4th. What does Mike want me to throw now? Curve. Fine. Grip...wind up...pitch. Damn, it's hanging. Good thing his swing was as bad as my pitch. Grounder to 1st...I gotta cover the bag!

Ginny's hesitation couldn't have been more than a second, but it was enough as the batter reached base before she could get there. She saw Al glaring at her from the dugout before she turned to head back to the mound.

Al stormed into the lockerroom. The team had lost 6-2, but that's not what had him upset. "Where's Baker?"

"In there." Ross pointed towards her dedicated shower area.

Al motioned for the guys to gather. "You guys know that as manager, I have certain rights and privileges that do not extend to you." The group murmured acknowledgement. "Good, because I'm about to do something that none of you are allowed to do under any circumstance."

Al strode into Ginny's shower, still angry. "Baker!", he shouted.

She was startled by the masculine voice in what was supposed to be a private area. She turned to see her manager looking her dead in the eye.

Al continued; "You've got five minutes to get out of that shower and come to my office. If it takes six your next start will be in A-ball with the kids who can't shave yet." He turned and stalked out, leaving a speechless Ginny with water still flowing over her.

Ginny ran into Al's office 4 1/2 minutes later, obviously upset and looking bedraggled in a way very unlike her usual, well groomed appearance.

Al immediately started in. "Sit down. I don't know where your head was today, but we need you to keep it in the game. I can live with you having a bad day. That happens to everybody. Hell, I managed a game against Barry Bonds the year he hit 73. He went 0 for 4 with two Ks, and it wasn't because we had Cy Young on the mound. He still ran down some tough balls and made the plays he was supposed to make. That's what I expect from you. When you're supposed to cover first, you cover it. Next time you don't, I'm sending you back down to AAA. You can ride the bus and think about what a big deal you used to be. Is that understood?"

Ginny responded immediately; "Yes, sir."

"Good. Now get out of my sight."

Ginny started to leave, then turned back. "Al, about you coming into my shower..."

He cut her off; "Don't give me any of that crap about staying out of there. You keep saying you want to be treated like one of the guys. That's exactly how I would treat any player who wasn't hustling."

She smiled and continued; "I was just going to say thank you for looking me in the eye instead of...anywhere else."