"What Lies Ahead"

Cadmus Warehouse, Undisclosed location
January 11, 09:12 EST

Vandal Savage stood atop a balcony overseeing the warehouse contained with the large tubes filled with the genomorphs. The chill and quiet atmosphere of the warehouse soothing him as he takes a breath, "Soon," he grinned slyly. He then feels a large breeze coming from behind him, not bothering to turn around as he greets the figure, "Ra's."

"Vandal." Ra's said as he walked next to him, gripping the railing. "It appears Deathstroke has been a suitable replacement for Sportsmaster, just like old times."

"For now." he reminds him, "Our temporary partnership with Deathstroke has been proven fruitful, as with the weapons test at the warehouse and besides, we have Mr. Crock right where we need him."

Ra's grins. "Of course, but more to the point, is there a reason why you asked me to meet you here?"

"Yes, since we turned over Cadmus ownership to you, it has been beneficial."

Ra's looks over to the tubes, "Of course, since last year, the League's attempts to out Luthor as the founder of Cadmus has been fruitless, if anything, this arrangement both suits us and Lex, everything is off the books, and Lex keeps his reputation, and as for me, I get to oversee the projects per to our agreement."

"Speaking of projects, tell me, how is Project Lords?"

"Since we placed the League under control and before sending them to Rimbor, we were able to retrieve all the genetic samples that we needed to make one clone for each member, and learning from the mistakes of Match and the Superboy. Still, we had not acquired their memories, as that would have taken too long for the timetable."

"Will this be a problem?"

"No, it won't be. By close to year's end, the project should be complete."

"Good, is there anything else?"

Ra's narrows his eyes, contemplating. "Yes. A concern that most of us, including you, have had in regards to the League on Rimbor."

"Which is?"

"Is it possible for the League to find out ahead of the projected time?"

Vandal chuckles lightly, "They won't. Sending them to Rimbor, a planet far from the Earth's green lantern's sector and with the proper bribes in place, word of mouth won't be getting here anytime soon. Besides, I tend not to dwell on it, all we have to do is keep the League distracted. In the meantime we have more pressing matters to attend to, such as loose ends."


"The Superboy and Mr. Harper."

"Superboy will be taken care of, as for both Mr. Harpers, we have a plan set. Is there anything else?"

"Yes, I believe I heard that you have some loose ends to take care of as well."

"More like minor nuisances, a group of young entitled shadows." Ra's scoffs, "A debacle, as I know their intentions. I will handle it, quietly." Ra's says as he bends over the rail, noticing Savage looking at Roy's tube at end of the room. "It appears I am not the only one with a nuisance I hear."

"A minor nuisance at best, apparently Deathstroke encountered an old operative from our old Task Force Unit."

Ra's raises a brow, "A survivor? How?"

"Unclear, but nevertheless, what Psimon did to him, to the unit, wiping all their memories of their missions before their subsequent termination, we shouldn't have to worry. Though I believe his encounter with the Team now means he has now allied himself with them, and yet this could be advantageous to us, if we play our cards right."

"Agreed, and I believe I just know how to do that."

"We may have to require an old asset of Deathstroke's, have you identified the survivor?"

"No, but it doesn't matter. He'll be dead as well as the rest of the League's protégés."

"We may have to inform Queen Bee, and Psimon, to ensure his work."

"We will, but for now, Queen Bee is handling her own nuisance, as for us..." They turn to original Roy's pod.

"What lies ahead is only beginning."