The Teen Titans were by no means healthy eaters.
Breakfast was the only thing that could be considered "normal". Bacon, eggs, sausage, milk, and orange juice were all part of a normal breakfast meal. Lunch and dinner were different stories, however. Burgers, chicken strips or chicken nuggets, burritos, pizza, fries; anything deep fried, they could eat.
There was very little problem with that however: Beastboy was still growing, not to mention the fact that he could have the stomach of a whale, Cyborg… well, there was no way of knowing whether he had an actual stomach or not, Starfire was from another planet and had nine stomach's (allegedly), and Raven was half-demon, so she would be always be in peak physical condition no matter what she ate.
Robin was the only one who was 100% human. He would train himself for five hours a day to keep himself fit, not to mention the constant crime fighting and bouts with his friends. They could fight the fight the good fight and eat whatever they wanted. Including dessert.
Cyborg had his milkshakes, Starfire had some Tamaranian dish that the others found out was literally poisonous, Beastboy enjoyed a warm batch of cookies, and Robin enjoyed a nice Strawberry Sundae after a good slice of pizza.
Robin knew that Raven wasn't particularly fond of sweets, but she did enjoy them on occasion. Her choice of dessert was a small candy called, "Almond Joy". It was simply chocolate coated coconut with one almond nut on top. Raven had offered him on once, and he found it to be quite delicious.
As thoughts of the Titan's favourite foods wandered his mind, he leaned back in the sofa with his hands behind his head. Starfire was up on the roof monitoring a game of Stankball between Beastboy and Cyborg, while Raven was in her room meditating or reading, though he wasn't sure which.
Robin had been channel surfing in the common room when he came across the food network. It seemed that whenever he was flipped to this channel, the only thing on was a red clad chef on a cooking show. 'You'd think there would be more on than this…' Robin thought to himself.
This is where his thoughts on his friends eating habits had come from. Watching delicious lunch, dinner, and snack foods be prepared on the giant TV in front of him made his stomach growl. According to the chore list, it was Beastboy's turn to go grocery shopping for food, but he had yet to do so. As a result, the Boy Wonder had gone without breakfast and lunch that day.
His stomach growled again as the chef put a bunch of chopped onions into a pot full of boiling broth, and his mouth began watering. Standing, Robin decided he would find something to eat before forcing Beastboy to go to the supermarket.
Robin walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge. At some point, he wasn't sure when, the food had gone bad and everything inside was growing mold or mushrooms or fungus or something. None of them had bothered to clean it either, since they had all contributed to the disaster and no one person wanted to claim responsibility.
Beastboy claimed that most of it was Cyborg, while the latter claimed Robin was the last one to go food shopping. Starfire's food stuck out since it was mostly alien (he had no idea if she had food from other planets delivered or went and got it herself) and Raven never went shopping for food, since she usually did the cleaning inside the tower. It only took a couple of minutes with her powers anyways.
Since no one cleaned the fridge, they all came to a simple solution: Keep throwing food in there, let it expire, and repeat. Robin sifted through the mess, trying to find something; sandwich meat, a hot pocket, anything he could eat to abate his hunger. His search was for naught, and he closed the fridge with a grumble. He walked over to the counter where they usually ate when they were home, looking for a bag of chips or cookies. He stopped when his eye caught something edible.
There, sitting in the center of the counter, as if placed by the gods of food themselves, was one of Raven's Almond Joys.
Robin reached for it, tearing the package open and dropping the chocolate coated candy into his left palm. He was just about to pop it in his mouth when the door opened. Robin slouched when he saw who it was, his hopes of finally being able to eat dashed.
Raven walked in, her cloak flapping lightly behind her as she walked over to the kitchen. She didn't say anything to him, walking past him and going into the fridge. Robin didn't move, keeping his back to her as she opened the fridge and began looking through it as he had done a moment ago.
Filled with determination, Robin lifted the treat to his mouth, intending to eat it before Raven caught him with her candy. He could smell the aroma of chocolate, his mouth salivating as he was so close to eating it….
"Beastboy still hasn't gone grocery shopping yet?" He heard her ask. The door to the fridge closed, and he could feel her eyes on the back of his head. The mood of the room suddenly shifted; there was a tenseness in the air, as if some giant creature were holding its breath and about to scream.
"No, not yet. I was going to make him do it sometime today." Robin replied, his gloved hand an inch from his mouth. If he moved now, he'd be able to…
Robin felt a hand on his shoulder, and Raven turned him around to face her. He stood with his mouth slightly open, and the candy she coveted in his hand about to be consumed.
"That looks like an Almond Joy."
"It's not."
Raven's face didn't portray her emotions, but one does not train under the world's greatest detective without picking up a few tricks; he knew she wasn't playing any games. Her knees were slightly bent, her right leg was behind her with the sole of her foot slightly off the ground as though she were about to tackle him, and her hands were shaking. She was as hungry as he was, and wasn't going to let the candy go without a fight.
"Gee Robin, you're a convincing liar. Now give it here, that's the last one and it's mine." Raven said as she held out her hand. Her eyes flicked between his behind his mask, and her lips pursed into a thin line.
Robin looked at the candy, then to her hand, then back at the candy.
It's hard to think straight when you're hungry. You start jumping to conclusions, acting impulsively, get reckless, and so on. When your body lacks sustenance, your mind focuses on only one thing: food. And until it gets what it wants, the body will control the mind.
Luckily, Robin's mind was sturdier than most, and he came up with a genius plan. He put it in between his finger and his thumb and, much to Raven's now annoyed expression, gently clamped it down between his teeth. "Coe a ge i'." He said as he was unable to suppress a smirk. He had won. Raven would kill him in a minute, but at least he wouldn't die hungry.
He was about to pull the candy completely into his mouth, but Raven did something that took him completely by surprise. She put her hands on his both sides of his face, leaned forward, and sealed her mouth over his.
His eyes widened in shock and he gasped, which meant that the candy fell back into his mouth involuntarily, and Raven leaned forward, putting her left hand on the back of his head to keep him from moving away. He felt her tongue wriggling as it tried to get the candy, and didn't fail to notice it slide against his probably more than what was necessary for doing so, before she pulled back victorious.
Her eyes had remained firmly on his as she began chewing, before swallowing and letting out a content sigh. Robin's face was burning; he could only imagine the blush on his face. Raven's however, was still as controlled as it always was.
"Uh… you must really like Almond Joys, heh." Robin said after his mind turned back on. He heard the door open and the other three Titan's walk in, laughing and smeling really bad. His attention was still focused on Raven, however.
She shrugged, then stepped past him. As their shoulders lined up she turned to face him, and he heard her mutter, "Or maybe Almond Joys had nothing to do with it."
Robin didn't have a chance to respond as Raven told Beastboy to go get food,warning him to buy real meat and not tofu like he had done last time. He turned to watch as she left the room without a second glance, the door sliding shut easily behind her.
Beastboy and Cyborg, with green stank lines coming off them, walked over to Robin, Starfire floating close behind. "Yo Robin, you want anything in particular before I head out?" Beastboy asked.
Robin shook his head, most of his attention still on what had just transpired. "Just shower before you go out. The media is doing everything it can to make us look like bad guys recently."
"Hey Robin, you okay? You're face is red." Cyborg asked.
"I'm fine." Robin replied.
"I'm gonna scan you, just in case. Last time you said you were 'fine', you got sick on a mission and nearly got hospitalized." Cyborg asked. He put his hands on Robin's shoulders, and a red grid covered Robin's body. "Nothing. Scan says your clean."
"Told ya." Robin said, before turning and going back to the couch. Beastboy left to go shower, and Cyborg went to his room to get ready when Beastboy was finished. Starfire floated over to the couch, sitting down next to him. Her stomach(s) growled as she saw the chef pull a batch of cupcakes out of the oven.
"I hope Beastboy comes back with mustard soon." She said quietly.
~Almond Flavoured~
The rest of the day passed without incident, but Robin suddenly found himself having a hard time looking Raven in the eye. Or in her general direction, for that matter.
Beastboy had come back with groceries a few hours after he had left, and after dinner and a shower, Robin was ready to go to bed. As he sat on his bed, dressed in his usual sleepwear of red basketball shorts and t-shirt, he heard a knock at his bedroom door.
Standing, he went over and opened it, being greeted with Raven's cerulean eyes. The blue cloak she wore was wrapped completely around her body, making it appear more like a robe. Robin still felt a little awkward after earlier, but nonetheless asked, "Need something?"
Without saying a word, she grabbed his hand pressed something into it, before saying goodnight and walking back down the hall to her room. Robin watched her go, before thinking to himself, 'That was weird.' Robin looked down at his hand, and couldn't suppress the smile that formed on his face.
She had given him an Almond Joy.