Rated T for some adult themes in future chapters. If you don't like that kind of stuff, then just leave.

Consequence of Steam

Chapter 1 - Not So Welcoming

On the day that Master Eon had found little baby dragon Spyro right after he hatched and fought off a gang of Greebles all on his own, Master Eon hadn't expected to find another surprising gift on the same day.

Just as the old, beard-loving wizard was traveling through the rest of the Skylands to bring Spyro back home to the academy, after the sun had set and the moon and stars had come out, Eon was holding little Spyro close when he was walking through a thick forest, and he suddenly heard a rustle.

He followed the rustling to a nearby bush, where he pushed the leafy brambles away and found something rather unexpected. Inside the bush was a nest, much like Spyro's, and inside was a dragon egg. It was coated with white scales and shimmering black markings. And soon enough, a dragon hatched from the said egg.

Eon watched in amazement as the little hatchling slipped from her egg, for he could tell that she was not like any other dragon before her. She had flawless scales as white as snow, and her underbelly scales, tiny horns and back plates were a shimmering black.

"My, my, my, aren't you just a special little dragon?" Eon whispered with astonishment, as the dragon opened her eyes to reveal beautiful green orbs, but when Eon leaned down and reached out a hand to pet her, she whimpered and curled back into her nest.

"She's not as awesome as me, Eon," young Spyro scoffed.

"But she may be in time, Spyro, just like you. You both deserve a chance," Eon chuckled at the purple dragon hatchling, and he stared back at the she-dragon with a smile and spoke softly, "it's ok, little one, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."

The black and white hatchling became calmer the more she heard Eon's soft voice, and she soon smiled and crawled up to Eon's hand, her tiny wings fluttering with excitement when he gently scooped her up.

"Now, that's better. Let's go, you two. I think you're going to like your new home," Eon sighed and continued his journey back to the academy.

Little Eruptor was always really angry and short-tempered, and he was a difficult child to play nice with. The only other child who would play with him was his best friend Stealth Elf, as she was usually agile enough to dodge his fiery attacks when he lost control.

But after he and Stealth Elf heard that their master, Eon, headed out without saying why last night perplexed both of them, so they headed to his library the next morning to find him.

"Master Eon?! Master Eon!" Stealth Elf called, but Eruptor only growled at her loud voice.

"Be quiet, will ya? I'm still tired," Eruptor grumbled and flopped down in the floor in exhaust.

"Didn't you just, like, sleep all night?" Stealth Elf asked in annoyance.

"No, I can't get a full twelve hours when you wake me up too early. Eon's not even here, so let's just go back home so I can go back ta bed."

"No, I wanna find out why Master Eon just left last night, and I'm not leaving without any answers. So, you can sleep right there on the floor if you want, but I'm going to keep looking." With that, Stealth Elf continued her search through the library for Master Eon.

But little Eruptor just growled and rolled his eyes before closing them and trying to go back to sleep, but his attempt to drift back into dream land was short-lived when something heavy suddenly landed on him.

Eruptor grunted in pain and pushed off what ever landed on him, and he was soon glaring at the same black and white she-dragon that Eon had rescued, as well as Spyro, yesterday.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Eruptor growled angrily while towering over the little dragon, and she began to shrink and whimper with fear.

"Now, Eruptor, be nice to her. She's one of my new guests," Eon cut in kindly while pushing Eruptor away, but he still glared at the hatchling.

"There you are, Master Eon! Where did you go? Ooh, and who are these guys?" Stealth Elf asked with excitement, and she was even more excited when she saw the new purple and white dragons.

"Stealth Elf, Eruptor, I would like you to meet Spyro, a dragon with a powerful fire breath, and Black Ice, a rare dragon with the combined elements of Undead and Water.

"What? Ya mean they're staying here?" Eruptor asked angrily.

"Yes, they are, Eruptor," Eon replied.

"Ooh, are they going to train to be Skylanders like us?" Stealth Elf questioned.

"Hopefully, yes. I know you all have the potential to become Skylanders, and I also hope you can become great friends along the way."

"I don't think so," Eruptor huffed while crossing his arms and once again glared at Black Ice.

"I-I'm sorry I landed on you. I was trying to practice flying, and I guess something went wrong. But I really am sorry," Black Ice apologized while placing a paw on Eruptor's shoulder, but she immediately pulled it away when she burnt it on his hot rock skin.

But Eruptor didn't say anything else, he just scoffed and rolled his eyes before leaving the library.

"It's ok, Black Ice. You just need to give him some time," Eon reassured.

"Yeah, E's always like that," Stealth Elf added with a smile, and then stuck out her hand, "I'm Stealth Elf."

"H-hi," Black Ice stuttered after realizing she made a new friend, and she soon took Stealth Elf's hand in her paw and shook it.

"Hey, lemme get in on some of this!" little Spyro laughed while budding in between the girls, making them laugh too.

But while they were getting along well, Eruptor was secretly watching from behind a tall stack of books, and he didn't like it when his only friend was making more friends…which would means she wouldn't have time for him anymore.

But he didn't completely blame Stealth Elf. No, he mostly blamed Black Ice, she was the first to steal his best friend away. And so, out of sheer jealousy, Eruptor told himself that he wouldn't become friends with that best friend stealer.

And Eruptor kept that promise, despite somehow remaining best friends with stealth Elf and becoming good friends with Spyro. But over the years, Eruptor just couldn't bring himself to want to become friends with Black Ice. There was just something about her meek demeanor and introversion that made his magma insides bubble and bring out the worst in him, and it didn't help that his hot temper had grown worse over the years.

It's just that every time Black Ice would come over to play with him or Spyro or Stealth Elf, Eruptor just didn't feel right whenever she was around. So, when no one was around, Eruptor would bully her and call her a freak for being part Undead and part Water, and he threatened to hurt her if she told on him…and she never did.

So, Black Ice eventually learned to be more wary around Eruptor, and for the most part, she knew how to fight for herself with her sharpened Undead and Water elements.

But with the final Skylander exam coming up tomorrow, whish would determine who would be ready to graduate into a full-fledged Skylander, Eruptor was even more stressed than usual…and, as usual, he would take his anger out on Black Ice.

"Why is Hugo always so afraid of sheep?" Black Ice asked Stealth Elf, who shrugged in response, after Hugo came running though the academy yard and tripped while dropping the book contents of his bag when he saw a sheep.

"Dude, seriously. Seek help," Spyro chuckled after saving Hugo from the 'savage' sheep and picking it up in his claws and flying up in the air with it.

"'Ey, Spyro, throw me that, will ya?" Eruptor called.

"Heads up, E!" Spyro shouted back and dropkicked the sheep to Eruptor, who immediately threw it at really hard at Black Ice's head once he effortlessly caught it. Black Ice would have normally reacted with a surprised expression since sheep are very soft, but it actually hurt this time due to Eruptor's strength.

"Jeez, Eruptor! Did you have to throw it so hard? This is supposed to be FRIENDLY game of Sheep Ball," Stealth Elf pointed out angrily while catching Black Ice before she could fall to the ground from dizziness.

"What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger," Eruptor protested with a shrug, making Stealth Elf give him the death glare, but she soon focused back on her other dragon friend.

"Hey, are you ok, Ice?"

"Yeah…yeah, I'm fine…just a little bump, is all," Black Ice replied while shaking the dizziness away and tried to stand up on her own. But then she looked at Eruptor, as if to ask 'why?', but all she got was a harsh glare, so she just stared down in defeat.

Suddenly, a loud bell rang, and that alerted the other trainees to get going onto class.

"Well, looks like we're gonna be late again," Eruptor sighed.

"'We'?" Stealth Elf chuckled, and she suddenly poofed out of sight to teleport to class instantly.

"Yeah, last one there's a rotten egg!" Spyro cheered while darting through the sky to get to class…but not before writing 'Spyro Wins' in the sky.

And after being left alone with the one person that absolutely despises her, Black Ice immediately began to shake in her scales when she realized she was left alone with Eruptor. She couldn't even feel her wings to fly away, as she tried to avoid contact while slowly walking away.

"MOVE!" Eruptor boomed while pushing passed Black Ice to sprint to get to class on time. But when he shoved her, they were running over a bridge, and even though it wasn't that high off the ground, and the river was barely a stream, when Eruptor managed to completely shove Black Ice off of the bridge, she fell down into the shallow water and rocks below.

The next thing Black Ice knew, she heard a loud SNAP and felt a horrible pain in her left wing. After struggling like a turtle getting off of its back, Black Ice gasped at the horrible sight of her broken left wing.

This wasn't good. Black Ice knew she was most likely going to need flight to pass the final Skylander test, but she can't do that now, not with a broken wing.

What am I going to do? Black Ice thought with fear, as she grunted a bit in pain while trying to climb out of the stream and up the small hill.

"Oh, my goodness! Black Ice, what happened to you?!" Hugo shouted and suddenly came running up to Black Ice when he saw her broken left wing.

"I, uh…I-I guess I was just being reckless, and I fell," Black Ice lied, knowing that it wouldn't end well if Eruptor found out she told the truth.

"Oh, you poor thing. Hurry, come with me. I might be able to bandage that up and get you to class before it's over," Hugo stated with concern and helped Black Ice to the library to patch her up.

Luckily, Hugo was able to keep his promise of getting Black Ice to Professor Jet Vack's class before it was over…unfortunately, when Black Ice finally showed up, it was awkward for everyone since they were in the middle of a pop quiz.

"Wow. And I thought Spyro was irresponsible. What's your excuse for being so late, Black Ice? Huh?" Jet Vack soon spoke up, anger clear in his tone, as Black Ice drooped her head and took her seat…which was to the right of Eruptor's seat. Fortunately, Jet Vack's sharp eye usually kept Eruptor's bullying at bay…most of the time.

"I-I'm sorry, Professor Jet Vack. I had an accident on my way here, and I broke my wing, and then Hugo had to bandage my wing," Black Ice lied once more.

"Well, a broken wing may have kept you from being on time, but it'll NEVER keep you from completing a pop quiz," Jet Vack stated firmly while slapping a pen and a pop quiz on Black Ice's desk.

By the time Black Ice was finished with her quiz, the other students had already left because they started well before her, and Jet Vack wasn't happy to have to wait for her the whole time.

When she was finally able to leave, she went to catch up with her friends and found them at the training grounds, as Stealth Elf was successfully cutting through the dummies on the obstacle course with her blades.

"Alright, not bad, Elfy!" Eruptor cheered while giving his best friend a high five. But when he saw Black Ice approaching them, his smile immediately turned into a frown.

"Yeah, you did pretty good out there, Elf," Black Ice added with a smile, but Stealth Elf could clearly hear the sadness in her voice.

"Aw, Ice, I'm sorry about your wing. Do you think you'll be ok?" Stealth Elf asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, but thanks for the concern."

"No problem. And don't worry, I'm sure you'll pass the final test, with or without flying."

"You really think so?"

"Sure, just as long as you get plenty of rest."

"You can't be serious. Who wants a crippled dragon on their Skylander team? I know I don't," Eruptor cut in angrily.

"Don't listen to him, Ice. You'll do just fine and I'll always be there to support you," Stealth Elf reassured while glaring at Eruptor, and then smiled back at Black Ice.

"Thanks, Stealth Elf. I'll certainly do my best tomorrow," Black Ice sighed with a pitiful smile, but it soon turned to a frown when she turned and left with her head hung low.

"What do you have against her, Eruptor? Seriously. She just wants to be your friend," Stealth Elf quietly pointed out while scowling at her 'best friend', and she teleported away before letting him say anything.

"Ugh, that she-dragon always causes trouble," Eruptor snarled to himself, and stomped all the way back to his house.

Unfortunately, by the time Eruptor got back to his house, in which he shared with his roommates Stealth Elf, Spyro and(unluckily in his opinion)Black Ice, it was not only night time, but there was loud music and bright lights coming from the house.

But Eruptor wasn't the only one to arrived shocked to see their house having a raging party thrown inside; Stealth Elf and Black Ice were standing outside the house with surprised faces too.

"Food Fight!" Stealth Elf called the said Skylander, and she had to teleport in front of him to stop him from running around the yard, "what is going on here?"

"What's going on? Your graduation party's what's goin' on!" Food Fight laughed and ran back into the house.

"Graduation party?" Black Ice repeated in confusion, as she and the others tried to enter the house, but they were suddenly stopped by Ka-Boom.

"No one gets in unless their name is on the list," Ka-Boom growled, a strong Austrian accent rolling off of his tongue.

"What? C'mon, you know who we are, we live here with Spyro!" Eruptor quickly protested while getting a little heated.

"I don't make the rules, I just enforce them. Names?" Ka-Boom demanded.

"Eruptor, Elf, Ice! So glad you guys could make it! Welcome to the party!" Spyro cheered while coming out the front door and happily greeting them.

"Party?" Stealth Elf questioned with a quirked eyebrow.

"You didn't get an e-vite?" Spyro asked.

"You guys need to check your spam filter," Ka-Boom added.

"Hey, it's ok, Ka-Boom. They're with me. They're VIPs," Spyro pointed out while pushing his three friends inside, and Ka-Boom let them pass at Spyro's say-so.

Many of the other cadets training to be Skylanders were throwing a huge party in the living room, with colorful lights, awesome music, shouting, dancing, etc. But Stealth Elf and the others weren't as amused as Spyro was with his party.

"You blew off our last day to practice to throw a party? We have to be rested and ready for the Skylander games BY TOMORROW!" Stealth Elf shouted angrily over the music.

"Oh, please, I was born ready. Now, c'mon! Loosen up and have some fun!" Spyro protested with a smirk, but none of his friends agreed to the party, and they immediately went off to bed.

And luckily, the party wasn't allowed upstairs, and the floors were thick enough to block out the music and shouting…mostly. But as everyone headed to their rooms, Stealth Elf couldn't help but notice Black Ice's quiet behavior, since they shared a room, and she felt concerned for her dragon roommate when she curled up into a pity ball on her bed.

"You ok?" Stealth Elf asked softly, refusing to turn off her lamp.

"W-why…d-does it look lime something's wrong with me?" Black Ice lied while trying to avoid eye contact, but Stealth Elf could still read her pretty clearly.

"Black Ice, you've been pretty quiet today—I mean, more than you usually are—and I'm concerned for you."

"B-But…th-there's nothing wrong with me." As Black Ice once again lied, Stealth Elf suddenly teleported onto her bed and sat next to her, and she placed a reassuring hand on her back, making sure to avoid her broken wing.

"I can tell when you're lying, Ice—and it's not just because you're a horrible liar—but it's also because I'm your friend, and I want to help you if something's wrong."

"No…no, I can't tell you…I-I wish I could, but it would only make it worse," Black Ice protested while quivering.

"What would make it worse?" Stealth Elf inquired.

"I can't tell you that either."

"Black Ice." Black Ice finally looked her friend in the eyes when she stated her name firmly, and Stealth Elf stared sincerely back into her emerald eyes. "Please, let me in. Nothing will get better if you continue to shut people out."

Black Ice's darted between the floor and Stealth Elf's eyes, as she pondered what she said, and it was becoming more and more tempting by the second. Besides, it was growing awkwardly quiet the longer she waited.

"Ok, ok…" Black Ice sighed in defeat, and she closed her eyes tightly to prepare for the worse, "today, w-when I broke my wing…I kinda lied about how I broke it."

"Well, then what happened? You said you fell off a bridge, right?"

"Yes, that part is true…for the most part…see, I-I didn't fall off by accident…I was pushed."

"What? Who pushed you? I swear, I'll straighten them out fore hurting-," Stealth Elf gasped with shock, but she was soon interrupted by Black Ice shushing her and rapidly shaking her head.

"No, no, no! That's just it, you can't!"

"Why not? Who pushed you, Black Ice?"

"If I tell you, you have to swear you'll NEVER breathe a word of it."

"Cross my heart," Stealth Elf confirmed while crossing a finger over her chest where her heart would be, and so Black Ice pulled her ear close to whisper the culprit's name.

"It…it was Eruptor."

"What?!" Stealth Elf accidentally shouted, making Black Ice shove her paws over her mouth.

"Please, you CAN'T tell anyone I told you…especially not Eruptor," Black Ice pleaded with a whisper.

"And just why not?" Stealth Elf hissed while pushing Black Ice's paws away.

"I-if he found out, he'd just hurt me again. Please, Elf, I'm tired of him bullying me."

"What? Eruptor's been bullying you, and you never said anything?"

"No…I couldn't…he threatened to hurt me again if I ratted him out…so no, I never anything."

"Aw, Black Ice, I'm so sorry," Stealth Elf sighed sadly while pulling Black Ice into a hug.

"So, you still promise not to tell anyone, right?" Black Ice asked with worry.

"Of course. I swear, your secret's safe with me."

"Thank you, Elf. You truly are a good friend."

This story will make A LOT more sense if you've started watching the new Skylanders Academy series.

Also, if you're having trouble picturing Black Ice(yes, she's my OC), she basically looks a lot like Cynder from Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon...but with black and white coloration instead of pink and purple. Obviously.

But yeah, I thought this would be an interesting turn on the new series, and I would like to declare that Eruptor has become my favorite character from the show, so that's the main reason why I've started writing this story. But there are more chapters to come, so I hope you all will like this story.

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!