An Arc to the Past

Okay, I first want to say, thank you for choosing to read this. Second, for anybody who read my first RWBY story, Arc to D'arc, I'm letting you know now, Jaune will not have the semblance he unlocked there in this story. It will be completely different, but still dangerous to his enemies.

Anyway, here we go.

Chapter 1: Shot straight into the past

The world was in shambles. All of it was grey. Rubble everywhere. No trees. No sun. A world with no life.

A true dead wasteland.

The only life left was this man under a pile of rubble and another waiting for him to rise.

"Jauney~… Jau~~~ney… wake up Jauney. I'm not done with you yet." A voice spoke.

The rubble moved as then coming out of it was a man, tall, a mop of blonde shaggy hair on his head, cobalt eyes and slight stubble across his jawline. He wore a white grey long coat with two golden crescent moons on the back and a black letter J on the right shoulder, a black sleeveless armored shirt with a black choker attached with a gold buckle, black pants and black boots that went up to the knees, along with a black belt with a gold belt buckle and black fingerless gloves.

He held a sword that was long and thick. The blade was pure white with a gold cross lining along the blade in the center of it along with a long hole starting from the tip of the blade along down the center of the golden cross to a few inches before it met the guard. The cross guard was golden while the handle was black in color. On his other arm was a special sheath. The Crocea Mors. Although nowadays it's only used to carry around easy and transform into a shield.

Attached to the belt of the blonde was a holster where a silver pistol was being carried in.

The blonde panted a bit as he glared at his adversary.

(For this part, I'd listen to 'When it Falls' from Volume 3's album. Just saying.)

"Oh~, you look tired." The voice spoke as a metal foot slammed down atop of a rock, crushing it into dust. "Can you even continue?" The man asked.

The man wore midnight blue hefty knight armor, armored shoulder guards with spikes protruding out of them and royal blue cape. His skin was fair and he had black spiky shaggy hair with blue frosted tips at the end of the strands of his hair, and he had a scar over the right end of his right eye.

His sword was a giant black blade, considered a broadsword, but seemed more like a hunk of iron. (Basically like the Buster Sword from Final Fantasy VII)

Jaune glared at the man in front of him.

"I'm not going to fall until you die first." Jaune said with a dark, disdainful tone. His foe grinned as he then spun his sword around before aiming the tip at Jaune, then used his free hand to gesture the blonde to make the first move.

Jaune firmly tightened his left hand as something was in his grasp.

'It's a bit of a risky gamble, but if I can get close I can finish this for good. No way could anyone survive this.' Jaune thought with gritting teeth.

Jaune slammed the tip of his long sword down onto the ground as he then charged at the armored knight with his sword creaking sparks as it ran along the ground.

Jaune made an upward slash that clashed with the giant broadsword, causing sparks. Jaune sent slashes that were blocked, before spinning and slamming the handle into his foe's chest plate, then took out his silver pistol and shot a few bullets into the armor, before having to kick his foe away as he tried doing the same, but Jaune was faster.

Jaune's sword then retracted the blade as it transformed into a shotgun as then Jaune sprayed bullets at his foe, who spun his large sword windmill style, deflecting the bullets, then it transformed into a Gatling gun as he started shooting lightning fast bullets at Jaune.

Jaune ran forward as his gun transformed back into a long sword, and started parrying the bullets, before taking out his silver gun and shooting a few of the Gatling's barrels, jamming it. Jaune ran forward at high speed, as his foe unjammed his gun with a switch that sent pressurized air out from the barrels, sending all bullets, including the ones that Jaune shot, flying towards the blonde knight. Jaune rolled under as he then took out a silver bar that had a scythe blade extended out as Jaune sliced up, cutting the armor, and then spun as he went for a slash across the mid-section, but the armored knight grabbed the blade and head-butted Jaune, before kicking him away.

"You're getting slow Jaune." The armored knight said before breaking the scythe in half.

"So are you." Jaune said with a glare, before he vanished, appeared before him, kicking him in the chin, before appearing above him and shooting both his silver gun and shotgun at the man's face, causing him to roar in pain, before he landed behind him, took out a piece of what looked like a cylindrical metal piece that he connected to his shot gun, transforming it into a new gun, but then suddenly a hatch closed over the barrel of the new gun as then electricity started to spark. Jaune fired electricity as the armored knight, electrocuting him.

Then enemy made his way to Jaune, ignoring the pain, but then Jaune spun around and slammed something against the chest plate, kicked him away, and fired the bullets his silver gun at the chest plate. The armored knight looked down only for his eyes to widen in shock as he noticed a red blinking bomb plastered onto his chest plate, before the bullet hit as it consumed him in an explosion.

Jaune dismantled the added piece to his shotgun as it transformed back into his sword, as the armored knight charged straight at him with his giant broadsword ready to cut him down. Jaune blocked the sword with his own, only for it to be parried back from the force, then the armored knight went for a spin and slash, but Jaune leaped up fast before getting cut, but the armored knight grabbed him by the leg and slammed him into the ground, before stabbing his sword down at Jaune, but Jaune surrounded his hand in aura as he grabbed the tip of the blade with all his strength.

Jaune sent a slash from his sword at his foe, but the armored knight slapped it away with his armored forearm that was covered in dark aura. Then he grabbed Jaune by the neck, attempting to strangle him, but Jaune's sword transformed into a gun as he shot his foe in the face, making him roar in pain, allowing Jaune enough time to toss the broadsword's tip away from his face, having it stabbed into the ground, before Jaune wrapped his legs around the armored knight's other arm, grasped it firmly with his hands before kneeing his elbow, making his arm bend the wrong way.

The armored knight gritted his teeth in anger, ignoring the pain, he released his grasp on his broadsword, grabbed Jaune by the face and started charging forward, skidding Jaune across the ground with a rut following, made a U turn, ran back to where they were, stopping next to his broadsword, tossed Jaune up as he used his other hand to grab the handle of his broadsword then slashed at Jaune, sending him flying far.

Jaune's aura glowed brightly as it tried healing his wounds. Jaune flipped in the air as then he landed against a wall hard, feet first, using his aura to land on the surface safely, leaving a cracked crater on the wall. Jaune then aimed his silver gun forward and shot at the armored knight, who was just using his broadsword to slash away the bullets effortlessly.

"It won't work Jauney. I'm able to keep going with more energy because I'm feeding off your anguish, anger and despair. You can't even summon much of your semblance, only enough to speed pass my attacks. Then again, not much sun to feed off of." The armored knight said with a grin.

'You never shut up. I've always hated that.' Jaune thought with a narrowing glared, before he shot forward and clashed blades, struggling to fight back his foe's larger sword. Jaune surrounded himself in aura as his blade then glowed golden. Jaune then started slashing faster, his foe trying to keep up, but Jaune was superior in speed as he slashed away at his foe's armor, shredding and tearing it along with causing new wounds to appear from within as it cut deep.

Jaune's blade left golden afterimages of slashes as he slashes faster and stronger, cutting into his foe, before stabbing straight into his torso then pressed a trigger on his handle, spraying bullets inside his foe, sending him flying.

The armored knight skid back, causing ruts as his feet slide across the ground, before halting. Holding his torso, the armored knight glared at Jaune.

"Try as you might, my aura is as vast as yours and I can heal from this like you easy." The armored knight said with a grin, but as he took a step forward he felt a new sensation inside him. His eyes widened as he fell to a knee. "What… what's happening?" He wondered as he held his now cold stomach.

"Ice dust ammo. A shot of it introduced into your bloodstream and the liquid inside is going to freeze you from the inside out." Jaune said as he slashed his blade down before bringing it up to rest against his shoulder. His foe gritted his teeth and glared forward as he sent his dark aura to his wound and into his body. "It's not going to work. Your aura will only prolong the inevitable. Only a special surgery can remove that stuff, but you killed all the doctors." Jaune said.

"My aura will be enough to hold me until I clone the DNA I collected with the Kuron (Japanese for clone)." The armored knight said with gritting teeth and a glare.

"You're going to hold it all the way to the Deadlands? After all the damage we did to each other, I don't see it happening. Besides, what are the chances that the one of DNA that you collected will be that of a doctor's?" Jaune questioned.

"Because I'm not stupid Jaune. You on the other hand, if this battle turns in your favor, all of humanity will be extinct. Only I know where all the DNA is. Only I can resurrect humanity and restart life with a new clean slate." The armored foe said.

"You, giving the world a new clean slate. Don't make me laugh." Jaune said shaking his head a bit before his sword radiated with golden aura. The armored foe's aura flared as he was surrounded in a black aura while Jaune was surrounded in gold.

The two charged forward at a high speed as they then clashed. One blade trying to slash down on their counterpart, but their other hands grabbed hold of the blades, holding them in place. Both of the two glared at each other with gritting teeth as they struggled to slice their blades through the other's hand.

Suddenly then jumped back then shot forward as they slashed, causing their blades to clash with golden and black sparks to shoot out from the clash. They met more slashes of their weapons together, before spinning away from each other, then started slashing as their blades shot shockwaves of golden and pitch black energy.

Then they switched their blades into guns, with Jaune putting in a new piece to his shot gun, then the two shot bullet for bullet at one another, their bullets hitting one another as they tried to get pass their enemies barrage to land a hit. Then suddenly Jaune shot a grenade from a barrel below his now rifle's barrel, sending a bomb at his foe causing it to explode upon contact. His foe jumped high into the air with his broadsword ready, but Jaune then spun at a high speed as he rose up into the sky in a golden spiral as his blade then clashed with the broadsword and then he kicked his foe away.

As his foe flew towards the ground, Jaune roared as his body exploded with aura, growing a pair of golden wings as he then dived down towards his foe and started slashing at him with golden aura enhanced slashes, reaching deep into the skin, but then his foe exploded with dark energy, causing a small shockwave of energy to send Jaune back a bit, but then he slashed at Jaune's side, sending him flying away.

Jaune flipped and landed on the ground as he held his pained side. Jaune glared ahead as his foe did the same. They then charged at high speed, clashed blades, then spun up into the air, becoming clashing golden and dark spirals, before pushing away, then they started to fly in the air as they clashed blades, shot back then clashed.

This went on for a few times, before they clashed one last time then shot back. Their auras ready to be depleted down to red zone.

They landed on the floor and glared forward at their opponent.

"For my Family!" Jaune cried as he charged forward.

"For the Future!" The armored knight shouted as he charged forward as well.

The two came closer and closer, until they clashed!

The earth remained silent. No sound whatsoever was heard.

There in the middle stood Jaune and his foe. The tip of the broadsword was stabbed into Jaune, blood seeping down his gritting teeth, his hand covered in aura holding the blade from going any deeper. His long white and gold sword stabbing into the ground.

The armored knight grinned as he stared at Jaune with crazy happy narrowed eyes.

"I win." The armored knight said with a calm victorious tone in his voice.

Suddenly he was stabbed straight into the neck as Jaune then kicked away from him. Jaune laid back onto the ground, sitting up a bit as he saw his opponent moving back, trying to grab what was in his throat. Touching it, the armored knight's eyes widened as he knew what was stabbed within his jugular.

A dust crystal.

"Have fun with Cinder, Vlad." Jaune said as he aimed his silver gun at the dust crystal in Vlad's neck then took the shot as the bullet then caused the crystal to explode into a fiery explosion. Now Vlad fell to the ground, headless, finally defeated.

Jaune panted as he held his torso. He breathed in through his nose, closing his eyes as he focused his aura to his wound. Once it was healed, he leaned back as his back then hit the ground. He looked up into the sky, the dark grey sky. Jaune's eyes were tired as he stared into the dark clouds. Breathing in and out, his chest rising and falling, Jaune thought of all the things before this horrible war. The lives lost. His friends. Family. All died in horrid ways.

But now it was all over.

Suddenly Jaune's eyes twitched as light hit them. Wait… light?

Jaune noticed that after so long, the sun was finally shining once again. The clouds separating to reveal the beautiful golden ball of light in the sky.

Jaune looked at it with shocked eyes. It's been so long. The sun hasn't been out since this war had started.

Jaune's eyes started to water.

Now he knew it was all over.

"It's over. We finally won guys!" Jaune cried out to no one as his tears shed. "I've won."

Jaune panted as he then closed his eyes and dreamed.


('Cold' feat. Casey Lee Williams.)

Jaune stood in front of a stone. So many names on their.

A few in particular that Jaune stared at.

He found this stone back when he was younger. He didn't know why he was drawn to it, but when he found it, he carved a simple name on it.


This was a stone that he had made as a memorial stone for those who had lost their lives.

People had followed his ideal and carved people that they loved and lost into the stone, although they respected Jaune's space and allowed it to be free. Who would have thought that he actually needed that space? He stared at all the names written in it.




















These are the names of all the people Jaune knew personally and lost.

What cruel fate that he was the last one standing.

The last man on Earth.


Jaune stared at the stone with a somber look on his face. His hands were in his coat pockets. He stayed silent as he silently prayed to his friends and family.

He stayed there for what seemed like hours.

Finally deciding to move on, he pulled out a white carnation and placed it in front of the grave. Bowing his head one last time as his hands were in prayer position, Jaune let a tear flow. He then turned and walked away.

The carnation remained in front of the stone. The air silent.

The flower had given a small glow of golden energy.


Jaune walked in silence. The whole planet was unrecognizable, but somehow Jaune knew his way back.

Back to the only place that held a little bit of life to him.

Jaune looked down to his feet, the ground was grey. He never thought that he'd see a grey ground before. What he'd give for it to be brown covered in green grass.

All of Remnant was now just a grey barren wasteland. No life whatsoever could look like it could exist on this huge rock. The only thing that didn't seem dead was the sky as the sun shined. Wonder how long that will last?

Jaune was truly alone in the world. Were there even any Grimm left in the world? Who cares? Guess Jaune's the only one around to have the liberty to care. He sighed as he was getting closer to home, or what's left of it.

Jaune then stopped in the middle of… I guess what was supposed to the road, as he then turned towards some debris. He didn't know why, but it interested him. Suddenly he noticed a glow within. Jaune made his way towards the rubble and dug into it. After a few moments, Jaune found a sun golden crystal. Jaune took it into his hand and examined it.

"I've never seen something like this before." Jaune said.

"What's your wish?"

"Huh?" Jaune said with wide shocked eyes.

"I asked 'what is your wish?'" The crystal spoke as it glowed. Jaune stared at it with wide eyes. "Would you like to start over? Go back to a time when the planet was green? Brimming with life? Or maybe meet a loved one you had lost once again? I can help." The crystal spoke as it glowed.

"… A talking crystal. Sure, why not? I've seen some crazy crap. Might as well put this on the list." Jaune said with a frown and dull eyes.

"Jaune Arc of the Arc family. Original leader to Team JNPR. A member of Team RNJR. Partners of both Pyrrha Nikos and Ruby Rose. Married to Ruby Rose, having three children. Two daughters, Angel, the oldest, Summer, the youngest and a son, Eon, the middle child."

"What the hell!?" Jaune exclaimed with shock.

"I can help Jaune." The crystal said. Jaune stared at it with wide eyes, but then they narrowed.

"What are you?" Jaune asked.

"Believe it or not, I used to be a human being. I have been granted great power that seemed only imaginable, but at the cost of being the being you see before you." The crystal spoke.

"You used to be human? Damn, that sucks." Jaune said now feeling bad.

"It could have been worse. I could have been consumed with power and become just like Vlad and the rest of the Black Arms."

"That's true." Jaune said scratching the side of his head with his finger. "Wait, so, what do you mean by 'start over', 'going back to a time when the planet was green' and all that stuff?" Jaune asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's as it sounds Jaune. One power that I have been granted with is to restart time at a certain point. Creating a new timeline in the process. Everyone you love will be alive in the new timeline. You can prepare for the war, even finish it before it could even start, but be warned, it will cause new consequences. It's a risky gamble." The crystal warned.

"It can't be worse than literally being the last person on Remnant." Jaune said.

"How true. I never said we shouldn't try." The crystal said. Jaune stared at it with silence.

"So I can see my family again?" Jaune asked for confirmation.

"Well… not your children, but-"

"What do you mean not my children!?" Jaune shouted.

"Your first born was born a few years before this bloody war. Not enough time to prepare for the Black Arms invasion. I need to send you back when your body was still… technically fresh to being a Huntsman, but at the same time strong enough to wield a good chunk of the skills you possess now."

"So I'll be… going back to Beacon?" Jaune questioned with shocked eyes.

"That's correct. Is that a problem?" The crystal spoke. Jaune thought it over and shrugged.

"Doesn't sound too bad. The worse I have to deal with is Cardin, but with the skills I'll be taking back, I'll be wiping the floor with him." Jaune said.

"Remember, you'll still have to train that body to adapt to your aura and skills better. You won't be able to just go back and be able to slice a Dragon in half like you could with your semblance." The crystal warned.

"Got it. So what are we waiting for?"

"Well that's the downside. In order to work, the body you possess here must… expire."

"I have to kill myself?" Jaune questioned with wide shocked eyes.

"In order to transfer your soul from one body to the other, this one must cease to exist in this timeline. I'm sorry." The crystal said with an apologetic tone. Jaune stared at the crystal before smirking and giving a small chuckle.

"What do I got to lose?" Jaune said as he closed his eyes. Jaune then pocketed the crystal and continued on.


Inside a wooden cabin, Jaune sat at a table, tying the crystal to some wire.

"There." Jaune said as he lifted the barb wire connected to the crystal, making a necklace. "Sorry about putting a hole in you." Jaune apologized.

"Don't worry about it. I barely feel anything." The crystal said. Jaune then put the necklace over his head, now wearing it around his neck. Jaune took the crystal in hand and stared at it for a few moments.

('All Our Days' by Casey Lee Williams. Trust me. Listen to it now.)

Jaune stood up and went to a drawer. Atop of it were picture. Pictures of his family.

A picture of Team JNPR's team photo. One of both JNPR and RWBY together. Back when they were young. Oh the times. Now he looked to pictures of team RNJR, comprised of Ruby, Nora, himself and Ren. Then he looked to a picture of RNJR and the other members of Team RWBY together. Then one of him and Ruby on their first date, which they said was not a date, taken by Nora who jumped them. He then looked to his wedding pictures of his and Ruby's wedding day. He remembered the food fight that Nora and Yang started. Boy was that a fun hectic day. Then pictures of Nora and Ren's wedding, where he was best man.

Then his eyes went to pictures of the family he started with Ruby.

Angel. His little girl. His princess. She looked just like her mother, expect she wore blue and had a white hood cape that was like her grandmother's. She was a prodigy. Then again she did take after Ruby a lot. She was perfect. She had a bright future to be a great Huntress. Maybe even better than her own mother.

This made Jaune frown. He wished he could have seen it.

Eon. His son. Blonde golden hair that was shaggy like his but a bit spikey, with his same eyes. He was kind of a bumbling dork as Yang would put it, just like his old man. That made Jaune laugh. He had heart though, just like him. The kid was determined to prove his worth. He remembered how he used to punch and tackle trees as a form of training. All those cuts. Ruby kept stressing over them. Not to say Jaune didn't, but boys and men are prone to get some bruises, cuts and burns here and there, so he didn't go overboard like Ruby did. Jaune showed him some skills and he excelled at them. A prodigy filled with determination. That's his boy.

Summer. The baby girl who was only a few months old. She was taken away before she even had a real chance at life. Jaune wished to see her grow. He wanted to hear her say her first word. See her first steps. See her off when he sent her to school. He'll never get that opportunity now. At least not in this timeline.

His eyes then fell on Ruby. She grew into a real beautiful woman. Her hair grew a bit longer. She sported a dark red corset and white shirt underneath with poofy shoulder pieces and frills at the end of the sleeves with red inner frills underneath the white outer ones, and a dark red long skirt, a black belt with the silver rose pendant on her right side, silver cross on her left and sniper ammo on both sides, dark red stockings and red with black laced boots. She still wore that red caped hood. Who would have thought his first real friend would be his wife and mother of his kids? It was crazy, but he would never change that. In fact, he would make sure that they would be together in the new timeline, but then he remembered something else.

Pyrrha. She's in love with him too.

'Ah hell.' Jaune thought with worried eyes as he rested his elbow against the drawer. He looked to a picture on the drawer. It was a family picture of him, Ruby, Angel, Eon and Summer in Ruby's arms.

Yang actually managed to photo bomb the picture by sliding in and managed to pull of the classic lying on your side pose with her cheeks resting on the palm of her robotic hand and pulling off a peace sign as she grinned her usually toothy grin.

Jaune laughed at the sight.

"Dammit Yang." Jaune said with a smile.

Yang Xiao Long.

Ever since he got together with Ruby, he hanged out with her more. They went on missions together, they joked, she flirted, but he always shot her down since he was Ruby's hubby, they enjoyed fighting Grimm together. She became a sister to him. He was happy to have her by his side. Even if she should some interest in him despite his heart belonging to her sister. He stared at the robotic arm she had.

Penny. Hard to believe the android had gotten converted into a robotic arm for Yang. The two worked in tandem though. They were a perfect team. Plus Yang became even stronger thanks to Penny. He still remembers when Yang used Penny to punch Adam a new one. He had never seen someone blow chunks like that before, and he has a bad case of motion sickness.

Jaune smiled at the picture. He couldn't let it go. He opened the frame and pulled out the photo. He then noticed writing on the back, turning it, he saw Ruby's handwriting written in it.

Nothing is better than family. Thank you for giving me a great one.

I love you Jaune


Jaune's tears slid down from his eyes. He stared at the handwriting. He can never part with this picture. Jaune brought it close to his chest as he smile.

"I feel the same way, Ruby." Jaune thought with a sad smile as he shed more tears.

Jaune put the picture inside the inner pocket of his long coat. He looked down to a special doily that Weiss made for him and Ruby. In the center was a shield with two golden crescent moons on it with a large red rose under the crescents and more surrounding the entire shield and a knight's helmet above the shield, being in between it and the roses. Jaune grabbed a hold of it and smiled.

"Lancaster. What an inventive name." Jaune said with a smirk as he put the doily away inside his long coat's inner pocket. Jaune looked around the place. It was the last piece of not just home, but of his family. The memories he's had. His time with Ruby. Cooking with and for his family. Giving his kids baths. His kids jumping on the beds, furniture and running around the house, Ruby shouting at them to stop and getting him involved. He stared at the couch in front of the T.V. It was long and spacious, able to fit the entire family. He remembered how he and his family huddled up to watch television and then they all just fell asleep, but he remained away. He remembered seeing each of their sleeping faces, and smiled at how precious they all looked.

'I'm never letting go.' Jaune's voice from the night ran in his head. "And I never will." Jaune said.

He will miss this house, but without his family to be with him, it's just a husk of its former self. A former self that was filled with love and a welcoming aura, but now was just an empty place filled with memories, never to gain new ones.

Jaune's tears shed, but he groaned with annoyance as he wiped them away.

"Haven't I cried enough for one day?" Jaune said with annoyance.

"It's fine Jaune. You've lost much. No one will blame you or judge you. Besides… you will be leaving all of this behind. It's fine for you to take you time." The crystal said.

Jaune looked to the crystal before scanning the interior of his home once more. He decided to see a few more things before he left.

He went to his kids' rooms. Angel and Eon shared a room and it was messy. Not just of toys, but of weapon magazines and parts. They inherited their mother's obsession with weapons alright. The thought made him smile. Just remembering when they were trying to build their own weapons. Amateur as it may be, they did better than any other six and four year olds. He truly was proud of them.

He found a knight toy with a shield that had the Arc family insignia on it. It was Eon's favorite toy. He always said he wanted to be like the knight and like his father. Brave, strong and heroic. He also saw a small bracelet with a silver rose and gold shield charms on it. Another charm in between was of a white shield with a red rose insignia in the center of it. Jaune smiled at it. It was Angel's.

Jaune put them both away in the inner pocket of his long coat before walking out of his room.

He walked into a room with a baby crib in it. The room was colored white and pink. This was Summer's room. Everything was neat, seeing as he and Ruby cleaned the room's little mess whenever Summer went to sleep. He walked over to the crib and leaned over the railing, looking down at the pink blankets with puppy design on them. He remembered watching Summer sleep in this little crib. He reached his hand in to caress a cheek that wasn't even there.

He remembered when Ruby was pregnant with Angel. He was freaking out because he wasn't sure if he'd be a good parent. Ruby said that he was going to be a great parent, but he had his doubts. When Angel was born and he was busy taking care of her, feeding her, burping her, playing with her, he remembered laying her to bed and then next thing he remembered, Ruby smiled at him and said 'I told you so~. You make a great parent'. Jaune smiled at the memory.

He then noticed something in the crib. It was a handheld corgi toy. Kind of reminded him of Zwei, except it squeaks when squeezed. In fact that's why Ruby bought it for Summer. Jaune took it into his hand and squeezed it, getting a squeak from the toy making him smile, but also shed a tear. Jaune put the toy inside his long coat and walked out of the room.

His final stop, his and Ruby's room. He slowly opened the door to see the room. Inside was a queen sized bed with drawers on each side with their own unique lamps. His side had a knight with the light switch being pressing a button on the shield while Ruby's was that of a woman holding a large rose with a center bud being a button to turn on the lamp.

What can he say? He liked knights and she liked roses, and so did their kids. Is that really so weird?

Jaune looked down at the red carpet in front of the bed that had the same design as the doily he picked up earlier. Also a present from Weiss. In fact she paid for a lot of nice things they had. It was her way of bribing her way to be Angel's godmother. Which was a success, but they were going to name her the godmother anyway. After all, she was Ruby's BFF.

Jaune looked to the side of the room to find a long mirror. He always stood in front of it to examine himself. He always had gotten new wounds and scars from him many adventures, so he decided to keep check on each one. It was a weird hobby of his.

He remembered how Ruby would come up behind him and wrap her arms around his tall form. He smiled. As he stared into the mirror, he wished her arms would come up behind him any second now. They didn't.

He walked over to a large drawer. He looked to this box, opened it to reveal a silver necklace with a red rose pendant attached to it. He got it for his and Ruby's first anniversary. She never took it off ever since. Along with her ring.

He reached into his pocket and took out Ruby's ring. Taking off his glove to reveal his own he stared at the two with a sad expression. Tightening his hold on her ring with the hand that had his ring on, he brought them close to his heart as he shed a single tear. Guess he was just as emotional as ever.

Taking the necklace, he pocketed it with Ruby's ring and then put his glove back on.

Jaune walked out the room and headed back to the living room.

Jaune took a seat, placed it in the center of the house, ripped out a piece of wood, used his aura to spark flames on it, then burnt the drapes, the furniture then threw in on the rug as then the whole house started to blaze.

Jaune sat on the seat in the center of the room, took out his sword and stabbed it deep into the ground as he then closed his eyes and let things take their course.

The whole house was on fire. The place was ablaze with flames and it was collapsing.

"You could have chosen an easier way. This will make you suffer." The crystal spoke.

"I didn't want to leave this behind." Jaune said. The crystal understood. This cabin is the last piece of Jaune's family and he did not want to leave it in a world with no life. To him, it would be like abandoning his family. An action Jaune would never want to take.

The crystal respected him for this.

'You never changed Jaune. I'm proud.'

The whole house then collapsed in on itself and burned away into ash. Taking everything inside of it with it.

Now the world was completely devoid of life.

'Life will find a way. When one vanishes, another will appear soon enough.'


The sound of an alarm clock ringing was heard throughout the room. Jaune groaned as he hugged his pillow close to his face.

"Honey, could you hit the snooze button. I just need five more minutes." Jaune groaned.

"Wake Up Jaune!" A voice screamed as someone jumped onto Jaune's bed, causing him to scream as someone continued to jump up and down his bed.

"Yo! Quit it Nora!" Jaune shouted, but then his eyes widened as he looked to see Nora in her pajamas on top of his bed grinning at him. Jaune couldn't believe it. It's Nora. Granted the young one he went to Beacon with, but it's her!

Jaune sat up as he looked around to find Ren yawning as he sat up from his bed. His eyes widened as he stared at him. It's the younger him, but it's still him.

Jaune's heart then stopped as he remembered who else he shared a room with. He turned his head to find Pyrrha, dressed in her long orange shirt and white with black trimming short shorts. Jaune's heart stopped as he stared at her.

Pyrrha noticed Jaune staring at her.

"Morning Jaune." Pyrrha greeted him with a smile.

Jaune then got out of bed, swinging his legs to the side which led to Nora falling to the floor, then he stood up and walked over to her. Pyrrha was surprised that he was making his way to her. Jaune extended his hand to her and touched her cheek, surprising her.

Jaune stroked her cheek making her blush.

"It really is you." Jaune whispered.

"O-of course it's me. Jaune, are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Pyrrha said with concern.

"… Something like that." Jaune said.

"Uh, Jaune." Ren spoke.


"Where did you get those clothes?" Ren asked.

"Huh?" Jaune turned his head to see Ren and Nora staring at him. Jaune and Pyrrha looked down to see what Jaune was wearing.

It was the clothes he last had from his original timeline.

'What the hell!?' Jaune thought with wide eyes. He then felt inside his coat pockets to feel the ring and necklace he gave to Ruby. He's actually wearing his original adult clothes. 'I don't freaking believe it.' Jaune thought in shock.

"Oh~, they look cool! Where'd you get 'em?" Nora asked leaning closer to inspect the clothes.

"I have no idea. Did someone spike my drink last night?" Jaune questioned as he held his head while Nora poked his long coat. "Nora."


"Please stop." Jaune asked with dull and annoyed eyes. Suddenly there was a squeak making everyone stop what they were doing and looked to Jaune with wide eyes while the blonde had his own wide eyes. Jaune took a step back from Nora, reached into his long coat, grabbing what he knew had to have squeak and pulled it out to reveal the small corgi toy.

Everyone stared at it with blinking eyes.

"Okay." Ren simply said.

Jaune looked at the little doll as he then started to remember Summer. He remembered when she would crawl over to it and then started gnawing it. Her teeth hadn't come in so she would gnaw on it with her gums. It was always the cutest thing. Jaune could help but smile as he remembered his littlest ball of sunshine.

"Oh~, it's so cute! Can I have it?" Nora said as she reached for the corgi toy.

"No!" Jaune shouted as he pulled the toy away. Everyone looked at him with shocked wide eyes. "Uh… I wanna keep it. It's important." Jaune said as he put it back into his long coat with a squeak being heard when it was put in the inner pocket.

"How is it important?" Ren asked.

"Because I woke up with it. Which means it's mine… and I like corgis." Jaune said with a calm expression.

"Jaune, do you remember anything from last night?" Pyrrha asked with concern.

"No, none at all." Jaune said touching the top of his head. 'Except that I woke up after finishing a war, visited the stone memoriam of my deceased friends, with some of them being you guys, and finding the crystal that helped me get back to this time after burning myself alive in my own home.' Jaune then remembered about the crystal. He looked down to see the golden crystal still wrapped around his neck. At least he won't be going through this alone.

"Hey Jaune, you also have something in your bed. It looks large and heavy." Jaune turned around to see Nora looking at something under his covers.

'No… it couldn't be.' Jaune thought with wide eyes as he made his way to his bed. Jaune stopped at the side of his bed and grabbed the covers. Calming his breathing, Jaune pulled the covers to gasp as he saw that not only did his clothes come back with him, but his weapons as well. "Excalibur!" Jaune exclaimed with wide eyes and a grin.

"You know that weapon?" Ren questioned.

"Not really, but it looks like the one I read in the book when I was a kid." Jaune said. 'Nice work Jaune.' Jaune congratulated himself at a quick successful lie.

"Oh~, gimme gimme." Nora said as she as extended her hands to the sword.

"Nora, let Jaune hold it." Ren said.

"Why~?" Nora whined.

"Look at him." Ren said. Nora looked to Jaune to see he was eyeing it like a predator, wanting to get his claws on it. Nora sighed in defeat.

"Okay~." Nora whined.

Jaune quickly grabbed the sword's handle and tried lifting it, but he was having problems. He forgot that Excalibur is heavy and back when he wielded it, he had muscle.

"Monty damn chicken boned body." Jaune cursed with gritting teeth. Suddenly through his emotions, his aura resonated shocking his friends as now he was able to lift Excalibur in one hand, lifting it over his head.

"Jaune… your aura." Pyrrha spoke. Jaune panted with an open mouth grin as he felt joy in still being able to wield Excalibur, albeit with the help of his aura. He then remembered the person who created it for him. And he was here at Beacon!

"Now I remember. Someone here at Beacon made this for me last night! A student!" Jaune exclaimed.

"A student? Really?" Pyrrha asked in shock and amazement.

"Yeah. He likes to be called Reebok. He's rather shy and likes to surround himself in working on weaponry and other inventions. I met him after trying to hide from Cardin once. He's a shy guy, but cool when you get to know him." Jaune explained. 'I should visit him, but how am I going to explain the whole I'm from the future thing?'

'I could help with that.'

Jaune's eyes widened as he heard the crystal's voice.


'Yes Jaune. I'm communicating with you telepathically. I can help with filling Reebok in on everything.' The crystal spoke telepathically.

"Hello~, Jaune~. Remnant's calling!" Nora called out as she waved her hand in front of Jaune's face.

"Huh? What?" Jaune looked to Nora.

"You kind of zoned out there." Nora said.

"Is everything alright Jaune?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah. Just need a nice hot shower to lighten the weird feeling in my head." Jaune said as he placed Excalibur to the side. A thought then came to mind. Jaune reached to his holster and took out his silver gun, surprising the others.

"I'm guessing he made that for you as well." Ren said.

"Oh~, let me hold it." Nora said with a grin as she reach for it, only to push the trigger as a bullet hit the ceiling making everyone jump as debris fell from the ceiling. The all looked to the ceiling with wide eyes, the NPR of the team blinking their eyes before looking at the gun.

"If Goodwitch finds out about this, I'm throwing you under the bus." Jaune said earning a dull look from Nora. "Well I better get out of these clothes."

"Yeah, you smell like you were in a fire." Nora said, but then sniffed his clothes. "A forest fire. Were you near Hazel wood?" Nora asked with surprised eyes. Jaune sniffed his long coat to find that Nora was correct.

"Good nose." Jaune complimented earning a grin from Nora. Jaune then put his gun away and walked towards the bathroom. "Nora, don't touch Excalibur. Ren, make sure she doesn't touch it. Pyrrha, be ready to help Ren if Nora gets rebellious." Jaune gave commands like it was nothing as he entered the bathroom.

The rest of team JNPR stared at where Jaune left with blinking surprised eyes.

"Something had to have happened." Pyrrha said.

"Yeah, but did you see how Jaune was when he gave orders. So confident." Nora said with a smile.


Inside the bathroom, Jaune had discard the clothes as he was taking a hot shower with a cloud of steam filling the whole room.

Jaune had his eyes closed as he let the water hit his skin.

'Crystal. I need to know. This power you have…'

'I'm afraid that this is your only chance to make things right Jaune. To perform this feat had taken a lot of my power. I'm afraid I cannot use this ability again until I've fully recharged the needed amount.' The crystal said.

'How long?' Jaune asked.

'Can you live for the next hundred years?' The crystal asked.

'Damn.' Jaune thought with wide eyes. "Better make it count then." Jaune said to himself. He then looked down to the crystal and grabbed it. 'I've been thinking… I should give you a name. How about C?'

'It's just a letter, but it will do.' The crystal said.

Jaune then cleaned himself with the soap and water before turning the shower off and walking out taking a towel to clean himself off. As Jaune walked over to the sink, butt naked, he started brushing his teeth, but then in mid brush he remembered something. If Ruby's ring and necklace, along with Summer's corgi toy and his gun were in his possession, then that means…

Jaune spit out the gunk he had in his mouth as he turned to his long coat. Walking over he bent down, reached inside for something important until he felt what he was looking for. With wide eyes, Jaune slowly pulled out the item to reveal it was his family photo. Him, Ruby with Summer in her arms, Angel and Eon with Yang photo bombing, they were all there. Now Jaune won't have to worry about forgetting his kids.

Jaune smiled as he started shedding tears.

A thought had suddenly come to mind making his eyes widen. Jaune immediately ran out of the bathroom, went to his diary- uh, journal under his pillow, taking it out he then heard a scream making him turn to see his team mates staring at him in pure shock, with the girls' faces turning red; Nora covered her eyes while Pyrrha remained frozen.

Jaune looked down to see he ran out of the bathroom completely exposed.

"Oh Jeez!" Jaune shouted as he covered his piece and ran back into the bathroom.

Everyone stayed silent for what felt like an eternity with Nora thankfully breaking the ice.

"It was behemoth size."

Well that changed the atmosphere.

Ren just hung his head in shame while Pyrrha fell to the ground back first.

Back in the bathroom, Jaune took out the pen that was kept in the journal and wrote down dates inside and times on a page.

"There." Jaune said as he looked at the dates which were scheduled for the future. "Just need to do it at these specific times and dates. Then I'll have my kids back indefinitely." Jaune said with a smile.

"You… recorded these?"

"I remembered them. I could never forget how it all started for each of them." Jaune said with a smile.

"Interesting…" C said feeling both impressed and slightly disturbed. 'I could just help him get his kids back when the times come. By then my powers will be stronger and it will be easy to assist in bringing them into this timeline. At least it's good that he remembers.' C thought.

Suddenly there was a knock at the bathroom.

"Jaune, who are you talking to?" Nora asked behind the door.

"My conscience." Jaune answered.

"Okay." Nora said cheerfully before skipping away.

"Good one."

"What can I say, I know Nora." Jaune said with a shrug. Jaune then wrapped a towel around himself and left the bathroom as Nora zoomed right pass him. "New record."

"Thanks!" Nora called out cheerfully.

Jaune hummed a tune as he walked over to his drawer, took out some underwear, put it on under his towel, before letting the cloth fall as his boxers were now on.

"How long does it take Nora to take a shower? You know with her unique energy and all." Jaune asked Ren as he turned his head towards him.

"Usually it ranges from-"

"Done!" Nora cheered now fully clothed as she went to the kitchen.

"That long." Ren finished.

"Ren, make pancakes!" Nora called out.

"I'll be in the shower." Ren said.

"Ren, be a gentleman. Pyrrha goes first." Jaune said gesturing for Pyrrha to go ahead.

"Oh. Well thank you Jaune, but I don't want to take Ren's turn." Pyrrha said with a blush.

"Ren~!" Nora shouted making her old friend that she wasn't together-together with sigh.

"Go on ahead." Ren said as he stood up and headed for the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go help with breakfast." Jaune said.

"I didn't know you could cook." Pyrrha said in surprise.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Jaune said as he then spun around Pyrrha and moonwalked away.

"You can dance too?" Pyrrha exclaimed with surprise and amazement.

"The benefits of living with seven sisters." Jaune said with a smirk as he vanished into the kitchen.

"Wow, your mother must have been strong and busy." Nora said.

"Seriously Nora?" Jaune said. Pyrrha couldn't help, but giggle. Jaune may be acting different, but he is still Jaune; she is happy with that.

Jaune examined the fridge to find any breakfast material. Other than bread for toast, not much.

"We don't even have bacon." Jaune said as he closed the fridge and checked the pantry to find baking powder, sugar, flour, baking soda and baking mix. "Do all we have are ingredients for pancakes, waffles, toasts and cakes?" Jaune questioned.

"Um, duh~. All Ren ever makes is pancakes." Nora said.

"I can make more than that." Ren said.

"We need more stuff. Like bacon, eggs, ham, steaks, oatmeal, fruits." Ren and Nora pointed at the bowl of fruits on the counter. "Bigger fruits. Sausages. Potatoes for hash browns."

"Hash browns!" Nora shouted with new excitement.


"I didn't know you knew about crepes." Ren said.

"Breakfast is important, and now I got the feeling to make more than just pancakes, like home fries and delicious, delicious croissants, especially the chocolate chip covered kind. Mm~." Jaune smiled as he remembered his favorite type of baked good.

"I didn't know you liked croissants Jaune." Ren said.

"You know Ren, we don't really know much about each other. We should change that." Jaune said with a smile. Ren blinked as his eyes looked side to side.


"What's your favorite breakfast?" Jaune asked.

"Grapefruit with iced tea." Ren answered as he flipped the pancakes from his pan.

"I didn't know you liked that." Nora said.

"I'm so busy cooking for you and training, I never have the time to buy them." Ren said.

"Then I'll go buy them." Jaune offered. "Um, what day is it?" He asked.

"Sunday." Nora answered.

"I'll go buy them on my way to the city. I was thinking of going out to shop today anyway." Jaune said.

"Shop for what?" Nora asked.

"The necessities." Jaune said as he took an orange, a knife and then expertly peeled it in record time before cutting out a slice and eating it. He then noticed Nora looking at him with surprise and amazement while Ren was just surprised at his quick hand movement. "What?"

"Jaune, you forgot your clothes in the bathroom." Pyrrha called out making Jaune's eyes widen.


After taking his old clothes, Jaune got dressed for the day in his old gear before hanging up his old clothes in the dorm room's wardrobe. He took out the picture a bit, giving it one final look as he sighed but smiled at it.

"What's that?" Nora asked from behind Jaune, who quickly put the picture in the coat before she could make out what was in it.

"Nora, respect personal privacy." Jaune said with dull eyes.

"Sorry, but I'm just so excited to see what else is inside there!" Nora exclaimed with a grin.

"No!" Jaune exclaimed as he closed the wardrobe before turning to Nora, surprising her and sort of scaring her with that stern look in his eyes. "Listen to me now Nora. You are not allowed to touch that long coat without my supervision or unless I need it delivered to me at Nora express speed, understood?" Jaune spoke with a calm yet firm tone.

"Yes sir." Nora said with a salute.

"Good. Thank you for respecting my decision." Jaune said with a calm smile before walking away.

"When did he get so confident?" Nora questioned with her arms crossed.

"You know you didn't have to be that harsh with Nora." Ren said.

"I have to. She can get grabby. I mean I've woken up to find her rummaging through your clothes, including your underwear drawer to find something." Jaune said as he took his wallet from his night stand.

"What? Nora, have you been trying to find the emergency money?" Ren questioned looking to his partner.

"No… maybe." Nora said looking to the side.

"I'm heading out. See ya Ru- Pyrrha, love birds." Jaune said as he exited the room.

"We're not together-together!" Nora called out. Jaune chuckled to himself as he was about to close the door behind himself, but he stuck his head back in and spoke. "Hey Pyrrha." Jaune spoke getting his partner's attention. "You look nice today." He said in a soft tone before leaving and closing the door behind himself.

Pyrrha blushed at the comment, but then smiled.

"Oh~, a compliment. Looks like Jaune's finally showing some interest." Nora teased with a grin.

"Nora, please." Pyrrha said, but she still remained smiling with her cheeks blushing red as she then pulled some strands back behind her ear.

Jaune was about to walk down the hall, but stopped as he was in front of Team RWBY's dorm door. Jaune looked at the door, remembering all the crap they had all went through together. Even to this day, in his existence that is, he was still shocked that the hyperactive, childish, but powerhouse of a young leader of the team became his wife. Life really is funny.

Now the question was, since he's back in the past and not married to Ruby, how will he earn her affection now?

Suddenly the door bust open as out came out Weiss who fell on her bum. Jaune looked down at her. She was still in her nightgown, which meant she had just woken up. Jaune then sensed something in coming, so he brought his hand up, managing to grab what was thrown at him, which was a pillow.

"Quit being childish!" Weiss yelled as she glared inside the dorm. She then noticed a hand offered to her making her look up to see Jaune.

"Pillow fight?" Jaune asked rhetorically.

"Hmph." Weiss scoffed as she hesitantly took Jaune's hand, allowing him to help her up. Jaune then offered her the pillow back which she took.

"So who started it? Wait, let me guess. Yang."

"It should have been obvious." Weiss said.

Suddenly someone came flying out the room from a pillow to the face. Jaune managed to catch the person, who was none other than the girl he was thinking of.

"Sorry Jaune, but thanks for the save." Ruby said looking up at the blonde. Jaune blinked at her as his cheeks had a tint of pink, forgetting how cute she was when they went to Beacon together.

"No problem." Jaune said with a soft smile. Weiss noticed the small blush and softness in his eyes and smile, which got her suspicious. Jaune looked to see Yang trying to hit Blake who kept using her semblance to avoid Yang's attacks. Jaune noticed that Yang's right leg shook a bit, making him remember something. "Say Ruby."

"Yeah." Ruby looked up to him.

"You remember how Yang seemed a little slower the other day during combat class?" Jaune asked with a smirk. Ruby nodded as then Jaune gave her the pillow that hit her before. "Go for the right leg, trust me." Jaune said with a devious smile. Ruby and Weiss blinked at him in surprise, but something told Ruby to trust Jaune's intuition, so she nodded, sneaked back inside and with a strong throw, she got Yang in the right leg, making her fall flat on her back.

"Yes! Thanks Jaune!" Ruby cheered as she grabbed another pillow and slammed in onto Yang's face.

Jaune chuckled with a grin, but then he noticed the suspicious look on Weiss' face.

"May I help you?" Jaune asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How did you know that would work?" Weiss demanded an answer.

"I just saw Yang's leg shake and told Ruby to go for it. Figured that's why she was a bit off the other day." Jaune said. 'And it helps knowing around which date I've been sent to. Don't need to worry about the tragedy of the Vytal Tournament for a while.' Jaune thought. "Anyway, see ya." Jaune said as he left with a wave goodbye.

"Where are you going?" Weiss questioned.

"Shopping!" Jaune called out as he spun to her with a grin and his hands up before he made another 180 turn. Weiss blinked her eyes as Ruby, Yang and even Blake poked out their heads as they stared at Jaune's retreating form.

"He seems different." Ruby said. Weiss cupped her chin with her index and thumb as she narrowed her eyes at Jaune.

Jaune was walking down the hall, however before he was free to shop, he had to meet with someone before he left.


Down in a forging room, a young man around Jaune's age was tinkering with his inventions.

He had dark hair with tint of green, bangs over his forehead and some spikey strands protruding from the nape of his neck. He wore a white a long sleeved dress shirt with a black tie and a green sweater vest, black slacks and black with white sneakers. He had protective glasses that doubled as ones that helped as a sort of scope that allowed him to see the bits and pieces inside his inventions.

Suddenly the door opened making him turn to see a tall young blonde man.

"Uh, hello… can I help you?" The young dark headed teen said.

"The names Jaune. Jaune Arc." Jaune greeted himself as he made his way towards the teen.

"Of the Arc family. Nice to meet you. I'm Reebok." The young man said extending his hand to shake Jaune's hand with his other hand taking off his glasses to reveal his emerald eyes.

"Oh trust me, I know who you are." Jaune said as he shook Reebok's hands. "By the way, I want you to hold this." Jaune said taking off his necklace and gave Reebok the crystal.

"Hm?" Reebok raised an eyebrow, but then it shined as he suddenly saw a crazy vision blast through his eyes. Jaune watched as Reebok's wide eyes gold golden. After a while, Reebok's eyes turned back to normal as he gasped, almost dropping the crystal. "What the hell was that?" Reebok questioned as he looked up to Jaune.

"We need to talk." Jaune simply said.


Jaune and Reebok were sitting together as they had finished discussing what was to come.

"Dear Monty. So that's the future." Reebok said with sad fearful eyes.

"Not if we do everything to make sure it never happens." Jaune said.

"But why did you tell me?" Reebok asked.

"Because I've always trusted you. I know the kind of guy you are and with your gift, it'll make taking down the Black Arms easier." Jaune explained.

"You think it'll be enough?" Reebok asked.

"With your help, it's a big start." Jaune said with a smile. Reebok smiled but then got teary eyed as he wiped away a tear.

"I never had anyone really believe in me before." Reebok said with a happy tone.

"Well then, I'm glad to be the first." Jaune said with a smile. "By the way, the sword I mentioned, Excalibur."

"Right. I'll see what I can do. You said you needed add ons for it. I can do that, but are you sure you're going to wait to wield it again? You did say you can do it with you aura."

"True, but in a fight that would waste my energy, so I need to get physically stronger. So until then, I'll be using Crocea Mors." Jaune said.

"Well, I'll still assist with the add ons. It'll be interesting to make a few mods powered by dust in them." Reebok said with a smile.

"Thanks man." Jaune said bringing up his fist. Reebok looked to it before bumping his fist into Jaune's. "I'll be seeing you later. I need to get some supplies." Jaune said standing up from his seat.

"Okay. Later Jaune." Reebok said with a wave.

"Later Reebok." Jaune said putting his first two fingers to his forehead and pushing it off a bit. (I guess you could call it a two fingered salute.) Jaune then left the forge room to go by his supplies.

"Add ons for a weapon I made in a different timeline. Now isn't that some crazy science fiction irony." Reebok said as he went to work on the add ons.


Jaune had went out and bought so extra food for the fridge, because there is no way he was going to eat pancakes every morning and going back to eat dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets.

Jaune was now carrying bags of food, when he had come across From Dust Till Dawn. Jaune had actually learned a new trick from the future that a lot of people, even Veterans like Goodwitch, Qrow, Raven and Ironwood did not know about.

"Thinking of getting some dust crystals?" C questioned rhetorically.

"Yep." Jaune answered.

"It'll all be heavy with the bags you're carrying." C said.

"Then if you have any ideas to help, I'll gladly listen." Jaune said. Suddenly C glowed as the bags of food vanished from Jaune's hands. "What the… how'd you do that?" Jaune questioned with wide eyes.

"It's one of my many talents." C said.

"Okay. By the way, why did all my stuff come back with me?" Jaune asked.

"Well in your final moments, your aura surrounded you constantly along with your weapons since Reebok had fixed them to connect to your energy. Seeing as they were all shrouded in your soul, I was able to bring them along." C explained.

"But wait, shouldn't that be impossible since I should have ran out of aura before burning alive?" Jaune asked.

"Actually your body was constantly pushing itself to keep up the aura, and since you have come back from a fight that still brought the stress of pain, your heart stopped from over exhaustion before the fire could kill you." C explained.

"Great, so I actually died out of some form of heart attack." Jaune said. "Oh well, better than leaving it to burn." Jaune said as he entered the shop.

After buying some crystals, luckily at a reasonable price, Jaune made his way down the street.

'Okay, question. When my heart stopped shouldn't that have been when my aura died out as well?' Jaune asked C telepathically.

'Actually your soul was stronger than you originally thought. It was able to last longer than your heart.'

'Seriously? That's… that seems impossible. Especially with Excalibur, my family's possessions and Silver Eye. I mean I'm glad that they came with me, even though… okay how the hell could you send inanimate objects from one plain of existence to another?'

'Actually thanks to your aura, I was able to create copies of them that connect from this timeline to the former. They're kind of bridges between both timelines, one of each here and the other in what remains of where your house and deceased body once lived.' C explained.

'Wait, there's two of each!? And that timeline still… uh, my head hurts.' Jaune thought as he grabbed his noggin that felt dizzy from the pain of overthinking things.

'Best not to think about it. Even I'm not a hundred percent sure of the ability to travel from one timeline to another. I just know that it was possible. Time is fickle. Not everything is set in stone.' C explained.

'I'll just consider this a 'Just accept it' moment.' Jaune thought.

'Best option at this moment.'

Jaune continued down the street, but then he stopped as he looked up to find a place he remembered.

Hot Sweets.


It was after Vale was taken back from the Grimm, Jaune was walking with Ruby down the streets of the newly constructed city, when they noticed a bakery.

"Oh! Jaune, let's eat here!" Ruby cheered.

"Hot Sweets? Has this always been here? You know before-"

"Let's go!" Ruby shouted as she grabbed Jaune's arm and dragged him inside.


'This is the place that made Ruby's favorite cookies. Well, next to her mother's own. Guess it really has always been here.' Jaune thought as he looked up at the sign. Jaune then cupped his chin with his index and thumb as he then went inside. 'I think a break will be in order.'


A bullhead came landing at Beacon's landing pad. Once the hatch opened up, Jaune ran out and vomited in the trash can. After a few moments, he pulled back panting as he took out a small cartridge of mints he bought earlier and took a bunch to freshen his breath.

"No matter how strong or mature I've become in whatever timeline I exist in, motion sickness is still my greatest weakness." Jaune said with a long frown.

"That's a weird way of saying… something." Jaune looked up to see Yang staring at him.

"Sup." Jaune greeted her with a nod as he stood up straight.

"Were you the only passenger on that?" Yang questioned, pointing at the bullhead.

"Apparently." Jaune said.

"So Jauney boy-"

"Don't call me that." Jaune said with a dull glare.

"What did you get?" Yang asked curiously.

"Hm~, now why would the lovely Yang Xiao Long ask about what I, Jaune Arc, had bought?" Jaune said as he started slowly walking pass her.

"Can't a girl be curious?" Yang asked as she followed with a smirk, enjoying the lovely comment.

"Do you by any chance, believe I went to buy something for a girl?" Jaune asked.

"Maybe~." Yang said looking to the side.

"I didn't buy anything for Weiss." Jaune said.

"I'll be the judge of that." Yang said as she took away his bags.

"Hey!" Jaune shouted as he tried to get the bags back, but Yang held him at bay with a single hand. "Curse this boney body!" Jaune cursed his old build.

"Try lifting weights." Yang said glancing at him.

"Oh don't worry, I will. And then it will take every ounce of effort for you to push me back." Jaune exclaimed.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Yang smirked.

"Oh you will." Jaune promised as he narrowed his eyes.

"Wait a minute." Yang reached into the bags and found dust crystals. "You bought dust crystals?" Yang said in surprise.

"See. If I went to get something for Weiss, it wouldn't be something she could get from one little call from daddy." Jaune said with his arms crossed as he leaned back and had half lidded eyes.

"Okay, you got me there." Yang said as she put the crystal away. She then noticed a bag of sweets and opened them. "Are those cookies!?" Yang exclaimed.

"Yeah." Jaune said. Next think he knew, Yang had one halfway in her mouth and one in each hand. "You could have asked." Jaune said as Yang ate the rest of the cookie in her mouth.

"Why'd you buy so much?" Yang asked.

"I figured Ruby would want some. I ate these cookies and they blew my mind so I figured she'd want some. I'm sure she would be able to smell the scent of chocolate chip from my breath." Jaune answered.

"Yeah, she can do that. It's a weird superpower." Yang said before eating one of the cookies from her hand. "And you made a good call. These cookies are great! There almost as good as mom's." Yang said referring to Summer when she said mom. "By the way, what's with the crystal?" Yang asked.

"I woke up with it this morning. I think I had some crazy episode last night. Someone probably spiked one of my drinks last night." Jaune said.

"Remember anything from it?" Yang asked putting in the other cookie into her trap.

"Just that I got a friend of mine to build me some badass weapons." Jaune said with a cocky smirk.

"Really~?" Yang questioned sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

"Wanna see one of them?" Jaune asked with a smirk.

"Sure. Where is it?" Yang asked.

"It's in my pants." Jaune said with a smirk gesturing to his pants, more specifically his front. Yang just looked down with wide eyes, but then Jaune burst out laughing. "You should have seen your face!" Jaune laughed which led to Yang laughing.

"Okay, that was a good one." Yang said as she held her stomach from laughter. "When did you become so funny?" Yang asked as she stood up and wiped away an imaginary tear.

"I always have been. I guess I just never showed it because I was a bit… well-"

"Socially doomed?" Yang said with a smirk.

"If I was doomed, that joke about my junk wouldn't have happened." Jaune said as he then pulled out Silver Eye.

"Whoa~, what? Is that one of those weapons?" Yang questioned.

"Yep." Jaune said with a smirk.

"What's it do?" Yang asked.

"Makes peppermints. What do you think?" Jaune said as he then aimed it at a tree's branch, fired and the branch came right off from the power behind the bullet.

"Damn~. Who made that?" Yang asked in amazement.

"My good friend Reebok. He's a student here at Beacon and a genius when it comes to weaponry." Jaune said as he put Silver Eye back.

"Nice. Maybe I should see what he can do with Ember Celica." Yang said.

"Uh, he's kind of… well you know, so don't go flirting with him, he just might pass out from one comment." Jaune said.

"Okay, I've got to ask. What's with you?" Yang questioned.

"What do you mean?" Jaune asked.

"First, from what Ruby told me, you saw my leg was a bit out of whack, which helped her beat me in our pillow fight, then when I saw you walk away, it was different from your usual walk."

"My usual walk?" Jaune questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. You usually walk like you're nervous, but try to be brave and macho for others, but now you walk with confidence." Yang explained.

'She can tell that from a walk.' Jaune thought with wide eyes.

"Now you're actually fun and cool. Who are you?" Yang said with narrowed eyes as she leaned in. Jaune looked at her with blinking eyes, but then he leaned in closer until their faces were an inch apart.

"I'm a man who's done with kid gloves." Jaune said with a calm yet strong tone.

They stared at one another for what felt like forever, but was a few moments before they then crack smiles as they leaned back and laughed.

"You're not half bad dork." Yang said as she playfully punched Jaune in the shoulder causing him to rub it to ease the pain, but he still retained a grin.

"Thanks hot head." Jaune said.

"Watch it." Yang warned.

"Nope." Jaune said with a cocky smirk. Yang narrowed her eyes but then smiled as she crossed her arms. "So what were you doing out here?" Jaune asked.

"I was going to head out to the Emerald forest for training. Figured killing a few Grimm would help." Yang said as she stretched her arms over her chest.

"Sweet. Can I come?" Jaune asked.

"Sorry Jauney boy-"

"Stop calling me that 'Cardin'." Jaune said with a dull glare.

"Ugh." Yang said getting shivers from being called the dumb jock's name. "Anyway, you're cool, but still… green. Better if you stay here." Yang said.

"Oh come on, I just might surprise you." Jaune said.

"I think you surprised me enough." Yang said.

"What? Afraid to get a heart attack when you see me in action?" Jaune teased with a smirk as flex both of his biceps. Yang giggled with a hand over her mouth.

"Later Vomit Boy." Yang said as she ruffled Jaune's mop of hair before leaving.

"Hope she never shares that with my future kids." Jaune said to himself. 'Like she did before.'

"New goal for the future!" Yang called out.

"Oh Monty dammit!" Jaune cursed as Yang laughed at his fit of rage. Jaune just grabbed his things and went back to his dorm, on the way he passed by Glynda Goodwitch.

"Hello Ms. Goodwitch. Lovely day isn't it?" Jaune said with a smile.

"Uh, yes it is." Glynda said, surprised at his friendly behavior towards her. She always thought he was afraid of her like many other students.

"You look good today." Jaune complimented with a smile and nod.

"Oh. Thank you Jaune. So do you." Glynda said with a nod.

"Well I won't be keeping you. Being headmistress, you have got to be busy. See you later." Jaune said with a smile as he walked away.

Glynda stared at Jaune, still in disbelief, but then she had a small smile before walking away, bring up her scroll.

Yang actually managed to see what he did, and she was shell shocked by what she saw.

"Uh… wha… how did he do that?" Yang wondered with shocked wide eyes.


After placing all his items in his dorm, thankfully his team wasn't there so whatever magic C used the crystal was free to put the stuff he held somewhere into the dorm, Jaune then went to see Ruby. He figured these bags of cookies would be a great way to start out building their relationship to be more than friends.

Standing in front of the door, Jaune took a deep breath in through his nose and exhaled out his mouth. He was about to knock on the door, when suddenly it burst open to reveal Ruby.

"Cookies." Ruby said as she then looked to the bag in Jaune's hands. "Are those cookies?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah. Chocolate chip. I wanted to see if you wanted to share them with me." Jaune said.

"Of course!" Ruby cheered as she took the bag, but then she realized her mistake. "Oh… sorry Jaune." Ruby said extending back his bag. Jaune smiled, happy to see Ruby's child-like innocent, but sweet behavior again.

"Don't worry about it. You can hold onto them." Jaune said.

"Really?" Ruby asked with wide eyes and a hopeful smile, earning a nod from a smiling Jaune. "Yah!" Ruby cheered as she jumped into the air. Jaune's smile widened as he watched Ruby cheer and smile as she opened the bag and ate some cookies.

"I love…" Jaune stopped himself as Ruby looked to him. "I love how beautiful the sky is today. You wanna hang out in the courtyard?" Jaune asked, quickly saving him slip of the tongue.

"Sure!" Ruby said with a new happy smile. Jaune couldn't help but return the smile as three simple words came to mind.

'I love you.'

"You!" Jaune looked up to see Weiss making her way to him. "What is with you?"

"Pardon?" Jaune questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"You had seen me in my nightgown and not blushed this morning, your behavior is more confident, and now you're asking Ruby out to spend time with you, like you want to date her."

"Uh…" Jaune's cheeks reddened along with Ruby's.

"What is with your personality change!?" Weiss demanded answers from Jaune.

Jaune had Ruby, Weiss and even Blake, whose eyes moved away from her book, staring at him. Jaune remained calm as he came up with a quick lie to save him.

"I had therapy." Jaune said with half lidded eyes and his hand to his chest. The RWB of the team RWBY were staring at him with wide eyes. "So you coming Ruby?" Jaune asked.

"Sure." Ruby said shrugging off her surprise as she walked away with Jaune by her side.

Weiss stood there in shock. She was actually expecting any other answer except that.

"I'm surprised that you're accepting this." Blake said.

"I'm just… purely shocked by such an answer." Weiss said.

"Therapy's a normal thing for people." Blake said.

"Yes, I know, but… I was not expecting such a logical answer." Weiss said as she just went back inside the dorm and closed the door.


Jaune and Ruby were walking across the courtyard, Ruby holding the big bag as she ate the cookies inside, Jaune taking one here and there.

"So where did you get these cookies?" Ruby asked.

"There's this bakery I was passing by called Hot Sweets. I tried one and I knew you'd love it." Jaune said.

"You have got to take me there someday." Ruby said with a smile.

"Well… I was thinking about it, but knowing you, you might eat their entire supply." Jaune said with his index and thumb holding his chin.

"Please~." Ruby pleaded with shining wide eyes and her cute pout. Oh that pout. Jaune could never stay strong whenever she used it, but it is adorable.

"Alright, but I'm paying." Jaune said with a smirk as his thumb to himself.

"Yes!" Ruby cheered as she jumped into the air. "You're the best Jaune!" She said as she then immediately hugged Jaune, surprising him. Jaune smiled as his eyes softened and became a bit teary. He wrapped his arms around her as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the embrace.

'Only for you.' Jaune thought as his smile widened.

"Um, Jaune."

"Yes Ruby?" Jaune asked still staying in his position.

"You're still hugging me." Ruby said.

"I know." Jaune said, but then his eyes widened as he knew what was wrong, so he immediately pulled back. "Uh, I mean, sorry, I just like hugging cute girls." Jaune said as he rubbed the back of his head while a blush was on his cheeks, but then he realized he had phrased his sentence wrong. He looked to Ruby's face to see she was blushing red. "I mean, I don't do that a lot, with other girls I mean. I mean this is the first time I did it with someone not from my family, I mean you don't have to be from my family for me to hug, and you don't have to be cute either, but-but that doesn't mean you aren't cute! You are, along with pretty, sweet, a good person, lovely and you smell of chocolate chips and strawberries with a hint of roses." Jaune reminisced on his wife's scent with his hands interlocked and his cheek resting against the back of one of them, but his eyes widened as they slowly looked back to Ruby whose face was even redder. "Why am I still talking? I am such a spazz." Jaune said with a nervous smile and shrug.

Ruby remained silent for a moment, but then her lip squirmed a bit as she then burst out laughing. Jaune blinked is eyes in confusion as he stared at her laughing.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry *laugh*, but that's the most I've ever heard you talk in a conversation and it's just so funny where it went!" Ruby said as she continued laughing. Jaune couldn't help, but smile as he watched her laugh with joy and delight.

"Well then, I am happy to have made your day, by looking like a fast talking dork." Jaune said with a smile and gentleman's bow.

"Why thank you good sir." Ruby said with a smile as she grabbed the edges of her skirt and gave a curtsy. The two laughed. Jaune was happy. He was building a relationship with Ruby, and from the way it was going, things are starting out great. Now to seal the deal.

"Say Ruby, want to see something cool?" Jaune asked.

"Cool how?" Ruby asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, not Yang's definition of cool."

"Oh thank goodness." Ruby said with relief.

"More along the lines of yours." Jaune said as he pulled out Silver Eye. Ruby's eyes shined as she stared at the shining silver gun.

"What is that?" Ruby asked.

"Silver Eye. Named her myself." Jaune said with a smirk.

"Where'd you come up with a name like that?" Ruby asked.

"Oh you know, its silver and can create one hell of a bullseye with one of its bullets." Jaune said bring the gun close.

"Of course." Ruby said with a smirk.

Actually Jaune named his gun after Ruby because every time he looked to it, he would always think of Ruby's silver eyes.

"Can I see it?" Ruby asked as she leaned closer.

"Sure, but let's go sit down first." Jaune said as suddenly Ruby used her semblance to speed her way to a nearby bench, sitting upon it, leaving a trail of rose petals behind as her trail. Jaune chuckled and shook his head at Ruby's enthusiasm.

Once making his way over, he let Ruby hold Silver Eye, which made her eyes shine as she held it in her hands and examined it. Jaune couldn't help but let his smile widen as he stared at Ruby. He's always admired Ruby's personality. She was always so energetic, although luckily more reserved than Nora, she always walked around smiling, she was so innocent, she was tough, strong, a great leader, understanding, brave, quick on her feet and even if she has a hard time making friends, she is great at keeping them. There's so much more he could think of too. She truly is one of a kind. Jaune felt lucky because now, he has a chance to fall in love with her all over again.

"Jaune." Jaune was snapped out of his trance as he saw Ruby staring at him. "What's with this light?" Ruby asked pointing at the yellow light on the left side of Silver Eye.

"Oh that." Jaune took back Silver Eye. "Well you see this dial?" Jaune said pointing to the dial below the light earning a nod from Ruby. "Check it." Jaune turned the dial down making the light turn white. "It changes you ammunition and the light represents each one of the four modes. White is for blanks." Jaune then turned the dial up causing the light to go back to yellow. "Yellow is for the normal ammo." Jaune explained. 'That reminds me, I'm going to need to have Reebok give me new ammunition when I see him again.'

"What are the other two?" Ruby asked. Jaune dial it up again to orange.

"Orange is for Overdrive. A large concentrated quantity of energy that shoots out, becoming a large ball of energy that can consume an entire being." Jaune explained.

"Whoa~." Ruby said as he eyes sparkled in amazement, her legs up as now she was sitting on the bench with her knees. "Then the next is red. What's that do?" Ruby asked as she leaned in closer.

"That's Maximum Overdrive. A last resort." Jaune said as he stared at Silver Eye, remembering when he used that setting.

"So what's that like?" Ruby asked, even though she believed she wasn't going to get an answer.

Jaune remained calm as he remembered a memory.


Grimm had attacked the borders of Vale.

A young Jaune, in his early twenties, was fighting them off. He used his sword to slash at an Ursa, he then blocked a claw strike with his shield and then he spun jumped as he sliced the Ursa's head off.

Jaune panted as he landed. They have been at this for almost an hour. It sort of looked like there would be no end to it, but thankfully he was wrong as the Grimm numbers had been depleted to zero.

"Good work men." Ironwood said.

"Um… sir." A soldier spoke up as he pointed up into the sky as they all looked only to gasp as they saw a whole flock of Nevermore and Griffons. "What do we do?" The soldier asked. Ironwood had a thought pop into his mind.

"Arc." Ironwood called out gaining Jaune's attention. "It's time for tat test run." Ironwood said.

"But it might not be powerful enough to kill the whole flock." Jaune said.

"I figured, but as long as it decreases the numbers that'll be enough. Now do it!"

Jaune stayed silent, but he gave a nod as he reached to his holster, pulled out Silver Eye and dialed it up until the light flashed red.

"They're diving!" A soldier shouted as they all readied their weapons. Ironwood turned to Jaune to see him point Silver Eye at the flock.

"Delay fire! Get Down, Now!" James shouted as he and his men took cover.

Jaune aimed Silver Eye carefully as the end of the barrel started to produce electricity and shined as it then travelled down Jaune' hands to arms to the rest of his body, surrounding him in electricity as his hair stood up and the ground below his feet cracked like it was carrying something extremely heavy. Jaune ignored the intensity as he focused on his targets.

"Maximum Overdrive."


The memory faded as Jaune remembered the devastation to the Grimm he caused that day.

"It's crazy. First it started spewing out electricity as the end of the barrel glows red, then the electricity surrounds your body, making you feel heavy. It connects to your aura so you and the blast are one in the same. The blast itself… is devastating. It's a huge blast that can consume a horde of Goliaths, Death Stalkers and Nevermores. It's amazing, but to think having that power in your hands is kind of… overwhelming at times." Jaune explained. He then looked to Ruby who was staring at him with stars for eyes and her mouth agape.

"And you have that as you weapon? Jaune… you are so~ cool!" Ruby said with pure amazement and admiration as she grinned. Jaune blinked his eyes before he rubbed the back of his head as he gave bashful grin and blushed, looking to the side.

"Well, I wouldn't call myself cool, but-"

"Doofus is more like it." Jaune paused as he looked to see the bane of his existence when he was back in Beacon.

Cardin Winchester.

"Cardin Winchester. We meet again." Jaune said with a calm, dull eyes that held annoyance from within.

"Jauney boy, I'm surprised that you managed to land a date, but with a girl that age. You must be tweaked." Cardin said with a smirk as his team, Team CRDL laughed at his comment. Jaune's eye twitched at the Jauney boy comment.

(Is it just me or is it weird that they're named CRDL? I mean I get Cardin, Russel and Dove, but Sky? I know that they got the L from his last name, Lark, but I have never seen any other Team from RWBY do that. That's just… strange. Oh and for those who will say they do the same with Ren, my rebuttal is he's Asian and in their culture they have their last names first, opposed to how we do it in America. Your move Sherlocks.)

"Well I guess I should take tips from someone like you since you have your girlfriend right there. Though between you and me, I don't like the Mohawk." Jaune said while whispering the last part loudly so his whole team could here. Cardin and Russel then got mad at this comment. Ruby couldn't help, but laugh at the comment.

"You little…" Cardin then went to take Silver Eye away. "I don't see how a dork like you could have something like this. It should be in the hands of a professional." Cardin said as he looked over Silver Eye.

'Why do you think I have it?' Jaune thought with dull eyes.

"Hey! Give it back!" Ruby ordered as she stood up from her seat.

"Or what?" Cardin said with a smug grin. Ruby then brought out Crescent Rose as she was ready to take on Cardin.

"Or I'll make you." Ruby threatened as she narrowed her eyes.

'That explains where she ran off to before we exited out to get into the courtyard.' Jaune thought.

Team CRDL readied their weapons, except Cardin who played with the dial on Silver Eye, until the light on it went red.

"Oh~ I think I like this setting. Let's see what it does." Cardin said with a grin as he pointed Silver Eye at Ruby and Jaune.

"No! Don't!" Jaune shouted with new fear while Ruby gasped with wide eyes as she saw the light was red.

"Maximum Overdrive." Ruby said with new fear.

"Ah~. I like the sound of that. This should teach you losers your place in the pecking order." Cardin said with smug confidence, but suddenly there was a beeping sound, making everyone stop as their eyes widened. "What's that?" Cardin questioned.

"I tried to warn you." Jaune said with a shrug. Suddenly the beeping sounded like it was counting down.

"What the hell!? What is this!?" Cardin shouted.

"That red light becomes a bomb after the first ten seconds when it's activated. Should have taken the shot, now it's over heating until, Boom." Jaune said with his hands up and opened up at the boom part. Cardin tried to change the setting, but the beeping was still heard. "It's too late. Once the beeping starts, there is no turning it off." Jaune said.

"We're gonna die!? I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Russel screamed as he, Dove and Sky ran off in fear for their lives.

"Uh, uh…" Cardin was sweating bullets as he didn't know what to do and the beeping increased as if ready for the final moments. So he threw the gun to the floor and ran off in the same direction as his team.

"Um, Jaune." Ruby said the blonde's name, who stood up from his seat. The beeping then went to a rapid count. Ruby was about to use her semblance, but Jaune picked up the gun nonchalantly. "Jaune! No!" Ruby ran to him and tried to grab silver eyes but the moment the beeping changed into the sound of an explosion, she immediately hugged Jaune with her eyes closed, however, feeling the lack of burning skin and excruciating pain made her open her eyes as she noticed that they were safe. She looked up to Jaune to see him smiling down at her.

"Thanks for sticking with me." Jaune said with a smile as he put away Silver Eye.

"How… how come we're not dead or at least burning alive?" Ruby questioned as she released Jaune and looked down at her hands.

"Easy. I lied. No way was I going to bother giving Cardin the satisfaction of riling me up, and no way was I going to risk your safety, so I lied about the bomb thing to get the monkey off our backs." Jaune said with a smirk.

"Then what was that beeping?" Ruby asked.

"Easy. It's my scroll's alarm clock." Jaune said showing off his scroll that had a time bomb-like timer in the center of it.

"Wow Jaune, that was really smart." Ruby complimented with a smile.

"Thanks. I am pretty good at thinking on my feet." Jaune said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"That's why your Team JNPR's team leader!" Ruby said with a grin.

"Yeah." Jaune said with a smile, but then he remembered his old friends. How they were all taken away from the world. Pyrrha's death was bad, but Nora's became heart wrenching and Ren's was horrible. Jaune's gaze then became more intense as he tightened his fist and swore that no one he had lost before was going to die again!

"Um, Jaune… are you alright?" Ruby asked feeling concerned.

"Ruby. Having a Maximum Overdrive loaded gun pointed at you, I mean you in general, has brought a new drive into me." Jaune said as he looked to the sky while Ruby's eyes blinked. "I swear that no matter what… even if I lose a limb, my life and/or soul, I will protect everyone I love!" Jaune shouted as he shot his fist forward into the sky.

"Jaune…" Ruby looked to him with wide eyes, but then she blushed as she saw the sun shine down on him. He looked like a knight from the stories Yang read to her as a kid, promising to put his life on the line for others. Ruby managed to shake herself out of her trance as she continued. "That's sweet, but you shouldn't make promise where you're willing to give up your soul." Ruby said.

"If it's for you, I'm willing to give every ounce up." Jaune said as he turned to Ruby.

"But that's not smart or right." Ruby argued.

"I don't care! I love you!" Jaune quickly said as he grabbed her shoulders. Ruby looked at him with wide shocked eyes. Jaune realized his mistake. "Like… how I love the others. Like Pyrrha, Nora, Ren, Yang, Weiss and Blake. I don't want to live a life without you… or them." Jaune said as he released her and looked to the side.

"Oh." Ruby said as she blushed a bit. They both remained quiet, but then Ruby smiled. "Then I'll promise the same!" Ruby exclaimed.

"What? No, you can't do that." Jaune said with wide eyes.

"Too late! I promised it. Can't break it now." Ruby said with her hands to her hips.

"Yes you can. Change it. I don't want you to promise your soul like that." Jaune said.

"Well I felt the same with you a moment ago, but you didn't listen so I'm doing the same." Ruby said with her arms crossed and turning to the side. Jaune opened his mouth, but he could only sigh. Next thing you know he smiles at her.

"You're something else, you know that?" Jaune said. Ruby just turned and grinned to him.

"I'm the one and only Ruby Rose." Ruby said with a twirl.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way." Jaune said with a smile.

"And I wouldn't have you any other way either." Ruby said with her own smile.

The two stared at each other as his hand slowly was reaching for her own.

"And I wouldn't have either of you any other way either." Nora said as she suddenly appeared behind the bench causing the blonde and red to jump and shout in surprise. "So~, what are you two doing? On a date?" Nora teased with a grin.

"No! Of course not! We're just friends!" Ruby exclaimed as she waved her hands in embarrassment as she blushed.

'Stay strong Jaune.' Jaune thought as he felt his heart wrench a little at the just friends comment.

"Jaune~?" Nora turned to him with a grin.

"Uh…" Jaune looked around, feeling a bit hesitant to answer. He wants to be together-together with Ruby again, he just wants to say yes, but he might worry Ruby, causing things to get awkward between them.

"I'm not hearing a no~." Nora chimed with a teasing smile. Ruby was blushing red, wondering why Jaune was so hesitant. "Oh, cookies!" Nora reached for the bag still on the bench.

"No! Mine!" Ruby immediately said as she used her semblance to grab the bag and hold it close like it is the most precious thing in the world to her.

"You sure can pick 'em, boss." Nora said with a smirk.

"Say Nora, between you and Yang, who do you think is the strongest?" Jaune asked.

"Duh. Me." Nora said with a prideful smile and jabbing her thumb into her chest.

"Excuse me?" They all turned to see Yang making her way to them. "There is no way you are better than me." Yang said.

"Please, I can make my muscles stronger and they're super crazy strong already." Nora said.

"Oh, you wanna see crazy strong? I'll show you crazy strong." Yang said as her eyes glowed red. "I can smack you to Vacuo and back."

"I'll Break Your Legs!" Nora shouted as she jumped over to Yang.

"Back away slowly, then go on a full on retreat." Jaune whispered to Ruby who nodded in agreement.

The two slowly walked back as to not make noise, but when Jaune broke a stick in half, the two bolted before the two powerhouses of their teams could notice.


The two head for their dorms, deciding to call it a day. Narrowly avoiding death not once, but twice by almost getting in the crossfire of a full on battle between the brawler and hammer wielder really took a lot out of someone.

"Well today was really interesting. Thanks Jaune." Ruby said with a smile.

"No problem. I always know how to make the day a little less dull." Jaune said as he held his chin into his hand.

"That's for sure." Ruby said with a grin. "By the way, you still have to bring me to that place where you got all these cookies." Ruby said.

"It's a date." Jaune said with a smile.

"Yay!" Ruby cheered as she hugged Jaune, snuggling into him making him smile, but her eyes widened as she realized what she was doing and the word 'date', so she separated herself from him. "Yeah, but not like a date-date, because that would be weird, right? I mean, you know, uh…" Ruby looked to the side with a red blush on her cheeks as she twiddled with her fingers. She then noticed Jaune's fist up making her look to his smiling face making her smile as she fist bumped him. "Great!" Ruby cheered. The two the stopped in front of her dorm door. "Well, I'm here. Thanks again Jaune." Ruby said with a smile.

"Any time." Jaune said with a smile and his hands in his pocket.

Ruby opened the door, and then reached into the bag, only to find that there was only one cookie left.

"Oh jeez, I guess I ate more than I thought." Ruby said feeling a little bad. She then took out the cookie and turned to Jaune as she extended it to him. "Here, you can have the last one." Ruby said.

Jaune gripped the end of it, but then he suddenly broke it in half shocking Ruby.

"There. Now we're both happy." Jaune said with a smile. Ruby smiled at him with a tint of pink on her cheeks. She then noticed some strand over her right eyes so she tried blowing them up, but suddenly Jaune brought them down to the side, as his fingers gently brushed against her skin, before he brought his index and middle to his forehead to give a two finger salute. "Catch you later, Ruby." Jaune said with a smile that made Ruby's toes curl as her cheeks reddened.

Jaune walked down the hall with Ruby watching his retreating form. Ruby stared at him with shimmering eyes as her cheeks remained red. Suddenly someone clapped their hands in front of her making her jump a bit as she turned to see it was her lovely sister Yang.

"Sorry. Were you enjoying the view?" Yang teased with a smirk.

"Shut up." Ruby said as she walked back inside with Yang following her, that's when they noticed the wide eyes of Weiss and Blake.

"What just happened!?" Weiss exclaimed with disbelief.

"Jaune got skills. I'm shocked too." Yang said with a smirk while Ruby groaned. "You gonna eat that?" Yang asked as she pointed at the cookie in Ruby's hand. Ruby slowly turned to Yang with a glare on her face. "Never mind." Yang said with a nervous smirk.

Jaune came back after Ruby and Yang went back in their room, because he forgot that his dorm was across from theirs, and he stopped at his dorm room, turning to see there was no one staring at him, so he was free to do what he wanted to do at this moment.

Give a victory dance.

Jaune suddenly danced, moving his feet to an imaginary beat.

'You're my PYT. My Cherie amour. One look at you and my heart starts to soar.'

"Jaune." Jaune stopped dancing in mid move with one foot out and hunch down with a finger pointing up when his head slowly turned to see Ren had opened the door to their dorm. "Am I interrupting something?" Ren asked.

"No, no, I'm sure I got it all out of my system." Jaune said as he remained in mid dance move. "How are you?" Jaune asked.

"Goo~d." Ren answered. "I wanted to say thank you for buying more ingredients and getting grapefruits and iced tea mix."

"No problem. What are friends for?" Jaune said as he remained in mid dance.

"I also see you have gotten weights, martial arts books and dust crystals. Anything you need to talk about?" Ren asked.

"It's just… well staring at that sword just inspired me." Jaune said as he entered the dorm. "Just looking at it and then feeling it in my bare hands, just made me want to become stronger. So I've decided… I'm going to train myself to the limit and beyond!" Jaune said as he tightened his fist and stared forward with a strong determined gaze.

"Okay. So is there anything you need? I can make you something." Ren said.

"… Can you make chocolate chip croissants?"


Jaune stared at his onesie that was in his hands. He had dull eyes as he stared at the blue with bunny logo on chest complete with bunny slippers onesie pajamas.

'I seriously wore this?' Jaune asked himself. He couldn't believe that he was okay with wearing this to bed. No wonder Yang gave him that look when he passed by her line of sight on their first night in Beacon.

"Jaune, you've been staring at that for five minutes. Are you going to wear them or not?" Nora asked.

Jaune blinked his eyes twice before he suddenly ripped the top off, then the bunny slippers, shocking the others as he then grabbed a piece of rope that Nora had brought to the dorm in case in the emergency of a fire and the door was locked they would escape out the window with it, but then she realized that they, mainly she, can bust the door down if need be, he then dropped his jeans and put on his new blue pajama pants that had tears at the bottom sleeves and where the waistline meets and then tied the rope around his waist, now acting a belt to keep his pajamas in place.

"There." Jaune said with a smile.

"Uh… any reason you thought of this Jaune?" Pyrrha asked.

"My therapist says that it's best to take chances on those impulses that you have, and I just had the impulse to tear that bunny outfit up. I just felt that it seemed a little… opposite when it comes to the team I play for." Jaune said.

"What are you talking about? Those PJs just- oh~." Nora got what he meant.

"Jaune, it's like you're a completely different person." Pyrrha said.

"What do you mean? I'm just not as goofy and socially awkward as I usually am, or was in this case. I just had a breakthrough is all. From now on, I'm going to be a better Jaune Arc than the one of yesteryear!" Jaune exclaimed with his index held up high.

"That's good." Ren said.

"And I'll start being a better man by working on these weights." Jaune said as he sat down on his bed and grabbed the fifteen pound dumbbell, but as he started lifting he was feeling gravity doing its work. "Seriously? I'm having some trouble with holding fifteen pounds?" Jaune questioned with disbelief and disappointment.

"Remember Jaune, you're using one arm. You shouldn't feel upset. It's progress." Pyrrha said to comfort him.

"Thanks Pyrrha." Jaune thanked her with a smile. A thought had come to mind. Pyrrha liked him, or at least he thinks she does at this point. That… might be complicated. Suddenly he heard humming as he saw Nora dance around like a ballerina as she balanced fifty pounds with one finger. Jaune sighed as he glared to the side, looking at Excalibur.

'This is going to take a while.'


Suddenly the alarm rang, Jaune moaned as he held his pillow close.

"Ruby, please shut that alarm off." Jaune mumbled. Suddenly he heard giggling, making him smile. "Mm~, now what's with that little sound, my Cherie amour?" Jaune asked with a smirk.

"You like Ruby~." Jaune's eyes fully opened as he turned to see Nora grinning at the side of his bed. Nora then poked his nose and said. "Boop." Jaune shouted a bit as he sat up from his bed. He looked around as he remembered where and when he was.

'Right. The past.' Jaune thought with somber eyes. 'What I'd give for that damn war and right now to be a dream.' Jaune thought. Suddenly his nose was poked again.

"You like Ruby, you like Ruby, you like Ruby." Nora sang as she moved around the room.

"And you like Ren." Jaune said with a smirk.

"What?" Nora fell over as he face hit the floor. "Ren and I aren't together-together."

"So, you don't like him." Jaune said.

"No, I do." Nora said as she stood up.

"Then why aren't you dating?" Jaune asked.

"Because, uh, um… we're just not." Nora said getting flustered.

"Then why don't you?" Jaune asked with his index to his chin.

"Because, um… uh~…" Nora looked to the side as she felt embarrassed talking about the subject.

"I get it. Shy. Need a little push. Your lovable leader is here." Jaune said with a smirk as he placed a hand over his heart. "Hey Ren! Nora wants to tell you something." Jaune called out making Nora flinch as Ren groaned, looking at the two.

"What is it?" Ren asked.

"It's nothing!" Nora quickly said with her hands out in defense.

"It's about the both of you." Jaune said causing Nora to blush red.

"Uh, what about us?" Ren asked with a raised eyebrow. Jaune got out of bed and patted the flustered Nora on the shoulder.

"Have fun." Jaune whispered before he headed to the bathroom.

"Uh…" Nora couldn't really speak as her cheeks reddened.

Jaune made it to the bathroom door, when suddenly Pyrrha opened it, dressed only in a towel.

"Oh, hey Pyrrha." Jaune greeted the red head.

"J-Jaune." Pyrrha said his name with a blush as she held her towel tighter.

"You're looking good this morning. Not that you never looked good before, I was just making the compliment that you're beautiful." Jaune said.

"Oh. T-thank you." Pyrrha said as she looked away with a smile and red blush.

"Um, sorry to get in your way." Jaune said as he moved to the side.

"Oh, it's no trouble." Pyrrha said as she moved passed Jaune. "Well, the bathroom is all yours." Pyrrha said as she gave a curtsy then left.

"Hey, Pyrrha, maybe we can train together later." Jaune said making her stop in her tracks as she turned to him and smiled.

"That would be lovely." Pyrrha said with a nod and smile before walking away. Jaune smiled as he then went into the bathroom.


After taking his bath, Jaune was helping Ren cook some breakfast. Ren dealt with the pancakes, shocker there, while he took care of the bacon, eggs and crepes.

"You know, you could put on some pants." Ren said.

"Sorry. I got too hungry to think, so I came here first." Jaune said with a smile.

"Mm hm." Ren went back to cooking the pancakes, but when he saw Jaune turn his attention back to the crepes, he was surprised to see Jaune prepare them so well. "How did you learn to make crepes so well?" Ren asked.

"Let's just say, there are advantages to having seven sisters and a loving, but fierce and slightly overprotective mother." Jaune said. Ren just decided to accept the answer and went back to cooking the pancakes. "We should make cream cheese squares next time." Jaune said.

"I agree." Ren said with a nod.

"Are you guys done yet?" Nora asked as she peaked her head into the kitchen.

"No." Jaune and Ren said simultaneously.

After finishing breakfast, Jaune and Ren set up the table, placing all the utensils, plates of food, cups and the carton of orange juice, bottles of apple and grape juice and a pitcher of iced tea; and can't forget the salt and ketchup. Once they were down, the two turned towards each other and bowed to one other.

"Breakfast is ready!" Nora cheered as she went to her seat.

"Jaune, could you now please put on some pants?" Ren asked.

"Sure." Jaune said as he left to put on some more clothing, passing by a blushing Pyrrha. She then noticed the breakfast on the counters.

"Jaune made some of this?" Pyrrha asked.

"He actually made everything, except for the pancakes." Ren said as he brought over a grapefruit and sat down next to Nora. Pyrrha sat down as she noticed Nora was about to eat some bacon and Ren cut his grapefruit in half.

"Aren't we waiting for Jaune?" Pyrrha asked.

"He's in the other room, I'm sure he'll be fine with us eating first." Nora said as she chomped on her bacon as he eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, this is great!" Nora cheered as Jaune came back, now wearing jeans. Pyrrha had some eggs as her eyes widened too.

"Jaune, these eggs are amazing." Pyrrha said as he sat down next to her.

"Thanks." Jaune said as he ate some crepes.

"How did you make them taste so good?" Nora asked.

"Just added some extra spices and a swig of some cooking juice." Jaune said.

"Well it sure makes the meal fantastic." Pyrrha said with a smile as she ate more.

"Thank you for buying some grapefruits and the iced tea mix Jaune." Ren thanked his leader with a smile.

"Anything for my team." Jaune said with a smile as he ate some of his eggs. 'Now if only my family was eating with me.' Jaune thought as he remembered how his kids would wait patiently at the table as he and Ruby cooked their meals.


After breakfast, the team got dressed in their school uniforms. Jaune examined himself in the mirror, adjusting his coat and rubbing his chin.

"Ready to go Jaune?" Pyrrha asked.

"Pyrrha, do you think I should shave?" Jaune asked.

"Why? You don't have any hair on your chin."

"Exactly." Jaune said, confusing Pyrrha. "You need a good shave to grow some hair faster on ya." Jaune said as he walked away.

"Oh… I did not know that." Pyrrha said.

"Well you don't have time for that. And you don't have a razor." Ren said, but then Jaune pulled out a razor, surprising Ren.

"Bought it yesterday." Jaune said as he placed the razor down on the nightstand.

"Do you even know how to use one?" Pyrrha asked.

"Sure. My old man taught me how to shave. It was a very, very painful lesson." Jaune said as he opened their dorm's door. "Ladies first." Jaune gestured with a small bow.

"Oh, why thank you Jaune." Pyrrha said as she and Nora left the room.

"Such a gentleman." Nora said with a smile.

"Would you like to go first my dear good friend?" Jaune asked Ren.

"After you." Ren said gesturing Jaune to go forward.

"Why thank you." Jaune said with a smile, closed eyes and a bow with his fist to his heart. Jaune then exited out of the room with Ren behind him and closing the door when Team RWBY exited their room. "Hey Ruby, what is good in the hood?" Jaune said with a smirk and two fingered salute. Everyone looked to him, a little surprised by his greeting.

"Good in the hood?" Yang questioned as she laughed.

"Yeah, you know… because she wears a hood. It's my way of saying what's up." Jaune said as Ruby giggled.

"I like it." Ruby said with a smile making Jaune smile.

"So what's our first class?" Jaune asked, forgetting his old schedule from Beacon.

"Professor Port's class. What else?" Yang answered.

"Aw hell." Jaune cursed.

"Yep." Yang agreed.


Teams RWBY and JNPR walked into professor Port's class. Jaune noticed Ruby taking a seat and by instinct, he quickly sat beside her making her look at him, as he gave her a grin and two fingered salute making her grin back.

The rest of the teams made their way to their seats. Weiss was actually happy with Jaune's intrusion, because now she could sit beside Pyrrha and finally have a normal chat with her.

"Grimm! Dark soulless creatures that people like myself, tend to call prey." Professor Port announced as he started class.

Jaune remained silent and bored as Port delivered his lecture. It's not like what he says isn't important, when he's not talking about the many stories of his youth, it's just that since Jaune was in his early thirties before committing suicide… he has just realized how messed up that sounds, but anyway, Jaune has travelled around Remnant, and even into the Deadlands which is the outer regions of the four kingdoms where the Grimm reside, being their home territory, he knows all there is to know about the Grimm. Hell he's seen Grimm that he's sure none of the professors at Beacon have ever seen.

Like a Kraken.

'Ugh… Krakens. Giant dark slimy bastards freak me right the hell out.' Jaune thought.

"Psst." Jaune looked to the side to see Ruby bring up a little doodle she made of Professor Port that said Professor Poop, as she then made a fart noise. Jaune quietly laughed, but then he put up one finger as he started to draw his own doodle. Ruby leaned over to see wat he was drawing, until he showed it to her, revealing a doodle of a bunch of scared Grimm running away from Professor Port who was saying 'Come back! I have more stories of my youth to tell!' Ruby had to cover her mouth with both her hands as she almost burst out laughing, although a few giggles managed to escape. Jaune couldn't help, but grin at the fact that he made her laugh.

"Mr. Arc. Ms. Rose." The blonde and red head looked to see Port looking at them. "Is there something you'd like to share with the class?" Port asked as all eyes were on them.

"Um~…" Ruby came up with nothing.

"Uh, yes sir. Could we get into some real action and take about the really deadly Grimm, like those giant apes." Jaune said making everyone laugh.

"Ah~, you mean the Beringel." Professor Port said, impressed that Jaune knew of the beasts.

"Yes sir." Jaune said with a grin. Everyone looked to Jaune in surprise.

"Well that's something I save for students of the second and third year, and in my advanced class, but seeing as I can see that you all are now interested in this matter, I see no harm in teaching you of this advanced Grimm." Port said with a smile underneath his magnificent mustache.

"Good save." Ruby whispered.

"Thanks. And we get to learn about an advanced Grimm in the process." Jaune said with a smirk.

"How did you know about those Berry, uh, Ber-"

"Beringel. And I actually read a few books in the Vale city library. I learned of a few ones that not even forth years heard of." Jaune said with a proud smirk and nonchalantly checking his nails.

"Really now!" Port exclaimed as he appeared next to Jaune, surprising the blonde. "Well then you wouldn't mind giving me an essay on the ones you know." Port said.

"Easy. I know about Goliaths, Griffons, Furcifers-"

"Furcifers. Amazing Jaune. That's an advanced Grimm. I look forward to reading your paper. Everyone, this young man is the pinnacle of knowledge of being a Huntsman, but in order to back that up, you need skills on the battlefield. Mr. Arc, how about you face off against our Grimm of the day." Port said.

"Uh…" Jaune looked around to see all eyes on him. He looked to see Ruby staring at him with shining hopeful eyes. "Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint. I accept." Jaune said as he stood up making his team gasp.

"Wonderful! Get dress and come back to face our beast. Be quick about it." Port said as Jaune then headed out the door.


Jaune came back dressed in his battle gear. He had Crocea Mors equipped.

Jaune walked down the steps of Port's class as he cracked his knuckles.

"Well Mr. Arc, now that you are battle ready, are you prepared to show your skills to the class?" Port asked.

"If he has any." Cardin said with his hands behind his head. Jaune ignored the comment as he continued down until he stood across from the cage holding the ferocious Grimm.

"Are you ready Jaune?" Port asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Jaune said as he stood across from the cage.

"Then, let's begin!" Port exclaimed as he used his mighty boomstick battle axe (I think that's what it is) to chop off the lock, releasing the boarbatusk.

The boarbatusk charged at Jaune. Jaune remained calm and just side stepped away as the Grimm ran pass him. The boar monster turned around and charged back at him. Jaune put his hands in his pockets as he just back walked away, keeping away from the monster's tusks. He then spun away as it almost ran into professor Port, who sidestepped himself to avoid the beast.

The boarbatusk made angry oinks when it was suddenly hit with a pencil making it turn to see Jaune waving at it with a smirk on his face.

"Hey! That was my pencil!" Russel whined.

The boarbatusk charged and jumped at Jaune who jumped away. He turned around to find ink, paper and cologne on Port's desk, which made him smirk. Jaune brought his index and middle to his lips and whistled gaining the beast's attention.

"Here piggy. Come here. Good piggy. Sooie!" Jaune taunted as he bent over and clapped his hands together lightly and gestured with a hand for the pig to come over.

The boarbatusk's eyes glowed red from anger as it gave an oinking roar which made everyone cover their ears.

"Oh ho! You really have him riled up now." Port said.

The boarbatusk charged forward at high speed, but Jaune rolled away towards Port's desk, avoiding the attack. Jaune stood up and took the ink, paper and cologne.

"Did he just take the Professor's things?" Weiss questioned pointing at the scene.

The boarbatusk charged at Jaune. Jaune quickly uncorked the bottle of ink and tossed the liquid into the eyes of the beast, blinding it before he jumped onto the desk and jumped off, over the boarbatusk who crashed into the Port's desk.

"Note to self. Buy new desk." Port said.

The boarbatusk turned around and sniffed out Jaune as it then charged towards the blonde who was busy crumpling up the paper.

"Jaune!" Pyrrha and Ruby called out the blonde's name with fear.

Jaune quickly sprayed the paper ball with Port's cologne, causing the portly man to raise an eyebrow, as then Jaune threw it away, and sidestepped as the boarbatusk skidded to a halt. The boarbatusk's snout was raised into the air as it smelled for the new scent. It changed direction and charged at the ball of crumpled paper only to hit a ball. Jaune took the chance as he took out his sword, jumped, landed onto the Grimm's back and stabbed it straight through the beast's neck causing it to cry as it had a sword through its throat, but then Jaune pulled out Silver Eye and shot it right through the skull, killing it instantly.

Jaune got off the boarbatusk and walked away with his sword placed over his shoulders with Silver Eye in his other hand. The boarbatusk fading into ashes.

'Cake.' Jaune thought with a smirk, but then his eyes widened a bit as he noticed the looks of shock everyone was giving him. "Uh… ta da." Jaune said with a shrug.

"Woohoo! Way to go Jaune!" Ruby cheered as they everyone minus Weiss and Cardin cheered.

"Exceptional!" Pyrrha cheered as she clapped her hands.

"Well, well, I am impressed Mr. Arc!" Professor Port said clapping his hands as he then slapped his hand onto Jaune's back, making him move a bit. "Tell me, how did you know to make the boarbatusk's greatest strength into its greatest weakness?" Port asked.

"Well I read in a book at Vale's library-"


"Cardin, I will come over there! Don't think I won't roast two pigs today!" Jaune shouted pointing his sword to Cardin making everyone laughed and Cardin glare at him with disdain and rage as he gritted his teeth. "Anyway, I read that the boarbatusk tend to use their noses to not just find prey, but also navigate. When blind they tend to search for the closes scent to guide them and to help them find their next prey, but when they come across a very powerful scent like your cologne, they tend to immediately go after it, believing it to be a much bigger prey." Jaune explained.

"Excellent Mr. Arc! That's a lesson I hadn't planned to teach until near the end of the school year. I am impressed!" Professor Port said with a smile as he patted Jaune's back. "You may return to your seat."

"Thank you sir." Jaune said with a bow before leaving the room to change. After changing, Jaune came back only to hear a story being told by Port about his young days.

"So the moral of the story is, put your all into everything in a fight. It is never wise to underestimate an enemy, but make sure to never overestimate them as well." Port said.

"That's a good moral." Jaune said as he sat down next to Ruby.

"Don't tell me you're going to turn into him." Ruby said with a bored face and her hand to her cheek.

"What? Of course not." Jaune said looking forward while Ruby continued to look at him with a bored expression. "I can barely grow a beard, you think I could grow a mustache like that?" Jaune said. Ruby blinked at him before the two then started laughing.

"Is something the matter?" Port asked.

"Oh, we're just laughing at how a Furcifer can actually be more deadly than a Beringel." Jaune said.

"Oh, yes! That is funny!" Port said as he laughed at what he thought was a funny joke.

"Great save." Ruby whispered.

"Yeah. I seem to be getting better at them." Jaune said with a smirk.


Combat class.

Everyone had dressed in their battle gear as they sat down watching selected students battling. Jaune was kind of bored watching the fights. Honestly after reaching his level in his own timeline, these battles just seem… slow now.

Suddenly he was hit in the back of the head by a spit ball making him produce a dull glare.

"Like I need to turn to know who that is." Jaune said as he was hit in the back of the head again by Cardin. Jaune decided to retaliate by taking out a piece of ice mint chewing gum that he kept in his pocket for departures from the dreaded bullheads, chewed on it then spat the gum wad high into the air, letting it fly before it dive down onto its target.

"Ow, my eyes!" Cardin exclaimed. Jaune chuckled with a grin on his face.

"Mr. Arc. Mr. Winchester." Glynda spoke getting their attention.

"Present." Jaune said.

"Seeing as you both have the energy to fool around, I believe it is fitting for the both of you to be our final match of the day." Glynda said.

"Yes." Cardin said with a grin as he slammed his fist into his palm.

"Oh come on, seriously?" Jaune whined as he turned his head to the grinning Cardin. "Can't I fight somebody with some real skill, like Yang?" Jaune asked making everyone laugh while Cardin glared holes in the back of the blonde knight's head.

"I'm for it!" Yang called out with a grin as she raised her hand.

"No." Glynda said with a stern gaze.

Jaune and Yang groaned in disappointment.

'Oh well, at least this will give me a chance to flex my muscles.' Jaune thought as he made his way down the stairs, but instead of taking the usual route, Jaune stepped up to the ledge that led to the arena and just walked off surprising everybody and making Pyrrha gasp, but Jaune landed on his feet safely with a bored look on his face. Cardin picked up his pace to catch up, and when he did he purposely bumped Jaune's side roughly, but it didn't even faze Jaune. 'Oh what joy.' Jaune thought as he continued forward.

'Remember Jaune, just because you have the advantage in experience and technique, doesn't make this an easy match.' C communicated telepathically.

'I figured. I mean with this body, my swings won't be as powerful as they used to. Especially since I'm wielding Crocea Mors.' Jaune thought back as he turned and stopped across from Cardin.

('I May Fall' is the song I had stuck in my head when writing this. Trust me, the song makes the fight fun.)

"Both combatants be ready." Glynda spoke.

'By the way C, what's the status on my semblance?' Jaune asked through thought.

"Begin." Glynda proclaimed. Cardin charged with a battle cry and his large mace held high.

'It's locked.'

'The Fuck You Say!?' Jaune thought with wide eyes before jumping back to avoid a mace to the back of the skull. Cardin roared as he charged and went for a swing, but Jaune batted the mace away with his shield and then spun as he slashed Cardin across the waistline, making the taller of the two bend forward where Jaune head-butted him. 'Are you kidding me!?' Jaune thought as Cardin double back from the blow as Jaune then sent fast slashes at Cardin's torso, shocking everyone at his blade work. 'Are you telling me that I can't use my semblance anymore!?' Jaune thought as he then delivered a shield uppercut to Cardin's chin making him double back once more.

'I said it's locked, not lost.' C responded.

Cardin raised his mace, ready to send a shockwave at Jaune, but Jaune dashed forward and upward slashed Cardin's armpit and shoulder making him cry in pain as he lost momentum, before Jaune shield bashed his face. Cardin felt dizzy and couldn't see straight. 'That's just great!' Jaune thought as he took advantage of the situation as he then slashed at Cardin's torso a few times, kicked him in the knee making him bend to the side, before Jaune spun and back shielded him (shield version of a backhand!), then slashed at his torso, right arm, legs and then kicked him in the stomach, making him double over again, bending over and then Jaune jumped up and slammed his shield down on the back of Cardin, slamming him into the ground.

Everyone, even Ms. Goodwitch, were shocked to see the beating Jaune had laid upon Cardin.

"Holy Monty! Jaune's already got Cardin in the orange!" Nora shouted pointing at the screen above that showed Cardin was nearing the red.

"What?" Ren said in shock.

"No way!" Yang shouted in shock and amazement.

"Impossible." Weiss said in pure disbelief.

"Jaune… I… amazing." Pyrrha said with wide eyes.

"Woohoo! Go Jaune!" Ruby cheered with Blake right next to her in so much shock, she dropped her book.

Jaune walked away from Cardin, ignoring the groaning teen as he was having a mental talk with C.

'I have to reawaken my semblance again!? Do you know how hard it was to awaken it before!?' Jaune shouted within his mind.

'I'm aware.'

'So now I have to go through all that bullshit again!? Monty I was in the red!'

'Jaune, your semblance is locked, but it's not as difficult as before. Since you awakened it in the previous timeline, it will be less difficult for you to unlock it. The only reason it's locked is because of your young body.'

'Once again, Monty damn this body!' Jaune thought with gritting teeth.


'So what, build it up? Is that all or is there more professor?'

'I haven't been called that in a long time.'


'Also your emotions will help you unlock it. Good thing you're very used to displaying them.'

'So get pissed.'

'Not what I mean, but it will help greatly.'

'Then that'll be easy. I got a shit load of pent up anger beating in my soul.'

'True, but don't focus on using that as your only emotion in battle. Focusing on anger too much will lead to grave consequences.' C advised. 'Also your friends have been calling for your attention.'

"Jaune! Wake up!"

Jaune looked up at his friends seeing some waving their hands at him to get his attention.

"Move Vomit Boy!"

"You're about to get crush!" Nora screamed.

Jaune just side stepped away as Cardin slammed his mace down where he once stood.

"Oh. I guess he's got it covered." Nora said.

Cardin swung his mace up, trying to clock Jaune in the chin but Jaune just walked back. Cardin tried hitting Jaune, but the blonde just walked back, to the side and spun around Cardin's attacks.

"Go Jaune! Break his legs!" Nora cheered.

"Keep a firm grip on your sword!" Pyrrha called out, noticing Jaune loosened his hold on his sword.

"Smack him with your shield again!" Yang cheered.

"Hit him Jaune! Kick his butt!" Ruby cheered.

"Looks like your girlfriend is cheering her heart out. Too bad she's cheering for the wrong team." Cardin said.

"What?" Jaune said with gritting teeth, but then he had to move to the side as Cardin swung his mace, managing to nick his cheek. Jaune walked back as Cardin grinned at him.

"What? Don't like how I'm talking about Little Miss Rose? You got weird taste man." Cardin said.

'Why you son of a-' suddenly Jaune was hit in the face with Cardin's mace sending him flying, causing everyone to gasp, but Jaune flipped in the air and landed expertly onto the floor. Jaune roared as he and Cardin charged at each other. They clashed weapons as they then started repeatedly clashing, sword meeting mace, but Jaune was attacking ferociously at an impressive speed. Cardin was actually worried as he was being pushed back, so he resorted back to his method of pissing Jaune off.

"Then again, it wouldn't hurt to steal her away from you." Cardin said with a smirk.

That did it, Jaune, along with Yang, were pissed as hell. Jaune roared as he held his sword high as it glowed white and brought it down, but Cardin managed to move to the side before it came down, stabbing into the floor and creating cracks. Jaune turned to Cardin and ran at him, Crocea Mors sword sliding across the floor, creating sparks as Jaune then sent a fast strike across Cardin's chest. Cardin bear through the pain as he sent his mace over as Jaune reared his sword back, managing to send it flying out of his grip.

Cardin thought he had the advantage now, but suddenly Jaune slammed his elbow up to his chin, making him double back from the force behind it, no doubt helped by his aura. Jaune then sent a punch across Cardin's cheek, then across the other cheek, then an uppercut and finally he jumped into the air and sent a flying roundhouse kick across Cardin's face, causing the jock to make an 'oof' sound with his eyes wide as he doubled back, but suddenly Jaune grabbed his arm. Cardin looked down only to gasp as Jaune was glowing bright white.

"What?" Cardin said before Jaune actually managed to throw him over his shoulder, sending him flying, shocking everyone.

"Yes Jaune!" Pyrrha cheered with a huge grin as she immediately stood from her seat.

"Kick his butt Jaune!" Yang cheered standing up as she pumped her fist. Suddenly all his friends were cheering, but Ruby; she was staring at him with wide sparkling eyes. She knew from the look on his face. He wasn't fighting Cardin just to beat him or for a good grade, he clearly showed he didn't care before, but instead he was now fighting for her honor. He's fighting for her, like a knight from a fairytale.

Cardin rolled across the ground. He panted. He was actually panting! This shouldn't even be possible! Cardin looked up to see Jaune dashing forward. He noticed that Jaune was heading towards his sword. Refusing to let Jaune gain equal footing once again, he made a mad dash forward and when he was close enough, he brought his mace down, but immediately, Jaune sent his shield up.

Suddenly both Crocea Mors shield and Cardin's mace were flying into the air. Everyone looked to the weapons, and saw the shield fall to the floor.

"Oh no! Jaune's defenseless!" Ruby cried with new worry.

"He couldn't get his sword in time." Yang said.

However, as Cardin's mace came down, Jaune raised his hand as he grabbed it by the handle and rest it against his shoulders.

"No. Jaune wasn't aiming to get his sword. He was after Cardin's mace!" Blake exclaimed shocking everyone.

"Uh…" Cardin took a step back as he gulped in new fear. He was actually afraid of Jaune. The angry glare the blonde gave him just sent him shivers.

Jaune then charged and started beating Cardin with his own mace, smacking him across the face, getting him in the ribs, and upside the chin. As Cardin was now wobbling in a daze from getting the tar beating out of him, Jaune then surrounded himself in shining gold aura as he then rapidly spun in place then jumped as he then hit Cardin in the face, performing a successful rising spinning mace attack, sending Cardin into the air with him.

One's face was bruised and beat up with saliva flying from his mouth as he had a completely daze face while the other had a fierce expression, gritting teeth as he was surrounded by aura and his eyes flashed gold for a second.

'The first lock has been dealt with.' C thought with an imaginary smile.

Jaune landed onto the ground on one knee while Cardin fell onto his back, defeated.

Everything was silent. The room devoid of sound. Everyone, the students and Ms. Goodwitch stared in shock and disbelief with gaped mouths.

Jaune slowly rose from his position and released Cardin's mace. Jaune stayed silent as his remained unmoving for a few moments, but then he immediately turned towards Cardin.

"DON'T EVER TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT RUBY AGAIN OR I'LL BREAK YOUR JAW NEXT TIME BRAT!" Jaune screamed with a mad face and pointing at Cardin.

"AND HIS LEGS TOO!" Nora shouted.

"Winner… Jaune Arc." Glynda said, managing to regain her voice, as everyone then cheered.

"That was the coolest fight I have ever seen in this class!" Yang shouted with a grin.

"That… really was something else." Blake said with a smile and clapping her hands. She then noticed that Weiss was frozen in place, still in disbelief. "Weiss?" Blake said her friend's name as she placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Woohoo! Go Jaune! That's our leader!" Nora cheered.

"He sure was impressive." Ren said with a smile as he clapped.

"Impressive? He was awesome! Woohoo!" Nora cheered as she bounced up and down.

Down in the arena, Jaune went over to get his shield and sword Crocea Mors.

'Congratulations Jaune. You seem to have gotten real into it.' C said.

'Thanks.' Jaune said as he sheathed his sword and reattached his shield as it then folded. Jaune then made his way to the area's exit when Ruby suddenly embraced him out of nowhere.

"You did it Jaune! I'm so happy!" Ruby cheered with a big proud grin. Jaune looked down to her in surprise, but then he smiled as he hugged her back.

"Well, I couldn't let someone who bad mouths you like that get away without a clock to the jaw." Jaune said with a smile. Suddenly he was embraced again by another person. He turned his head to see it was his partner. "Pyrrha…"

"I'm so proud of you Jaune. You truly are a great warrior." Pyrrha said with a wide, proud and joyous smile.

Jaune's eyes widened a bit. He then realized that he was being hugged by the only two girls he's ever had a relationship with. He smiled as he hugged them both.

"I'm happy." Jaune said making Pyrrha and Ruby's smiles widen.

"Group Hug!" Nora cheered as she suddenly appeared to them and actually managed to hug all three and lift them into the air.

"Nora… too tight." Jaune said as he, Pyrrha and Ruby were feeling the pain of Nora squeezing them in her embrace of friendship.

The rest came down and joined them, albeit not increasing the group hug, but were there to congratulate Jaune.

Glynda stared at Jaune with calm, but suspicious eyes. Those moves. His coordination. The way he displayed his skills in the fight. It was the skills of no ordinary student. It seemed that Jaune was holding back a great strength. She looked down to see his aura levels. Somehow his levels went back to a hundred. Now she was shocked. This was unheard of. Glynda observed the battle carefully. From the way Jaune fought, it was the skills of a man of experience. It was almost like he was a veteran Huntsman, but in a body that couldn't really give the desired effects.

If Jaune's body was more developed than would have wiped the floor with Cardin in just two moves. Something was off. She'd have to inform Ozpin. She stared at Teams JNPR and RWBY. The blonde male of the group was being congratulated. Even Weiss gave him a compliment, albeit it seemed with some effort since she did not want to believe the fight she had seen. Although when she saw Jaune's face. She had never seen someone so happy, although it did not seem he was happy about his victory, but from… just being surrounded by his friends.

His eyes. They showed an emotion of great joy yet sadness. It was like… he had not been with everyone together in a very long time.

Glynda decided to leave Jaune alone for now. The bell rang and everyone went for the exit. Except team CRDL who came to help up their leader.

"Jaune, where did you learn to fight like that?" Ruby asked.

"I'm also curious." Pyrrha said.

"Oh, just training in the forest. Plus I met a guy who helped me out a bit." Jaune said keeping it vague.

"What kind of things has he taught you?" Blake asked.

Jaune immediately had a flashback.


A young adult Jaune stood in the middle of a forest, for a day of training.

Standing across from him was Qrow, Ruby and Yang's uncle.

"Alright Jaune. Today is very special."

"Because it's the first day of you training me?"

"Nope. Because today you're going to learn how to survive." Qrow said with a smirk.

"Huh?" Jaune questioned with slightly wide eyes.

"Drop your weapons." Qrow ordered. Jaune, not liking this, obeyed as he dropped Crocea Mors. Qrow then made his way to a tree, sliced a thick branch off and tossed it to Jaune.

"Um, why are you giving me this?" Jaune asked.

"That's going to be your weapon." Qrow said as he then took Jaune's sword and shield.

"What?" Jaune questioned.

"See you in a week." Qrow said, patting Jaune's back and walked away.

"A week!? What!?" Jaune turned only to see Qrow gone. He looked to the sky to see Qrow flying away in his crow form. "You're leaving me here!?" Jaune screamed. Qrow then faded out of view. "Oh no, oh no, oh no." Jaune panicked as he held his branch close. "How is a stick going to help me?" Jaune questioned. Suddenly he heard growling which made his eyes widen with fear. "Oh no."


Jaune had a frown and a glare as he remembered that horrible week. Deemed the worse week of Jaune's young life.


"Hm?" Jaune turned toward Pyrrha who looked concerned.

"Is something wrong?" Pyrrha asked.

"No. I was just remembering some brutal and sadistic methods of training." Jaune said as he looked ahead and picked up the pace. "Damn that guy, leaving with just a stick." He grumbled while his friends watched his retreating form.

"A stick?" Ren questioned as everyone was wondering what kind of brutal, sadistic training would require a stick.


Both teams were enjoying their lunch in the cafeteria.

"How did you convince the cafeteria staff to give you steak?" Weiss questioned with shock. Usually she had the privilege because of her name as a Schnee and the fact that she was loaded so she could buy it if she wanted to, but giving it to Jaune?

"Sweet talk. All I had to do was talk to the women." Jaune said with a smirk.

"You? Sweet talking and succeeding in getting steaks? Who are you and what have you done with the real Jaune?" Yang questioned.

"Oh he's still here. He's just staying quiet so as not to make himself look like a fool." Jaune said with a smirk as Yang gave one back.

"But seriously, what's with you succeeding in sweet talking?" Yang asked.

"I called my dad to elaborate on that confidence thing. My uncle picked up instead and helped me out. He always did have better luck with the girls. Although I felt like I was going to throw up my heart while I was doing it."

"Gross~." Nora said as she and some of the others laughed.

Jaune then heard familiar laugh making him turn to see a familiar sight. Team CRDL bullying Velvet. Jaune frowned as he glared at the team.

"Ugh, him again." Yang said.

"Don't worry about it Jaune." Pyrrha said, although she was disgusted with Cardin's behavior as well.

Jaune groaned as he glared down at his steak, picking at it. He heard the Dumbass Brigade laugh as they messed with the second year faunus. Jaune was getting pissed as he heard it all. He's always hated not doing anything. Just staying on the sidelines while people got hurt just boiled his blood to great degree.

"Ow! My ears." Velvet cried.

That did it.

Jaune slammed his hands on the table, shaking it, surprising his friends as he then stood from the seat and walked towards Team CRDL.

"Jaune." Pyrrha reached out and grabbed his arm, but he pulled away. Nothing was going to stop him.

Cardin laughed as he pulled on Velvet's bunny ears.

"See, I told you they're real." Cardin said as he laughed. Suddenly his wristed was gripped tightly, fingers pressing into certain spots in his wrist forcing him to let go. "Ow, ow, ow!"

"Hasn't anyone ever told you never to touch without permission? Especially when it comes to women?" Jaune said as he held Cardin's wrist away from Velvet. "Go on Velvet. I can take it from here." Jaune said.

"J-Jaune, please don't do anything hasty. I don't want you to get in trouble." Velvet said.

"You better listen to her if you want to live." Russel, the Mohawk dagger wielder of Team CRDL said, but one turn of the head and glare from Jaune and he leaned back cowardly.

"Trust me, I'll be fine. Go find Coco, or just sit with my friends over there. They're nice, trust me." Jaune said giving Velvet a warm smile. The bunny faunus blushed at how kind Jaune was, but she managed to nod and head over towards Team RWBY and JNPR's table.

"You just like to poke your nose into other people's business, don't you Jauney boy." Cardin said with a glare as he tried taking his hand back, but Jaune actually had a firm grip.

"It's a habit, but I can't help myself whenever I see someone getting hurt I refuse to stay on the sidelines." Jaune said with a firm gaze. 'I won't go back to that.' Jaune thought as he remembered how he just sat by and let Velvet get bullied in his old timeline. Jaune then released Cardin who growled at him as he rubbed his wrist to ease the pain.

"You really think you're so hot because of one little win! Well you're not!" Cardin shouted.

"Please Cardin, if I wanted to I could kick your ass without even touching you." Jaune said as he turned away and walked back to his table. Cardin narrowed his eyes as he saw red.

"Let's test that." Cardin whispered as he grabbed his mace, charged at Jaune and sent it down on him, but Jaune spun away from the attack that left a large crack on the floor. Jaune moonwalked away as he stared at Cardin, seeing the attack coming. Cardin swung at Jaune who leaned back, Cardin then sent a kick, but Jaune spun around it easy. "Hold still!" Jaune then did a few dance moves which confused Cardin and the others. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"Oh sorry, I confused you for someone smart. This is what society calls getting served." Jaune said with a smirk as he stopped mid dance. Cardin growled with anger at being made fun of, by Jaune of all people, and it didn't help that students were laughing. Cardin charged and swung down, breaking apart the floor as Jaune danced away. Cardin kept swinging at Jaune with anger, but the blonde kept dancing around his attacks and moonwalking away from them as well. Jaune then flipped to the side as Cardin slammed his mace down, creating a fiery shockwave. Jaune landed on a table, lying on his side with a hand on his cheek while his other was on his hip. "You seem stressed." Jaune said with a cool smirk.

Cardin roared as he sent a swing down on Jaune, but the blonde side flipped away. Cardin's mace slammed into the table causing to tilt over at a fast pace, sending lunches that slammed into Cardin, covering him in food like mas potatoes, gravy, ketchup and other kinds of messy meals.

Everyone laughed at the sight of Cardin earning what he deserved.

Cardin was boiling angry. Jaune just stared at him with a smirk and his hands in his pockets. Cardin couldn't stand it! Jaune had made him look like a fool and was just acting all cool, like Cardin was just a joke. Cardin grind his teeth as he looked to his team.

"Well? What Are You Waiting For!? Go Mess Him Up!" Cardin yelled as he pointed at Jaune with his mace.

"R-right!" Russel said as he, Dove and Sky got their weapons ready.

"Four against one. Mm, not much, but it is challenging without fighting back." Jaune said with his index held across his chin and a shrug.

Team CRDL charged at Jaune while the blonde stayed still for the moment but then started making his way towards them, shocking everyone. Jaune limbo under Cardin's swing, spun around Russel when he went for a slash, then he twisted his body back to avoid Dove's sword slash, slid away from Sky's halberd, and then leaped over Russel who tried slashing him with his daggers in a bisect move. Cardin grinned as he ran over and swung, aiming for Jaune's head, but Jaune stuck his finger out, surrounding it in shining aura as then it pressed against the tip of the mace and bounced off it, shocking everyone as he flipped away and landed across behind Cardin.

Everyone looked at Jaune, making sounds of amazement while his friends and Team CRDL stared at him with shocked expressions.

"How… how did you do that?" Cardin questioned with shock.

Jaune just smirked at Cardin, leaned over a bit and just gestured with his finger to bring it.

Yang and Ruby noticed that Jaune's taunt was a lot like their uncle's.

Cardin growled as with new anger as he pointed at Jaune with his mace and roared as he and the rest of his team charged at him.

Jaune moved to one side to avoid Cardin's mace, then back the other to avoid Dove's sword, then spun jumped over Russel and then slid under Sky's halberd, knees first. The group stopped and turned to see Jaune moonwalking back and flipping them the twin birds. The charged at him with anger. Jaune just kept moonwalking back, before flipping back to land on the table as Russel bumped into it. Dove jumped onto the table and tried slashing at Jaune, but the blonde kept back peddling back, then he sensed trouble from behind, so he limbo back as Sky stabbed his halberd forward, narrowly missing Dove in the process. Jaune stood up straight as he then started dodging their simultaneous attacks, while moving his feet and hands to an imaginary groove.

Russel jumped onto the table, jumped up, making a battle cry as he threw some daggers at Jaune. Jaune smirked as he spun around Sky, and moved away as the halberd wielder and Dove moved back to avoid the daggers. Jaune noticed Cardin charging in hot and was ready to swing at the table's edge, so he flipped over before Cardin hit the edge of the table with his mace so hard, it launched his teammates into the air where they hit the wall, fell off and hit the ground, except Russel who ended up in a garbage can. Jaune landed onto the ground as Cardin made his way to him.

"Some leader you are." Jaune said with dull eyes. Cardin ignored his comment and charged at Jaune. For while Jaune just dodged Cardin who was destroying everything in his path every time he missed. Tables, benches, the floor; he was going at Jaune like a bull seeing red. Jaune then flipped back as Cardin swung down, hitting the floor as Jaune ended up on one side of the bench. "Seriously, calm down." Jaune said.

Cardin roared as he charged. Jaune flipped back as Cardin slammed his mace down on the bench, making it tilt as the other end was high up. Jaune landed on the high end, sending it down which caused the other end to send Cardin's mace to fly out of his hand. Jaune looked up to see the mace flying his way while Cardin used his strength to even the bench, so Jaune jumped back off the bench when Cardin climbed on the other end, then when the mace landed where Jaune was, it caused the bench to go seesaw again, only with the force delivered by the mace, it came up fast and Cardin got hit by the other end right between the legs.

Once Jaune landed on the ground he and the other men reeled back and gritted their teeth in pain as they hissed when they saw Cardin get it in the family jewels.

Yang laughed her ass off at the scene while Ren held his package out of instinct.

"Okay, I did not mean to do that, but that was good karma." Jaune said pointing to Cardin who fell over to his side.

Everyone clapped and cheered for Jaune. Jaune looked around and just shrugged as he walked over towards his table where his friends waited, cheering for him.

"Way to go Jaune! Now go back and break his legs!" Nora exclaimed.

"You're free to do it yourself Nora." Jaune said as he turned towards Velvet. "How're your ears feeling?" Jaune asked.

"Better. Thank you Jaune." Velvet said with a smile.

"Way to go Vomit Boy. Didn't know you could dance." Yang said with a smile.

"Get to know me Yang, you might like what you see." Jaune said with a smirk as he sat down.

"Okay! What is with you!? First you start off as a no skilled underachiever and now you've become some sort of prodigy! What's with you!?" Weiss exclaimed as she narrowed her eyes at Jaune. Now all eyes were on him.

"I just met a guy who turn me from zero to hero." Jaune said with a calm tone.

"Who?" Yang asked.

"Just some old fart." Jaune said. Yang then noticed Cardin was up and charging at Jaune, before she could warn him, Jaune picked up a grape from his plate and flicked it behind himself, and once Cardin came close, he slipped on the grape as Jaune then ducked under the table as Cardin came flying. Luckily Yang ducked in time as Cardin then flew over her head and fell on a group of students' lunches. Yang and Jaune then came back up with Jaune having a coin in his hand. "Must be my lucky day." Jaune said as he pocketed the coin.

Cardin then got off the table and came over, pushing Yang as he slammed his hands on the table.

"You think your hot shit!?" Cardin shouted.

"I wouldn't say that." Jaune said.

"You should stop being calm, because when I'm done with you, you'll look worse than what I did to this lunchroom!"

"Uh, Goodwitch is behind you." Jaune pointed out.

"Don't bother using that hag as an excuse!" Cardin shouted with gritting teeth.

"Hag, am I?" Cardin's blood ran cold as he had a shocked and horrified look on his face. Low and behold behind him with an extremely pissed Glynda Goodwitch.

"M-Ms. Goodwitch! No, I didn't mean hag as in an ugly old woman, I meant the French word which means beautiful." Cardin quickly said with a nervous grin.

All the while Jaune continued to eat his steak as he enjoyed the show.


"Oh man! Fifty detentions and a twenty page term paper on the laws of the kingdoms. Man that is harsh." Yang said as she and the others made their way to class.

"It's what he deserves for causing such a ruckus." Pyrrha said.

"Technically Jaune caused the ruckus." Weiss said with her arms crossed.

"Started it, yes, caused collateral damage and call Glynda a hag, not at all." Jaune said.

"You know, this means you're on Cardin's hit list. As in he won't leave you alone." Blake said.

"He tried shooting me with my own gun, hit me with spit balls, insulted Ruby and bullied Velvet just because she's a faunus. If that's the price of doing the smart thing, then so be it." Jaune said with a shrug.

"I wouldn't call it the smart thing, but I'm happy you put him in his place." Blake said with a smile.

'I can tell she means she's happy that I defended Velvet. Faunus look after one another after all, although it sucks that Blake didn't do a thing to keep her identity as one a secret.' Jaune thought.

Suddenly something came speeding their way.

"Excuse me, pardon me, step aside." Oobleck said as he dashed down the halls towards the group, forcing them to split up so Oobleck could speed pass them.

"Lay off the caffeine!" Jaune called out.

"Never!" Oobleck shouted back as he ran around the corner.

"That guy's an addict." Jaune said.

"What was your first clue?" Ren said as they all continued on to Ms. Peach's class.


The final class of the day, and it was Oobleck's class, and like last time he was asleep. Jaune was having a very nice dream.


"Give it up Vomit boy."


An adult Jaune and Yang were sitting at kitchen table of Jaune and Ruby's home having an arm-wrestling match, using their left arms, seeing as if Yang used her right robotic one, then Jaune would be forced to use his aura and Ruby was not going to have any of that in fear of their table getting ruined again.

"Go Auntie Yang!" Angel cheered on the sidelines.

"Yeah, you can do it!" Eon cheered while Summer, sitting in her high chair was clapping.

"Some love for their father." Jaune said with a groan. He was coatless so his muscular arms were exposed.

"Boom!" Yang cheered with a grin as she slammed Jaune's hand down.

"BOOM!" The kids cheered.

"Darn it!" Jaune cursed.

"Don't be a sore loser Jauney boy." Yang said with a superior grin and her arms crossed.

"Don't call me Jauney boy." Jaune said with a dull glare.

"Finally done?" Ruby asked as she walked into the room.

"Yep. I won." Yang said with a smirk as she pointed to herself with her thumbs. "Hey kids, who wants to go out and get ice cream?" Yang asked.

"Yeah!" The kids cheered.

"Can we go with Auntie Yang?" Angel asked.

"Please~." The eldest and the middle children pleaded with grins.

"Hm~, I don't know." Ruby said with a smirk and her index over her chin.

"Come on sis, all they want is to spend time with their favorite aunt. Just let them go for the next half hour or so." Yang pleaded with her niece and nephew.

"Well… alright. But don't stay out too long." Ruby said with a smile.

"Yay~!" The kids cheered as a grinning Yang took Summer out of her seat.

"We won't be long." Yang said with a smile.

"Yes we will!" Angel cheered as she ran out the door with Eon following.

"I'm getting butterscotch and chocolate!" Eon cheered as he ran after his sister.

"Kids wait! Don't run off too far!" Yang shouted as she chased after her niece and nephew with Summer in her arms as she closed the door behind her.

Ruby sighed with her arms crossed.

"You know we're going to have to deal with sugar rushes and tummy aches when they get back." Jaune said as he walked up next to her.

"Yep." Ruby said. "Well, at least we have time alone together." Ruby said with a smile.

"That's true." Jaune said with a smirk as he had devious eyes. Jaune then quickly scooped Ruby up bridal style.


"Let's make the most of that time." Jaune said with a smirk as he headed back to their room with a giggling Ruby in his arms.


Jaune smiled as he slept in class.

"Mr. Arc."

"Mm~, your skin is so soft my Cherie amour." Jaune said as he slept.

"Mr. Arc!" Jaune screamed as he sat up with wide eyes. Jaune looked around to see people laughing at his reaction while Oobleck was staring at him. "Thank you for joining us. I wanted to ask the question on what tactic aided the faunus' against the Grimm invasion on their home."

"You mean the one with the Goliaths? They used fire dust crystals to their advantage. A cheetah faunus scout pinpointed where they were marching towards, used his speed to travel to his fellow faunus in time for them to set up a trap." Jaune said.

"Very good Mr. Arc, but what was the trap in particular that was used with fire dust crystals?" Oobleck asked.

"They used them to cover an entire passage with them. It was kind of like a rocky tunnel. They attached them to the roof, but made sure to make a minefield of them in the center of the long passage so when the lead Goliath stepped on it, I caused the rest to react and they all were buried alive." Jaune elaborated.

"Excellent Mr. Arc. I'm shocked and amazed by your knowledge. You may go back to your dirty dream." Oobleck said causing everyone to laugh while Jaune glared at him the green haired professor, I mean doctor, with a blush on his cheeks.

'Damn you Oobleck.' Jaune thought with annoyance.

"Oh and I'm surprised you know French. To think you know what Cherie Amour is." Oobleck said as he zipped back to his desk to drink from his thermos.

'Oh Monty I want to hit you!' Jaune thought with narrowed eyes. He is pissed.

"Now children I'd like to ask a very confidential question if you'd let me." Oobleck said earning everyone's attention. "Why is it that you all decided to train to be a huntsman and huntress!?" Oobleck shouted catching everyone off guard. "Xiao Long! You first!" Oobleck shouted as he pointed towards the blonde powerhouse.

"Oh, um. Well I want to be a huntress for the thrill and adventure, but I also think it'll be cool to help people along the way. It's a win, win" Yang said.

"Too prideful! Next!"

"Hey! I-"

"Prideful! Next! Ms. Belladonna!"

"There's too much wrong in this world to stand by and do nothing. Inequality, corruption. Someone has to stop it."

"Very well. How?"

"Um… hm…"

"Next! Mr. Winchester!"

"Duh, to be the best."

"Prideful again! Next! Ms. Valkyrie!"

"I just want to go on a lot of adventures and break legs."

"… Quite." Oobleck said as he took a sip of coffee. "Ms. Rose!"


"Why do you want to be a huntress?"

"Well…" Ruby looked to the side with a blush on her cheeks.

"Come now, don't be shy." Oobleck said.

"Well… the truth is… I wanted to become a huntress to be like those heroic characters from those fairytale stories." Ruby confessed. Everyone was quiet for a few moments, before the room erupted into laughter.

"Enough! Enough!" Oobleck shouted as Ruby sunk back into her seat with an embarrassed red blush. Suddenly a loud gunshot was fired, silencing everyone as they flinched, with the bullet fired hitting the ceiling. Everyone slowly turned to see Jaune had Silver Eye out, aiming towards the ceiling with his eyes closed. Jaune then pocketed the gun as he gestured for Oobleck to continue. "Um… thank you Mr. Arc." Oobleck said now feeling intimidated by the blonde knight. "Anyway, that is nice Ms. Rose, but the world isn't like a fairytale with the ending always being happy." Oobleck said.

"Well… that's why we're here." Ruby said.

"… Do us all a favor Ms. Rose… do not let go of that belief." Oobleck said making Ruby smile as he took a sip of his coffee. "Now, Mr. Arc… seeing as you have made a one eighty turn of a personality change, I'd like to know your reason for your goal of being a huntsman." Oobleck said as all eyes were on Jaune.

Jaune's eyes were slightly wide as he looked at everyone staring at him.

"Well… honestly I just want to be a hero and this is my best bet." Jaune said. Everyone just stared at him in silence.

"Really? That's it? Just to be a hero? Preposterous!" Oobleck exclaimed.

"What'd you say!?" Jaune shouted.

"I said preposterous! Is that really all?"

"What else do I need!? I want to be a hero! I was always weak! I've always been on the sidelines as I saw people get hurt! Families lose their homes to those fuckers! And a beowolf cutting out a girl's eyes making her blind!" Jaune shouted making everyone gasp in horror. "I've seen things… horrible things… and I wanted to do something about them. I didn't want to be the weak person watching all those horrors happen and not being able to do something about it. Grimm… criminals… even people who work with the Grimm." That last one shocked everyone to the core.

"What was that last one?" Oobleck asked now getting serious. Jaune stared at him with a stern, serious stare.

"People working with the Grimm." Jaune repeated causing everyone to whisper.

"And why would they do that?" Oobleck asked.

"Honestly… I've always asked myself that same question. Why would they work with those things? Why would they side with beasts that have no souls, whose only instinct is to kill?" Jaune said to himself as he narrowed his eyes down, remembering Cinder Fall and Vlad. "I've only heard… that they want a clean slate on life." Jaune said causing everyone to stare at him with some fear and sadness. "That… That Just Pisses Me Off!" Jaune screamed as his fist was surrounded in aura and he slammed it into his part of the long desk row in front of him, cracking it and causing everyone to flinch in surprise and new fear. Jaune then suddenly stood up from his seat with a new determined look on his face. "I don't just want to be a huntsman! I want to be the best there is! So when the time comes, I can face those kinds of maniacs without fear! With the strength to protect all I care for! Friends, family and the family I will have! I'll gained the strength to protect them all!" Jaune yelled with passion and a strong resolve.

Suddenly Oobleck started to clap and then the whole class followed surprising Jaune. Hell, even Cardin and his team were clapping.

"Mr. Arc… I've heard of many reasons, and despite how cliché your reason sounded, the fact that you are willing to go far to face such odds is inspiring. Though sadly what you have said is also completely true. There are people who choose to work with the Grimm." Oobleck said.

"But why professor? Just for this clean slate?" Weiss asked.

"Doctor. I didn't earn my PhD for fun. And maybe so. Who truly knows? However the fact that there are people out there is what gives huntsman like myself and the other faculty members, including headmaster Ozpin more worries than many other Grimm can deliver. Everyone… use this as a motivation to push yourselves beyond what you believe to be your limits. You never know if you may ever encounter people like Mr. Arc had the misfortune of meeting." Oobleck spoke. Then the bell rang. "Well, that's it for today. You may all go! Except you Mr. Winchester, I have something to discuss with you."

Everyone, except Cardin, left class.

"Nice speech Jaune." Velvet said.

"Oh… thanks." Jaune said.

"I didn't even know there were people like that in this world." Weiss said.

"Sadly there are." Jaune said with sad eyes.

"Well, if we ever meet them, we'll take them on together!" Ruby said as she grinned at Jaune while Pyrrha placed her hand on Jaune's shoulder and offered him a smile. Jaune smiled at all of them.

"I love you guys." Jaune said surprising everyone as they looked at him with surprised eyes. "What? A man can't say he loves his friends?" Jaune questioned making everyone laugh.

"Hey Jaune!" They all turned to see Reebok waving at Jaune from afar. "Come by later! I finished some add ons for Excalibur! Bring it over too!" Reebok called out before he left leaving a smirking Jaune while everyone else blinked their eyes in confusion.

"Uh, who was that?" Yang asked.

"Reebok. He's a friend." Jaune said.

"What was that about Excalibur?" Blake asked.

"Excalibur is Jaune's new sword that he sleeps with at night." Nora said.

"I don't sleep with it, I just got too hungover that I fell asleep with it on my bed." Jaune corrected.

"You have a new sword!?" Ruby cheered with sparkling eyes.

"You got hungover?" Weiss questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I think someone spiked my drink that night." Jaune said before he leaned over and whispered. "I think it was Yang."

"Hey! I haven't spiked any drinks!" Yang argued, only to get a dull look from Jaune. "This week." Yang said as she rubbed the back of her head.

"This week?" Ruby questioned as Yang chuckled nervously.


Once making it to the dorm, Jaune, now dressed in his battle gear, send his aura to his arms and picked up Excalibur.

"Well, I'll see all of you later." Jaune said as he rested Excalibur on his shoulder and left the room.

"Careful not to poke someone's eye out." Nora said.

"I'll do my best." Jaune said as he opened the door of his room.

"Hey guys! Check out Jaune's new sword!" Nora called out as Jaune left the room.

"New sword!" Ruby cheered as she ran out the room only to gasp as she looked at the long, strong and powerful new sword. "Wow~." Ruby said with stars for eyes.

"Holy mother of…" Weiss said as she, Yang and Blake stared at the sword.

"Not bad, huh?" Jaune said with a proud smirk. Oh don't get him wrong, he wasn't proud of himself, although he is proud of the man he has become, but his pride rested more in Excalibur. The sword was made for him. It is an extension of himself.

"Compensating for something, are you?" Yang teased with a smirk.

Well that brought a whole new meaning to 'an extension of yourself'.

"Trust us, he's not." Nora said with a red blush.

"Nora!" Pyrrha shouted with her whole face turning red, while Ren sighed as he hung his head in shame and Jaune glared at her. Team RWBY's collective jaws dropped as they stared at their sister team.

"No… way…" Yang said with wide eyes, but then she got an excited grin. "Tell me everything!" Yang said with new excitement.

"Close the door." Jaune ordered getting a nod from Nora, who slammed it shut. Yang zipped by and tried to open it.

"Nora, let me in!" Yang ordered.

"No! Leader's orders!" Nora exclaimed as she held the door shut.

"Jaune, tell her to open the door."

"For my own benefit, I say nay." Jaune said as he walked down the hall.

"Jaune!" Jaune turned to see Ruby twiddling her fingers. "Um… do you mind if… I come with you." Ruby asked looking to the floor with a blush. Jaune smiled at her.

"Sure." Jaune said as he gestured with his head for Ruby to follow. Ruby had a wide happy smile as she quickly sped up to Jaune's side. "Want to see something cool?" Jaune asked rhetorically as he then changed Excalibur into shotgun mode.

"Whoa~. So cool~!" Ruby said with shining eyes making Jaune smile.

Weiss and Blake stared at them, but their mouths were agape as they saw the blush on her cheeks and a certain smile on her face. Weiss and Blake blinked in shock.

Does Ruby have a crush on Jaune?

"Nora! I mean it! Open up or I'll break this door in!" Yang yelled.

"You do that and I'll break your legs!" Nora shouted back from behind the door.


Jaune and Ruby entered the forging room where Reebok was.

"Awesome, you made it!" Reebok cheered, but then noticed Ruby. "And you brought your girlfriend."

"We're just friends!" Ruby quickly shouted with an embarrassed blush, surprising Jaune and Reebok.

"… Okay." Reebok said. "Anyway, I made those add on pieces for you." Reebok said as he took out some extra pieces for Jaune's shotgun. "One shoots fire, one shoots ice, one shoots air, I even made one shoot projectiles of earth." Reebok said.

"Oh my gosh~." Ruby said with sparkling eyes as she stared at the add ons.

"That's good, but what about-" Suddenly Reebok slammed down an add on onto the table.

"Electricity." Reebok said with a smirk.

"Excellent." Jaune said with a smirk.

"It took some time, but I managed to finish these five in two hours." Reebok said.

"You made these in two hours!? Are you a super genius!?" Ruby exclaimed with new amazement.

"He's the best there is." Jaune said with a smile.

"Aw, jeez. I mean, the privilege to create these were more than enough. You don't have to give me praise." Reebok said with a blush and rubbing the back of his head.

"When a person does something grand, they deserve to earn praise Reebok." Jaune said.

"Thanks Jaune. A-anyway, I made this harness for you to hold these bad boys." Reebok said as he gave Jaune a brown harness. Jaune smirked as he took off his armor, placed the harness over his torso and put the add ons onto his back before putting back on his armor.

"Fits perfectly." Jaune said with a smirk.

"It can also fit Excalibur, although when the blade is retracted a bit and in gun mode, because let's admit it dude, that thing is huge." Reebok said as he pointed to the large sword in question.

"So, do you make anything else?" Ruby asked.

"Well I make lots of new weapons and ammunition, along with some tech here and there, but I've been so excited to build these things that I'm already halfway done making a new one! Soon enough, Jaune will be shooting out rounds of plasma!" Reebok said with an excited grin.

"Plasma! So~ cool~!" Ruby cheered with her own excited grin.

"Plasma. That's going to go great." Jaune said with a grin.

Suddenly a little flying device that had the head of a semi oval sphere with grass green markings on it along with two grass green circles and a long bottom piece that kind of resembled a handle to grip in your hand flew by next to Reebok's head.

"It's dinner time sir." The device said in a British-like tone, kind of sounding like a butler.

"Thanks you Seymour." Reebok said with a smile.

"Oh~, what's that?" Ruby asked with shining eyes as she stared at the flying device.

"This is Seymour. He's my personal helper. I usually get so caught up and excited over new ideas that pop into my head that I forget to eat, go to class and do other things, so I made Seymour to help me out and look out for my health." Reebok explained.

"Amazing~." Ruby said as she stared at Seymour.

"A pleasure it is to meet the both of you." Seymour said as he tipped forward as his way of bowing.

"Well, looks like we should let you get to eating. You know one of these days you got to eat with us and our teams." Jaune said.

"Well, I don't know, I mean… sitting at a table surround by pretty girls. I'd feel awkward." Reebok said with an embarrassed blush and frown as he scratched the back of his head.

"Join the club." Jaune said with a smirk as he extended his fist forward. Reebok smiled as he bumped Jaune's fist, then Ruby quickly bumped Reebok's fist with a grin on her face, making Reebok's smile widen. "We'll catch you later man." Jaune said as he and Ruby headed.

"Later!" Reebok called out as he waved them goodbye.

"I'm happy you made friends sir." Seymour said as he flew away and used a tractor beam to levitate Reebok's dinner over to him.

"Thanks Seymour, but you'll always be my first." Reebok said with a smile as his meal was presented in front of him.

"And it's an honor I am glad to have been given." Seymour said.


Jaune and Ruby were walking along the courtyard. Jaune decided that since they had the time seeing as it wasn't curfew yet, they'd just take a walk and enjoy the night.

"So you got a new sword. When are you going to use it properly?" Ruby asked. "Not that I'm saying that you wouldn't wield it properly! What I mean is, is, well, you know, use it in a fight is all." Ruby said as she rubbed the back of her head with a nervous grin on her face. 'Calm down Ruby. You've talked to Jaune a lot of times before. This shouldn't be different.'

"Actually I was thinking of building my strength first." Jaune said.

"Your strength?"

"Yeah. So far I can only wield it by sending aura to my arms, but I don't want to rely on that. Too much of a waste. So I'm building up my muscles so I can wield it properly. I already bought the weights." Jaune said.

"Oh. I see." Ruby said as she then thought of a muscular Jaune which made her blush. 'Calm down Ruby! Why are you… but oh~.'

"You okay?" Jaune asked.

"Uh, yeah! I was just wondering why not just carry it around in its gun form? It looks easier since the blade gets retracted a bit and changes." Ruby said as her cheeks were red.

"True, but it's still heavy. Plus I want to wield it proudly! I want to carry it around in its weapon form so everyone will know who walks into the room! I mean a huntsman and huntress are defined by their weapons, am I right?" Jaune said.

"Totally! Whenever I take out Crescent Rose, I want people to know who I am just by the sight of it." Ruby said proudly with a proud smile and her thumb pointed to herself.

"You're going to go far Ruby. I know it. When you blossom into a woman, people around Remnant are going to remember Ruby Rose before Crescent Rose or anyone else and their weapon." Jaune said with a smile.

"Aw~ shucks Jaune. People will remember you too. I'm sure you'll be better than me." Ruby said with a smile and her hand interlocked. Jaune cupped his hand with his chin as he pretended to think it over.

"Hm~, nah. I'm okay with being No. 2, so long as you're No. 1." Jaune said with a suave smile.

"Jaune~, that's really sweet." Ruby said with a blush and bashful eyes as she looked to the side as she held her arm with her hand. "But-"

"No buts." Jaune said as he leaned in closer to Ruby, surprising her and making her cheeks redden a bit. "You're going to be the best. Better than anyone before you. I know it in my heart, and just by looking into your eyes." Jaune said with a loving smile. If Ruby's cheeks weren't red before, they sure are now. She stared at Jaune, shocked by how much confidence he had in her. He looked like he believed in her more than herself, Yang, her father, uncle, more than just about anyone.

"Jaune… I…" Ruby couldn't form words. She took a step forward to him. Jaune noticed this and did the same, but before anything else could happen, they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. They turned to see Goodwitch.

"Mr. Arc, I need you to come with me. Ozpin would like to see you." Glynda said.

"Uh… really?" Jaune asked. Glynda just stared at him. "Well my hands are tied." Jaune said with a frown before turning to Ruby. "Sorry Ruby."

"No, no, it's okay. Go see Ozpin, I need to head back to my dorm and study anyway." Ruby said.

"Well then… I'll see you later." Jaune said.

"Yeah. See you." Ruby said as she looked to the floor, but then suddenly she hugged Jaune, surprising him, but he then smiled. Sadly Ruby pulled back before he could return the hug. Ruby ran off, but managed to wave back at him with a smile on her face. Jaune smiled and waved back, but then he saw a silhouette of his Ruby surrounding the one walking away.

"You're my fairytale." Jaune whispered with a loving yet sad smile.

"Mr. Arc."

"I'm coming." Jaune said as he then followed Goodwitch. 'I hope this doesn't have to do with those fake transcripts. Wait, that can't be it. They never found out! Or did they? What's this going to be about?' Jaune wondered.


In Ozpin's office, Ozpin sipped his coffee as he waited for the two blondes he expected to arrive. Suddenly a ding was heard as the elevator opened up to reveal Jaune and Glynda.

"Good to see you Mr. Arc. Nice sword." Ozpin said.

"Thanks, but what is this about? Glynda Goodwitch tracking you down isn't really something to be calm about." Jaune said earning a look from Glynda.

"Well, I'll give you that." Ozpin said earning a glare from Glynda as she stopped next to him. "There's something that I wanted to discuss about."

"What's that?" Jaune asked.

"Your apparent new performance. Just the other day you couldn't defeat Mr. Winchester and yet today you had completely overpowered him." Ozpin said.

"Well that's not completely true. I mean he did disarm me." Jaune said.

"After he insulted Ms. Rose. It's interesting because from what I've heard she hasn't peaked such a certain interest in you like Ms. Schnee had done." Ozpin said.

'Oh crap, that's right, I had a thing for Weiss when I was young. Stupid, stupid Jaune.' Jaune mentally cursed himself.

"And also, you seem more confident now." Ozpin said.

"What? I wasn't confident before?" Jaune questioned with his arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

"No. No you weren't." Ozpin bluntly said. Jaune stared at him with slightly wide eyes.

"Well I'll give you points for honesty." Jaune said.

"So I call you here to ask. Why are you a completely different person?" Ozpin asked sounding a bit serious.

Suddenly Jaune and Ozpin were in a stare down with serious eyes. Glynda looked between the two. She was surprised at Jaune's behavior. She now knew something was wrong. This is not the same Jaune Arc that had come into Beacon. This is a completely different Jaune Arc. Confident, strong, powerful, quick witted, a professional, and dare she say, interesting. Just who is this person standing in front of them.

"Jaune. I believe we should tell them the whole story." C said shocking Glynda and Ozpin.

"What in the-"

"Safe to say I've never seen this before." Ozpin said.

"Well… if you think so C." Jaune said as he grabbed a hold of C. Jaune then stared at the two educators with a dead serious gaze. "Ozpin, Glynda… I have a lot to tell you."

End of Chapter 1

30K words. Not bad for a first chapter. Just letting you all know, I am a man who despises short chapters of really good stories, so when I write a story I like to make the chapters long. Sorry if you hate it, I'm glad if you like it.

Anyway, I bet you people are wondering on the add ons. Well I based Excalibur's gun mode on Jak's Morph Gun, with its default mode being a shotgun and the extras or add ons as I call it, are based on the mods for the morph gun, but each are based and powered by dust. It just came to me one day and I decided to go with it.

Anyway I hope this first chapter was a good start for everyone.

Since people are liking the idea of this story and the other two, I'll be working more on them. Hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Takeshi1225, out!