My attempt on writing a serious Harry Potter story. Oh boy.

English is not my first language, I tried to pay attention to the mistakes I wrote and I fixed some, but I'm sure that you will find a lot of errors still. So for that I am sorry.

Also please note that I don't want any flamers, but constructive criticism is welcomed.

I own nothing, but Azalea Evans is definitely mine.

October, 1971

Cokeworth, England

Azalea didn't understand why did her big sister Tuney had to be so mean towards Lily-Pad.

Olivia and William Evans had three daughters, and they loved them each equally, thank you very much, but it was clear as water that this year their middle child – Lily – became the centre of their most pride and attention when she revealed to be a witch.

An actual one, Lily could do magic.

The only one that wasn't so happy about the whole ordeal was Petunia, Lily and Azalea's older sister. Being the youngest didn't mean that Azalea was ignorant, she knew that Tuney was hurt when Professor Dumbledore kindly told her that she couldn't attend Hogwarts and she knew that from that moment she envied Lily utterly.

But that didn't mean that she could say all those mean things to her.

Azalea still recalls the hurtful expression on Lily's face when the family send her off to Hogwarts in Platform 9 ¾ last month, she had called her a freak so many times.

She didn't get it, but at the same time she did. Azalea knew that even her felt a little jealous about Lily, but not envy, or hatred. She was happy for her.

The excitement about Lily's departure had dimmed a little in the Evan's residence, William had gone out for work, Olivia was preparing lunch and Azalea was brushing her doll's dark hair after finishing her school assignment.

"Azzie?" a timid, hesitant voice called from the door.

"What is it?" the nine-year-old was still a little upset with her blond sister, it hurt seeing her say mean things so easily.

"I'm just checking to see if you finished your school work..." she mumbled, looking at the white, wooden desk rested against the corner of the small bedroom, "I'm done with mine, so I was wondering if you wanted to go play with me."

Azalea looked sadly at her doll, "Petunia... I'm still upset with you."

She felt her sister pale, blue eyes penetrating her skull with a fervent glare.

"But why?!"

"Why? You said all of those mean things to Lily-Pad! You really hurt her... and me too..."

Petunia sighed exasperatedly, "Honestly Azzie, can't you see how much freaky she is? Why am I the only one that—"

"She's our sister! And she has done nothing wrong to us, she was born that way and as her family we must accept her for who she is!" Azalea was taught that it was rude to interrupt someone, but she needed to make Tuney understand, "You loved her before we found out! I still feel the same but... I don't like you when you say those things because it's cruel!" the young girl looked at her sister with the same blue eyes, except Azalea's were almond-shaped, just like Lily's.

"Is that what you think?" Petunia pursed her lips, "What do you know? You're just a little girl. I told you to stay away from Lily when she was with that boy, but you didn't listen to your older sister and now they have brainwashed you!"

Azalea scrunched her face in confusion, "Sev?" He was the one that told Lily that she was a witch, "He's nice, he gives sour sweets!" she told her innocently.

Petunia whined and approached her sister, "Azzie you should not accept anything fro-from their kind! It's dangerous! What if he had changed you into a toad?!" she shrieked.

The red-haired chuckled, delighted.

"You think this is a joke?!" Petunia demanded with an incredulous tone.

"You're being silly, Tuney."

Petunia's features softened when she heard her little sister use the affectionate nickname again, "I just want to protect you." She sighed.

"I'm fine. Let's just change the subject, alright?"

"Fine," the blond begrudgingly accepted, "But you must come and play with me," she added quickly, with a small smile.

Azalea rolled her big, blue eyes and smiled, "Alright, let's go make flower crowns!"

December, 1971

Azalea sat on her window seat as she watched the rain pour heavily outside; she took her eyes from her own reflection in the window to stare at the letter that Lily had sent her from Hogwarts.

Dear Azzie,

How are you? I miss you so much, and I am missing Tuney as well, even though she told me those cruel things. Things in school have been doing great. I find out that I'm very good at Potions, Sev is really good too! Oh by the way, he misses you too but I don't think he wants to admit it.

Sometimes I wonder if I fit in here. The Gryffindors are nice to me, and I have made a few friends, but other times I just want to go home and never leave.

(A dry, teardrop)

Sorry, I have made this letter sad. I wanted to tell you that I am bringing Christmas presents when I return for the holidays, and that you should be prepared for the biggest hug you'll ever receive when I see you Azzie!

P.S – I hope you haven't been listening to Tuney, I know she must be trying to make you see me as a freak. I love you Azzie, and I always will.

P.P.S – Sev said that if Tuney is giving you trouble, that you should place insects under her pillow.

P.P.P.S – Please don't do it!

Love, Your Lily-Pad

She smiled and let a single tear slide down her pale cheek, it's only hardly been three months since Lily started her first year at Hogwarts, she would be here in two weeks to celebrate Christmas, and as much as pained Azalea – she didn't want to wait any more second to see her sister.

Between her mum's gushing and her older sister's complaints – Azalea was lost, with no one to really talk with. The realization had hit her like a wall of bricks: Lily-Pad was her best friend and the only one whom she could really have meaningful conversations.

Azalea could not wait for Christmas to arrive.

The day was finally here. Mrs. Evans hummed Carol songs as she and her two daughters dressed up the Christmas pine tree for the occasion. Mr. Evans had gone out to fetch Lily from King's Cross Station and they would be here at any moment.

Petunia's face was sour, she had made it clear that she was going to ignore Lily and she expected Azalea to do the same. She was going to be very disappointed.

Waiting by the door like a dog excited to see its owner, Azalea wistfully stared and waited for the doorknob to twist outside. She was sitting in the last steps on the foyer and from here she could smell the biscuits coming out freshly from the oven. But she didn't care, she ignored when Petunia came bragging that the biscuits were delicious, to try to drag her to the kitchen, Azalea was determined to welcome Lily back first.

It was almost noon when Mr. Evans and Lily walked through the door, and as promised, Azalea was tackled back onto the stairs as she stood to greet her sister. The two laughed blissfully as they were in each other's arms, and William couldn't help to grin proudly at the two.

Both William and Olivia were glad that Azalea did not resent and looked down at Lily like Petunia did.

Tears, laughter, hugs, gushing – all of it opposed what Petunia was feeling right now as she stubbornly stayed in the kitchen and ate her mum's biscuits angrily.

After presents were exchanged, lunch was served and everyone – except for a sudden blond – wanted to hear everything that Lily had to say. Of course that the red-haired had to, sometimes, pause to explain her parents and little sister (at this point Petunia had gone off to her bedroom to sulk) the meaning of what she was telling them about.

Azalea became curious about Charms. And she was amazed that Lily had learned levitate things.

Then after lunch, Lily showed Azalea her wand. She carefully placed in on her hands. Never was the young girl mesmerized by a piece of wood, she gaped in awe so much that Lily had laughed, telling her that she had the same exact reaction when she held it for the first time.

Lily tried to talk with Petunia later that afternoon; it didn't go well since she could not even pass by the door of her purple bedroom. Petunia had harshly stated that freaks were not allowed inside, earning her a mouthful scolding from Mrs. Evans and a crying fit from Lily, whom was broken hearted by her sister's distance and rejection.

The two had been so close, correction, the three were close.


It was going to be a new year soon, and for Azalea it meant the disappearance of Tuney. Now there is only Petunia, mean and cruel Petunia.

Longer chapters will come if I have a positive feedback, thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Also there's a poll on my profile: should Azalea be a witch or stay as a muggle? I'm still not sure!