Lincoln woke up that Saturday in a good mood. No, it wasn't because a new comic he'd been waiting for was being released today, nor was it because today was the day he got his allowance—even though it was. Today was going to be a good day because he was going to spend the day with Ronnie Anne at Ketchum park. They'd gone to the arcade a couple of times already, and after getting their initials on almost every high score leaderboard at the game and grub, they both felt they should hang out somewhere else for a change.

Lincoln hopped out of bed and looked at himself in his mirror. The young boy before him in the reflection flexed his meager muscles in his underwear, striking a number of poses, all while talking to himself as though Ronnie Anne were present.

"Me? Yeah, I have been hitting the gym lately," he said nonchalantly. "These?" he asked his reflection, flexing the small lumps that were his biceps. "Well, you know me, suns out, guns out."

Before he could strike another pose or utter another line, his door burst open. "Hey Linc, I heard you were—" Lynn stopped in the doorway as they both locked eyes. Both cheeks flushed red before Lynn couldn't hold back her uproarious laughter at her little brother frozen in his best Mr. Universe pose.

"Lynn! Don't you ever knock?!" Lincoln shouted angrily, covering himself with his hands, as though Lynn hadn't seen him in his underwear a thousand times before.

Once she had regained her composure and wiped the tears from her eyes, she finished her sentence. "Relax, I just wanted to know if I could get a ride to the park. My bike's got a flat and the bike shop is closed," she said, a hint of a smile still tugging at the corners of her lips.

Lincoln sighed. She did give him her bike after all. Plus, she usually went to the park for a pickup game of soccer, so it wasn't like she'd be bothering him and Ronnie.

"Okay, just let me get dressed..."

Lynn couldn't help but chuckle again as she turned to head downstairs.

"Yeah, good idea."

Lincoln quickly threw on his clothes and headed downstairs where Lynn and her soccer bag were waiting. He found his sister with her legs dangling off the arm of the couch, watching tv. She glanced up at him as he descended the stairs.

"Ready Ahnuld?" she mocked, unable to hide her smile as she sat up from the couch.

Lincoln rolled his eyes. "Yeah, let's go. But don't bother me and Ronnie Anne once we get to the park."

Lynn hopped off the couch, a even wider grin plastered across her face. "You didn't tell me little Linky had a date!" She pinched his cheek and hat her hand quickly smacked away.

"Lynn, knock it off!" he insisted.

"Chill out, nerd, I'm not gonna embarrass you. I'm there for the soccer, not to watch you two go all Lori and Bobby on each other," Lynn reminded him as she started towards the door.

Lincoln reluctantly followed her to the garage where he pulled out his bike. He threw a leg across it and turned to wait for her to get on behind him.

"You think I'm riding on the back of my own old bike?" she laughed.

"Lynn, c'mon!" Lincoln complained. "I can't let Ronnie Anne see me on the back of my own bike!"

She sighed. It would be pretty embarrassing, and he was doing her a favor by giving her a lift in the first place. "Okay, fine." She threw her leg over the back part of the seat and rested her cleats on the rear pegs. "But I would have gotten us there faster," she mumbled.

With that, Lincoln set off towards the park. About halfway there, he regretted not letting Lynn take the lead. The hills leading up to Ketchum park were exceptionally more difficult with another person weighing him down. Finally, Lincoln made it. He coasted to the bike rack on worn out legs as he skidded to a halt. He could see Ronnie Anne's outline sitting beneath a tree waiting on him. Knowing she was there made the grueling ride worth it as he locked his bike, took off his helmet, and tried desperately to fix his matted helmet-hair.

Lynn slung her bag over her shoulder, poised to head out onto the fields when she noticed her little brother trying desperately to fix his hair in the tiny rear-view mirrors of his bike.

"Linc, come here for a second," she said, dropping her bag and producing a water bottle and towel. He looked up from the mirror in time to see Lynn squirting water onto his head.

"Hey! What the heck, Lynn?!" he protested angrily. Was it not enough that he just worked his tail off to get her here, and now she was continuing to mess with him?

"Just shut up for a second, will ya?" Lynn said, putting down the bottle and then throwing the towel over his head. "I'm trying to fix this mess."

He felt her hands ravaging his hair as flashes of the park peeked in between the layers of towel. In no time, Lynn removed the towel and flung it over her shoulder. Quickly, she roughly styled his hair with her hands, restoring it the way he always wore it, ever-present cowlick and all.

"There." She said stepping back, admiring her work.

Lincoln looked back into the mirror, expecting to see a tragedy, but instead saw his normal do.

"Wha... how did, where did you learn to—"

"Leni went through a hairdressing phase a few years back. She practiced on me, even though Mom told her not to."

Lincoln thought back for a moment. He did vaguely remember a lot of his older sisters having radical colors in their hair for a while before their Mom banned hair dye from the house. Everyone's hair eventually returned to its natural state. Well, everyone's except for Lucy.

"Oh yeah..." Lincoln replied.

"Yeah, I picked up a thing or two. Besides, I can't have my little brother show up to his date with his first girlfriend all sweaty and gross because he's too out of shape to take his sister to the park on the back of his bike!" she teased, socking him in the arm for good measure. "Now come on and introduce me to your girlfriend."

Lincoln swallowed nervously and began towards Ronnie.

'Please don't embarrass me, please don't embarrass me,' he chanted in his mind as he drew closer. Ronnie heard his footsteps and turned around to greet them.

"Hey, Lincoln," she said, before turning her attention to Lynn. "And who's this?" Ronnie asked incredulously.

"Ronnie Anne, this is my—"

"Girlfriend. Who the heck are you?" Lynn replied with an angry glare.

Both Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were speechless before Lynn burst into laughter.

"I'm just yanking ya," She chuckled. "I'm his sister Lynn. I've heard a lot about you."

Ronnie laughed nervously as she shook Lynn's hand. "Good one," she mumbled. Ronnie looked this new girl up and down before noticing her soccer gear. "You out here to play?" Ronnie asked.

"You bet. Why?" Lynn asked, unzipping her bag and removing her shin guards, and a ball. "Do you?"

Ronnie Anne smiled. "Actually, yeah. I invited Lincoln out here to teach him a thing or two."

Lincoln and Lynn both answered in surprised unison. "You did?"

"Yeah!" Ronnie turned to Lincoln. "C'mon, you didn't think we were just gonna sit around at the park all day, did you?"

Truth be told, that was exactly what Lincoln was looking forward to. "Uh, well... kinda."

"No way! C'mon, Lincoln, soccer is fun!" Ronnie replied.

"Well, I mean, I've never really played it, and I'm not really dressed for it—"

"Nonsense, Linc! You can be the goalie!" Lynn chimed in. "He's the only guy that can use his hands, and all you have to do is keep the ball from getting past you."

Lincoln was not an athlete by any means, and he thought Ronnie Anne knew that. Lynn knew it for sure, but apparently didn't care. But, it looked like he couldn't chicken out of this one. Not in front of Ronnie Anne, anyway.

"Okay," Lincoln relented. The girls suited up and Lincoln was given a pair of goalie gloves and assigned a goal.

There wasn't much action on his end, but he did end up on Ronnie's team, which was a plus in his mind. However, every time he saw Lynn coming, she would seem to drill it directly at his head. Some he managed to block, and sometimes he was not so lucky. From what he could see down the field, the two shining stars were his sister and his girlfriend, seeming to be in a constant battle for control of the ball.

Mercifully, the game was only to five, and unfortunately Lynn zipped the final scoring goal right over his head and into the net.

"Ha! Oh yeah, MVP Lynn Loud does it again!" Lynn shouted, pumping her fist in the air. After a victory lap and high-fiving her teammates, she joined an exhausted Lincoln and a sweaty but still not as tired Ronnie Anne. "You aren't bad," she said to Ronnie Anne "For a kid."

She took exception to that. "Kid? You're only two years older than me! Besides, we were down a goalie!"

"Hey!" Lincoln protested.

"No offense," Ronnie apologized quickly before turning back to face Lynn.

"Please, just because you lost is no reason to make excuses."

Ronnie took a step closer. "I'll take you on at any sport and whoop you, grandma!"

A smile crept across Lynn's lips. A smile Lincoln recognized and instantly detested seeing.

"Is that right? Well, there's a lot of sports we could play in the park," Lynn replied threateningly. "We don't we start with basketball?"

Lincoln sighed. It appeared as though his dream of a relaxing day at the park would remain just that.