Silver & Gold

Prologue: Waking up

? P.O.V.

It was cold, too cold…did she fall asleep and forgot to cover herself? most likely…but…she don't remember falling asleep…

Also, why does her body feel so weird? That feeling was like feeling numb, sore and very cold, more cold than the eyes of…of…

-'Who is that girl? I know i knew her from somewhere but…I can't remember her name…and I feel sad when I think about her'-

It was not only that, when trying to remember more about that familiar white haired girl, more 'images' of some sort came along with them, some where about a gold haired girl that filled her with happiness and frustration, a black haired girl that while leaving her with an aloof vibe she also felt like she was a friend of her.

Other images showed up with a clumsy boy in armor, a very tall red-headed girl, some crazy girl in pink with a hammer and a boy with a calm air about him.

Why does she felt like she knew them? and why can't she remember!?

The cold and the despair she felt at not remembering 'them', whoever they were, made her want to curl up and cry, only that her numb body didn't respond and her eyes too.

-'I just want see them…i want…i want to be with them…to remember…'-

She didn't know how long has she been like these, the time just went passing by but she didn't feel hungry or thirsty, just…the same dreadful cold. At least more faces joined the ones that she sometimes saw in her weird dreams or visions, like that of a man that feel like a drunk, a blond man that appeared with the same gold haired girl, a man with grey-ish white hair and a cup of coffee as well as a strict blond woman that sends shivers down her spine.

Sometimes there appeared other people but she didn't bother remember them very well since they didnt feel quite…nice as the others or as warm, they just made her feel bad like the orange man with a bowl hat and a red dressed woman.

But one in particular struck a cord in her, it was the memory of a woman in a white cape, seeing her just made her feel so happy and so sad…and she spoke to her…

"Little Rose…wake up…"

"…wake up…"

"Guar…ek up!"


3rd P.P.O.V.

One moment she was seeing a strange woman in her dreams, the next there was a blue light almost blinding her and…she was…in a junkyard?

Not only that, but there was also a floating robotic eyeball hovering in front of her, what does a girl do in her place? easy…

-"AH! A WEIRD FLOATING EYEBALL!"- She proceeded to throw rocks and dirt to it.

-"Wait! Wait a min…H-hey watch it! where the hell did you get that!?"- Of course the weird eye ball robot thing would not stay still, machine it may be but it has a sense of self-preservation thank you!

Meanwhile, not so far from them a hunting party watched them through the scopes of their alien rifles, the captain of the hunt found it amusing but they had a new prey instead of a simple 'Light Machine'.

Now, they had a human to hunt.