I do not own these characters, I am simply playing in their world. *Warning OC is a major character.

Edited by my wonderful Beta Writing4MySoul. Thanks so much!

A beam of sunlight cut across my eyes; with a groan, I rolled over to avoid the light. Just once, I would like to wake up normally, all on my own. After laying on my bed for another couple of minutes I decided it was pointless to attempt sleep any longer, besides my alarm would be going off in a minute. I rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up, sure enough as soon as my feet hit the ground my alarm went off. I let out another groan as I smacked it. I rubbed my eyes as I stood to cross to the calendar hanging on the wall. Next week was my eighteenth birthday. Great.

Half an hour later I was showered, dressed and had my backpack all ready to go. I walked down the stairs to see my mom and dad already seated at the table and from the looks on their faces; this was not going to be a fun day. I racked my brain trying (and failing) to remember what I had done wrong this time; it had to be something last night or this morning. Nothing came to mind, so honestly the look on their faces was unwarranted in my opinion, not that my opinion mattered in this house. I could not wait to go to school and escape this house for a precious seven hours.

"Good morning, Mother…Father. How are you doing this morning?" I recited the greeting they taught me and kept my eyes on the ground.

"Did you forget something last night?" Mother asked me in a tone that said I was definitely in trouble for whatever it was. When Mother glanced over at the dishrag hanging over the side of the sink, I was reminded of what I had forgotten. I winched, I was supposed to put it in the laundry once I finished with my chores yesterday and then start the washer. Something so simple, yet it was going to ruin my day.

"I'm sorry." I cowered in on myself and my bag dropped down to the ground.

"Well, that may be, but it doesn't fix the mistake you made. You have time before first period, go down to the basement and wait; I'll be down in a minute." Mother's tone was as cold as ice. I murmured a 'yes ma'am' and turned to do as I was told. This was so not how I wanted to start my first day of school.

It was a large school; the building towered over me and made me feel insignificant. The goal was simple: make it through my first day at school and find out where Derek Hale kept his pack, all without revealing who I was or what I was.

The bell rang as I approached my locker; at least Latin was a class I exceled in, Father had trained me to speak in Latin from the time I could talk. Second period English Lit was not something I was looking forward to on the other hand. Father has always despaired over my lack of writing ability and reading comprehension.

The boy at the locker next to me smelled like wolf, he must be part of the pack. I allowed my sleeve to slip up my arm and show a bruise I could not hide with makeup; that should work.

With a stumbling halt, the robin egg blue jeep pulled into a parking spot. A gangly teenager practically fell out the door as he attempted to juggle his keys and his bag. With a well-practiced move, he straightened and walked toward the large school building.

A senior now, the very thought was exciting to the young man. After everything that happened last year, Stiles Stilinski was looking forward to a quiet year, hopefully free from drastic supernatural events. Let's face it, though, the once a month moon, and fuzzy time, was most likely going to be the boring part of the year.

Stiles walked up to his locker to get out his textbooks. Math was not his favourite subject. A pretty brunette walked up to the locker next door to him. Now lately Stiles was not the kind of guy to actively notice other girls, now that he himself had a hot girlfriend. But this girl had something about her that drew in his eye. When she turned to walk, presumably, to her first class, Stiles noticed what made her eye catching. She had a large bruise peeking out of the sleeve of her shirt. From Stiles' experience with Isaac, he did not think that it was sports induced or accident caused. Stiles did not like the idea of anyone being in an abusive relationship. He filed a note-to-self to talk to Scott and keep an eye on her. Something about her brought out his protective instinct and feeling of pack. Derrek called it his 'mother' instincts. Already a mystery to solve, great.

Stiles had seen the mystery girl in his English class and now, at lunch he could see her sitting on her own. According to attendance call, her name is Fiona. The rumour mill said that this was her first time in school. Stiles didn't know if that meant ever or just this school, but something told him that it was probably ever. Curiouser and curiouser. Now to figure out what to do about her. Maybe the group would be willing to adopt her.

"Hey Stiles, how are you dude?" Scott slid onto the lunch table bench.

"I'm doing great. The birds were singing this morning, and the teachers are actually being cool for the first day of school. I haven't heard from Mr. Grumpy Pants in a week and there is a girl over there sitting on her own on her first day to school ever."

"Who, the cute blonde with the pink cat shirt?"

"No, the brunette sitting over there with her head down looking like she just got picked on."

"She is pretty, but I thought you were dating Malia?"

"He is. What are we talking about?" Malia asked sitting down and planning a kiss on Stiles' lips.

"Hey, boundaries in public."

"Sorry. Now repeat, what are we talking about."

"The brunette over there, the one sitting on her own; Stiles has developed mom feelings. Maybe you have some competition." Scott teased.

"I have not!" Stiles protested. "It's just that I saw a bruise on her upper arm, a pre-wolf Isaac type bruise. I got concerned and was wondering if one of you ladies would mind talking to her and finding out. After all, what are we here for but to help others. I mean for all we know it could be some kind of monster hurting her." He addressed the other ladies who had come over to join them knowing that they heard everything he said.

Without further prodding from him, Erica marched over to the girl and claimed a seat next to her. Immediately, the young lady looked very uncomfortable and Stiles almost regretted sending someone to intrude. However, when Erica returned a minute later, she was scowling and looked like she was ready to murder someone.

"That girl reeks of pain, and yet she lies with every breath. According to her, she is a softball player and the bruise is from a stray ball. It was all clearly a lie when you listen to the important things and that there is no softball team near here. Ugh, whoever hurt her should pay for what they did." Erica let out a low growl that was barely at a human octave. A glance at Isaac made her stop and wince.

"Does anyone have a suggestion? She is a new student so she must not have any friends." Stiles questioned the pack.

"Normally, you are the one to come up with a solution to the problem, so what do you suggest, Batman?" Erica said facing the boy in question. Stiles sighed and turned away from Erica's expectant face and toward the mystery girl; she looked frightened and unsure with herself.

Allison looked around, "I could ask my dad to look into his contacts and see if there is anything there?"

"Thanks Ally, please do that. For now let's just be her friends. We don't have to tell her about the pack, but I think that we should make her feel welcome." Faces of agreement meet him when he turned back to them.

They decided that it would be best to wait until after school and to approach as a group. Stiles had a moment of panic when he thought that maybe all of them at once would be too much for Fiona, but his fears where soon put to rest when they cornered her in the parking lot.

"Hello." Stiles greeted.

"Oh, hello. Erica, right?" She glanced over at the she wolf.

"Yup." Erica stepped forward.

"Can I help you?" Fiona asked, adjusting her backpack on her shoulder.

"We were wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat? Oh, I'm Stiles by the way."

"Um, I'm not sure that's such a good idea. My parents are expecting me home, and I have chores to do. Maybe next time?"

Stiles' smile dropped for a second and then it was back. He nodded frantically a couple of times and then seemed to be mentally recalculating what he should do next. "Alright, well at least let me give you my number, in case you need help with your homework or something."

"Okay, that should be fine, yeah." Fiona held out her phone to Stiles.

"Alright, there you go. I guess we'll see you tomorrow then."

The smell of fresh baked cookies filled the air as the pack (sans Derek) sat around Stiles' kitchen table. Allison flipped through the folder open in front of her.

"Dad said that the Merriweather's have lived here the past nineteen years. The dad works for the detective unit, and the mother is a stay at home mother. The daughter has been home-schooled all her educational life and is hardly seen outside the house, child service was called once when she was young, however, nothing was found.

"His supernatural sources say that there is something about them and they have been on their radar for generations, along with the mother's maiden family. In past they were rumoured to be fairies however, there has never been any confirmation on that."

"So she could be like us, or at least let in on our group?" Stiles asked taking out another try from the oven.

"Potentially, but I don't know if she even knows about her family's history."

Boyd selected a cookie and simply stated, "We could tell her."

A gasp went around the table.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Isaac piped up. "What if she really is being abused and she finds out that she could have magical powers or whatever it is the fairies have, but she can't access them. On the other hand, suppose she is able to use them and she goes after her parents? It was incredibly hard for me to not go after my dad once I turned."

"Maybe we should talk to Derek and see what he says." Scott piped up.

"No!" Lydia interjected. "We should definitely not do that, Derek does not need to be involved in every decision we make. Scott, you are the true alpha and have become the leader of the group. You can make the decision to include her or not."

Jackson made a noise of agreement with his girlfriend.

Malia stole Jackson's cookie and looked at Scott, "No offense but, I think Stiles should make the decision. You don't have the best track record in making pack decisions."

"I have to agree with Malia, Stiles you should make the call. You are the one who wanted to befriend her. Do we tell her about the pack or not?"

Stiles sat down between Erica and Malia, he thought about it for a minute and then made the decision.