
"So, what exactly was it about him that made you jump right into bed with him as soon as you met him?"

Well it wasn't a damn sire bond, that's for damn sure.

That was the response that was on the tip of Caroline's tongue, but she forced that down because that would have to wait until she handled this.

"Besides the alcohol?" she asks turning to Elena "Well I suppose I was a little curious. He had that whole mysterious thing going on for him. Maybe it was his eyes." she suggests, pretending to mull it over "No, it was definitely the alcohol." She decides.

"However what made me stay was the compulsion. Unlike you, Damon didn't have a nice conversation with me after getting me confused with his ex girlfriend. He threw me down onto my bed and sank his fangs into my neck. And then he compelled me to pretend everything was okay. He didn't run off into the night after patting me on the head, he used me as his own private blood bank. Or have you forgotten the time you cornered me, trying to get me to tell you what was going on. You know...when you ripped my scarf off of my neck and saw the bite marks? What? Did you forget that as soon as you jumped into bed with him?"

Elena opens her mouth in shock and Caroline can't help the words that come out of her mouth next,

"Downside of being a vampire, your senses are heightened. I thought Stefan was being dramatic but I could smell him all over you the moment I saw you. And not to mention the little pep in your step this morning." The blonde adds, her voice dripping with disgust.

Yeah, she went there. She slut-shamed her, and she retaliated. Was it petty? Yes. She could admit that, but friends don't slut-shame friends. Being honest with one another or telling it how it is without sugarcoating it is one thing but bringing up something that she did when she was that girl, the one that was insecure, whiny, and as shallow as a kiddie pool? That was a something entirely different. Something that until now, she thought was no longer to be spoken of. But she comes to the conclusion that she was wrong.


"No, Bonnie. This will not be one of those times where you step in and try to calm me down. I'm not in the wrong here. I didn't slut-shame someone who is supposed to be my best friend. I didn't forget that my new bedmate was the previous abuser of said best friend. You know what," Caroline smiles, pulling herself up from the floor "I'm done. You'll have to excuse me for not supporting a relationship with the 'man' that took control of the pathetic insecure little girl I used to be." She throws out over her shoulder as she leaves the room.


"Go to Hell Elena."

While Caroline would love to believe that it must have been the sire bond clouding Elena's mind and the latest doppelganger automatically went on defense because she was bashing Damon. The blonde vampire can't bring herself to actually believe it. Tyler was sired to Klaus but all he felt towards Klaus was hatred and resentment. Yet all of a sudden Elena was in love with Damon and it was as if Stefan was nothing more than a memory. It didn't make sense! Unless Elena was in love with Damon prior to her transition, but if that was the case wouldn't she have chosen Damon after she completed her transition? Trying to find logic was making her head hurt and that segued into her wondering why she was even trying to find reasoning for what Elena said to her. Being sired is no excuse for what her supposed best friend said. Not after what Damon put her through. If anyone should get a pass on bashing him, it was her.

So Caroline decides to move on.

Apparently Elena isn't happy about her decision.

But she couldn't care less.

"If she wants to talk to me, she has my number and she knows where I live."

Bonnie sighs "She says you haven't been answering her calls."

"In all of the time that we've been spending together lately, how many times have you heard my phone ring?"

From the look on Bonnie's face, Caroline can tell she doesn't have a defense or refute lined up for Elena and Bonnie already knows in the time that we're not together she with Tyler and she always return messages afterwards. As for Stefan, her phone is off and that's only because he needs her undivided attention to talk him down from the edge.

"Exactly." Caroline says when her best friend remains silent.

She wants to suggest that Bonnie cuts her ties with the vampire but she knows how loyal she is, so she keeps her mouth shut. She knows Bonnie will eventually come to terms that their Elena is gone until further notice. They could blame the sire bond all they want for her recent change of behaviour but when they finally decide to be honest with themselves, they'll see that they've all been clinging on to the girl that Elena use to be.

Because while she loves how freeing the last couple of days have been, where the only times she has any problems remotely close to supernatural are when she's helping her best friends and her boyfriend down from the ledge. She doesn't tell them that they need to cut the ties that she did, she knows that they're all just one nudge away from finally realizing the source of their problems and she'll be right there to welcome them with open arms. She just hopes that Bonnie is next.