So this is my first fic for this fandom. I hope you guys like it. You can always leave me a review here or on Tumblr(magic-scissors).

English isn't my native language so I apologise in advance for any mistakes you might find. Enjoy!

"Sawyer." Alex answered her phone when the name of a certain detective lit up on her screen.

"Hey Alex, are you up for drinks later?"

The agent momentarily considered accepting the offer. But that was before she remembered the pact she had made with herself, which was distancing herself from Maggie. The gorgeous, snarky, and tough gay cop that confused the hell out of her. Who recently started plagueing Alex's thoughts, and quite frankly, not just innocent ones.

Alex was determined to get rid of those. So hence the promise she'd made with herself, do not spend time with Maggie outside of work. And so, she politely disclined.

"Not tonight, I already have plans."

After a short pause on the other end of the line, Maggie accepted her excuse and wished her a good evening before the cop broke the connection.

Kara was sitting on the sofa, munching away on a bag of Doritos while listening to her sister's phonecall. She wasn't really paying attention at first, but when Alex claimed to have plans, Kara's attention was drawn from the movie they were watching and settled on her sister.

Alex tossed her phone onto the coffeetable and threw her head back against the soft pillows, her knees bended and feet resting on Kara's thigh, as she lied back on the sofa.

The elder sibling could feel her sister's eyes on her, not having missed the sudden lack of cracking sounds from the bag of crisps that Kara had been devouring up until moments ago.


"What is up with you? You seem... Different." Kara asked.

Alex sighed. "Nothing is wrong Kara."

The younger girl raised an eyebrow, not buying her sister's denial.
"Oh really? Then why did I just hear you say that you've got plans tonight when I know that's a lie?"

Alex simply shrugged, obviously not having any intention to answer her sister's questions. Instead, she leaned forward to snatch the bag from Kara's hands.

"Hey?" The younger sibling said in an attempt to catch her sister's gaze.
"You know you can talk to me, right? Why don't you feel like hanging out with Maggie?"

As a groan escaped her mouth, Alex sat up straight. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them. She was silent for a moment, contemplating what to tell Kara about the real reason why she'd disclined Maggie's invitation. Kara was patient as always, which Alex had always appreciated about her little sister.

"Her girlfriend broke up with her."

"All the more reason for you to accept her offer, she needs a distraction." Kara said matter of factly as she stood to grab two beers from the fridge.

"I'm just not sure if I'm up for listening to her rant on about her ex." Alex said as she took the proffered bottle from her sister. Kara plunched down on the sofa next to her and took a sip of her drink. She regarded Alex rather curiously. Normally her sister was all about giving advice and helping others, why was this any different?

"Are you not feeling well, Alex? You usually basically force yourself upon me to spill my guts. Not to mention the fact that you take every opportunity to help people out with your, not always such great advices." Kara playfully teased her sister while nudging her shoulder with hers.

Alex flashed her a slight smile. She averted her gaze to her hands, that were currently fiddling with the hem of her shirt as she spoke.

"I know but.. I.. It's not the same with Maggie. I mean, she's so much fun. She's smart and kind and funny, sarcastic as hell but dispite that she's still respectful towards others. She is a badass and great at her job. It's just.. I.. I don't want to see her sad.

Kara listened to her sister's words intently, her expression soft and understanding. She wasn't quite sure what she heard in Alex's voice, though. There was something rather unfamiliar in her sister's tone, adoration maybe? But that couldn't be it, right?

"But isn't that what friends are for? To support each other and just be there when they need you, even when they're sad?"

Alex released a dramatic sigh. She could feel her resolves crumbling, getting closer and closer to telling her sister the truth as to what the real reason was that she didn't want to go out for drinks with Maggie that night.

It wasn't even like it was a date, just two friends hanging out and having a good time. But that didn't mean that Alex wouldn't imagine them going out on one. Lately, it had become painfully clear that the cop meant more to her than just someone she hung out with aside from work, her feelings no longer just 'friendly'. Ever since Alex had realised that the pang she had felt in her chest was jealousy, that night when Maggie's girlfriend came to take the cop home, she had imagined what it would be like to take a woman out on a date. And not just any woman, it had been Maggie's lips she thought about kissing.

"I don't want to be her friend, Kara."

Alex looked up and met Kara's gaze. The younger girl's brow furrowed in confusion. Until only a second later when her eyes grew wide as realisation dawned in, and it suddenly all clicked.

"Oh my... You like Sawyer?!"

Alex bit her bottom lip as she bashfully eyed her little sister, and nodded. Her heart was pounding in her chest and hands suddenly sweaty. Did she just 'come out' to Kara?! The panick started to settle in when the other girl interrupted her train of thoughts.

"Holy shit, Alex!" Kara all but squeeled. "Since when?"

Alex simply shrugged. If she was honest, she couldn't even answer that question herself. She only knows when she started realising it. Which was when the -now ex- girlfriend showed up.

"You have to tell her."

"She just got dumped, Kara. What am I supposed to do? Walk upto her and be like, "hey Mags, your girlfriend made me realise that I might be gay. Only it's not your ex that I like, it's you." "

Kara chuckled, mostly because of the ridiculous expression on her sister's face when she spoke. But she also looked kinda cute when flustered. She was happy that her sister felt comfortable enough to share this with her. And to be the one giving the advice for once, instead of usually be on the receiving end of it.

"Not exactly no. But why don't you tell her in a few days? After she's had time to let the break up sink in."


"Whenever you're ready Alex. You should totally spend time with her, though. Be her friend first, because she's bound to notice that you're avoiding her and demand answers, you know that right?

Alex tried to swallow the lump that was forming in her throat while contemplating Kara's words. She was right, they were friends first. And right now, her friend needed her. She could be that for Maggie, someone the cop could vent to and simply have a good time with. Alex would deal with her newfound feelings later, and figure out the rest when the time comes.

"Thanks Kara." Alex said whilst squeezing her sister's hand as she grabbed her phone off the coffeetable and dialed a familiar number.