A/N: Final chapter of the story. WARNING! Hot Shenny smut inside. May trigger Shamy-shipping social justice warriors into posting lewd "reviews".

"Wow." They made their way up the stairs and into the luxurious cabin. Beige leather armchairs and shiny dark red furniture. All prepared for the meeting.

"Please take a seat. The flight to Nellis will take us around 30 minutes. We will go over the details of your resume and what can you provide for us in the meantime."

"No problem. I'm sure I'll be of great benefit to your team."

"We'll wait for the takeoff and continue with the briefing later on. May I offer you a drink? Water?"

"Thank you." They both took a glass of water. They still felt a bit nervous.

The jet taxied to the runway and took off towards Nellis Air Force base. Penny observed a beautiful sunset over the Los Angeles area, while Carter continued with the briefing.

"It is vital for us, that you have the ability to learn and quickly grasp new paradigms with an open mind. No matter how different they are from your current understanding of physics. This is our training program, we offer to new employees. We know what you're currently working on in mainstream physics. This will help you get up to speed as quickly as possible."

The folder was marked with Above Top Secret.

Sheldon ran over the papers, describing the kind of physics he has never seen before. He was getting overwhelmed with complexity and possibilities of these formulas and equations.

"But… How is any of this possible? This makes string theory..."

"Obsolete." Carter put it bluntly.

"Why haven't I heard about this before? I wasted a decade of my life..."

"Sheldon, please. First thing you need to learn, you're on a need-to-know basis. You don't need to know when or how we obtained this knowledge. All we need from you, is to grasp it and then help us develop it further. We have couple of open projects and we need all the brainpower we can get. Your case caught our attention. Given the nature of the incident, it was the best option to provide you with this opportunity. People are reluctant to accept these positions, when their lives are already in order."

"Found anything interesting?" Penny was getting curious.

"Penny, this is… this makes Star Trek a reality. Faster than light travel, gravity manipulation, personal teleportation,..." Sheldon held the closed folder in his hand and looked at her.

"You're making great progress already, Sheldon. It's good to know we've made a right decision."

"You're joking. Star Trek is science fiction. Fiction." Penny shook her head in denial.

"We prefer to keep it that way. It is easier for everybody. This stuff has the potential to destroy the entire solar system. That's why we guard this knowledge with our lives. As the humanity progresses, we will slowly reveal bits of it. But for now, we cannot afford the full disclosure."

"You always wanted to do this, Sheldon. Working on the edge of science." Penny put her arm around him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you very much for this opportunity. We are both very proud to be involved in it."

"We have good faith in you two. Naturally, other safeguards were put in place, but we hope it won't come to that. Like I said, work for us, remain silent and we'll all get along just fine. We're not some evil organisation, trying to take over the world or something. Our department is in charge of pushing this research to the limit and see how we can use it to our advantage and to the advantage of the human race. Once you see the potential, your entire view of the world changes. Local disputes become completely irrelevant." It tooks both of them a while to grasp everything the learned till now.

"Penny, we also arranged a new job for you. Given your previous work, we can provide you an occupation in the casino below your apartment. You will work as a croupier behind one of the tables. This way, we can keep you safe. Given your relationship with Sheldon, we have classified you as his leverage. We cannot afford to lose any of you."

Sheldon spent the rest of the flight going over the material again, grasping everything that was written. Things were getting clearer, once he put his old knowledge behind him. Penny was thankful for this offer, she could not ask for more.

The jet landed at dusk, with beautiful Vegas skyline shining in the background.

"We will now take you to your accommodation. You are free to spend the weekend as you please. On Monday, we get to work."

They all shook hands and separated. Another transport took Sheldon and Penny to the arranged casino. Driver handed them access cards to the apartment on the top floor and helped them with the suitcases. They checked with the receptionist, their names were already in their system.

"Ah, yes. Welcome, doctor Cooper, ms. Penny. We've been expecting you. Right this way." The receptionist lead them to the elevators.

Once the elevator door closed, Sheldon jumped all over Penny. He pushed her against the metal wall and kissed her deeply and quickly all over her lips and neck.

"Whoa, Sheldon..." Penny was trying to slow him down as the elevator climbed to their new home. What has gotten into him?

"Those equations, Penny… infinite power..." He pressed against her even harder and lifted her up off her feet.

She wrapped her legs around him and held on. He quickly undid some of the buttons on her shirt, kissed around her collarbone and cupped her breasts. Elevator was progressing towards higher floors without stopping.

"We're almost there..." She breathed heavily, watching the floor counter above the door. He fumbled blind with the buttons around her waist, while kissing her neck and returning back into her mouth, deep.

"We certainly are..." He whispered into her ear as he reached into her pants with his right hand.

"Ohh, God." It was exactly what she needed. Penny closed her eyes and bumped her head against the metallic side. The moist on his fingers gave her away. He was always adept at pushing her buttons. Sheldon had her burning, Penny was getting closer and closer. Not fast enough.


"Time's up." He left her hanging. Sheldon licked his fingers and stepped away like nothing happened. Smiling with a hint of evil. He was such a tease. Penny barely caught herself from falling to the floor, when he let her go.

"Ugh, you bastard..." She mumbled and buttoned up her blouse.

Elevator door opened, Sheldon grabbed her hand and lead her to their place. The hallway was empty, they quickly made their way to the apartment and fell inside. They didn't bother to turn the lights up. The whole city was shining into the place, providing the perfect colorful lighting for the night of lovemaking ahead.

They kept kissing each other, while they were stumbling through the darkened apartment. He removed her blouse, she undid his shirt. They were careful with the buttons to not damage the clothes too much.

Embraced, they fell onto the king-sized bed. Now it was his turn to finish her off.

Penny took off her shirt and Sheldon observed her gorgeous upper body, with only the lacy white bra remaining in place. His taller body covered hers as he laid on top and kissed his way around her angelic face. He was staring deep into her green eyes, caressing her blonde hair and smiling at her. He could feel her heartbeat and heavy breathing.

"You're so beautiful..." Sheldon was getting emotional.

He gently removed the straps off her shoulders and continued to kiss his way down over her beautiful body. Penny raised her back, allowing him to unclip her bra. He cupped and kissed over her soft breasts, then circled his tongue aroused nipples a few times. His gentle touch and warm breath felt so good. Penny threw her arms behind her head and let herself go.

"Oh, sweetie..." She kept moaning and arching her body up towards him. His soft lips.

Sheldon was going slow and with patience. They were in no hurry to finish, they had the whole night for themselves. He reached the edge of her pants and began to unbutton them. Penny raised her hips, allowing him to pull off everything at once. Her legs felt spread onto the bed, on either side of him.

"It's not polite to stare, you know..." She blushed and smiled at him. But Sheldon could not resist her. Glittering shades of pink, from lightest to more vivid, with a thin strip down the middle, Penny was… Perfect. There was no other way to put it. Sheldon wasn't shy to remove his pants. He returned to her with only his boxers covering him.

He slid his hands over her thighs and kissed closer and closer to her sex. He played round and round with his tongue, tasting every bit of her. He was not afraid to use his fingers on her. He wanted to thank her. It was an obligation. And this was his way. Penny could not believe his capabilities. When did he learn all that?

"Ummff… Sheldon, if you dare to stop now..." He didn't. He enjoyed pleasuring her as much as she enjoyed it. Penny was in heaven. His long tongue and fingers did her things she didn't thought were possible. Her body was up in flames again. The sensation was taking over her mind. But he still wasn't finished. He kept going, obsessed he will make this right. She could only caress his hair and hold on for the ride.

And this was only foreplay! What other skills does he posses she doesn't know about? This will be an unforgettable night. With whatever little mind remained functioning in her head, Penny swore to herself. She will ride and please him even better than this. If that's even possible. But right now, he was on fire. And so was she. Again. Because his middle finger slipped, again and again. His. Sheldon-the-germaphobe's. Into her…

"Totally worth it!" Exploded in her mind and body once again, sending her over into ecstasy. She crashed back down onto bed a few moments later and Sheldon returned back up. Satisfied with his achievement.

"When did you..." Was all she could manage to say after coming back to reality.

"Did you enjoy it? Was this an adequate return of pleasure? I did not want to disappoint you."

"Ohh, it felt heavenly, you were amazing… I don't even... Equations?" She held her head, collecting her thoughts.

"Two times, would you agree?"

"Sheldon..." She felt slightly embarrassed. Because he was right. He chuckled.

They spend a while just making out, gently kissing and rubbing each other. Exploring and caressing each others bodies. Sheldon was addicted to how her silky skin felt under his fingers. He could not get enough of her. He turned her around on her belly and gently kissed every inch, from her spread inner thighs, to her "courage"-tattooed buttocks. It took him back to good old times. Her whole body was like a memory treasure chest. He continued to kiss his way up, to her upper back and neck.

"Hmm… This is new..." He stared and ran his fingers over the beautiful moth tattoo between her shoulder blades. It sparked his curiosity. He needed to know.

"Old life, Sheldon." It was done in a heat-of-the-moment, when she was still with Leonard.

"I'd love to know about it." He laid on his side next to her and she faced him.

"Seriously? You're lying naked in bed with me, in Vegas and you wanna talk about my tattoo?"

"We have all night ahead of us, Penny. I'm in no hurry..." He gently kissed her lips.

"You know, I could talk about that, or..." *Cue the gentle ambient music*

She pushed him on his back and raised up. "I could try and return the favor." She was now on top, holding his wrists and pushing his arms into the mattress. She eased her grip and came lower. He felt her lips on his neck, blonde hair now sliding lower down his chest. Her cherry lips kissed with the same slow and caring pace, as he did before.

Penny pulled off the last bit of clothing and had him for the second time today, but not all the way. They were careful about that. She took her time with slower strokes and gentle kisses. Somehow, he was able to control himself, she didn't know how. Sheldon was still a mystery to her in many ways. Most guys would be done by now, with a cigarette in their mouths. But not Sheldon.

"Ohh, Penny… Yes… Much better..." He combed her hair and controlled himself not to blow it already. Observing her eyes and lips, playing and rubbing with him.

Reading and practice now paid off. It always did. He was aroused again, which meant she can finally get to have him. In her way. Her fantasy was finally becoming a reality.

Sheldon laid on his back, admiring Penny as she reached for a bottle of aromatic oil on the night stand. She straddled him, poured couple drops on his chest and smeared it all over.

She let some drops to drip between her breasts, which he got to push into her soft skin. No words were needed, she knew exactly what they both wanted. She guided him with her hand, slowly sinking herself down onto him. He was a perfect fit in all the right places. Penny slowly taking him in, Sheldon was lost on how it felt to him. He stopped thinking a while ago...

She gripped him tightly, which made the feeling even more sensational for him. It was this moment, they've been both waiting for so long. And it was just like they always imagined in their dreams. Beautiful, hot, sexy, gentle, sensual.

They slowly began to move together in a rhythm. Sheldon held her waist and Penny controlled the pace. She took his palms and guided them over her glittering body. From her lips, all over her sexy curves, down to her knees resting beside his chest and back again. Penny leaned her hands on his body for support as she moved and swayed her pelvis around. She closed her eyes and arched her head back. Her hair flew freely down her back. She looked like an angel. Sheldon reached towards her neck again, rubbing his palm across her body and curves. Everything became tranquil in that moment, Penny's head fell forward, taking her with it. She fell down into Sheldon's embrace, where they continued to be one, not wanting this to end. They fell into another series on kisses, with him taking over after she felt tired onto him. Her long hair covered their faces like a curtain, Sheldon kept moving them away with each stroke across her face. His hands continued to circle around her hips and ass, she continued to feel and kiss his chest.

Sheldon let her rest, rolling her on her back and taking over himself. He kept his thrusts gentle and consistent. They remained in eye contact the entire time. Their hands kept caressing their hair and faces, with an occasional kiss on the lips.

Penny felt he was getting closer now. His moans and breath became louder and deeper. No more control, anymore. Just extasy.

"Keep going, sweetie…. Don't be afraid..." She whispered into his ear. Encouraging him. Sheldon reached the final push, bottoming out in her, holding her dearly in his embrace. He gave her everything that night, she became his.

Penny felt his heavy breathing and voice on her ear.

"I love you so much..." He kissed her forehead and she returned with kisses on his lips.

"I love you too, sweetie. This was the most beautiful..." She kept her arms crossed behind his neck, almost crying from joy and perfection they just shared. They remained embraced together, nothing else needed to be said. Sheldon laid on his side, gently rubbing Penny's shoulder, locked onto her beautiful eyes. She felt completely safe and so happy to be with him.

"Why haven't we done this years ago, Penny? This was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced." He was pushing strands of her hair behind her ears, playing with them.

"Sheldon, don't…" She turned her head in denial. "Let's just enjoy for now… It was beautiful for me as well." She closed her eyes and gave him another kiss of gratitude.

Sheldon felt uneasy when their bodies began to cool down and rational mind was taking over. He lost the eye contact and excused himself. Too soon.

"I need to take a shower now, I hope you understand." He was already up and putting on his shorts. She sighed and felt the warm dent he left behind.

"I do." Penny exhaled and rolled on her back, going through everything up until this moment. And their possible future together. She was off the pill for months now, but it never happened with Leonard. It didn't felt right to her. It did tonight. Where is this going to end? Her new life with Sheldon? A family? She didn't care right now. Not with him around. She stared into the city outside, mesmerized. Tranquility inside and flashing lights outside put her mind into a trance-like state, making her sleepy.

A kiss on the lips and a stroke of her hair woke her up. Sheldon was all refreshed again. His hair wasn't dry, it was all messed up and still a bit moist.

"Hey..." She greeted him with a gentle smile. Her green eyes now had a distinct sparkle in them. She noticed the same in his eyes. A sign of pure bliss and happiness. It was good to see it back. They both lost it years ago without even knowing.

"It wasn't the same without you, Penny… I've missed you." He smiled with his blue puppy eyes. He took her hand and lead her to the bathroom. Hot water was pouring over their bodies and Sheldon made great care to soap Penny up and sponged her gently. He stood behind her back and went over every bit of her. She never felt so good about herself before. None of her ex-boyfriends treated her with such care and commitment as he did.

Soft sponge soon laid on the floor, replaced with his long fingers. Going over her silky skin, feeling her aroused nipples and clit. He embraced and thrusted inside her again. She caught his rhythm, braced to the slippery wet tiles. He went a little faster this time and she loved it. Penny stimulated herself, as Sheldon kept hitting all the right buttons inside her. After minutes, he swiftly turned her around, with her back against the tiles. She kept one foot on the floor for support and wrapped the other around his leg. His fingers kept reaching all the right places. His thrusts kept getting deeper and more powerful. Her moans kept getting louder. Running water could not silence their united climax, after which they collapsed onto the shower floor. It left big smiles on their faces and a completely fogged up bathroom. They were in no hurry to get up. Despite being soaked, with water drops dripping off them, they still enjoyed themselves. Kissing and making out under the shower. At least until the heat in the bathroom lasted.

They both put on a set of robes hanging by the door and Sheldon helped Penny with drying up and combing her hair. He even tried to make her a braided ponytail, but that didn't come out right.

"This shower felt much better, with you being here. Much." He complimented her.

"Aww, you're welcome, sweetie..." Penny gave him another peck on the cheeks.

Sheldon left the bathroom, giving Penny some privacy to freshen up.

She came out minutes later, brushing her damp hair. She was almost glowing.

He waited at the glass wall, staring out onto the city lights. Penny reached for his hand and leaned on his shoulder.

They observed the skyline in silence.

"Come, follow me."

"Sheldon, where are we going?"

"You'll love the view I found. It's amazing." He guided her through the fire escape stairway and onto the hotel roof. Two deckchairs were already placed in the perfect spot, overlooking Las Vegas below.

"I had them arranged while you were asleep."

"Wow, it's so beautiful here." They both held hands and stared into the distance.

"One new home, Penny."

"Significant improvement over the old home." She surprised him, instantly reminding him of that moment when he first saw her. He could not believe it was already 10 years, yet he remembered it perfectly. He immediately turned to her.

"Yes... it is." He agreed with another kiss on her lips. Penny slowly walked away from him, when another idea popped into her naughty mind.

"You wanna… try it under the stars?" Penny slowly began to untie her robe and laid onto the deckchair, her feet touching the ground on each side. How could Sheldon say no to that? They had a lot of catching up to do, after all...