It has been 2 weeks since the two came back to the Palace of the Moon. They were not official mates yet. Kagome wanted to have a celebration in honor of their union. Sesshomaru had no problems with that.

In comparison of her times here during the courting and now, something was off. It didn't feel the same, as if something was missing.

She noticed how day by day Sesshomaru became a little more distant from her. He didn't want her helping with the documents nor did he want part in planning the upcoming celebration.

She didn't know what was going on, but she'll be damned if she wasn't going to find out.

"Sesshomaru" she said walking into the study.

"Miko" he said not looking up at her.

That's another thing that was getting on her nerves. When did he go back to calling her Miko.

"What is wrong with you" she asked a little annoyed "you've been avoiding me since we returned here and I demand to know why" she said firmly.

He rested his pen to the side before looking towards her. What she saw sent shivers her way and not in a good way.

It was his eyes. They weren't the same.

They were cold and uncaring, as if he reverted back to the old Sesshomaru.

He stood calmly before walking towards the door and shutting it.

"Sessho-" SLAP. . . .

She was thrown across the room hitting the wall. It if weren't for her Miko powers cushioning the blow, it may have been a lot worse.

"Let us get one thing clear human" he snarled in disgust "this Sesshomaru does not harbor feelings for the likes of a mere human"

He watched in sick amusement as she struggled to stand.

"This Sesshomaru will never be foolish enough to do something like mating if it does not serve purpose to the Tashio bloodline. Somehow you are the most powerful being in all of Japan other than this Sesshomaru and to have someone other than I with such power on their side was unacceptable"

She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I lowered myself to conversing with you in order to win your favor, things were coming along nicely till that wolf came. I had to defile myself into impressing you, wasting valuable time"

Tears were streaming down her eyes as he spoke.

It was a lie. All of it.

Just to gain her powers.

Her heart never hurt so bad in her life. It was pounding furiously trying come out of her chest.

'I can't believe it' she cried inwardly.

"What do you think you are doing whore" he snared.

Something was happening to her, something not even he knew of.

Her body was glowing, but it was a pitch black.

"I WON'T BELIEVE IT" she screamed making him flinch from the loud cry.

But it wasn't her voice. It was dark, deep, and raspy.

"YOU ARE NOT THE SESSHOMARU I FELL FOR" though her eyes were dark and emotionless , he still saw tears flowing.

"Believe it human" he growled "you belong to me and only me. We may not have mated me but you accepted the role branding you with my mark. . . No one is dumb enough to go after what is mine"

He got up and stood his ground firmly "Even in the most powerful state you are weak and pathetic. Human emotions are nothing but a hinderance and guaranteed death"

She didn't want to here anymore. She had to get out of there.

"AAAAHHHH" she screamed as the darkness enveloped her.

When it became clear, she was gone.

Somewhere deep within the castle.

3 figures were gathered around a mirror as they watched how everything un folded.

"He's going to get himself killed" One sighed.

They have never seen a being with so much power.

"I'm more worried about us should the miko be harmed" the other said looking at their prisoners.

'It's a lose lose situation'