RE 6/22/2019 12:14 AM PST


DISPATCHER: 911. What's your emergency?

MALE: [inaudible] -s gonna be okay


DISPATCHER(speaking to someone else):What? Mhm, I think it's those kids prank calling again.

MALE: Yeah. Sorry I-

(sound of female screaming)



DISPATCHER: Sir, speak up please. I can't-

MALE: Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit- [inaudible]

DISPATCHER: Sir? What's your emergency?

(sound of female voice)


DISPATCHER: Your emergency, Sir?

MALE (yelling): Yeah I heard you! Just wait a minute! (heavy breathing)

DISPATCHER(speaking to someone else): We have a rough location about ten miles west of the department. Yes it's on the outside of-

MALE: I need an ambulance.

DISPATCHER: Okay, and what's your exact location?

MALE: We- we were coming back from Bunny Burrow and I got lost after we got gas. She- (garbled) to ask for directions or use the phone, but I wouldn't listen and- (garbled) -no GPS sig- (garbled)
DISPATCHER: Okay sir, you're talking too fast for me to understand. Which highway? Which gas station? Can you give us any informa-
(sound of female screaming)

FEMALE VOICE (yelling): Nick!


MALE(whispering to someone else): -m here. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere.

MALE: Don't you guys have a tracking system or something?

DISPATCHER: I see three cellphone towers near you that are showing the general area of your location. We don't know exactly where you are so if you could just tell me what you know that will help us get there faster.

MALE: Uhm. The gas station was called Timber Till and we passed a restaurant with a bright yellow roof a while ago and we're on the side of the road. [inaudible] -forest.

DISPATCHER: Did you say a forest?

MALE:Yes a forest. You know, the thing with the trees and green sh- (garbled)

DISPATCHER(to med unit): We have a location. Route 5 past Aunt Shirley's diner in Timber forest.

DISPATCHER: No need for the attitude, Sir. We're sending help your way. Now can you give me information about who has been hurt?

MALE: [inaudible] -the baby but it's too early. It's not supposed to happen for a month from now.

DISPATCHER: Please repeat that? The signal is going out. Is a child hurt?

MALE: No. Wait, I don't know. It's just too early. We thought it was a false alarm, like last time, so we ignored them but-(garbled) contractions (garbled) really strong now.

DISPATCHER(to med unit): Be advised, it's a female in premature labor.

DISPATCHER: What is her species, Sir?

MALE: She's a Rabbit...but I'm not the same species I'm-(garbled)

DISPATCHER: You're a different species? A Hare then?


DISPATCHER: How long ago was the last contraction?

MALE: Maybe.. Two minutes ago?

DISPATCHER: And how far apart have they been?

MALE: I...I don't know! Maybe four minutes?

DISPATCHER(to med unit): Contractions are an estimated four minutes apart. Offspring is hybrid. Mother is a Rabbit and...the father..

(sound of distressed female voice)

MALE(whispering to someone else): Don't worry, Carrots. They're com- [inaudible] -st keep breathing. I'm right here.

DISPATCHER: we need your species, Sir, so they will be prepared when they get to you.

MALE (yelling): I just told you! (garbled) -Fox!

DISPATCHER(to med unit): He says he's a Fox. No. Yeah, I don't know either.

DISPATCHER(whispering to someone else): He's either crazy or this is a prank call.

DISPATCHER: Sir, are you sure you're not mistaken about the father's species? Hybrid offspring can only occur within the same ord-

MALE: Yeah the same order class. I know. But it happened so-

(sound of female screaming)

DISPATCHER: Sir? Hello? Please stay on the line until the medics get to you.

MALE: Shit. How far are they? It's been 20 minutes!

DISPATCHER: Sir, it's only been five minutes. They'll be there very soon. Make sure she's lying down and tell her not to push hard. If she has to, then only gently. It could create complications if the medics aren't there.

MALE(whispering to someone else): They said to stop pushing so much... I know, but just try, okay? Think ab-(garbled) kits and how happy- (garbled) to see them

MALE: Is there- (garbled) this much blood?

DISPATCHER: How much blood is there?

MALE: Th-there's a lot. Is she.. (whispering) Will she.. be okay?

DISPATCHER: The ambulance is two miles away so they'll be there really soon. Just stay calm and try not to hang up until you see them, alright?
MALE(whispering to someone else): Don't close your eyes. They're on the way. Stay with me- (garbled) without you.

DISPATCHER:Is she still conscious?



MALE: Yeah, but I don't know what's happening. She keeps falling asleep and then I have to make her wake up.

DISPATCHER(to med unit): The mother is falling in and out of consciousness and may be hemorrhaging. Possible symptoms of shock.

MALE: What can I do? I don't know what to do.

DISPATCHER: Just keep her conscious and tell her to breathe. It's hopefully just the pain making her pass out.

MALE: Is that supposed to be a good thing? She was about to break my paw with how tight she was squeezing it. I don't- (garbled)

DISPATCHER: Sir? Is she still squeezing tightly?

MALE: Yes. But not as much. I can hear the ambulance.

DISPATCHER: Okay good. If she stops squeezing then tell me. I'll stay on the line until they get there, okay?

MALE(whispering to someone else): C'mon, stay awake a little longer... I know it hurts but try to stay with me. Judy... please.

DISPATCHER:They should be arriving any second now.

MALE: I see the ambulance. She'll be okay once they get here, right?

DISPATCHER: They're going to do everything they can.