These Poor Suckers MS

Prologue: Jealous

Before I start this story I want to make a few statements.

This stoy will be about witches and ghost. This is actually an old story that I have officially rewritten, I couldn't find it from chapter one and only found from chapter 6-10, It starts off like this because I can't remember the beginning, but it's honestly not that confusing. I have been doubting on posting this and finishing it since i did start this in 2014 or 2015 and I might have a rough time remaking it. I plan on having this story be twenty chapters.

My chapters in the past for this story has been short, I think it was because I think it's because I have been typing this story on my phone at the time. I think I can make the chapters longer without changing much of the original chapters, I will try my very best to keep things the same.

The couple will remain the same since I don't feel like changing them at all. Plus I like the original couples that I had for this story. That's because I also found the sequel to this story These Poor Children which is from chapter 1-4 because that's all I wrote for the story, and I plan on making them chapters longer as well.

MS (Middle School)

Please Review, Favorite, and Follow.

Originally Written: Novermber 26, 2014/ Novermber 27, 2014.

Rewritten: Novermber 5, 2016.

Disclaimer: I Don't Own AGU.


Location: Oakland, California, Java Lava. October, 2014.

Natalie had been happy the entire day, even at her dentist appointment. She didn't yell or scream like she normally did. She had found out that she'll be needing to get braces which wasn't a bad thing because she could decide the color she wanted them to be. When they finished checking out her teeth school was already over. They told her older brother to bring her back in two weeks to get her braces put on. She places he hands on both her cheeks giggling. She was going to have braces just likes Chuckie.

Caden parked his car in front of the Java Lava and walked inside with Natalie following close behind. She was too busy daydreaming about her and Chuckie being a matching couple. Maybe they could wear matching sweaters. She shakes her head quickly dismissing that stupid idea. They would look weird wearing matching outfits, the braces thing was good enough.

Natalie snapped out of her thinking and walks over towards her friends with a huge grin. Sitting at the usual table was Kimi, Peter, Starr, and Cree. The others weren't there yet probably having something to do. She pulls out her chair and sits down sighing happily.

Starr stares at her best friend with an eyebrow raised. "How as your dentist appointment?," she asked knowing how the other hated them.

Natalie looks over towards Starr shrugging her shoulder. Her grin never leaving her lips. "It was alright, I have to get braces in two weeks," she explained grabbing the smoothie her brother handed her. 'I'm going to have braces like Chuckie, wouldn't it be hard to kiss with them things on?'

Caden laughs sitting down drinking his own smoothie. "She didn't even cry this time which is the first time in history," he said grabbing his phone out his pocket.

Peter stared at Natalie with complete disbelief. "No way... I don't believe it," he mumbled rubbing his face with his hands.

"Why can't you believe it?," Kimi asked sipping her hot chocolate.

"The last time I went to the dentist with them because I didn't want to stay in school she bit me because she didn't want her teeth to get check," he explained to his crush and drinks his smoothie with a sigh.

"I already apologized for that stop holding a grudge Peter," Natalie said with a frown. She wanted Chuckie to walk through the door at this moment. She heard the door open and looks with a bright smile which quickly fell when two girls who liked Chuckie walked in. "Great it's Blair and Sabrina."

Blair is a pretty girl with long shoulder length brown hair, with dark brown eyes to match. She wasn't too fond of Natalie already knowing she had a crush on Chuckie. Sabrina is a girl with short neck length dirty blonde hair with pretty hazel colored eyes. She did like Natalie but since she was friends Blair she did everything the girl said. They walked over towards the table with dirty looks aimed at Natalie.

"Can we talk to you Natalie?," Blair asked with her arms crossed. Nataie already knew what the two wanted to talk about. They always stalked Chuckies and probably saw them kissing. "Alone," she added.

Natalie nods her head slowly standing up. She looks over towards Sabrina and raised an eyebrow. "I thought you couldn't see without you glasses?," she asked following them out.

Sabrina looks down feeling as if she had no place to speak. It has been like this for a while. She wouldn't speak unless Blair said she could or Blair would normally talk for her. Natalie frowned at this Sabrina needed real friends not Blair.

"I told her to leave them at home, she can see perfectly fine right!," she stated and the blonde just nodded her head slowly. She rolls her eyes and looks at Natalie with so much hate. "WHAT THE FREAK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING BISHOP?."

Natalie looked at her with confusion.

Blair pushes her back with a light shove and grunts. "Don't try to play dumb Bishop! I saw you and Chuckie kissing, what did you say to him huh?," she asked.

Natalie allowed the small push holding in her anger this girl was testing her. She closed her eyes briefly calming down before opening the with a small smile. "I have no idea what you are talking about Blair, I didn't say anything to Chuckie," she said straightening out her shirt.

"Why the fuck are you lying Bishop!?," Blair asked with a hiss and pushed the other harder this time making her fall on her bottom.

Sabrina's eyes widen in fear and she tries pulling Blair's arm to leave but she pulls he arm away. She moves backwards slowly before running back into the Java Lava to tell the others.

"You are going to regret doing that Blair," Natalie said from the ground not standing up. Her bangs were hiding her face slightly. She clenched her fist tightly, "if you apologize I won't hurt you."

Blair laughs loudy crossing her arms. "As if I would apologize to a simple bitch like ou, you belong down there," she kicks the dirt at her which made her even more mad than before.

Natalie stood up slowy and walked over towards Blair. She slowy lifts her arm and swings punching her right in the face knocking her down. She gets on top of her and starts punching her, completely giving into her anger and blacking out. She grabs her hair with her hands and wraps them into her hair lifting her head up to slam it down onto the ground.

Before she could Caden, Peter, Zack, and Chuckie (the two arrived after she left with Blair) grabbed her pulling her away from the girl. She wouldn't release her hair, so as they were pulling her she was dragging Blair along by her hair.

"Release her hair Nat," Chuckie said in a sweet and calming tone. Natalie shook her head quickly still refusing to release her hair only tighten her grip, she was probably going to pull her hair out if they didn't get her off now. "Nat please for me, release her hair." when Chuckie seen her like this, she never wanted to be like this around him. She finally released her hair and started to sob loudy.

Chuckie smiles softly and pulls her into a lovinger hug, which she hugs him back tightly crying on his shoulder.

Starr looked over towards Blair with a glare. She didn't want to but she helped her off the ground and crossed her arms. "Why are you bothering Nat? What did she do to you huh?," she asked with a frown. "You know she has problems controlling her anger."

"I did this because she stole Chuckie from me! He wasn't suppose to be with her this isn't fair," Blair hissed trying to fix her hair, she felt something running down her nose and places her hand under her bleeding nose. Peter handed her a napkin which she glady took cleaning her nose, " I wasn't planning on making her this mad."

"So let me get this straight, you planned on attacking her - with words because she is dating Chuckie?," Zack asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn't like Blair there was always something weird about her. 'Since Chuckie asked Nat out it's my turn to ask Starr but I can't right now.'

"When you put it that way it makes me seem crazy," Blair mumbled wiping her nose She finished cleaning the blood and the bleeding had stopped. "I guess I shouldn't ave pushed her or kicked dirt at her."

Starr snouts and turns towards Natalie who ha finally calmed down. She glances at Blair and smiles. "You know you deserve that bloody nose, but if you dare touch Nat again I will do much worst," she hissed at her and best friend. She pulls Natalie into a hug and sighs.

Starr looks over towards Sabrina and rolls her eyes. "You shouldn't let her control you, you are your own person," she tells her with a stern tone.

"Starr is right," Zack agreed nodding his head. He walks over towards Sabrina and holds out his hand, "Let's be friends okay?."

Sabrina looks up at him but couldn't see his face without her glasses. "You guys want to be my friends?," she asked with tears running down her cheeks. Everyone nods which made her cry even harder with joy. She shakes Zack's hand, "I have friends!."

Natalie pulls away from Starr's hug and walks over towards Sabrina. She pulls her own glasses out her pocket putting them on her. "There you go, you look even more beautiful," she said.

Sabrina hugs he tightly and she happy returns the hug.

"Let's all get smoothie on Peter and I," Caden said walking back into the Java Lava with everyone.

Blair growls and walks home anger this anger this wasn't over she will have Chuckie.

Sabrina smiles while drinking her strawberry banana smoothie, this is her first group real friends. She was happy to be apart of this groupd. She was happy to be apart of this group. She wouldn't get judged. She fixed her glasses and laughs at the jokes Peter and Caden wee telling. She was finally happy.