Judy sat in front of the mirror. "'But then, prey and predator evolved, giving up their savage ways, and coexisting in peace and harmony. And so, Zootopia came to be, where anyone… can be... ANYTHING!'", she rehearsed. Her school play about Zootopia was coming up in a few days. As she practiced, her parents, Bonnie and Stu, were anxiously discussing her future.
But they were not alone, for the local reject, Alex Moon, was listening to them, hiding in the attic. He was rejected purely because of one fact: he was an albino. No one cared about him. Shunned by everyone, including his family, he longed for one thing. He never wanted money, or a position of power; all he wanted was a single friend. And, God help him, he would do anything to make a friend. As he wallowed in his loneliness, he went outside, and started howling at the moon. After a few minutes, he stopped. It wouldn't do much good for him to make friends if he scared them. Sighing, he took out his only luxury that he had left: his ocarina. He had bought it from a pawn shop, using all of the money he had. He pressed the ocarina to his lips, and began playing.
Meanwhile, far away, in the city of Zootopia, at an ambitious fox's house...
"'I, Nicholas Wilde, promise to be brave, loyal, helpful and trustworthy!'", Nick told himself. He was going to be the only predator member of the Junior Ranger Scouts.
"Honey, we're going to have to make a trip to the Hopps family farm, to buy produce.", Nick's mother told him.
"Sure, Mom!", Nick told his mom. He was happy that he was going to go outside of Zootopia for the first time that he could remember, and to Bunnyburrow as well! As his mother kissed him good night, he dreamt of the wonderful things that could be in his future.
Voice Actors
Young Alex Moon- Dan Green as Yugi Muto from Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters