-I do not own any part, setting or character, of Magic Knight Rayearth.-

~Here it goes. This is my very FIRST fanfic ever! So, please be kind. I've it's liked by anyone at all please review and let me know. If it is chapters will be slow coming, but they will get out. I hope you enjoy this! ^.^ ~

I Dreamt of You

Chapter 1

The light was blinding. The bright sun radiated brilliant warmth and blinded her as she opened her sleepy eyes. Shielding her eyes from the overwhelming light, she stood and took in her surroundings. The young woman found herself in a garden filled with dew-kissed flowers and birds singing songs of spring and morning. An elegant fountain stood to her side and the gentle splashing of the water sent an air of calm and peace to the young woman's heart and soul. She know of no place on Earth that made her feel this way, which made perfect sense since this place was in no way a part of Earth. Cephiro..., she thought, oh, how I've missed you.
Her eyes had adjusted to the Cephiro sun, and she began to walk around the garden. She had actually never seen this place, never been in this exact place, but only Cephiro gave her that feeling of peace. Every flower sparkled under the sun's light and every bird sang a song so sweet that it made anyone listening smile and feel genuinely happy.
As she walked, she heard a noise coming from somewhere in the garden, the sound of laughter, both a man and a woman's laughter. The young woman followed the sound to its origin. And started at what she saw. No…
A blanket was spread on the grass and a basket overflowing with all varieties of food sat next to it. On the blanket, there was a young man whose golden eyes sparkled with laughter, and to him he hugged a woman. Their laughter echoed throughout the garden, but the young woman shivered at the sound of it. Ferio…
The young man, Ferio, looked down at the woman next to him. He smiled and bent to kiss her.


Hououjii Fuu sat straight up in bed, instantly awake. She was breathing heavy, barely noticing the tears that were falling from her eyes. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the blanket tightly to her chest. With great effort she calmed herself, returned her breathing to normal, and wiped the tears from her eyes. This was the third night in a row that her nights were haunted by a love that she was forced to leave behind. It had been three years since she, along with Ryuuzaki Umi and Shidou Hikaru, the two girls that were now her best friends, returned from Cephiro, the land they had saved twice. The now seventeen year old Fuu knew that she could never forget what had happened in Cephiro, or anyone that she had met there, but she thought that she had finally accepted the fact that she could never return. Fuu had not wanted to leave Cephiro, she had never felt safer, happier, or more at peace with the world and herself, than when she was in Cephiro, even when the land itself was collapsing. However, she had not been given a choice. Once Fuu, Umi, and Hikaru had defeated Debonair, they were immediately sent back to their world, back to Tokyo.
Three nights ago, Fuu began having dreams of Cephiro. Three nights in a row, Fuu woke screaming, pillow drenched with tears. Ferio…
There was a soft knock at the door.
"Come in."
The door opened quietly. "Fuu-san**. Are you alright?" Fuu's older sister entered the room, closing the door behind her. She walked over to the bed and sat down next to her sister.
"I heard you scream? What's wrong?"
Fuu looked down at her hands. "It's...it's just a bad dream. That's all."
Kuu looked closely at her sister. "That must have been some bad dream to make you scream like that, Fuu-san. Would you like to talk to me about it? It'll make you feel better."
"Oh, no, Kuu-san. I'll be alright, I wouldn't want to keep you up. I'm very sorry that my dream woke you up. You should get back to sleep. We do have school tomorrow."
"Are you going to be able to get back to sleep ok?"
"Yes, I'm just under a lot of stress right now. I should be fine." She looked up at her sister, forcing a smile. "Really, I'll be alright."
Kuu was not convinced. She reached over and hugged her little sister. "Fuu-san, if you every need to talk to me, I hope you will." She let go of Fuu and looked her in the eyes. "Or I'm sure there are others that you can talk to." Kuu winked and smiled at Fuu. "Don't keep it inside." She squeezed Fuu's hand.
"I understand, and I will. Thank you, sister."
Kuu stood and walked toward the door. She opened it slowly and silently, but then turned back to Fuu. "Are you sure there is nothing I can do to help?"
Fuu smiled and laughed softly at her sister. "Go to bed Kuu-san."
"Okay. I'm just concerned, is all. Good night, Fuu-san."
"Good night." Kuu left and closed the door softly behind her.
Fuu laid back down on her tear-soaked pillow and tried to go back to sleep, tried not to think of anything that would upset her, of Cephiro, or of Ferio, but she couldn't help it. They were always on her mind. Fuu sat up again and glanced at her clock. 3:15 AM. She sighed, and laid down once again, rolling to her side and then her stomach trying to get comfortable. However, every time Fuu started to drift off an image of Ferio would appear in her head and keep her awake. She sat up and reached for her nightstand where there sat a ring, an emerald set in gold, which she placed on her finger, before laying back down and crying herself to sleep.


To be continued…


**I'm one of those people that hate it when people use Japanese words and phrases in their fan fiction. However, in trying to keep the characters as in character as possible, that requires keeping Fuu's polite speech. And since I hate it when she says "Ms. Umi" or "Ms. Hikaru" I'm going to be using 'san' and also 'chan,' because Hikaru wouldn't be Hikaru without it. ^.^ However, if I use any other Japanese words, feel free to yell at me.

*Alright, end of part one. I hope everyone likes it…Yay! My first Fanfic! Please read and review!*