Oooh so someone left me a kudo on this fic last Wednesday on the other site I post fics on and although I was very busy with other projects, I was determined to set aside time to write for and edit the Chapter Two of this!

Thanks to all who will read this fic! Thanks for still being interested in my writing for this wonderful pair!

I hope that this update makes you smile!

Chapter Summary: A strange new arrival changes the hand of fate...

Content Dictionary


xxx: End of a section



"Memory of a conversation."


"...🎵~ "

"Heh." or Heh: A laugh

"Hah..." An audible / thorough exhale

Chapter Two: Career Change



N.B.: Present; Location: Whale Island Harbor… Time: Late morning⏰


THE RAGE OF THE SUN beat down upon the harbor, searing its occupants as the cool breeze rocked the boats, causing their hulls to bob in a slow dance whilst their sails fluttered and ballooned.

"Gon Freecss?"

"Yes. That's what I said, Hisoka replied with his usual fake smile plastered to his face.

Did I stutter?

He did not add that part though. If he wanted to find out where Gon lived and appear to be as amiable as possible, he had to be nice to these islanders.

The man, an aged gentleman who was once an accomplished fisherman, studied Hisoka boldly. In his past career, he was used to dealing with many different types of people from all walks of life, so he had become quite good at reading a person's character and intentions.

And right at that moment, this stranger, although he continued to watch him for a long time without responding to his question, merely smiled and waited patiently for an answer.

This could mean that the tall redhead was a decent person, but he strongly doubted that such was the case. Sure, not crumbling under the searching stare of another could mean that he was faultless. But it could also mean that he was so used to falsehood, pretense and deception that he was well-adapted to putting on a farce.

Something about this guy doesn't sit right with me.

But I just can't quite tell what it is…

Wouldn't the first thing one would do is introduce themselves? He just walks up to me and asks about the Freecss boy. He was polite enough but he's acting as though he's privy to any information concerning Mito's kid.

Yeah. I really don't like this dude.

Is he a friend of Gon?

Nah. He's a little too sketchy.

But then...Gon makes friends with just about anyone...

"..." Eventually he stopped trying to analyze the strange redhead and brought one hand up to twirl at the curled edge of his white mustache. "What business do you have with that child?"

"We're friends~" Hisoka said cheerily in response to that gruff question. "And you know, we have some catching up to do~"

"..." The old man narrowed his glare further. Yeah right, you creep.

"So are you going to tell me how to get to his place or not? ~" Hisoka could feel it; he was starting to get anxious. It had been such a long time since he had seen Gon and here was this overly wary old man watching him as though he was planning something horrible.


Yeah, he was totally planning something horrible, something that involved both himself and Gon lying in bed together but...

His gaze flicked to the other as the silence stretched between them.

I don't appreciate being judged for my tastes~

"You know," the old man started, "If you really were Gon's friend, you'd have at least known where he lives. Additionally, Gon makes it a habit of meeting anyone who visits him by coming out—" he illustrated his statement by pointing downwards at the wooden planks that lined the protrusion they were standing on, "—right here. He always makes the journey here to meet them and head inland together."

"Well...~" Hisoka tried to not let his urge to kill the man show on his face. As a result, his smile was friendlier and his eyes remained as little slits. "This visit is a surprise~" His hand waved eloquently at the beautiful bobbing expanse of ocean behind them. "Can't a friend desire to surprise another? ~"

"Then call him and tell him that you're here," the old fisherman retorted. "That would be 'surprise' enough. We're a small island of folks who consider each other family. I don't know how you rascals do it in the big city, but it's impolite to just show up in front of someone's house." He frowned, looking over Hisoka's obviously expensive outfit. It was a simple ensemble of khaki pants, and white shirt, but they were name brand pieces and new. His hair was overly well-kempt and he even had a manicure. What was a guy like this doing visiting Gon?

"I've known Mito-chan since she was a baby," he continued, "and she's not the type to like surprises. Even if you're there to visit Gon, you're grossly impolite to just drop in on her and expect to be well received. She likes to be prepared for guests."

"...~" Hisoka's irritation was starting to show on his face. After all, it was a very hot day and standing on a rotten pier exchanging words with an old man was not how he was hoping to spend the better half of an hour.

When he had made the decision to take the trip to Gon's home island after finding out that Gon had returned home following the Chimera Ant attack, he was hoping to just ask around a little and get to Gon's house in no time.

And then after getting to his house, he intended to put forth his most presentable self to his aunt and steal him away.

But...if all the Islanders here are as suspicious as this old fart, I can imagine how protective that Mito is of Gon-chan~

"I'm not going to tell you where Gon lives, that's for sure," the man finished, spitting on the ground. His tone was stern, showing that he was not open to discussing this decision. "I'll have you know that his aunt doesn't play nice, so you're welcome to ask around until someone eventually tells you something useful, but if you got bad intentions or you're one of those Hunter-people who works with the government, I suggest you get back on that boat and return to wherever the hence you came."

With that, he walked off, and Hisoka watched him go, debating momentarily whether to kill him now or later.

"..." His hands itched. The temptation to spill the old man's blood was strong.

Yes…it's been a little while since I've killed~

He clenched his fist.

No. His golden eyes swept over the harbor; sly and calculating. There's too many people around~

Even if they don't see it happening, the sudden appearance of a stranger and the murder of a local would rouse too much suspicion~

It already seems as though this place hardly gets visitors, other than merchants and sailors.

So I'll have to be good until I can find Gon.

Then I'll make things bad for him~

"Heh~" Hisoka turned and walked back to the merchant boat he had smuggled a ride into the Island's harbor with.

He walked elegantly, unaware that it was this very nature of his that made the islanders so suspicious of him. He was so neatly dressed, so poised and handsome that he stuck out like a perfectly untouched grape in a bunch of rotten and infected ones.

It was not that everyone on the island looked bad; it was just that a stranger, appearing as though he was a wealthy and eccentric city slicker, had suddenly appeared on their island after hitching a ride with a merchant ship of all things.

And as the old man had stated, Whale Island residents were close knit and looked out for one another.

"...🎵~ " With a hop in his step and a song in his heart, Hisoka hummed as he meandered his way through the crowd of sweaty laborers and sailors who were busily unpacking merchandise and carrying it off the ship.

He had already forgotten his anger at the old man's attitude.

Hisoka was not the type to hold a grudge for long. The way he dealt with people that bothered him was to either kill that person right away, make a plan to kill them later, or forget about them.

And besides, the guy had told him some truly valuable information without meaning to.


"I'll have you know that his aunt doesn't play nice, so you're welcome to ask around until someone eventually tells you something useful, but if you got bad intentions or you're one of those Hunter-people who works with the government, I suggest you get back on that boat and return to wherever the hence you came."


So this Mito lady is just as much a spitfire as Gon is~

No surprise there~

Which means, I got to tread carefully. Playing nice like I initially planned, won't get me my boy toy. I got to think of something else.

Either that or just bypass her completely and steal Gon away. If I can get through to him, he's hard-headed enough to make her let him go without trouble.

That way, Gon would do all the troublesome work for me~

That would be so delightful~~~ I just love it when prey walks right into my hands~

"Hm~~" Hisoka chuckled internally then stopped to focus his gaze on the one he had been looking for aboard the ship.

He was a tall blonde man who had seemed rather friendly so far and Hisoka knew that if he played his cards right that he would get the information he was after from him.

"Hah~ Hot day isn't it? ~" Hisoka cooed, looking down at the worker before him. "Do you come here a lot? ~"

At the sound of that familiar voice, the young worker, appearing to be in his early or mid-twenties, looked up.

"...?" Abandoning his task of packing out heavy bags of spice into another crate, he straightened up and shaded his eyes to get a better view of the one who was attempting to converse with him.

"Hey." He nodded when he recognized the redhead, the one whom he had convinced the captain to take on board for a ride to Whale Island.

"Sure we come here all the time," he replied with a kind smile that caused the sun squints at the sides of his green eyes to lengthen. "We come here about once a month to collect spice. There are other merchants that visit more regularly though, especially those that are responsible for gathering the fishing bounties from the local fishermen."

"I see." Hisoka tapped his chin. "Are you familiar with a lot of the residents here? ~"

"I am." He nodded. "It's hard not to know everyone when the island is this small." A laugh bubbled past his lips. "There's nothing here but sailors, merchants, a few residents, wildlife and bush."

"Heh~" Hisoka was smirking now. This guy was very different from the rude old man he had met a few minutes earlier. "Would you happen to know someone by the name of Gon Freecss? ~"

"Is he the one you came all the way from Azian to see?"

"Why yes, he is~" Hisoka replied. "So do you know him?"

"Oh, yes. Everyone knows who Gon is. He's very well known around this area. Loves to fish, so he's always around these parts." With arm outstretched, he pointed to a specific spot, far to the end of the rocky seashore. "Likes to sit on any one of those rocks over there and cast his line out into the sea."

"Hm." Hisoka smiled internally. Finally. Progress~ "Ok, so if I just hang around 'these parts', I'll bump into him?"

"No." A flash of worry crossed his features and the young man shook his head before he looked away to grab and heft one of the huge spice bags over his shoulder.

He turned and headed back into the bowels of the boat.

"And why is that?" Hisoka followed him as he walked, his heeled boots clicking against the worn floorboards.

"Was in an accident."

"Oh?" Hisoka frowned.

I didn't hear about that.

Is he referring to the accident Illumi told me about before with the Chimera Ants?

Or was there another one?

Before Hisoka could ask, the young man went on, "My name's Jean by the way."

"Hm~" Hisoka nodded without offering his name in exchange.

"I heard you asking about him back there." The stairs they descended led them down into the belly of the boat—a large space that was filled with crates and sacks of spices.

They were in the storage area below deck and the blonde dropped the bag he was carrying on top the others that were neatly lined up against the wall and turned to look at Hisoka.

"Hah..." He huffed and wiped the trickle of sweat from his forehead. "The people here won't talk to anyone outside about him."

"Is that so? ~" Hisoka watched Jean sit on one of the bags and followed suit. "Is it connected to his accident?" he paused, feeling compelled to ask, "Did he recover?"

"Heh." Jean laughed. "He's quite hardy you know. I grew up here on this island before I went away and I know his aunt. We were two of the few kids living here. Just like Gon is one of only two kids around his age here. Despite that, he's not discouraged at all. That boy is something else. He's just like his dad."

"So I've heard~"

"He'd never be held up for too long. It's just that this time, his situation is a bit…complicated."


"How can I say this…" Jean paused for a moment, his handsome, rugged face twisted in thought as a cool breeze, coming in from the ocean, wafted in through the open windows to rustle his blonde hair. "His aunt has always been protective of him but after Gon returned from his little adventures last year, she eased up quite a bit. Things were going good for him I suppose, but unfortunately, Gon fell off a cliff not long after he'd been back."

"A…cliff? ~" Hisoka raised a slim eyebrow. "What…"

"Yeah. It's really weird. I heard that at the time, he had been trying to find the Hunters' License that he'd misplaced when the accident happened. No one really knows what took place because that boy knows this entire island like the back of his hand."


"My theory is that the hurricanes that have been hitting the island recently, weakened the roots that were holding the soil together," Jean explained. "And with the thick underbrush near the cliff's edge that had been eroded away, it was hard to see that the ground was not solid enough to walk on."

"What happened afterwards? ~" Hisoka prompted, finding himself intrigued by the other man's story now.

"He was flown out to the Azian continent for surgery. Thankfully it was a success."

"How long ago was that?"

"Hm…maybe 3…no 4 months ago?" Jean leaned back. "He's back from the hospital now, but he's on lockdown. And that's why the villagers have been so secretive about him. His aunt is adamant that him getting into the whole Hunter business has been a curse. He went searching for his absentee father and ended up doing a lot of dangerous things. Now after trying to live peacefully, the same Hunter License gets him in trouble. She wants him to live a normal life and she especially doesn't want him near Hunters."

"Interesting…~" Hisoka nodded. "But that must be hard to accomplish with such an excitable boy as Gon. He'd never let himself be tied down easily."

"Not really," Jean replied. "The result of his accident is that he has amnesia, so he doesn't remember most of the things he used to like."

"That's a pity~"

"But, I can tell that he does long for it."

"Why's that? ~"

"Sometimes when I'm here on the harbor, I spot him out and about, looking at the merchants come and go. Mito's made a name for herself. When Gon had left to take the Hunters' Exam, during the time he was away, she worked hard and started a small trade business. She singlehandedly changed the way things work around here. Everyone on the island and nearby trading ports knows and trusts the Freecss so it wasn't hard to get their support, but it did take a lot of discipline and hard work. And now Whale Island is no longer only known for its fish exports. Now it attracts merchants from all over the world so I get to see her occasionally." He smiled in reminiscence, but it was brief as a frown took its place. "But I don't like what she's doing with Gon. His memory's gone, but his heart still longs for adventure. It's in his eyes, so he looks like a caged bird most of the time—like his real self is asleep inside him somewhere."

"Seems like Sleeping Beauty needs his Prince to come save him~"


"Heh~" Hisoka laughed at the confused look Jean was giving him then explained, "Sleeping Beauty is a fairytale about a young girl who falls into a slumber and was only able to be saved by her Prince's intervention. What I'm saying is that this is something that shouldn't be happening to Gon and he needs to be saved~"

"Yeah." Jean got up and went over to break open one of the crates stacked near the porthole. "As much as I think that Mito is cute and hardworking, she needs to let the boy live his life."

Taking out two wine bottles, he walked back to Hisoka and handed him one."

"Thanks~ Hisoka said as he accepted the bottle and popped it open as Jean reclaimed his spot next to him.


The bottle hissed with a bit of froth escaping its opening and he knocked it to Jean's then tipped back his head and took a swig. It was red wine and had a smooth, slightly sweet and tart flavor. And being that it was kept down in the cool hollow of the boat, it was not as unpleasantly hot as the day was.

Good stuff~ Hisoka noted appreciatively, taking another large sip.

Right then, he felt as if he had something to celebrate.

Once again, his fruit had beaten death and shown that it was worth the effort to be chasing after him.

Ah my little Gon-kun~~~

"Gon can only remember the people he's spent the most time with," Jean said quietly. "And by 'most', I mean more than five years, so his memory is essentially reset to before he caught the Swamp Master. He does not remember becoming a Hunter or anything. He probably remembers his dream to set out and find his father, but that is debatable..."

"...~" Latching on to a phrase from Jean's statement, Hisoka paused mid-sip. "What's a Swamp Master…?"

"It's a huge, rugged and powerful fish around these parts that no one other than Gon and his dad has caught," Jean explained. "It has snapped many fishing lines and is a pro at escaping the fishermen's nets. One needs to have superhuman strength, a strong fishing line and spirit to handle that creature. Gon camped out for days just to catch it and then brought that giant thing all the way back to the market for his aunt to see."

"Gon is a special boy~"

"He is, but it's a pity he doesn't remember his trials of becoming a Hunter," Jean said. "He used to tell me of his adventures whenever he came out here to fish and my boat was docked."

Hisoka smiled.

So that's what it is, hm?

Memory loss and a certain troublesome and controlling family member, hm?

I came here expecting to find a cute boy to play with but…Seems like I'm going to have to spend some time with my in-laws to be. Sounds like fun. It's time to change my plans and play around in his aunt's little game instead.

For now~


Sounds like fun.

He turned to the other man. "Would you tell me more stories of Gon's adventures? ~"

"Of course." Jean nodded. "I've got a lot. His aunt complains to me about all the things he still manages to get himself tangled up in on the island. And I'm done with work for now so if you're in no hurry we can drink and talk."

"...~" Hisoka reached into the pocket of his neatly pressed khakis and took out a small but fat brown envelope. Balancing his wine bottle in the crook of one arm, he reached in and took out some paper notes. But then, as though changing his mind, he pushed them back into the envelope and shoved the envelope back into his pocket. He then took out what looked like a small chequebook and a gold tone pen from his shirt pocket.

"What's your surname?"

"Ah…it's Morales…" Jean responded automatically before he realized what Hisoka was doing. "Wait…are you writing me a cheque?"

Hisoka said nothing and once he was done filling out the cheque, he tore out the page and handed it to Jean.

"What is this for?" Jean asked as he took the cheque from Hisoka. "What?" He gasped. "Why are you giving me this? Why are there so many zeroes?! Sure, the wine is expensive, but it was a gift…This is way too much...I can't accept—"

"I wasn't offering, I'm giving it to you~" Hisoka said in a tone that said that he was not going to accept any refusal. "It's thanks for your hospitality. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be on this island right now~"

"What's the matter? You don't have a bank account? ~"

"…I mean, yes I do but—" Jean looked back to Hisoka with a shocked expression. "Th-this is...a cheque for over two million Jennies...who walks around with the intent to give people that kind of money?"

"I do." Hisoka paused. "But only to people who give me what I want. Is there a problem? ~"

"I'm...really surprised...I…uh helped you…out because it was the right thing to do, not because I was expecting something…" Jean fumbled over his words. "I mean...You're too kind..."

"I'm not kind at all~" Hisoka replied honestly. "I just know how to reward someone who's treated me well~"


"Heh~" Hisoka eyed the young man's spaced out expression briefly before asking, "Do you know anyone here that might want to sell their boat?"

"Who's asking?"


"Seriously…" Jean frowned. How much money does this guy have?! "Merchant boats aren't cheap, you know. If one is being sold to you, you'll have to purchase all its stock and probably hire the crew if they want to work for you."

"I'm aware of that~ I'll have to write another cheque though…~" At the other's skeptical glance, Hisoka grinned. "My reason for asking is because I'm contemplating a career change~"

"Oh...?" Jean raised both brows. "Is that so?"

"Mmhm~" Hisoka nodded, pausing briefly to take a drink from his now half-empty wine bottle. "After your little story about my wild-haired acquaintance, I feel like I can do anything." He thought of Gon's angelic smile as he said this. "Gon has that kind of effect on people~"

Seeing that Hisoka was serious about his intention, Jean smiled as he informed him, "In that case, you've arrived on this island at the right time. The other spice merchant—" he pointed to their right, where the porthole showed the bright blue cloudless sky and the sea gulls shrieking in the distance "—the boat anchored next to this one belongs to an old Spice Merchant. Today might very well be his last day of trading so you're in luck, friend. He's been talking about retiring and I can put in a good word for you to acquire his boat and crew."

"Oh, yes~~That would be just spectacular~" Hisoka gave him a wide smile. "Lucky me~"


You're awakening as you tread the earth.
Lead us out with an angelic smile!

Even when you're alone, you're not on your own.
Your birth definitely has significance.

Hunter x Hunter OP – Masatoshi Ono

My TWITTER = Cherrystlouis1. Check me out there for updates on my activities and any art I post

Next Chapter Title: Peek

Next Chapter Teaser: Gon sees the mysterious merchant lingering around the dock and senses that there is more to him than meets the eye. Why can't he look away from him? Why does he feel terribly drawn to his light? And why does he keep getting this weird feeling that he had seen him somewhere before...?


-1 Ah so the story is coming together! After Gon's accident, Mito has been attempting to keep Gon in the dark about his past and what he is, but Hisoka's arrival is about to turn all her intentions upside down. She managed to chase Killua away and Killua agreed to not contact Gon as this was for his own benefit, but Hisoka is not so easy to get rid of.

b. In UxD, Hisoka was wandering about prior to meeting Gon while on his way to YorkShin to meet up with Dawn. You can consider this story as the alternate to that wandering period. As mentioned, Gon's accident changed everything up but as fate would have it, he still can't escape Hisoka, even when he has amnesia.

-2 Lol...In his thoughts, Hisoka was referring to Mito as his future in-law not because he plans to marry Gon, but because he's after Gon's virginity and he's joking about the custom of a sheltered girl being deflowered on her wedding night to draw a comparison to the way Mito is sheltering Gon and how when he's taken his virginity, it would be as though he's family. Yes, Hisoka is a jerk but I love that about him xD

-3 Gotta buy that boat to get your uke, right? Lol

-4 In the next chapter, the story will now continue from its old story line but I need to edit those old chapters before I post them again.

Thanks for reading and being interested in this and see you in another update!