Chapter 1: the team
Currently Donnie Walsh codenamed Ruin was preparing for another battle you see after technology got a major upgrade the world leaders had devised a plan they would put together their best soldiers/ or people and send them out to take out the villains of the world they called this group the specialists and there was nine in total there was Donnie Ruin Walsh the unofficial leader of the group and a us soldier who had his body upgraded with mechanics, then there was Alessandra Outrider Castillo the sniper of the team she usually was the one that watched all of their backs, then there was David Prophet Wilkes a literal walking combination of machine and man this guy was usually the main strategist mostly because he would run into battle then glitch back to his starting point with not a scratch and knowledge of where the enemy was, Tavo Nomad Rojas the Wildman he is are trap master whenever we need to make and ambush or are heading into one he knows, then there's Spectre are resident assassin his at least I think his a he is usually the one that sneaks behind the lines and kills the more powerful opponents to help us along his also are secondary sniper, there's also Krystof Firebreak Hejek are resident pyromaniac seriously his insane especially with his flamethrower he brings it everywhere, there's Erin Battery Baker are resident heavy metal she and yes she is are explosives expert and if you need someone in a heavy firefight she's your woman for the job, then there's He Seraph Zhen-Zhen a excriminal her dad had brought her into the business but when he heard about the new black ops group being formed he sent his daughter there mostly because she didn't like high in criminals they usually take her jobs I once heard she cut of her own arm off and replaced it with a robotic one just because her dad told her to, then finally Reaper are resident AI robot he at one point was under the control of a group that had instantly sent him out on a killing spree and had made bets on the kill count but Prophet happened upon him and destroyed the control on Reaper we only found out afterwards how he had killed all the guys that had him on a lease before and that's the whole team oh and one more thing the black ops program has one more gesmo and it's the sole reason why the world leaders wanted only one team the response device in other words each time any of the team dies we are brought back we can't die for most of us it's a curse but hey at least were doing good with it
On mission
The ship shook as a explosion happened near the specialists who were all staring at the screen on the plane
"Okay what do we have this time" Ruin asked checking the computer
"Okay guys we've got terrorist's looks like a special branch they have low caliber weapons and a few explosives" Ruin said then he leaned closer to the screen and groun
"and a heavy Robot of that looks to be a special one with what seems to be a grenade launcher on it's arms" Ruin said causing the team to groun they had a lot of experience fighting robot's but what they hated the most was Robot's that some idiot had added stuff too mostly because this only caused them more trouble
"Okay team were going to land on the north side then head south to a street called oh Little winging" Ruin said pulling up the map and checking how to get there
"Hey Ruin where exactly are we going" Seraph asked putting her robotic arm on his shoulder to lean over and read what was on the screen
"I don't know all I know is that it's somewhere in europe britain" Ruin said looking around the map
"Why are terrorists attacking this place" Outrider asked before scrunching up her nose when she saw a building on the map that was sending out a lot of smoke and gas
"Uh looks like they're attacking a company that as its main HQ here they manufacture drills by the looks of it there called Grunnings it also says here that must of the workers come from a school called smelting" Ruin said before he seemed screw up his face
"Well there's one thing I have to say to this any kid I have is definitely not going there: Ruin tried to joke this got a few of his coworkers laughing but it was a pained laugh mostly because after there last 'doctor's appointment' more like mechanic repair for most of us we found out a fact about the respawn option I mean sure it makes sure we never die, never age and all we have to do is protect people but the down fall we found out was that none of us could have children the response particle's in our blood that allows us to respond in the first place would kill the child by sending it through a respawned loop before it was even born this would kill the child and rip the kid apart
"Well I have a question" Firebreak said with a hidden smirk behind his helmet this caused everyone to turn to the pyromaniac who pointed at Ruin
"What women in their right mind would Marry your ugly mug" Firebreak said causing almost everyone to almost fall over laughing even Reaper was silently laughing although to anyone who didn't know what he was doing it would sound like a fast series of clicks while Ruin just shook his head then they felt the helicopter shack and they grew serious
"Okay team get ready to go into the battlezone" Ruin said picking up his AK47 and pointing the barrel at the hatch along side his comrades and friends then together the Specialist's rushed out of the plane shooting any terrorist in their path.
Little whinging
number 4
Cupboard under the stairs
Harry Potter
Harry woke up to the sounds of guns firing off down the street and his uncle Vernon dragging him out of the cupboard to where the rest of the family was in the downstairs parlor behind the couch and looking through the window where outside clearly seen through the now broken window was fifteen men all wearing what looked like discarded army armor then the family and Harry watched as a pitch black robot came walking down the street behind the men with some sort of weapon attached to its arm this caused the six year old some confusion 'why does he have that attached to his arm doesn't it hurt' Harry Thought staring at the robot then they heard the gunfire getting closer before they spotted three men and two women one of which looked like a cowgirl without the hat and a robotic arm, rush into the street and start firing at the guy's in armor who was firing back just as much
"Come on we can sneak out the back" Vernon said trying to lead his son and wife away from the windows and leaving Harry there even pushing him closer to the window
'Ha like you or your pig of a son could sneak Aunt Petunia on the other hand' Harry thought watching as his aunt softly snuck out the back door while following her soft footsteps two loud bangs of large feet followed the Harry moved to follow and had reached the hallway right behind Uncle Vernon when he saw the strange robot lift it's arm up and fire then Harry heard glass breaking and something land in the middle of the living room they just left this caused Harry to instantly turn away and look straight into the smiling face of his uncle who grabbed him and tossed him on the grenade then the world seemed to go in slow motion as Harry flew through the air he heard a shot fired and felt something go pass his right ear and hit something or rather someone and Harry instantly spotted who had tried to help him there across the street on a roof was a woman wearing a hood with a sniper rifle in hand then before Harry could do anything he watched as her face went to horror before time went back to normal and Harry heard a bang and felt only pain before blacking out
With Outrider
A couple of minutes earlier
"Why is it that I'm always the one that carries the large sniper" Outrider asked over the radio to the rest of the team who by the sound of it was shooting down some of the terrorists
"Well other than Prophet and Specter you're the only sniper here so" Nomad said before everyone heard a explosion
"Nomad this is a living area stop setting up explosions and wait what did you blow up" Ruin asked seeing where the smoke was coming from heck even Outrider could see it
"Oh I just blew up their tank by the way how did these guys get a tank" Nomad said before they heard some rapid fire clicks over the radio
"Yeah we hear you Specter and what do you mean I'm going to slow" Outrider asked while she was climbing up a nearby building then the group heard more click's from there mute teammember this caused Outrider to turn around fast only to find Specter standing right above her holding out his hand
"Well aren't you the gentleman" Outrider said before being lifted up unto the roof before she moved over to the side where the fighting was only to spot Ruin, Prophet, Firebreak, seraph, and Battery all firing on the last of the terrorist's then Outrider pulled out the sniper rifle she had on her back while Specter disappeared to hunt for anyone trying to escape the battlefield then she aimed straight for the upgraded robot only to watch as it fired its arm grenade launcher but it seems the upgrade wasn't perfect because instead of going to the team it crashed through a window on the other side of the rode and when Outrider turned to spot the grenade she meet scope to green eye's with a little child inside then she watched trying to find some way to help as a man behind the small child picked him up and threw him instantly her hand clenched and the man went down then she watched as the boy got blown up
"Reaper civilian down I repeat civilian down I need you to get that kid out of the rubble NOW" Outrider screamed rushing to the edge of the roof while sniping any fool who tried to stop her until even the robot was destroyed then the team regrouped around the build only to watch as Reaper pulled a half dead child out with his body completely mangled but what surprised them was that his eyes were open and he was looking around at them
"Quick this is Specialist leader we need a medical heli quick we have a civilian down I repeat get that fucking chopper here there a child dying over here" Ruin said into the comm and quickly him and Prophet started to try to keep him alive as much as they could it seemed like it took hours before the helicopter landed and took the child aboard and by then the rest of the terrorists were dead thanks to Specter having a fit about a child getting harmed true it wasn't the first time but this one this child hit too close to home why they did this and today everyone on the team would call this a defeat
It took 2 months before the child one Harry Potter could even be classified as safe and when the team went to see him the only thing they found was a small skinny boy covered in bandages without arms or legs and he was barely alive and he was in a comma
"So what are you guy's thinking" Ruin asked the team watching the child
"Designation Ruin the main objective is to save people if this child dies objective has failed we need to save" Reaper said this caused some surprise seeing as the two so called youngest Specialist's both didn't talk much mostly because Specter didn't have a voice and didn't ever want a new one and Reaper wanted to figure out how to talk and not sound monotone
"Okay Reaper but how do we do that" Outrider asked looking at the child they had saved only for this he didn't deserve any of this the team especially agreed with this mostly because they did a background check on him and found out his living conditions to say that the Dursley family well what was left of it will be spending a long time in jail while the Dudley well go to a orphanage and Harry they didn't know yet but then Reaper pointed at Prophet this caused some confusion that is till he tapped Prophets robotic arm
"Could that work" Battery asked looking at the tech expert who shrugged
"It's never been done to someone so young I honestly don't know" Prophet said then as one the team turned to Ruin who was looking down at the kid watching the pained expression on his face
"I say we get the doctor's of specialist to do this but on one condition" Ruin said this causing everyone to scowl and twitch Ruin didn't usually need to be bribed
"That one condition being that all of us have to watch his back and raise him deal" Ruin said smiling and the team quickly joined in
A month later
"Huh where am I" Harry asked looking around the black expanse around him then he watched as slowly numbers and letters started to fly through until all he could see was the numbers and letters then a sort of glow surrounded him then the glow went into the letters and numbers this caused Harry brain to almost explode by the feel of it but then he opened his eye and then zoomed in on the bed in the middle of the room and watched the 8 adult s and a robot surround his body
''Wait if that's where my body is where am I' Harry thought then almost as one every adult moved to look at the Where Harry is
"Sheesh that kid is fast he's already in the camera system" the dark tanned one said smirking up at him this just caused Harry to blink 'camera system'
Okay I think I went a little too long on this chapter I have been working on this for a while in fact I was at first not going to make it a crossover but when I saw Cod black ops 3 the game fit perfectly so I hope you guys enjoy this story and please review