Legal Disclaimer: I do not own Red vs. Blue or any of the show's characters. They are the rightful properties of Rooster Teeth.


The sun was shining high in the morning sky despite the winter chill as Dexter Grif entered the new garage workspace over at Blood Gulch. Only, this time, he used the coffee shop doors to do so. Right now, the orange-wearing driver needed his usual coffee fix.

He'd be able to get to work quickly enough, that is if he gave a shit about clocking in on time and actually moved in a hurry for once. After all, there was another set of doors along the far left side of the Big Gulp's shared space that proudly displayed the sign for the recently renamed "Reds and Blues" Garage. Grif would be able to leisurely take his time, like always.

The garage's relocation from Rat's Nest to Blood Gulch had only gone as smoothly as it had thanks to Simmons finding out about several pending investigations regarding Charon. The redheaded nerd was able to oh-so-discreetly help those particular investigations along given his status working for Hargove's company.

The added pressure from their group wasn't something that Hargrove necessarily wanted to deal with at the time, so the old guy was perfectly content to let them leave Rat's Nest with the promise of never bothering them again. Apparently, Hargrove was currently even looking at jail time, which Grif figured served him just fine.

Grif could still hardly believe that Donut had decided to pack up and move the Big Gulp along with the garage. The pink-wearing café owner citing a need for adventure and a desire for something "fresh and exiting" as his reasons for doing so, though Grif thought it was more likely that Donut would miss everyone stopping by the Big Gulp all the time if he hadn't. After all, the workers over at the Reds and Blues Garage were basically Donut's only regular customers.

In that regard, the move did make an odd sort of sense in a way. Not only were most of Donut's other regulars' patrons of the garage as well, but they were also college students in need of a caffeine fix. Customers from the garage could now readily stop in for a cup of coffee or a quick bite while dropping off their cars, and college-goers could hang out in the larger space of the new building seeing as how it was a lot closer to the campus of Chorus University.

"What's up, loser?"

Speaking of college students, Kai greeted Grif with her customary sibling greeting from her perch by the café's register counter.

It appeared that his sister and Volleyball were pouring over some books and notes for their classes later on that day. Upon seeing the older Grif sibling enter, Volleyball straightened up and kissed Kai. Then the blonde went behind the counter to make Grif's usual drink.

Kai watched her saunter off happily before turning to look her older brother directly in the eyes, a smirk forming on her lips as her brown eyes twinkled mischievously, "You didn't come back to the house last night." She noted.

Grif felt a slight wave of heat momentarily wash over his cheeks before he shrugged nonchalantly, "I was at Simmons'."

"Yeah, you were!" A knowing grin was plastered across the young woman's face at her brother's comment.

"I am not talking to you about it." Grif informed her testily a moment later, "It is none of your fucking business."

"Aww, you suck!" Kai stuck her tongue out at him playfully just as Volleyball returned holding his beverage.

"Here you go." Volleyball smiled as she passed the drink over to Grif, obviously amused by the sibling antics she was witnessing.

"Thanks." Grif stated, rolling dark eyes at his sister's theatrics while he fished out from his pockets the approximate amount of change that he needed for the coffee along with an assortment of empty candy wrappers while ignoring the faces both girls made.

Grif turned around to head to the garage doors when he stopped in his tracks at the sight of two familiar bodyguards sitting at one of the café tables. He couldn't help but groan at the sight.

"S'up?" Felix waved his hand uncaringly in greeting towards Grif's direction while Locus didn't even bother to lift his head.

"What are you two doing here?" Grif couldn't keep himself from asking, instantly regretting engaging them in communication, "You know what? Never mind. I don't really care. Too much effort."

No good could come from talking to them. As far as he knew, despite Hargrove's current legal problems, the two mercenaries were still employed by Charon.

Felix rolled his eyes as if he could read Grif's mind just then, "Oh, lighten the fuck up." He informed the chubby man without preamble, "If we wanted to cause trouble, you'd know it already." Felix took a sip of his coffee before continuing, "It just happens that this unfortunately named place has some of the best fucking coffee in the area."

"Right." Locus agreed with Felix's statement, offering a curt nod of his own.

Not much for conversation, these two assholes. Grif turned to leave, figuring it was best not to press his luck by staying in their presence any longer. That seemed to fit the two bodyguards just fine seeing as how they were both promptly ignoring him now.

"You should have seen the look on his face!" Donut's cheery voice could be heard exclaiming from the back of the café, "It was like he'd never heard someone use the word "frothage" for beverages before!"

Grif glanced over towards the pink-wearing café owner and Doc. The two were exiting the kitchen area, Donut giggling as Doc wiped a bit of flour from his nose. They paused when they caught sight of everyone staring at them in the Big Gulp, both men blushing slightly.

"Oh, hey, Grif!" Doc waved to the most recent newcomer in the café, "You should try out the banana nut bread we made later."

"It's chockful of our nuts!" Donut supplied oh-so-helpfully.

By this point, Grif decided to go through the closer outside exit. It was really the best option for his own continued sanity. Of course, by going out that particular door, he nearly ran into Jensen and Palomo getting ready to start their work day. Naturally, the two were holding hands.

"Hey, Grif!" Palomo said in greeting with a friendly wave of his free hand.

"I hope you're doing well, sir!" Jensen stated politely with an inclining tilt of her head, "Sorry we couldn't make your drink this time."

"That's okay." Grif didn't have the heart to say that he was secretly rather glad that it had been Volleyball who had made his coffee as she was widely considered the best of the young baristas.

When he finally made way to enter his actual workplace, Grif found that Sarge and Doctor Grey were getting awfully cozy together just outside the door to the garage. Grey was wrapping a purple and red scarf around Sarge's neck as their heads nearly touched.

"This one came out much better than the last one, don't you think?" Doctor Grey asked the older man with a slightly amused glint in her dark eyes.

"Darlin', everything you make is perfection." Sarge mumbled as he wrapped his arms around the doctor's waist.

The red-wearing mechanic glanced up with just enough time to mutter "Dirtbag." in customary greeting to Grif before returning his attention back to Grey. Grif hurried along before he was once again subjected to the sight of the two crazy maniacs making out with one another. He didn't need to be mentally scarred today.

Inside the actual office space for the Reds and Blues Garage, he stumbled upon two familiar figures deep in conversation.

"So, we have two brake repairs and an emissions test later today." Sheila stated as she talked with Lopez. The brown-wearing mechanic was standing next to the brunette's desk and nodding every so often at what she was saying.

"Y después cenamos juntos, ¿correcto?" {"And then afterwards we have dinner together, correct?"}

Sheila smiled, a faint blush on her cheeks at whatever it was that Lopez had just said, "Of course! But if we could take a look at this client…"

From his desk nearby, Washington watched on in amazement, "Incredible. She pretty much does all the work for me." He mumbled more to himself than to anyone else.

"See, I'd be totally fine with that arrangement." Grif couldn't help but joke with the blond.

Tucker especially liked to joke about how Washington was an administrative assistant for Kimball's side of the garage business now too. The dark-skinned man found it insanely amusing that the garage had gone from having one secretary to having three of them, one of whom was a former bodyguard who had, before that, been a former Freelancer.

Washington ignored Grif, frowning in thought, "Though with the two businesses here now, it makes sense to have more than one secretary for when things pick up…" He muttered to himself. The door opened, and a slight blush formed on Washington's cheeks when both Tucker and Junior stepped inside, "I suppose it saves up time for other things."

Washington got up from his seat and walked over to kiss Tucker full on the lips before hugging Junior, "Did you remember to turn off the coffee pot this morning?" he asked Tucker.

Ah, the domestic bliss of a couple that had finally just gotten their shit in line and recently moved in together.

Tucker rolled his eyes, "Fourth time's the charm, dude." He reassured Washington before glancing at him seriously, "Ready to go to the park like we planned, or…?"

"Of course." Washington smiled at the thought.

"This is going to be awesome!" Junior exclaimed, clearly eager for a day of spending time with the two of them.

Tucker and Washington stared into one another's eyes for a moment before sharing a smile down at Junior. They both grabbed a hold of one of the boy's hands and made their way back outside. Grif sighed, hoping that was the end of his relationship viewings for the day. Anymore of them and he was probably going to throw up the seven eggs he had eaten for breakfast.

However, just as he was thinking he would be able to sneak away for a ninja nap, Grif heard quite a bit of commotion coming from one of the garage's backrooms as Caboose, holding Freckles out in one hand, came racing out.

"Oh, oh! I want to go to the park too!" The blue-wearing blond stated emphatically, as if Washington and company could hear him from the street outside.

"Sir, your jacket!" Andersmith called out, holding the piece of clothing as he followed Caboose right out the door.

"But he just dragged me to the goddamned park yesterday!" Church complained loudly from the doorway that Caboose and Andersmith had just exited from.

"Aww, are you jealous?" Tex asked in amusement from behind the cyan-wearing man.

Church huffed in annoyance at the blonde's comment, "Of course not. I'm just fucking glad for the free time."

"Good," Tex replied as she grinned mischievously, "Because I have plans for the two of us that definitely don't involve babysitting Caboose."

Church grinned at the implication behind her words. Grif was just glad that, for once, he had remembered to lock his car yesterday.

"Things sure have been lively here since the move." Sheila noted with a smile on her face.

"... Esa es una manera de decirlo." {"…That's one way to put it."}

Lopez seemed to agree with her.

Grif rolled his eyes as he saw Matthews and Bitters arrive just then with their customary trays of coffee from the café.

"Hey, watch it!" Bitters reached out a steadying hand to the auburn-haired intern to keep him from tripping.

"Th—thanks." Matthews looked over at the dark-skinned young man gratefully before shyly placing a kiss on his cheek.

Bitters' face turned slightly red at the action, "We should set everything down before we drop them." He finally muttered.

Grif couldn't help but shake his head fondly at the display before sighing annoyingly and heading towards the actual garage proper.

He opened the door to the sight of Carolina and Kimball embracing, the two pulling apart immediately at the sound of the door opening.

Carolina was all business as usual when she spoke, "Grif." She said curtly, "You have no immediate clients, same as Tucker."

That was definitely cause for celebration in his book, and Grif couldn't help but smile and joke, "Great. I can catch some shuteye then."

"Just try not to get drool on the wheel this time." Kimball noted wryly before the two women left the garage together, their shoulders touching as they walked.

Grif barely had time to open the door to his car and take a gulp of his coffee before Richard "Dick" Simmons stormed in to the parking area.

"You fat-ass!" The redhead shrieked the moment that he caught sight of Grif, "You let me sleep in! Again!"

…The nerd was so cute when he got angry over inconsequential things. Being a pain in the ass was certainly rewarding. Grif liked to be amused, although he doubted that Simmons could appreciate what he did in order to have some shits and giggles.

So, Grif shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, trying to cover up the smirk growing on his face, "I figured it wasn't too big of a deal since you're scheduled to come in later today to relieve Sheila."

…Not to mention that the kiss-ass looked cute when sleeping. Simmons spluttered at that surprisingly wise comment, but Grif didn't let him speak: "Besides, you wouldn't get enough sleep otherwise."

Simmons became red-faced, "Th—that's beside the point!" He countered defiantly, "I had something I've been working on outside of office hours."

Grif couldn't help but shrug yet again, "What can we do?" He stated pseudo-sagely, "I guess you should just be grateful that I cleaned up after myself this time."

Simmons huffed, "I suppose miracles do happen on occasion, jackass." He noted before red tinted his face again and he whispered, "Thank you for the breakfast that you left."

"What was that, Simmons?" Grif cocked his head to the side and put a hand up to his ear, "I didn't quite hear you."

"I fucking hate you." Simmons muttered as he eyed the sleeve of his maroon shirt, the one that hid most of his artificial limb.

Grif grinned in reply, "I love you too, nerd."

Simmons' blush at the orange-wearing driver's comment went all the way down his pale and freckled neck.

Grif took the lull in the conversation as a cue that it was time to finish off his coffee, so he gulped the remaining liquid down before speaking, "Well, I have the morning free and I know you don't work until later. So, what do you say?"

The chubby man opened the driver side door and got in, opening the passenger side for Simmons.

Simmons stood there blinking for a few moments like a socially awkward nerd before getting into the passenger side himself. Grif was caught off-guard when Simmons suddenly leaned over and kissed him, though the tan-skinned man promptly, and rather eagerly, deepened the gesture until they both had to pull away for air.

Grif couldn't help but smirk as he breathed heavily, "So, I take it that's a yes?"

Simmons smirked back, eyes bright, "Just drive, fat-ass."

With that, Dexter Grif revved up the engine as his smile widened, "Anything for you, kiss-ass."

Author's Notes: That's a wrap! :) I hope it didn't feel too rushed or anything, but even though Just Drive was originally my NaNoWriMo story I was having a hard time figuring out how I wanted to end it until this idea came to me recently. Regardless, I hope it was an enjoyable read, and I can't thank you enough for reading this story all the way to its conclusion! :D

I plan on working on updating all of my continuing stories in the coming weeks, although I am apparently a glutton for punishment as I already have plans for another ongoing story! However, I want to brainstorm more of it before posting, so I will continue to update my other fics in the meanwhile. Please look forward to those updates as well as the future fic too!