So this is for Dorrica aka CupofAngst because her fanfics are the reason why I'm now the proud GrizzNom shipping trash I am today.


Who knew things would come to this?

Nom Nom hated it. And he will probably hate the feeling residing in his chest forever.

He was so confused. How could things end up like this?

It started out simple, actually. Nom Nom wanted to go to the bears' humble abode for another evil scheme he planned. Unfortunately for him, the first thing he saw was the youngest. And when he did, he felt as if something had paralyzed him.

Maybe it was those eyes. Maybe it was those cute, little ears of him. Maybe it was the pose he made that made him very manly.

What was his name again? That bear was always silent. And when he spoke, his voice would be monotonous and quiet. The only thing he could remember about him, though, was that he soiled his scheme. He has everything planned out until he came to rescue them using a toy helicopter.

Man, I wish I was the one being rescued by him, he thought as he slowly fell into his daydreams. But he immediately caught himself and bit his lip, his heart pounding like crazy and his whole body temperature rising.

He screamed. "What the heck am I even thinking?! Get yourself together, Nom Nom! You are not in love with a buffoon like him!"

But maybe I am. After all, he's cute and so strong. He's like that prince charming who'd immediately rescue you when you're in danger. And I like awkward guys so maybe we'll work out-


He screamed again before allowing himself to collapse on his small yet luxurious bed.

"Wake up, Nom Nom! You're not in love with a creature like him and will never be! He soiled your plans multiple times just to make you feel stupid! He's nothing but a...a...a creepy dingle! How can you possibly fall in love with him? You're a star and he's nothing but useless like his own brothers! You can't step down to their level!"

But I know I'm lying to myself. How many times have I lied about my own feelings? Lying is not good and I know it. Maybe I do want to fall for him. Maybe I want to be with him for the rest of my life. Maybe I want to do nothing all day but run through fields of flowers with him while forgetting about our previous lives. Maybe...maybe I do want to spend my life with him only by my side.

The pain in his heart felt heavier. He came to a realization that whether he'll accept his feelings or reject them, the bear will never love him back. He knew how much that bear despised him all because he tried to maul his brothers.

Maybe I only did that because I don't want anyone by his side besides me. If only he understood that, then things would be better.

But he never will. And that was enough to make the koala's heart broken.

Indeed, love does hurt.

Just as he was about to sob, a knock came. Nom Nom uttered, "Enter." and saw one of his guards. The guard apparently held a present.

"Someone left this for you. I did not see the face of the giver, though. Probably another fan."

Nom Nom sighed. "Just place it on the table."

Once the guard did and left, Nom Nom climbed up to the table and tried to remove the blue wrapping paper and golden bow. Once he saw it, he gasped softly.

It was a freshly baked pie. When he took a bite out of it, tears came out of his eyes.

Indeed, it was probably the best apple pie he had ever tasted.

But what made him tear up more was the note that came with it.

Ice Bear wants to know if you want to...hang out with him more?


And Nom Nom did not need to think twice about his answer.