Disclaimer ~ Oh how I wish this wasn't true but unfortunately I don't own anything *bursts into tears, wailing about how life is unfair*

Harry sat in front of the Great Hall where everyone seemed to be holding there breath in anticipation of which House he would be sorted into, he sat there with his eye scrunched shut arguing with the Sorting Hat.

'No, anywhere but Slytherin please?' Harry pleaded, not wanting to be surrounded by people who from his short interactions had reminded him of his cousin, Dudley. 'I am begging you anywhere else.'

The Sorting Hat remained unmoved, 'Slytherin is where you belong, if I put you in any other House I wouldn't be doing my job,' It replied before shouting "Better be Slytherin!" to the everyone. Everyone in front of Harry seemed too stunned to respond so he looked towards the Head table where it seemed they felt the same. However one professor who was wearing all black robes and had a hooked nose seemed the most shocked out of everyone, before he managed to compose himself. Professor Dumbledore began to clap which seemed knocked everyone out of their daze and they started to clap as well. Professor McGonagall removed the Sorting Hat and gave Harry a nudge in the direction of the Slytherin table, most of which still seemed shell-shocked. 'How am I going to survive this, if Voldemort was in Slytherin it would be safe to assume that most of his followers would be as well, followers which are probably related to my fellow Slytherins. Okay I'm going to have to pretend I know nothing of it, act gullible and they won't be expecting it when I don't fall for whatever traps they may have. Sounds simple enough.' He thought to himself as he walked towards the table, trying to block out the whispering that was happening all around him.

"You alright there Potter?" A girl who looked to be around the age of fifteen asked, looking worriedly at Harry when he only nodded in reply. "I expect that this was a shock for you, huh? I bet you were brought you being told you would be in Gryffindor," She said looking over to the Gryffindor table where most of the inhabitants seemed to be glaring at the Slytherin table. "just like most of them were told the same thing."

'Should I tell her the truth?' Harry wondered to himself trying to see if there was a down side to telling her. 'It would make me look more vulnerable, in a world where I know nothing. It might make them underestimate me even further.' Harry sighed and then said, "Actually I only found out I was a wizard recently as I was living with some muggle relatives." He looked up to her and widened his eyes at her trying to make himself look innocent and even younger than he was. "That's not going to be a problem, is it?" He said forcing concern into his voice.

"I just realised I didn't introduce myself, I'm Gemma Farley, Fifth Year Prefect." The now-named Gemma put her hand out and Harry shook. Her voice lowered down to a whisper when she said, "I'll be honest with you there are some people in this House who don't like people like you and me, Half-bloods, plus with you being the Boy-Who-Lived that's going to paint a target on your back so look after yourself and I'll help you as well." Harry was shocked as he wasn't expecting a warning, 'I thought she was going to act like everything was going to be fine. But still I'll keep an eye on her as well, you can never be too cautious after all.'

Harry made his face fill with gratitude and gushed, "Thank you for telling me, I wouldn't have known what to expect if you hadn't told me." After saying that the final Sorting a "Blaise Zabini" into Slytherin and a feast of food appeared on all four of the tables. It was more food than Harry had seen in his whole life and he had a hard time trying to keep his face composed, when he calmed down he started to slowly place chicken, mashed potatoes and different kinds of vegetables on his plate. After everyone finished eating the prefects were told to take the First Years to their Common room, so Harry stood up and followed Gemma Farley and the other First Years down to what they were told was the dungeons and then to what appeared to be a wall bare of any door or portraits.

Gemma turned to face us and announced,"Okay everyone listen up, it is important that you remember the password or you will be stuck out here until someone comes along and lets you in." She turned back to the wall and said, "habitans." After she said that an entrance opened up in the wall, similar to the enterance Diagon Ally from the Leaky Cauldron. Everyone followed her down to the Common room which was covered in plush green seats and couches and their was even a whole wall that was a window that showed the underneith of a body of water, where Harry could see creatures swimming in the distance.

"Everybody welcome to your home away from home for the next seven years."

Hi! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it so far. I'm hoping to have the next chapter up tomorrow but we'll see. Stay alive frens |-/ 3