A/N: I know I have like three stories I need to be writing/working on but I'm nothing if not consistent in my inconsistency. Anyway, I was going through RandomMirandyPrompts on Tumblr and stumbled on this gem by CrazyBeCat, so this is for you, love!

"Andy has a toddler, just three years old, when she gets hired by Miranda. Nate? He's her best friend who moved in so that the question of the child's father aren't asked. While working, Andy gets a call from Nate and has to inform Miranda she needs to go see her baby in the hospital."


Andy yawned as she felt the small body next to hers roll around, pulling the sheets with them. Cracking her eyes open she groaned as she saw her young daughter, Evelyn Iris, wrapped in the old discolored flannel sheets. Turning her head she saw the clock was flashing 4:05, too early to be up, but she needed to be up in an hour, so there was no point in wrestling the blankets back from her and trying to fall back asleep.

With another small yawn the brunette rolled out of the bed, grateful for the thick socks on her feet, she could still feel the frozen flooring through them. Padding softly to her closet she pulled out a pair of grey twill pants by Chanel and a deep burgundy blouse by Chloe, also picking some light Perla underwear and bra she continued into the bathroom.

The pipes squealed for a moment as the young woman cranked the heat to the max, disrobing quickly she jumped into the water, relishing in the scalding water covering her and chasing away the cold from their little apartment. Quickly washing herself and then her hair she finished in the shower in record time.


Miranda let out a frustrated groan as she looked through The Book again, it was barely five in the morning, but she hadn't been able to sleep, visions of a certain someone traipsing through her mind, invading her dreams. Silly girl. Another sip of now cold coffee made her roll her eyes, the Editor finally shut the book, it was going to have to be enough, she needed to get dressed.

In her closet she walked through the rows of clothes, cataloging what she had yet to wear and also who she had meeting with today, deciding a simple, black, Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dress would do. Moving to her ensuite, Miranda began to brush out her hair, if anyone from Runway could see her now they wouldn't believe it, the fashion maven's hair was wavy, her forelock not yet locked into place by a gallon of hairspray. Simple eyeliner and mascara were all she needed on her icy eyes, then a swipe of mauve gloss on her lips, she nodded. "Good enough, Miriam."


"Mommy…" Evelyn shivered under the sheets as she sat up in bed, her little fists rubbing at her eyes, she knew it was still early, the birds weren't singing yet, and the sun had yet to make the shadows on the wall. She crawled out of bed, hugging her stuffed piggy tight to her chest as she toddled into the bathroom.

"Good morning, Evie." Andrea gave her child a sweet smile and picked her up, cuddling her small, shivering body into her own. "Did you sleep okay?" She asked, smoothing the unruly chestnut curls from her eyes, and kissing the chilled forehead of her sweet angel. With a small nod, Evelyn buried her face in the neck of her mother, seeking out her warmth.

"Andy?" Nate stumbled down the hall from his room, his hair a nest on top of his head, chest bare and wearing only a pair of low-hung sweatpants, "You almost done in there?" He asked through the door. "Yeah, one second." She quickly finished her makeup and pinned her bangs back before cleaning up the products and moving past Nate quickly. "Thanks…" He mumbled, not quite awake yet.

"C'mon, let's get you dressed, sweet pea." Andy winked at her daughter as she carried her back into the smaller of two bedrooms in the apartment, it was Nate's after all. Wrapping Evie up in the sheets again she pulled out a pair of dark jeans and a white sweater with little gold hearts all over it. She knew that her daughter needed new jeans, these were from last year, but she didn't have the money, or even the time to go shopping.

With a resigned sigh, Andy helped her daughter into the warmer clothes and put a pair of thick wool socks on her daughters feet before getting her snow boots and huge winter jacket, her daughter did not need to be cold, even if it meant Andy would be.

With a yell 'goodbye' to Nate, Andrea slipped the mittens on her daughter, resituated the oversized Marc Jacob tote on her shoulder and scooped Evie up, it was three subway stops to the daycare where Evelyn spent her days, and five after that to Runway.


The day had been tedious, Miranda had too many things scheduled for today, the most annoying of which was an Elias Clarke luncheon, where she was going to be forced to hear men and women, dressed in ill-fitting clothes talk about how amazing the company's leader- Irving Ravitz was. The editor rolled her eyes at the thought.

"Andrea, with me." She motioned slightly as she strode past her two assistants' desks. With a confused glance to the ever-thin Emily, Andy just shrugged and quickly hopped up, grabbing Miranda's coat as well as her own and following her to the elevator door, with an annoyed glance, Miranda motioned for the brunette to hurry.


Andy blushed as Roy held open the door for her, she slipped through the crowd of reporters, in front of her boss, trying to stay out of the spotlight, and the cameras were for Miranda anyway. Once the silver headed beauty slipped through the front door of the Ritz she gave her assistant a small, indulgent smile. "Come along Andrea." She once again moved past the beautiful girl into the large, beautifully decorated conference hall.

With a small smile she followed her boss into the building, blushing softly as a waiter pulled a chair out for her, directly to Miranda's left. "Thank you." She gave a small smile as she settled into the seat. The next hour was filled with speeches from men and women who didn't seem to know fashion at all. By the time their salad course had been taken away Andy counted six lip purses from the silver-haired woman next to her.

Once Irv stood from his seat to address the crowd, Andy felt her hip start to vibrate, her personal cell phone was tucked into her pants pocket. There were three people who had this number, Nate, Nigel, and Doug; Doug knew better to call during work hours, and Nigel knew she was with Miranda, so there was a final option…Nate.

Throwing a shaky smile at her boss, Andrea excused herself from the table, her hands shaking as she struggled to open the age-old flip phone, "Y-yes?" Nate's gruff, worried voice cracks over the terrible speaker, "Andy… Evie got brought to Presbyterian from daycare, I don't know anything else- "The line went dead and not for the first time, the brunette cursed the damned fossil in her hands.

With tears streaming down her face and cold terror gripping her heart, she kept her head down as she went back into the conference room. "Miranda, I need to go." She spoke over the other woman's shoulder. Miranda's back straightened further and her shoulder's tensed. "Absolutely not, Andrea we are in the middle of a very important- "At the sound of a chocked sob, the editor whipped around to see her slowly crumbling assistant, with a speed and strength she didn't know she possessed, she stood and quickly steadied the girl, walking out on the luncheon she was scheduled to speak at.


Okay So there's the first bit of this story, and for all of you who think I won't write more in this- I already have the next chapter finished and the third started! PLEASE read and review.