"Torra! Fasha!" Bardock screamed as he flew across planet Meat to his dying comrades.

A man with spiky hair lay dying on the ground. "B-Bardock?"

Bardock landed, and wasted no time in running to his squad mate, "No, Torra!" He kneeled next to his bloodied friend. "What the hell happened here?" He asked, ripping Torra's headband off of his forehead and cleaning the blood away from his best friend's face.

"Bardock, he... He wants us dead." Torra spluttered. Bardock kept going, refusing to let his companion die.

The previously white band was now tinted pink with blood.

"Who Torra? Who wants us dead?"

"F-Frieza. T-that bastard sent Dodoria to kill us off. He's afraid of you Bardock, of what you could become. Y-You're practically a super Saiyan! Frieza, he fears our race because of your power and h-he wants us eradicated."

Bardock was breaking. But he kept a poker face for his friends sake.

"Bardock you have to stop him - Frieza! He'll end us all!" Torra was trying his best to sit up, but a gruesome hole in his abdomen was leaking blood, and he remained stationary.

"Stop! Stop it now Torra! I'll get him but I gotta get you help, I-" Torra silenced his friend with a harsh slap.

"Shut up... Just shut up Bardock, just kill Frieza and..."

Torra was coughing up blood, his end was near.

"Save our race. End Frieza. Avenge me. If anyone can, it's you. And tell Raditz to stay strong, you needa' quit treating him like shit. There's potential in him, I know there is. Same for... Kakarot."

Torra was fading out, "Remember, Bardock..." And with that Torra died in Bardock's arms.

Bardock stood up tightly gripping the now crimson headband. He tied it to his forehead.

Revenge was the one thing on Bardock mind.


Bardock flew faster than he ever had, running high on emotion.

"Why Torra of all people?"

Bardock had lost his brother in arm's. The lizard would learn pain! He would rue the day that he-

The sound of breaking rocks shattered his eardrums as he was smacked out of the sky. "Who the fuck..?"

Bardock couldn't finish as he was sent into a tree by a second blow. The brief image of a spiky pink fist was all he saw. Bardock smashed through the tree and hit the ground. He got to his feet with slight difficulty. "Dodoria!"

A pink brute stood before him flanked by three warrior's in Planet trade armour. The large henchmen laughed. "Your teammates were no fun, monkey. Will you give a better fight than them?"

The three goons of Dodoria all rushed Bardock. With difficulty, the Saiyan fighter avoided serious damage. Dodoria's blows had rocked him.

From a distance Dodoria watched the battle play out. "These Saiyan's couldn't beat Frieza, right? No monkey could ever be that strong!"

Dodoria began to charge a huge yellow ball of Ki, "I'll show you!" He shot the blast at Bardock, who couldn't Dodge in time. The Saiyan fighter was sent careening across the planet, and over the horizon. "You three, go after him!" He ordered as he returned to the ship.

'How the hell am I gonna deal with that kinda' power?' Bardock propped himself up against a boulder, hurting like absolute hell. He was sure Dodoria would appear to finish him off.

"Losing to a lap dog is not how I'm going out."

Bardock took to the air, determined to get back to planet Vegeta. His scouter beeped. Someone was coming. "I'll kill all of you!"

Bardock flew into one of the humanoid aliens, and body slammed him to the ground. He lashed out with a spinning kick which hit the remaining fighter's. Taking advantage of the space, he hit the first humanoid with a hard knee followed by a simple jab cross combination. The man tried to retaliate but Bardock dodged and let loose a volley of energy blasts. The yellow alien was heavily bleeding.

Blue ki formed around his fist, snaking up his arm until the elbow. After it doubled in width, Bardock released the beam, and an azure explosion took up the entire area. Satisfied with his attack, Bardock headed for the next opponent.

The scarred Saiyan landed on the ground opposite the two henchmen. He threw a roundhouse to the torso of the closer one. As the humanoid cried in pain, he was hit by a palm that sent him flying skyward where he was met with a knee to his spine. The alien fell to the ground. His back was broken and he would meet a painful end very soon.

The last remaining humanoid was petrified. Bardock walked towards him with a sadistic grin on his tanned face. The alien knew he would never out speed Bardock. No escape.

Jazz waved his hands.

"No please! I'm sorry okay, w-we had no choice! Please spare me!" Jazz pleaded for his life.

The Saiyan grinned, picturing Frieza in Jazz's place, "What kind of idiot begs for mercy from a Saiyan?"

An energy blast from behind stopped him from ending Jazz. The pto soldier gasped as Bardock shrugged off the sneak attack. 'How'd he survive the Tyrant Lancer?'

He snapped the creature's neck and turned back around. I guess it doesn't matter how they die, as long as I get the job done.

Bardock used all his power and made an orb above his head. It spread all around his body, tendrils of purple energy snaking out like daggers. Bardock thrust his hands forward and all was destroyed.

"Emperor's demise!"

The colossal lavender attack spared nothing. All three adversaries were dead. "I'll find you, you fat pink swine."

Dodoria was still on planet Meat, "Stupid Ship, what do you mean you've run out?" The brute yelled, releasing an energy blast which went through the monitor and the hull of the ship.

The machine began smoking and shut down.. "Goddamn… This technology is garbage." Dodoria sighed, forgetting he had blown a hole in the ship.

"A broken ship is the least of your worries, you ugly fool."

Dodoria turned to see the only other living being on the planet, "Bardock!"

"Yeah it's me. You killed my squad." He seethed.

"Thanks for reminding me, monkey. I still remember their faces, so fearful and hopeless!" Laughed the large warrior.

Bardock's hand twitched. "Is that so..." he whispered, in a chilling tone that put Dodoria at unease.

Dodoria took a fighting stance as Bardock approached.

"I'll be sure to tell Frieza he's lost his ugliest soldier after I put your head on a stake, Dodoria. Dont worry, I know you're too dumb to breathe without explicit orders from your beloved master, which is why I'm sending him to join you in hell!"

Dodoria was a pink blur as he was sent through the ship. Before he could recover, his face was met with the soles of Bardock's boots. He hit the ground hard, oozing blood. He wasn't even on his feet by time Bardock began unloading on him, ending every combo with a hard roundhouse to the thigh.

Why am I letting a monkey get the best of me? Dodoria grunted and threw Bardock into a boulder.

Both warriors were panting as they stared in mutual hate. Bardock seemed far better off than Dodoria. "Hey, Fatso, watch this," he said in between breaths, "This… is… a… little number… that I like to call… Xenofist!"

Bardock launched at the pink man with a glowing blue fist and socked him in the jaw, breaking the bone.

Dodoria screamed.

Bardock phased behind him, planning to snap his neck, but was caught in a vice like grip. With an enraged grunt, Dodoria snapped the saiyan's wrist and then his hand. He then grabbed the other arm, this time by the forearm, and used his knee to break the bone. Smiling at Bardock's cries of pain.

Bardock was suffering, and saw no way out. He simply couldn't match the brute force Dodoria possesed.

The pink man pulled Bardock into a series of repeated knees, time and time again smashing His legs into the saiyan.

Bardock resisted but made no headway. He tried to calm himself, waiting for this right moment to strike. After a minute of taking straight knees, Bardock saw an opening and took it, pulling back his head. Unfortunately for him, the larger warrior mirrored the headbutt, but much harder.

Bardock was seeing stars, and was only vaguely aware of the large gash in his skull.

Dodoria let go of one of Bardock's arms, and yanked the right one, dislocating it. The saiyan didn't even react as Dodoria crushed his fingers horribly.

'This is it... Gine... Torra... I'm sorry.'

"You're not so big now are you, Bardock? To think, Frieza was scared of you? Where's the scary super Saiyan?" Dodoria's voice was warped from the earlier abuse. Bardock struggled to stand as he helplessly watched Dodoria charge an energy beam.


Bardock was blasted into oblivion. Dodoria laughed as Bardock was once more sent flying. He was injured, but he had won.

".. And ... Good riddance..."





'Wait… Fight?'

Darkness. Panic.

'Fight! Dodoria! Planet meat, Torra, Dodor-'


Stars. A million silvery gas balls lighting up the night above.


Bright blue ki shone everywhere. A bruised, broken, left for dead Bardock gazed at the stars, feeling the gentle pulse of soothing energy. He tried to get up.

"Arghhhh! Bones! Broken, broken!" His delirious mind forced itself to relax.

"Oh god... How am I alive?"

Bardock continued to stargaze. He didn't know for how long, he was barely conscious as it was. Time was non-existent. There were only stars, a million of them; beautiful, radiant, cosmic jewels.

Eventually Bardock gasped, "My planet needs me!"

Bardock rolled over and, ever so slowly, crawled towards his pod. With broken bones and broken spirit.

He went for hours, or minutes? He couldn't tell. He couldn't feel anything. He was eternally crawling towards the pod that might have been in that particular direction. Bardock used his two broken limbs to pull himself along, crawling through the valley of the shadow of death.

When he caught sight of that pod, Bardock didn't even realize. He was just a man on a mission. He had no idea what the mission was. Survival? Food? Treasure? Bardock was just focused on moving forward. He wasn't sure how or when he got into the ship, or how he set course for his home planet, he just did.

Despite the pain, he laughed


With a crash, a pod landed on the roof of the hospital. Doctors and warrior's alike raced up to the ship, expecting a hostile threat but instead finding one of their own.

The pod door opened and all present were met with the gruesome sight of Bardock. He was in a terrible state, to say the least.

His arms, mangled beyond belief, completely crushed and unusable. His skin dry and cracked, his hair stained with blood.

"Doctor what do we do?"

"Get him to the ER!"

"Haha, someone finally showed this third class his place!"

"Hey, I bet he'd kick your ass!"

Bardock was ushered into the Saiyan hospital, hanging onto life by a thread.


'Where am I?'

Everything was green, his eyes stung from the healing liquid.

"Doctor! Bardock! He's awake!"

"Drain the fluid, he's had long enough."

The substance began to drain. A now healed Bardock stepped out of the chamber completely naked.

"How long?" Bardock stated coldly, as he put on his armour, and headband. He purposefully neglected the scouter, he didn't need Frieza keeping tabs on him.

"Bardock!? Y-you... What happened?"

"How long?"

"Bardock, where's the rest of your cre-"

"You seem to be forgetting who in the hell I am, doc. I'll give you one last chance to answer me before I break you." He said sternly.

"Four days. For the love of god Bardock, what is it with you and these suicide miss-"

Bardock stopped listening, headed towards the infant block. If his visions were correct, then he hadn't much time.

Bardock walked into the infant's room, searching for a particular child. After a moment or two, his eyes fell to a palm tree haired newborn who was crying his eyes out. Bardock walked towards what was probably his son, "shut up kid."

The baby continued to wail. The child in the neighbouring crib was also crying, disrupted by the former's cries. Bardock read the signs on their Cot's. His son was apparently named 'Kakarot' and the crying child was called 'Broly'.

"Both of you. Shut. The fuck. Up." Bardock growled. Kakarot stopped crying and looked at his Father, in turn Broly too stopped crying.

"Kakarot. Yeah, I think Torra mentioned something like that. Trust him to know the name of my child before I do." The man said unenthusiastically.

Bardock got up to leave, done with his inspection. "Don't die on your first mission kid, then we'll talk. Although with a power level of two, we may never get the chance. "

He flew into the city, and into his building. Bardock kicked the shoddy door of his apartment open. "Gine?"

A slim Saiyan woman ran into the room, "Bardock? Where have you been? I was worried sick!" She hugged him, he patted her head.

"Yeah yeah. Where's the weakling?"

She slapped him, "Do not talk about my son like that! He's an elite you know! You third class trash." She crossed her arms.

"Okay first of all, you're a third class too. Second, they only made Raditz an 'elite' because they genuinely think he's retarded."

Gine stormed away, angered. Bardock followed in slight amusement. "He's on a mission you dick, with none other than the Prince."

Bardock sighed, "Offworld? Good, then he'll survive..." Gine shot him a questioning glance. He groaned.

"There's no time to explain, but Freiza wants us dead. On Kannassa, I was given psychic powers...I think, and I saw the doom of our race, Freiza's going to kill us all."

Gine scoffed, "You think me a fool. There's no way any of that's true. Fighting so much has messed up your head, Bardock. Now get out."

Bardock grunted as she shoved him out. "You'll see Gine, you'll see." He exited the building, determined to find warrior's to join him. Frieza was coming, and he had to take a stand.

Bardock landed on the side streets of the capital, running past the detritus of the city. Most of planet Vegeta was urban, and the rest of the planet that wasn't occupied was wasteland. The biggest portion of the Saiyan territory was the capital, with the palace in the centre of it.

The capital was surrounded by the rest of the city-planet, which were split into 'sectors' ranging from 1-13. In addition, there were the industrial and facility sections. The further away from the palace, the poorer the area. Sections 10+ were slums, and the lower numbers were all in different states, from well kept shopping hubs to quiet neighbourhoods to cramped blocks..

Bardock soon found what he was looking for, a seedy bar. He knew this particular cesspool well. As he burst through the doors, the smell of cheap alcohol hit him harder than Dodoria ever had.

People cheered upon seeing Bardock. He had developed a reputation as one of the powerhouses of the Saiyan race. Bardock had always been infamous, especially among low classes, and his recent string of genocidal exploits had only made him more respected in the city.

One particular Saiyan who was surrounded by a crowd greeted him, "If it ain't the one and only Bardock! Take'n time out of his busy day of planet brokering to stop by and see ol' Billo. "

Billo, The man Bardock was looking for.

Billo was a popular guy, a second class warrior holding great power in the saiyan underworld. Everyone in this sector knew Billo, and he had serious influence. Making him perfect for Bardock's plans.

"Billo. I need to talk to you." Bardock was cold, and about business as usual.

"Yo! Bardock! Sit down, ah? Lemme Get ya a drink on me whaddya' say?"

"No. Look Billo, I need you to do me a favour. Don't try and weasel out of it either. You owe me one and you know it."

"Heh heh, sure I guess I do. What can I do?" Billo chuckled, slightly scared.

"Listen, Frieza, he's coming. Now. To kill us, To destroy our planet. So I need you to get your little gang or whatever, and have them ready for a fight a-s-a-p." He commanded, daring Billo to defy him.

Billo sweat nervously. He didn't want to look weak in front of his friends. He was meant to be a big deal!

"No Bardock."

"What? What do you mean no?" Bardock grabbed him by his shirt and held him against the wall. "Don't test me Billo!"

The whole bar was now silent, music and shouting coming to a halt. Billo's gang around him stood still in fear.

"You can't tell me what to do, Bardock. You're not gonna bully me into helping you. I'm the fucking king of this sector!"

"Don't you value your life fatass?"

Billo gulped but held his ground. Bardock laughed.

"Ruling over weaklings seems to have made you delusional. You don't have any real power, you just have enough money to pay these guys," Bardock gestured to Billo's crew. "You only exist because you sneak around like a rat! Once you get on the radar of the real gangsters, you're finished. If anyone heard you call yourself the king of this sector you'd be eliminated. So don't try to act tough, it won't work on me."

Billo tried to save some face in front of his clique, "Watch it third class! Frieza won't kill us! That job was a long time ago, you missed your chance for a favour. I owe you nuthin, ya hear?"

Bardock punched the man several times. Billo was against the wall again, bleeding profusely.

Bardock was losing patience. Why was his race so stupid?

"If you do as I say, I won't kill you, and I'll let you hook up with that Fasha girl on my squad. I know you've been trying to get her for years." Billo was smashed through the Wall. Bardock stepped over to him.

Billo wiped the blood from his nose. "Fine... Deal."

Bardock grabbed the chubby saiyan by the shirt and pulled him up. 'Sorry to tarnish your name Fasha... But this guy's just too dumb to listen to violence.'

"Bardock, is Frieza really gonna kill us? How'd ya' even know that?"

"Shut up Billo. The only reason you're alive is because I like taking advantage of you and your money. Now, about those troops..."

It wasn't enough. He couldn't beat Frieza with just Billo's guys alone. He needed something more or Bardock would never triumph.

Bardock headed for the palace, he needed the army! He had to bring Frieza to his knees and then some, with the supply of the military he could achieve that.

Bardock landed outside the gates, a guard pushed him as soon as he stepped foot on the land.

"Back off, Bardock." Sneered the royal guard, drawing back a fist.

Bardock restrained himself, he would try diplomacy first. "I need an audience with the King."

The guard punched him. Bardock stepped back.

Fuck diplomacy.

"Tyrant's Demise!"

He only had to kill three more guards before finding the king. Bardock walked through the lavish palace, towards the throne room.

A blast took care of the final door and the three guards behind it. Slowly, Bardock walked in and two more came towards him. within a second, both of their bodies dropped. Bardock was now in a grand hall, a thick red carpet underneath him, stained glass windows. A dozen guards stood between the wild haired Saiyan and the King, glaring down from the throne. The guards moved to rush him, but the King raised his hand. Bardock smirked and swaggered to the Throne.

"King Vegeta." He said with a smirk.


"Frieza is on his way. He plans to kill us." Bardock was calm and collected as the two men stared off. The scarred Saiyan couldn't keep his cocky smile off of his face.

"Preposterous. He is doing no such thing. Leave now if you want a swift death, low class." Vegeta smirked.

Bardock returned it, snorting in amusement, "If we prepare the army now then we can beat Frieza. You either die in ignorance, or get off your ass and fight like a real king would."

"I earnt my place as king, you worthless third class!" Vegeta erupted, slamming his fist.

Bardock didn't flinch. "And what have you done since then? Stay idle in your palace as our people were treated like dogs? Your son has shown more back bone than you have, you coward!"

Vegeta tensed. "I have been hard at work trying to free our people. I have gained us respect and political standing! Frieza views us as equals!"

"You did no such thing! You've grovelled and begged at the feet of Frieza as he exploited our race! You lost sight of your pride, no true Saiyan would ever cower in fear as you did! You have reduced us to mindless slaves! You are nothing but a weakling Vegeta."

"How dare you address your superior like that!"

"Superior? I've long since surpassed you Vegeta. I've damn near killed myself out there all in the name of improvement, while you have lived comfortable. I am far above you now."

"Was that a challenge, low class?" Vegeta screamed. Never had he been tested by such arrogance. His ego couldn't handle it.

"Maybe it was!" Bardock roared back. Vegeta stood up, and Bardock closed the distance faster than the king could comprehend.

"Fool! Are you going to just stand by as Frieza kills us?" Bardock threw a hefty punch, and then sent Vegeta through the ceiling with an uppercut. Bardock rushed up to continue but was intercepted, and hit by a kick before he could reach Vegeta. The force of the strike sent him back down to the black marble floor. Vegeta and his protector quickly landed also.

"Sire, back off! He's way stronger than you!" A Saiyan with long hair shouted at the king, coming between the fighters. A tall Saiyan man, he had long length spiky hair. Across his forehead was one bang by its lonesome.

"Shut up, Zorn! I'll kill this degenerate!" Vegeta tried to get Past the man but was pushed away by Zorn.

Bardock addressed the man that had just kicked him, "Hey, Zorn! Let him fight!"

"As the royal advisor I cannot allow this. Vegeta, let's hear him out first. Even Bardock wouldn't be stupid enough to just come here and cause trouble without serious reason," said Zorn, before turning to stare Bardock dead in the eye. "Because if he did, I would rip his throat out."

Bardock ignored the threat, returning to his cold demeanour. "Vegeta, let's settle this like real men in a real battle. Where there are no interventions." He gestured to Zorn.

"Eager to die, aren't we Bardock? They call you the dead man walking, and I finally see the truth in the name." Vegeta said.

"The Saiyan race is destined for something greater than simple pawns. I will not stand by and be controlled. I will take charge and do what I should have done the moment I realised I was the strongest Saiyan alive. I'm going to kill you Vegeta."

Vegeta roared in utter rage, "AND ON WHAT GROUNDS DO YOU CHALLENGE ME?"

Bardock flared his ki, enveloped in a dark purple aura, energy flaring, blood boiling. Bardock was ready for this fight. He always had been.