please bare with me ...i'm trying but my laptop ain't shit... new chapters will come without a long ass wait anymore - anon

What the hell was happening in his town? Rick eyed the red and yellow tape wrapped around a local diner. Two months went by and nothing eventful happened after those three dead bodies were found. It was a case he and his crew were still trying to track. But unfortunately DNA samples and in depth analyzing with a small albeit lazy staff takes a very long time.

They couldn't keep this situation controlled this time around. It was just like da ja vu. Standing in front of the tape he spotted Shane lazily waltzing in his direction with a hand of papers. They both tilted their hats in greeting.

Shane spat in the grovel next to his boot. "Rick, this is some deep, deep shit. We got eight men dead all dressed down in their biker shit. And the three others were just by standers. At least we're assuming two of them were tourist who flew in for a quiet time."

Without saying a word Rick looked over the documents and pictures in Shane's hand. This was a sloppy ambush. Someone really wanted those men dead, so badly it warranted the use of silencers, which was Illegal in the county. Rick looked over the pictures one more time. But the end result wasn't changeable. Men were still sprawled over counters and floors with bullets littering their body.

"And no one heard anything? Glass shattering? No screams?" Shane shook his head in response.

"Bartender's wife came in earlier worried about her husband, opened the door to find this. The thing is we found about nine kilos of pure cocaine. This and the other murders might be connected. I mean it wasn't a coincidence. Right?" Of course it wasn't a coincidence.

This was a lot to take in, especially so early in the morning. Rick pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's clear that drugs were involved with this." He only knew one person that probably knew about everything that was going on. "After you Id everyone make sure their families are informed. I'll make my rounds on the block see if anyone has an idea of what's going on." Shane looked at him with a skeptic and knowing eye.

"You aren't going to who I think you're going to, right?" He remained quiet giving Shane the answer he was looking for.

Shane shook his head. "You sure you want to do this Rick? You know how your father is. It's not a bad idea, shit, he probably knows more than us at this point but I don't have to tell you he's bad people." Alfred Almont Grimes. He still kept tabs on him since he popped back onto king county's map two months ago. His father was a bad man but he had a good heart.

"I'm putting job first and family second to solve or even figure out what's going on."

"Rick, let me do this instead. I don't think you need to be dealing with the man." Shane offered.

He chuckled, Shane couldn't handle his father. If time didn't have any effect on the older Grimes he guessed he was still a crafty asshole. "He'd just toy with you Shane. I appreciate it though." Shane nodded off.

"I just hope the next two days aren't a cluster fuck filled with drug related murders." He almost forgot the next two days were dammed a "holiday". There was no particular celebration, the mayor just decided everyone in this quite town needed two days off.

"Did you tell anyone about this?" Rick motioned to the small diner.

Shane's lips curled up in false denial. "Why do you always think I tell people?"

"Because my girlfriend always finds out things before I tell her." Shane started muttering to himself. He watched his partner kick some rocks before admitting his defeat.

"Me and Andrea… Let's just say we have a thing."

"You mean like that thing she has with Philip?" As far as he knew Michonne told him the women still had a thing with their boss. Shane made a quick gesture warning him to lower his voice. "You're sleeping with another man's woman?"

"Shhhhhhh come on Rick. I didn't say shit when you and Michonne started fucking." Where was he getting at? Tilting his head, he squinted at his friend.

"I never told you about that and our situation is completely different Shane."

"I'm just saying it's best if we keep this between us. At least for now." He didn't have a problem keeping his mouth shut. If anything Shane would probably cause himself to get caught. He nodded at his friend.

"You taking the early shifts for the next two days?" Rick asked and Shane nodded in response.

"Yeah, but who knows what's going to happen. The bars in town are going to be packed with bikers. Shit, so far it looks like their only targets are assholes with leather jackets on two wheeler's. I just hope we find out what the fucks going on."

They all needed to know and he was heading to the only man who probably knew everything. It could all be for nothing but all he could do was try, for now.

Michonne knew Andrea was peering at her over her cup of Joe. After weeks of this same routine it became repetitive. She sighed.

"Andrea what's wrong?" She questioned her friend who kept studying her.

Andrea shrugged. "Nothing."

"It's not nothing. You've been eyeballing me for the past two months."

Again, Andrea only shrugged. "I was just wondering why you've been so…glowy and happy. I mean don't get me wrong you deserve to be all glowy but this is the real world no one is this disgustingly happy." She chuckled at Andrea's disgusted expression. It wasn't the first time someone told her this. Even Abraham mentioned it when she stopped by to drop off Carl's laptop. The thing broke constantly.

It was a bit unbelievable that two months had already gone by. A month of dull days and sharing coffee with her new friend at work. Two months of Maggie asking her when she and Rick were getting married. Two months of not talking to Ezekiel. Despite the way they left things it was hard to just forget about years of friendship. Some days she itched to pick up the phone and call but she was done chasing. If Ezekiel really wanted their friendship to continue she was here and all ears for him.

"Sometimes it's good to be disgustingly glowy. Some say it's a blessing." Life was truly a blessing. She had so much to be thankful for. There was no denying how serious her relationship with Rick had become over the last few weeks.

Andrea inspected her red coated nails, humming an off tone rhythm. "Oh it's a blessing alright." Michonne heard her mutter.

"What exactly does that mean?" Andrea refused to answer her opting to take another sip of her coffee.

"So what are you and Sheriff Grimes doing for the holiday weekend? Partying or sleeping in? Don't get me wrong you both seem like the sleeping in type." Andrea hit the nail on its head, despite the large amount of gatherings being thrown in this small town she just wanted to sleep in. Lately that's all she wanted to do, sleep. For the last two weeks she overslept and Rick was tasked with the job of waking her up. Maybe they were having too much sex. She made a mental note to ask Rick to get vitamins, just the thought of walking through an aisle made her tired. She didn't even drive to work.

"As of now I'm more of the sleeping in type. After I get my hands on some energy bars I'll think about going to a party." Andrea gave her a look.

"Maybe you should see a doctor." Michonne rolled her eyes. "I'm serious, I saw how sluggish you were getting up those stairs earlier." Andrea leaned in closer to her. "It could be an early sign that you have diabetes." Michonne was starting to think scheming on Philip was becoming too much for Andrea to hide. What other explanation could she have?

"I don't have diabetes Andrea."

"You could be pregnant." Andrea shrugged.

"I'm not pregnant either!" It was obvious Andrea was insane. It was almost time for them to get off work and Andrea was chugging a big mug of coffee. That alone caused her not to take the nosy blonde serious.

"Look all I'm saying is you've gained weight. There I said it. Also it would make sense to see a doctor, just in case." A scowl marred her face. Mama always said having a good man made you fat, maybe she was right. Her mother was right about a lot of things.

"Well would you look at that. It's off time." Michonne said perkily. It was best to disregard anything Andrea said for the past twenty minutes.

After clearing her work area she met Andrea outside the office building leaning against a pillar. She eyed Andrea tiredly before approaching her.

"Well it took you long enough." Andrea mentioned. "Don't you have a car?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Carl takes it to school every now and then." After Carl passed his driving test, they were both tasked with convincing Rick that his son was responsible enough to drive. It took a few weeks and a variety of homemade meals to persuade him.

"Oh, I almost forgot little Grimes is all grown up. Shane told me he got his license." Good lord this woman was a mess. It wasn't a surprise Andrea was still talking to the man. But she just couldn't see how she juggled two men at the same time. Just the thought of it was exhausting and from the look on Andrea's face when Shane called her at work it didn't seem so easy to hide anymore.

Pulling out her phone she sent a quick text to Rick. Andrea nudged her, her eyes focused in a particular direction.


"Do you see that guy glaring at us or is it just me." Andrea whispered trying not to draw unwanted attention to them.

Remaining discrete Michonne's eyes followed Andrea's to a four door black Toyota. The car's glass was heavily tinted however the driver's window was low enough to reveal a glare from familiar blue eyes and of course Andrea's observation was right. He was glaring in their direction.

"How long are you waiting here? Rick should be on his way." Taking small glimpses at the car she tried to remain calm but she was filled with an eerie feeling of dread.

"I'm actually waiting for Philip, who knows how long he'll take. But if Mr. Grimes reaches before he comes I'd be stupid not to catch a ride." Surely if Andrea stayed here nothing would in broad daylight, right? The car started moving and Andrea edged closer to her.

Michonne was feeling utterly exhausted and fighting off a perverse attacker was nowhere in the script for her life. The guy took his sweet time driving around the parking lot. Her thumb fingered the on button of her phone and she blindly dialed Rick's number.

"Should we go inside and get Tyrees?"

"What would he do? Taser him?" Bringing the phone her hear she waited for Rick to answer.

"Hey, I'm on my way. I got caught up looking for something." What should she say? Oh, don't worry babe there's just this weird guy circling the parking lot. Oh and he keeps staring at Andrea and I. The last thing she wanted to do was blow this out of proportion.

"There is this sketchy guy hanging around the lot." Nothing like the truth.

"What? Is he bothering you? I'm almost there." She shook her head as if he could see her.

"No, he's just circling the lot." Philip really should've thought of a no loitering sign. The Black car made its way pass them before coming to a halt a few feet away. Michonne swallowed deeply.

"I might not be an expert but I think him stopping is definitely a bad sign!" Andrea whispered harshly, apparently she wasn't great at whispering because Rick heard.

"Michonne, don't hang up okay?" Rick sounded more worried than she felt. She wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

They both watched as the door opened, Andrea grabbed her purse probably reaching for that mace she bought for Negan. All she did was clutch onto her phone, if need be she could improvise and use it as a weapon.

A tall man sporting a hunter's coated emerged. When he turned around she was hit with an overwhelming sense of familiarity. Which was ridiculous because she never saw this man in her life. His hair was wild and covered in grey. He looked to be in his mid-50's she presumed. But his eye's. He had eyes just like Rick's and even Carl. As the man approached them Andrea slid out her pink can of mace and pointed it in his direction.

"Look sir, if you're some kind of asshole that harasses women I will spray you! I have a good aim." The man held his hands up. He seemed amused by Andrea's antics but his eyes never lost their intensity.

"I'm not looking for trouble. Just here to meet this infamous women. Michonne right?" She gawked at him. She was so caught up in the situation she didn't realize the line on the phone went dead.

Instead of confirming her identity she fired back a question. "And you are?"

"I don't know if your boyfriend ever mentioned me but I'm Alfred Grimes darling." Maybe this is what it felt like to be in the twilight zone. Michonne always wondered how alternate reality felt. Now she knew.

Andrea quickly lowered her mace. "Holy shit, he doesn't look like Rick. I didn't recognize him without the beard." Andrea said to her. At least she knew what he looked like.

Alfred rubbed his hairless chin before stuffing both hands in his pocket. "He takes after his mother I guess. I apologize if I scared you both. I was passing and since I'm aware Rick is heading here so I figured I kill two birds with one stone." She still couldn't wrap her mind around this.

Andrea stared at him suspiciously. "You aren't trying to 'kill' anyone are you? My boyfriend is a cop." Should couldn't help but feel slightly sorry for Philip.

Alfred gave Andrea a slight glance. "If I wanted to kill you I would've done it. I don't know you. I don't care about you." Well at least she knew where Rick got his personality from.

Michonne ran two fingers over her temple. "If you wanted to speak with Rick I think the appropriate thing to do was call him. Instead of approaching me." Never once had he mentioned anything about Alfred, maybe he just didn't care about him. Or maybe he just didn't think sharing that part of his life was essential. She didn't know whether to be pissed that he still hid things from her or grateful.

Alfred smiled crookedly yet it didn't meet his eyes. His eyes slid over her frame. "I can see why he's so taken to you. You're very intelligent by the way." Her eyes darted to the entrance when she spotted Rick's jeep approaching.

Alfred gaze followed hers and a smiled though his demeanor still seemed hostile. Rick didn't even bother turning the car off, he shifted his gear to park and quickly went to her side. There she was standing with what seemed to be the most intense people she knew.

Rick's glanced over her but kept his attention on Alfred. "You okay?" He asked. She nodded mutely.

"A man in a fool's uniform." Alfred spoke loudly, his expression seemed disappointed. She could almost feel the irritation rolling off his shoulders.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Rick snapped at him. Hopefully he'd answer the question and not be vague.

Alfred chuckled. "Just checking on things, I was in the area thought I'd drop by Michonne."

"Bullshit! You knew I was looking for you." Why was he looking for him? Andrea gave her a look. She really felt out of place in all of this.

"Oh, that too…" Alfred trailed off and looked at Andrea who seemed enthralled with their conversation, something that had nothing to do with her.

"So you know about what happened at the diner on the outskirts? Was that all you?''

Alfred tilted his head furrowing his eyebrow in genuine confusion. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

"You heard I was looking for you but you don't know why?" The tone of Rick's voice was skeptical.

"Rick. I try to look out for you and your family. And you sticking those bowleg boots in shitty areas is going to leave Carl without a father and this lovely lady without a man."

Rick broadened his shoulder and stuck his chin out. "That a threat?" Rick and his father may be the same height but she had a dreadful feeling Rick couldn't take him in a fight.

"Just a warning my boy."

"You're in my county. My hometown. Whatever the fuck is going on I'm going to end it. And at the end of it all if I find out your behind this shit I'll kill you myself."

The man smiled. He actually smiled, like the thought of his son killing him made him proud. What the fuck? "Glad to see Hershel didn't make you soft. I'll kill for my family Rick. You know this first hand. We'll talk another day, I'm sure." Alfred looked to Michonne a small smile still on his lips. "It was nice meeting you Michonne." He took another glance at his son and left.

The entire drive back home was deathly quiet. Michonne's head felt full with the onslaught of imaginary equations trying to figure out what the hell was going on. To top it off she received a text from an unknown number consisting of, "we need to talk." 'Need' was politely in bold. She glanced at Rick was fighting with the lock on his door.

She thought he'd at least give her something. But nothing. Not a why, who or what. He just kept his mouth shut. She felt him pulling away.

Since Carl was over at Maggie's Michonne figured she had all night to draw information from him. She watched as he went to the kitchen pulling out draws.

"Rick." Her called was ignored. He was riffling through silver wear now. The next time she spoke louder. "Rick!"

Slamming the draw shut he swung around and just starred at her. He looked hurt, lost even.

"Talk to me. Please." She pleaded. Why did men find it so difficult to share? He was still quiet.

"Why do you hate your father?" Maybe if she asked the questions he'd answer.

"I don't hate him." This surprised Michonne. When he registered her expression he sighed and walked over to the couch. "It's complicated." No shit. She followed him when took a seat.

"It's a good thing I'm smart." She frowned at him. "Rick, we've been together for two months. If you can't trust me with this part of you then why stay with me?"

"I trust you." Rick asserted. "I just… My father isn't the kind of man I'd want you to know about. As I've said earlier, I don't hate him. He's an asshole yet but he saved my life." Huh? This was the same man he said he'd kill?

"Can I get a full run down because this isn't making sense. How does he even know where I work?"

"He has…connections. As long as you knew me I always stayed with Hershel. He's a father to me but every summer I'd head to my father's farm." He smiled at the memory. "They were broke but Mom made the best of everything. Hershel offered to help out with me so I moved here. I guess… My father got tired of not being able to provide for his family. He eventually resorted to selling drugs. It started off as small packets. Eventually it turned into more. He made enough money to take care of me but he insisted that I stay with Hershel. At that time I'd visit my mother and her mother because he was never there. When you're in that business you'll ultimately kill, be killed or cause someone to die. Well for a while I disappeared because I lost my grandmother to a fire. I was there when those men lit beer bottles and tossed it in the barn. I was there when they drag my mother out the house. I watched Alfred shoot every last one of them the way they shot her." And Maggie said his story was a long boring one. It's obvious only Hershel knew what happened with him. "Despite everything he still chose to do this, I'm pretty sure he's a contract killer now." Michonne just sat there thinking about the times she complained about her life when she was younger.

"What can I do to help you through this?"

"Sleep with me." Michonne starred at him incredulously. He shared that dressing story and he wanted sex? Rick chuckled at her expression and wrapped his arms around her. "I just want to sleep, okay?"

She was encased and surrounded by his warmth. She wanted to comfort him, tell him everything would be okay. Kick Alfred's ass just for the heck of it. In that moment she wanted to say 'I love you' but instead she settled with, "Okay."