I AM BACK! Sort of...my sincerest apologies for not updating my two multi-chapter fics in ages. I promise I haven't forgotten them I've just been incredibly busy and have been dealing with some writers block on top of rarely having any time to actually sit down and write. I wrote this late last night after I watched the episode (and part of a second chapter set at the end of last night's friggin' phenomenal episode that I'll try to get up soon) and this just happened. Apologies if there are typos. I'm doing all this on my phone in a bit of a rush.

This is for Sage & Gigi because I've owed them some smut and I know they need it.

Elizabeth and Henry walked back upstairs. His hand never left her back and right now it was her only source of reprieve from the heaviness that weighed down on her entire body. She wouldn't be able to properly relax until this was all over. As they walked into the bedroom Henry removed his hand and she felt a shiver run through her body at the loss of contact. Henry noticed her shiver and he frowned. He couldn't fix all this but the least he could do was help her relax.

They both walked back into the bathroom and Elizabeth sat down on the edge of the tub. She tested the water with her hand and sighed, of course the water had gotten cold. It was an easy fix but she just didn't have the energy at the moment. This whole situation felt like it was consuming her. Every nerve in her body was on edge and she was so worn out emotionally it was like her brain was weighing her body down.

Henry stood in front of the sink and just observed her for a minute. "Do you want me to warm the water up for you?"

She shook her head, unable to form words out of pure emotional exhaustion.

Henry sighed and then had an idea. He took off his shirt and stepped into the shower to turn it on. He then took off his shorts and walked over to Elizabeth. He pulled her up from the tub and he kissed her damp hairline. "Come on babe, I'm going to relax you."

Elizabeth stifled a laugh, "No offense, babe, but nothing is going to truly relax me until this guy is caught."

Henry wrapped his arms more tightly around her body. "I know that, but all this tension isn't helping and sometimes you just need a release."

Elizabeth couldn't help but smile into his shoulder. He was right, nothing would relax her but Henry was the only one with the ability to at least push it to the back of her mind for a little while. "What did you have in mind, Dr. McCord?"

Henry grinned, happy that his wife was at least trying to distract herself from the chaos. He reached down to her robe and untied it, he then traced his hands up the lapels, his fingers gently caressing her bare skin, and he slid the robe off her shoulders and it fell to the floor.

He then pulled her body flush against his own, their bare skin coming in contact felt like fire. Elizabeth's body was still glistening from the heat of the shower and the warm robe and Henry ran his hands from her waist up her back as he stepped back to take a look at her. Even stressed, anxious and sweaty she was still the most stunning woman he had ever laid eyes on. He took a step backward and released her body before grabbing ahold of her hand and leading her to the shower.

Elizabeth just smiled at her husband, she loved him so much she felt like her heart could swell and burst out of her chest.

Henry tested the water and then after deeming it an acceptable temperature pulled her into the shower and immediately up against his body. His mouth covered hers and his warm tongue slid into her mouth and Elizabeth sunk into him. He moved her backward so her body was pressed against the cool marble of the shower wall and his body was holding her against it. She let herself relax a little bit, holding up her own body had felt like a chore and now she could rely on Henry to hold her up. The cool marble mixed with the steam from the shower and Henry's hot body was putting her nerves on edge. She felt every little move his body made but magnified, his hips pulsating gently against her pelvis, his hands massaging her hips delicately and his heartbeat pressed against her chest felt like the rhythm of their shared existence. Henry had come into her life at 18 and made her past three years of hazy existence suddenly so clear. She didn't have to be just one thing for Henry, he saw every side of her, every strength and every weakness and he loved every part of her.

Henry broke away from her mouth and started kissing his way down her chest. His mouth found her breasts and as his talented tongue swirled around her nipple she felt herself lose her footing and slide a little bit. Henry pulled back and caught her and the both laughed.

He crawled back up her body and whispered in her ear, his hot breath sending tingles down her body, "Do I make you weak in the knees?"

Elizabeth giggled and pulled him closer against her, feeling his erection pressed hard against her abdomen and making all the heat in her body pool between her legs. "Only for the last twenty some years." She teased.

Henry started kissing her neck and ran his hand down her body and along her leg, he lifted her leg up around his waist and Elizabeth suddenly felt him right where she wanted him. She let out an audible "ohh" and shut her eyes as she leaned her head back against the cool marble. She reached down between them and stroked him a few times with her hand, earning a groan of pleasure from her husband before positioning him at her opening. He lifted her body up further with ease as she wrapped her other leg around his waist and he thrust into her without a moments hesitation. She yelped from the sudden movement but god did it feel good. Henry was totally in control and she was fine with that, she didn't have the energy for anything else and this was heaven. Their bodies seemed to stick together as Henry thrust and circled his hips against her, creating the most wonderful sensations. She felt like her whole body was buzzing. The heat combined with her husband's expert movements was making her brain hazy. She knew she wouldn't last long at this rate and she hoped Henry was close as well. He seemed to read her mind and pulled back from her lips for just a moment, "I'm so close, babe. Are you close?"

Elizabeth just nodded, words were escaping her at the moment."

Henry buried his head in her shoulder and picked up his pace. Elizabeth wrapped her arms tightly around his body and held him close, the feeling of herself surrounding him this intimately was so comforting and seemed to be short circuiting her brain at the moment. She couldn't have thought about anything other than Henry creating so much pleasure for her if she tried.

She had no control over her body at this point, she was at Henry's mercy and she knew he would take care of her, he always did.

Henry lifted her body up slightly, changing the angle just enough so that she was fairly certain she was going to black out from the pleasure. "Oh my god, Henry." She finally managed to whisper and she felt herself come undone in his arms. Henry came only a moment after, his released seemingly triggered by the way she whispered his name, her eyes closed, head back, as if she was worshiping him, which really she was.

"Elizabeth," he called back as he came, her name floating off his lips like a prayer. He held onto her tightly as her body went limp in his arms. He struggled to stay standing himself but he could hold her up forever if that was what she needed. Her legs could no longer hang onto him anymore and dropped to the ground. He let her slide down his body just enough so she could stand but their arms were still wrapped tightly around each other as they kissed lazily. Elizabeth then made the mistake of trying to put weight on her feet and she felt herself falling to the ground. Of course Henry caught her immediately and they both giggled at her inability to balance. "God you're good." Elizabeth said, winking at her husband.

Henry grinned down at her, "I serve at the pleasure, Madam Secretary."

Elizabeth just grinned and rested her head against his chest. Of course the stalker was still at the back of her mind but at this point she was so exhausted she was content to let it stay there for the time being and not dwell on it for the night, she couldn't control it anyway.

Henry wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair tenderly. "Want me to wash your hair?"

Elizabeth nodded against him. She loved when he did that.

She was steadier now on her feet but Henry was still careful with her when he backed away just enough to grab her shampoo bottle. He gently turned her around and she braced herself against the shower wall since she was still a little hazy and weak on her feet. Henry started massaging her scalp and she closed her eyes. This had to be heaven. Henry massaged her scalp and she slowly felt some of her tension melting away as his talented hands worked their magic on her. He started to rinse, squeezing the shampoo out of her hair so that it ran down her back and made her shiver. He repeated the process with her conditioner and she was content just to stand under the water and bask in the warm glow she was feeling as Henry quickly washed his own hair. He then grabbed her loofah and started circling her body with it. Elizabeth kept her eyes closed, the movements of the loofah, tingling her skin with every swirl was putting her to sleep. The tender way Henry carefully washed down every part of her made her feel so safe and so cherished.

When he was finished with both of them they stepped out of the shower and Henry wrapped a towel around her and started patting her down, making her giggle. He couldn't stop smiling at her, seeing her uninhibited smile took a weight off his own body.

Elizabeth had no desire to be covered by anything but her husband and their bedding so she took his hand and bypassed their closet and climbed into bed. Henry took the hint and climbed in next to her. His body envoleped hers, his arms wrapped around her torso and their legs intertwined. He nipped at her ear gently and then whispered, "No one will ever hurt you or the kids, not if I can help it."

Elizabeth nodded, "I know." She did know. Henry was her one constant. Even when things got bad she knew he would always be there.

"I love you, Elizabeth." He said, punctuating the words so she understood how profoundly he meant them.

She squeezed his arms, pulling them tighter around her body. "I love you, too." And with that Elizabeth finally closed her eyes and let herself succumb to one of the more restful sleeps she'd had in weeks.

Thanks a million for reading and please leave me some love as I feed off your reviews. Again, I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, my goal is to get the next chapters of both Something Blooming and Perfect Imperfections up within the week but I don't want to make any promises. Thanks to everyone for sticking with me. You're all gems.