A/N: Hello People! This is my first Fnaf fanfic so I hope you enjoy it! It takes place in an AU where Ennard is not a giant fusion-y animatronic but one of the crew.

So basically he is not all of the animatronics in a trenchcoat. :p

Funtime Foxy is a gender of Foxy's own (uses they, their, they've, they're etc)

Story takes place after the events of Sister Location.

A strong breeze blew through the dark, deserted alley on the old Industrial Park, causing a man in a long black coat that was buttoned up all the way to his chin to shiver slightly. The car he was waiting for should arrive soon, and while he waited, he let his gaze wander off and take in his decrepit surroundings. Sapphire blue eyes pierced the thin air with their eerie glow, and showed only interest in an abandoned warehouse not far away from where he was standing. The iron gate had rusted off long ago, and the sign was no longer readable. It was early November, and the icy winds were blowing at top speed. The distant glow of headlights caused the man's head to raise, a smirk making its way onto his face. With quick, professional strides, he made his way to the vehicle which had parked not far from him. He was pleased to see that it was his ride, and with the air of a man who knew what he wanted and exactly how to get it, he opened the door and slid into the passenger seat. The car's warm air conditioning made him feel a bit drowsy, but still, he would have it instead of the dreaded storm outside.

The man next to him, the driver, was eyeing him a bit suspiciously, causing him to feel a little spark of fury in the back of his mind.

"What are you staring at?"

The chauffeur, Frank, was still quite surprised that this was the man he was picking up. He looked like a homeless man, with his unshaven, dirty face, and the bags under his eyes seemed to be caused by countless hours of continuous work. He was dressed in a long black coat, possibly a hand-me-down, and grey pants that looked like they've been worn for at least a week. He was told that he was here to pick up an important man, and his superior spoke highly of the man, constantly mentioning the high fee he paid them (on a monthly basis too) and how they should serve him well. This individual looked like he belonged in a correctional facility, not paying a ton of money for a service he rarely used while wearing clothes dug out of a garbage bag. What was a man like him doing in the Industrial Park anyway? That place had shut down a long time ago due to several "incidents" and the tumbling economy.

He decided to keep silent for now, but the questions swarming in his mind were not stopping, and his curiosity was slowly becoming more demanding. Closing his eyes, the red haired man looked away from his shady employer and focused on the road as he started the car.

"Nothing, Mr. Afton. Where do you want to go?"

The only response was a crumpled piece of paper that Afton gave to the young man, and Frank squinted at the shaky, faint handwriting. The paper was, like Mr. Afton, dirty, and the writing on it was close to fading from all the water and sweat it absorbed.

Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, Montana Drive. He had to congratulate himself on making sense of such illegible scribbles. He did some calculations, humming to himself. Alright, a forty minute drive if the roads are good. He glanced at Afton, grimacing. Not that I want to spend another second with this guy, he sure gives me the creeps. Well, here goes nothin'.

And then the car was speeding out of the Industrial Park, following the southern route and emerging unscathed on the shoulder of highway five.


In Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, Deep underground, a certain robot was sitting under the window in a darkened stage. A single flickering light, among many other broken ones, illuminated the area, but it was pointless. Nobody was present, and even if they did, they wouldn't be on this side of the glass. This place reeked of death, human blood and decomposition. Circus Baby sat perfectly still, almost frozen, impatiently waiting for Afton's arrival. If one took a look through the viewing window, they would have thought the animatronic was deactivated, but the bright glint of neon green "eyes" glaring holes into the faraway wall certainly gave her away. Her deep hatred for Afton had been taking over her AI and the usually tiny, malicious part of her with its whispery, evil voice now was running the show, rambling on and on on how they would hurt that man and make him pay for his terrible crimes against them and... those children. His vicious and horrendous designs took the lives of so many people, and the animatronics were forced to pay the price for something that they had no control over. A price they were deemed to pay for all eternity. Distant thuds were heard, and a short shriek sounded before a sick crunch of bone.

The nearby vent opened, and Funtime Foxy crawled out with surprising grace despite their bulky build. Smearing the polished pink shades of their body was blood, dripping off the sleek panels and creating a tiny pool on the ground.

"Back at it again with the technicians, I see." Baby said, barely hiding her disinterest. She didn't even bother to look the ambiguous robot in the face. "To be honest, I couldn't care less about what you and Ballora do to those guys. If you want to murder people, be my guest. Just stick to the plan Foxy." Now she glared holes into Foxy's faceplates. "Don't even dare to lay a finger on Afton. He's mine."

Foxy sulked out of the room, creeping back to his own stage, and Ballora emerged from the other vent, looking a bit less malicious than usual. "Don't be so harsh on the poor fox." She said. "You know how much they hate being shocked. That technician had it coming."

"I know."

Silence rolled in, thick and unbearable. Baby was still deep in thought, and Ballora was too busy trying not to mention the whole Afton thing. Sighing, the ballerina left, but not before telling Baby that it was okay. "Just let them do what they do, and I don't think they would show any more interest in... you know who."

"You mean William."

But Ballora was already gone. And the animatronic was back to counting down the minutes that separated Afton from his well deserved fate.