A Dragon Returns to Fight (Adopted)

Chapter 09 (Valentine's Day Special)

someone pleaded for me to do a Valentines day special hope you like it. Also modified the previous chapter since a few people were put off.

(Arc House)

The members of team RWBY got out of bed and walked around looking for Jaune but knew they wouldn't find him. "Do you think he's alright?"

"Yeah sis he's just… feeling guilty."

"But he didn't do it! if not for him nobody from there would've survived!" Blake put a hand on Ruby's shoulder and nodded

"We know that Ruby but he refuses to and the fact that's it's his father who killed so many doesn't help." Weiss held her son up Alden against her chest.

"He always carries so much so others won't have to. He can't bare it, he can't bare that he couldn't protect us like he did in our world."

The four looked to the calendar and felt their chest tighten it had been two weeks yet things hadn't changed at all Jaune had hardly ever come home spending all his time who knows where. Yang tried to change topics. "Hey so what about DJ any of you know how he's doing."

Ruby pouted at Yang. "Yang you know he hates that name… I think he's fine last time I checked he was anyways"

Blake smiled at the thought despite everything she was glad they could save a few people they even had their own home in one of the Arc's other homes all the members of that world resided there and Jaeger was more than happy to see the boy as another Grandson.

Yang fell back and looked to the ceiling. "It's Valentines today… I wish we could see Ladykiller he could probably use a hug right now." The four sighed and Blake feel back on the floor.

"If only we knew where he was."

I know where he is?

"What!" Blake practically yelled at Grimmjow who now resided with her.

Yeah number Ceros in Hueco Mundo been there this whole time.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

… you never asked.

Blake swore to herself before standing up and looking to the other members of RWBY who starred back at her as if already understanding.

"Lets go get (J)NPR."

(Arc's Branch House)

Louise fidgeted with her gift finally gaining her resolve she stepped into hers and D. Jaune's room. She looked and saw her love starring into the sky. He then noticed her. "Louise?" Slowly she walked beside him. "What is it and why do you look so nervous?"

"Um… I-I actually was talking to the girl with the arrows who came with that dog man."

"Oh I know who your talking about I think her name was Kogome or something."

"Y-yeah well we were talking and we ran it those girls…" Louise looked to the ground.

"You mean Team RWBY?" Louise nodded and Jaune understood her discomfort after all they were like ghost to them but he didn't hate them or anything after all these girl visited their Jaune and even suffered after he sacrificed himself hell they even came to the afterlife before their time for him. How could he hate them, after all he didn't even hate the ones from his universe, the thought of them filled him with sorrow. They had done wrong but still knowing that Jacques killed them was to much.

Jaune clenched his fist and trembled. "Um, Jaune?" D. Jaune snapped out of his stupor and turned back to Louise who lifted a wrapped gift before him. "Well, we talked and they told me about this thing called Valentine's Day, but I'm no good at making Chocolate so we figure this would be better." D. Jaune took the present and looked to the blushing Louise. He opened the present and was surprised.

"Corcea Mor!" He grabbed the bold worn blade and noticed it was different as it blade was just as familiar to him and he ran his hand along it. "D-Derf"

"I-I know you miss him…so we talked and Kagome has something called a Asauchi but she said because he uses arrows she didn't need it… so she said it would be good for you to take it because your swords… broke. Her husband showed up asking why we didn't just fix them. After begging him he took me to some old man from his world named Totosai and he combined them together using one of his fangs… But he said their wasn't enough metal to reforge them so I asked if could combine them."

D. Jaune stood up and gripped the blade tightly he felt its weight and smiled though it was a somber one. The blade suddenly became enveloped in a bright light and shifted from becoming a new blade entirely that took on traits of both Derf and Corcea Mors alike at its pommel a black ribbon hung.

"Oh it became a true Zanpakutō with but a touch just like with Jaune's other friends." D. Jaune turned to see Jaeger smiling at him D. Jaune examined the blade. Jaeger stepped by his grandson and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Louise told me everything, I believe this blade will be a good partner to you."


"You know, every Zanpakutō has a name of its own."

"Really?" D. Jaune looked to the sword. "I wonder what yours is."

"Come on partner you already know the answer to that." Jaune and Louise froze and looked to the blade as the metal along the hilt shifted up and down. "What not happy to see me?" Louise fell to her knees and covered her mouth as tears of joy ran down her face.

(Hueco Mundo)

Jaune let out a roar of anger as he once more fired off his Cero Metralleta he looked to the attack he was getting to exhausted… but he couldn't tap out yet. Jaune lifted himself up for two week he had been training like this… he wouldn't let what happened there repeat itself again next time he'd stop them, he'd stop him. Jaune fell to his knees exhausted.

"Jaune!" He turned to see RWBY and (J)NPR. The seven surrounded him. "Why haven't you come home?"

Jaune couldn't look them in the eyes, every time he did he saw how they died in that scroll and it only sharpened his resolve. He begun to lift himself and Ruby slammed into him toppling him over. "Don't leave!" Tears fell on the downed knight and he looked up to see them all crying.

"You think we like letting you suffer like this Jaune!" Jaune looked to the angry Yang he stepped up to him but instead of hitting him like he thought she would Yang embraced him her grip threatening to never let go. "Don't become obsessed with your own despair." Blake joined the embrace.

"We know there was nothing you could've done… so please stop bearing all the guilt." Weiss stepped up to Jaune holding Alden.

"After all you've done to protect use I'm angry that you'd blame yourself for anything that happened there." Pyrrha quickly stepped up joining the hug.

"You mustn't fall to despair that just what Jacques wants and your stronger then that."

"Come on Fearless leader we all know you would've saved everyone if you had gotten there earlier, so stop hating yourself for something you couldn't have known about."

"We can't bear to see you like this and we won't just stand by and watch." Jaune looked to the seven and tears ran down his face.

"Your right."

"Damn straight they are." Jaune turned to see a familiar face as he looked to his alternative self who Louise was just behind. "Seriously what kind of moron are you blaming yourself for what that bastard did." D. Jaune withdrew his new blade to Jaune. "Aren't you supposed to be the strongest out of the eight of you guys so why are you sitting there moping around instead of doing what you really need to do."

Jaune exhaled before standing and facing his other self. "Your right all of you." He then looked back to his friends… no his family. "Will you all help me I-I want to stop him and I'm nowhere near strong enough."

not one of his team or RWBY turned away from him. Ruby was the first to speak up. "Of course but first you need to rest."

"She right after you kept us so worried the least you could do is rest dunce."

Pyrrha and Blake grabbed either side of the exhausted Knight before guiding him away. Yang then looked to d. Jaune and Louise. "you two coming?"

"Us?" Yang's eyes flattened.

"No duh after all you want to get back at him to right and I'm sure when he comes here you'll want to protect you little waifu there right DJ?" D. Jaune turned away from the Buxom Brawler.

"S-shut up. and don't call me DJ!" despite his protest he fallowed holding Louise's hand, they may have lost their world, but they didn't lose each other and he had no intention of letting harm ever come to Louise. No matter what would come he would die before he let anyone damage so much as a strand of her hair.