Author's Note!

Okay, this is my first Big Hero 6 Fanfiction! I hope you all enjoy it, please leave a review on what you think about it. I would love any thoughts on this. Also, I (unfortunately) do not own Big Hero 6 in any way, shape, or form. I hope you enjoy, and buckle up for this insane ride!

Chapter One

Tadashi Hamada always did what was best for his younger brother. Well... Always was sort of pushing it, but he did do and make a lot of decisions that was best for Hiro. There was those slip up chances where Tadashi would say something he wouldn't mean or when the two would get in a fight. Though it was nothing they couldn't fix together. There was only one time where the two ended up in a horrifying emotional battle.

And that moment, was right now...

Tadashi ran inside the burning building, to save his professor. At the moment, he didn't fully understand the weight of his decision. To him, he had to run in. He had to save his hero, his role model! The last thing he thought was that Hiro would run into the inferno with him. Tadashi barely even had time to think before he stopped running and realized he was surrounded by nothing but flames and smoke. Well... Flames, smoke and one baby brother who was having a hard time catching up.

Tadashi felt his eyes widen in shock as his brother tried to drag him out as another attempt to stop him. Though the older one barely moved as he felt panic seep in.

"Hiro, you knucklehead! What do you think you're doing?!" Words could not even begin to explain how worried he was now. It would have been one thing if Tadashi was in here alone to look for Professor Callaghan. It was a completely different story if Hiro was in here as well.

"You think I was actually going to let you commit freaking suicide, do you Tadashi?! " Hiro could still manage to have an unbearable amount of sarcasm right now, though Tadashi could tell how much he was actually hurt his brother by running into the building.

"Alright, alright. Let's hurry and get out." Tadashi didn't have any time right now to sit through some argument about his choice. They needed to get out. Tadashi could definitely feel this heat and he was sure that Hiro could feel it as well.

Tadashi quickly grabbed Hiro by his arm and ran towards the exit. He didn't stop when the building groaned and threatened to collapse. He didn't stop when the windows exploded due to the extreme heat. What did make him stop dead in his tracts was a sea of black nothingness blocking their main escape route.

Before Tadashi could turn away, he noticed that black sea,was actually something. He squinted slightly at it... but it didn't make any sense. Those couldn't be micobots... Hiro's micobots...

"Tadashi?.." Of course Hiro noticed this as well and gave the older a confused glance. Something was wrong here, and there was no way they were going to stay here and find out. He quickly directed Hiro to one of the emergency exits. They needed to get out. Now. He didn't know why those microbots were moving (well, it didn't take a genius to know they were stolen), but he didn't want to know why. This fire was no accident. And it seems the two siblings were caught in the middle of the unknown person's scheme to take the invention.

Though as soon as they turned, all that was seen was the micobots and a Kabuki mask. All before both brothers were struck unconscious.

And there you go! Sorry that this chapter was a bit short, but I'll try to have the next one up ASAP (like maybe Monday)! Please leave a review and tell me what you thought of it! It was a tad short, so I'll try to make the next chapter longer for you all.