I was listening to Lukas Graham's Seven Years on repeat when one thing led to another and, well, here we are. It's very short, but I still hope you enjoy it. As always I hope you all have a wonderful day.

7 years

Pavel Chekov is seven years old and feels all but lost in a world that seems to want nothing more than to bury him beneath the rubble of his crumbling grief and sorrow. He loses his mother on a bitterly cold winter night and from then on it's his cemented belief that he'll never feel the sun's warmth again. Not after losing so much. He thinks of the stories his mother used to read to him as foolish lies that only instill false hope. It's on this night that he no longer believes in happy endings.

11 years

Four years are whisked away and he still feels like the world holds nothing for him but heartache. He's adrift in a cacophony of desolate loss, wondering if the weight of the world will ever lift from his shoulders. The one light he finds shining as a small beacon amidst the sea of darkness is the night sky. It holds the stars; tiny, twinkling. They're a spot of comfort in a life so void of it. They give him hope; hope that someday he will be a part of something bigger than this. Bigger than the grief that follows after him.

15 years

He leaves home and never looks back; seeking out more than the life he's come to know will ever offer and yearning to make something of himself. He chases the stars. Eager to join them, he looks up to the sky, hoping each moment that one day he'll look down at-not up from-the earth, and know that every tumble, every fall, and every sacrifice, was worth it.

17 years

He takes everything as it comes, never faltering; never failing to pick himself up and dust off the pain of yesterday. He finds the love of a family forged among the stars. They care for him: protect him and guide him through all the adversities and hardships that come to pass. They offer a life filled with the vibrant joy and unconditional love he thought he'd lost after that cold winter night so many years ago. He finds in them the pieces of himself he'd long since forgotten about. For the first time in a long time, he feels complete.

22 years

He grows, traveling to the very outskirts of the universe and living the breathtaking adventures he could only dream of when he was younger; when he'd stare up at the sky each night and wish on every star that one day, some day, he'd be apart of something great. He lives every day wanting nothing more than to capture each moment and store them safely within himself forever. He holds onto the memories he makes tightly; knowing one day this will all be over and the only things he'll have left are the faded echoes of the joy and laughter that filled his life for so long. Until then, though, he knows he's found where he belongs. And he knows because oddly enough, despite being out in the cold, unforgiving emptiness of space, he can feel the sun's warmth again. It takes some time to learn that even the coldest night will end and the sun will come peeking over the horizon and the crest of a new day will promise a better tomorrow. But eventually, he learns it. Eventually.

One day, when he's seven years old, he loses his world. One day, many years later, he finds it again.

It's on this day that he finds his place among the stars.

And it's on this day that he believes in happy endings again.