I was sweeping the floor, laughing as all my kittens chased dust particles that the broom was lifting up. By the small window, the four cats I owned were sleepily lazing in a piece of sun the window brought in. My hut was cool, the cement keeping out any summer heat the season tried to bring in. I was interrupted from my chores by a loud knock.. I put down my broom and answered the door.

Standing in front of me were two guards, half of their body painted blue, the other half red. I tried to ignore their cringing looks at the sight of me; I was pretty much more concerned with the fact there were soldiers at my door. The one to the left of me said in a booming voice. "In order of the Emperor of Tawantinsuyu , you have been called upon to come to the palace in order for the Emperor to choose a bride."

Wait, what? One of them grabbed my arm, I tried to kick him, but the other one grabbed my whole body. "My cats!," I cried, watching my door swing closed.

They carried me to the palace, it was a ridiculously long trip, and I almost felt bad for the guard. Him having to carry a screaming, squirming, kicking girl over hills and up thousands of steps.

I gaped at the sight before me. A hug golden palace built like Inti, our Sun God, was standing before me. The guard brought me inside past huge red and gold tapestries hung everywhere that looked they weighed a ton, and some looked like they were made of silk.

He finally set me down in a room that was covered in fabric. An older man looked me over. "Nothing I can do for her in time period Emperor wants her done. Hair too messy, no proper clothes to fit her right now. Take her away." Before I could move or say anything, the guards led me through a few hallways, the one who had carried me up here was about to carry me again if I didn't knock off the "glancing in every direction to see if there's an escape" act.

They placed me next to seven other woman, all much more beautiful than me. They were all dressed in white wedding dresses, most with gold somewhere on their body.

They made me feel small, looking at them then at myself. I had messy black hair that frizzed everywhere and wouldn't stay in place, and a raggy blue dress, the shoulder strap falling down my arm.

I wasn't about to be anybody's "bride". But before I could look for a secret exit, a man burst through the two big doors.

"Boom baby!"