this fic is a long time coming. i haven't had much time recently but i hadn't been able to let go of tri-tone, which i am still so thankful for your support of. and well, this one came out! i wish you all will love this as much as tri-tone.

now, read, ponder, and enjoy!

The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart. And being thoughtful. And being generous. Everything else is crap, I promise you. It's just crap that people try to sell to you to make you feel like less. So don't buy it. Be smart. Be thoughtful. And be generous.

-Ashton Kutcher


Friday (23rd September 2016)
(12:12 a.m.)
Distract me

(12:12 a.m.)
from what

(12:15 a.m.)
I am freaking out

(12:16 a.m.)
you'll be fine

(12:16 a.m.)
I know I'll be fine
Because I'm a genius
And I'm graduating at 20
And who graduates at 20
(12:17 a.m.)
No one, that's who
And I am freaking out

(12:26 a.m.)
oh i get it

(12:27 a.m.)
Get what?

(12:27 a.m.)
you're nervous
because you're graduating younger than the others

(12:27 a.m.)
Absolutely not
(12:32 a.m.)
Okay, maybe a little
(12:34 a.m.)
Okay, maybe a gigantic size of panic is taking over me right now because of that
(12:37 a.m.)
Scratch that
I am definitely freaking out because of that

(12:42 a.m.)
i'm proud of you

(12:43 a.m.)
Oliver, now is not the time.

(12:43 a.m.)
i know
you're freaking out
and i'm proud of you

(12:45 a.m.)
You're proud that I'm probably gonna die of asphyxiation because I might just eat this handful of peanuts I found under my closet while packing because I am freaking out?

(12:49 a.m.)
okay, first of all, get rid of the peanuts right now
and second of all, i'm proud that i'm a twenty nine year old dumbass who dropped out of four colleges but i managed to get a girlfriend who's graduating at 20
(12:50 a.m.)
i'm proud of you, felicity

(1:07 a.m.)
I hate you

(1:09 a.m.)
i love you too

(1:10 a.m.)
Are you sure you can't make it tomorrow?

(1:12 a.m.)
i would if i could
but mom's been pestering me about this event for weeks
and if i don't go i might as well be dead

(1:13 a.m.)

(1:16 a.m.)
get some rest
tomorrow, when you wake up, you're gonna do great
(don't trip though)

(1:19 a.m.)
Oliver Queen!

(6:21 a.m.)
I swear to god if you're not here already
You can walk

(6:34 a.m.)

(6:35 a.m.)
Yes, about to fall asleep
Because someone's a sadist and can't do things on his own

(6:40 a.m.)
you know you love her

(6:41 a.m.)
I'm only doing this because I love her

(6:41 a.m.)
i see you

(6:41 a.m.)
You're piggybacking me back to my car

(7:28 a.m.)
Periscope it

(7:34 a.m.)
what's a periscope

(7:37 a.m.)
Oliver, you've been dating Felicity for three months and you don't know what a Periscope is?

(7:39 a.m.)
we barely see each other as it is

(7:39 a.m.)
You guys talk on the phone!

(7:39 a.m.)
yeah, she knows i'm hopeless at this kind of stuff

(7:49 a.m.)
Barry has to know

(8:04 a.m.)
i'm not periscoping it
if that's even a word

(8:05 a.m.)
It's not
Yes, you are
I wanna watch every single moment of the journey of Oliver Queen and the one woman who's managed to get him all flustered and silly for almost a year
Including today

(8:06 a.m.)
i'm pretty sure it'll be all over youtube later today

(8:07 a.m.)
Be that as it may
It's more fun watching it live

(8:11 a.m.)
stop being so invested in my love life

(8:12 a.m.)
I can't
I've heard and seen too much

(8:12 a.m.)
i'm not periscoping it

(8:15 a.m.)
Periscope it

(8:16 a.m.)
Already got Caitlin on it
This is gonna be gold

(10:33 a.m.)
just know that you are a certifiable genius and i love you
and i am so proud of you

(10:36 a.m.)
I love you too
Still wish you're here

(10:39 a.m.)
barry can stand in

(10:39 a.m.)
He's too busy with his girlfriend to care about me

(10:39 a.m.)
it's gonna be awesome
just you being there is awesome

(10:41 a.m.)
I hate that you always know the right things to say

(10:46 a.m.)
we're usually on the same page

(10:46 a.m.)
About a lot of things

(12:04 a.m.)
Go, Oliver!
(12:08 a.m.)
What the fuck
I just remember her last name starts with S
Oh my god, this is going to be torture
(12:12 a.m.)
I should get some paperwork done before it happens

(12:16 a.m.)
what are you doing

(12:18 a.m.)

(12:19 a.m.)
no, i mean, what are you doing

(12:19 a.m.)
Oh, I'm watching it live on Caitlin's periscope

(12:23 a.m.)

(12:25 a.m.)
Some of us know what a periscope is
And by some I mean all

(12:28 a.m.)
how do you even know caitlin?

(12:31 a.m.)
Oh, I work on a few cases with her lab
We have weekly coffee date together

(12:34 a.m.)
felicity and i have more mutual friends?

(12:36 a.m.)
Technically, you only know Barry and Caitlin through Felicity
So it's not that mutual

(12:45 a.m.)
oh my god

(1:56 a.m.)
It's gonna be her turn in like 10 minutes
Get ready

(1:56 p.m.)
roger that

(2:18 p.m.)
I can't believe I'm more excited about you randomly showing up at your girlfriend's graduation and running up the stage to kiss her than I am about my own boyfriend buying me a pizza but yes!
(2:24 p.m.)
You really struck gold with this one
And now I can go back to my paperwork in peace

(7:21 p.m.)
I love you

(7:24 p.m.)
i'm literally just in the kitchen

(7:24 p.m.)
I know
But doing it like this feels nice
(7:25 p.m.)
Reminds me of that time when I was stupid and you were patient

(7:25 p.m.)
i love you too

(7:26 p.m.)
Now come over here and tell me for real

(7:28 p.m.)
yes, ma'am

so? what's the verdict? please review and let me know!

anyway, that last episode was pain. but honestly, i don't even know why i'm still watching it (oh wait, i do know, cuz i'm so far up felicity's ass i would do anything for her which includes watching a once-awesome show turn into a crap show).

idk a new boyfriend idk what you're talking about