A/N: Hey guys! So my friend Brinkley (Cpd12_ on twitter) and I are co-writing this story together, the main plot was her idea and we kept talking about it and figured why not write it together! So, each chapter will be written by a different person but it will all flow as one story. We hope you like it :)
Chapter 1 - Written by Brinkley
Jay woke slowly and reached out to the other side of the bed, only to feel cold sheets beneath his fingers. His attentions diverted to the sound of the shower running as Erin began her morning routine. The sunlight streams through the window and Jay squints his eyes open gently to try and avoid the gliding light. He had so many thoughts running through his head as he thought of everything he had to do today. He heard Erin turn the shower off and he got up to make Erin a decaf coffee like he did every morning.
Erin stepped out of the steaming bathroom, drying her hair as she headed into their room. She cringed as she heard a grinding noise pierce her ears. What the hell was Jay doing out there?
"What's that noise?" Erin called out from the bedroom.
"Yeah...It's just this- dammit!" Erin chuckled at her boyfriend's response as she made her way into the kitchen.
They'd only been living together for two weeks and Jay was still getting the hang of the coffee machine. Erin found it amusing when he got annoyed with the machine, cursing at it for being 'so damn difficult'.
Erin walked into the lounge room wearing nothing but a baggy t-shirt and underwear. Her hair was still wet as she pulled it to the side, staring at Jay lovingly from across the room as she laughed at him.
"Jay, you're still doing it wrong... Remember what I told you? You have to turn the switch." Erin said with a smile. She would normally get annoyed and tell him that he was ruining her coffee machine, but he was too cute to be frustrated at.
Jay rolled his eyes "I swear this thing hates me." Erin walked into the the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"You think Voight would be mad if we were twenty minutes late?" she bit her lip seductively.
Jay smiled cheekily; "As much as I would love that I have plans for us tonight. So it'll just have to wait. I don't want to stay back because we pissed off Voight." he pulled away gently and reached to get a coffee cup.
"What plans?" Erin eyed him suspiciously.
"It's a surprise" Jay replied as Erin groaned. She hated surprises, but Jay was determined not to tell her "I'm going to go have a shower."
"You're not gonna be able to keep it a secret all day!" She yelled out as he entered the bedroom. "You suck at lying babe."
Jay just smirked back at her as he walked into the bathroom.